Read Romancing the Alpha: An Action-Adventure Romance Boxed Set Online

Authors: Zoe York,Ruby Lionsdrake,Zara Keane,Anna Hackett,Ember Casey,Anna Lowe,Sadie Haller,Lyn Brittan,Lydia Rowan,Leigh James

Tags: #romance, #contemporary romance, #Erotic Romance, #Romantic Comedy, #Romantic Suspense, #Science Fiction Romance, #Action-Adventure Romance

Romancing the Alpha: An Action-Adventure Romance Boxed Set (89 page)

BOOK: Romancing the Alpha: An Action-Adventure Romance Boxed Set
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They were almost at Mistport Lookout when Biddy popped the last bit of doughnut in her mouth. He caught her hand before she reached her face with a napkin. “Leave it,” he ordered as he guided her hand back to her lap. Hell, he’d never be able to look at a doughnut again without seeing her mouth covered in powdered sugar. And he’d never be able to eat another without tasting her lips.

A mixture of relief and apprehension hit him when they arrived at their next destination and found it deserted. He’d never been shy about sex, and he wasn’t about to start now. He undid his seat belt and turned to face Biddy. “I’m going to be frank. I want you in the worst way, but you worry me.” He reached out and dragged his thumb gently along her bottom lip. Fuck, he wanted to nibble and suck on it until it was swollen and deep red.

“I’m a rough, kinky bastard, and I don’t want to break you or scare you shitless. If we were to hook up, you’d be the only person I’d be fucking and I’d expect the same of you. But I’m not relationship material, so if you need more than an itch scratched while you’re here, it’s better we go about our business like I never kissed you.”

“Being petite doesn’t make me fragile and ready to fall apart at the slightest bump. It also doesn’t mean I’m straight up vanilla and expect all my sex to be in the missionary position with the lights out. And two years without sex doesn’t mean I only fuck for love. Now tell me you’ve got a condom.”


All Biddy wanted right then was the seat to open up and swallow her whole. She was completely out of control. She was supposed to be here to help save whales, not fuck the first man she laid eyes on. However, she
only responding to his invitation. It’s not like her first words to him when they met were, “Fuck me into the floor.”

“I do have a condom, sunshine, but you’re going to have to wait a while before I use it. You’re going to need a little preparation before I fuck you. I don’t care how slippery and ready you might think you are, it’s going to be a tight squeeze—even if I go in gently.”

Her eyes darted to his crotch. He didn’t appear to be prone to overstatement. Guilt took over and she asked, “Shouldn’t you be showing me around?”

“Don’t worry, we’ve got plenty of time to play around
finish your tour before we need to get back to REN House.”

Biddy got a bit of a sick feeling in her stomach, and she didn’t think it was from that outrageous doughnut. “Is this a regular thing you and Karen work out? You spot an easy lay and she schedules in a quick fuck?”

He shook his head. “Not a chance, darlin’. When it comes to getting laid, I do just fine making my own arrangements. Karen always schedules some transition time for new volunteers before she puts them to work. We can carry on with our tour of the island now, or we can play around for a bit first. What would you like to do?”

Dammit. She was so horny she just wanted him to tear her panties off, bend her over, and fuck her like there was no tomorrow. “Play.”

He leaned across the cab and cupped her face as he kissed all around her mouth. She could taste the sugar as he teased her lips open with his tongue. For a guy who liked it rough, he sure had a good handle on gentle.

As the thought entered her mind, his hand slid behind her head. He grabbed her hair in his fist and pulled her head back as he nipped his way down her exposed neck. “Stay here.” He released his hold and got out of the vehicle.

Her panties were soaked and her stomach was flip-flopping in anticipation. If he wasn’t going to fuck her right away, what kind of playtime did he have in mind?

He opened her door and helped her out of the truck. “Turn around and bend over with your hands and forehead on the seat.” He reached around and unfastened her jeans. He slipped his hand inside the front of her panties and slid his finger back forth through her slick folds before easing one finger in just a bit. She canted her hips to take him deeper and he slapped her ass. The sharp sting morphed into a warm tingle. It had been a lot longer than two years since anyone had done that, and she didn’t realise how much she missed it until that moment. She wanted more.

She tipped her hips again looking for either more finger or another slap. She didn’t care which. Of course, both would be better. She got neither—he withdrew his finger. He guided her upright and turned her to face him. He traced her lips, painting them with her own juices.

“Open.” He slid his finger into her mouth. “Clean it off.” She eagerly sucked and licked her tangy essence from his finger as he lectured. “I know you want it, baby. But you need to be patient. I like the idea of you being a little bit sore after I’ve had you. It’ll keep you thinking of me when I’m not buried deep inside you, but I don’t want you too sore for me to fuck. I don’t want to miss a single opportunity.”

He withdrew his finger. “On your knees and hands on my thighs, baby. If you’re that greedy for me to be inside your body, you can have my cock in your mouth. I get tested regularly and I’m clean, but I can wear a condom if you prefer.”

“I know I
, but I don’t want you to wear a condom.”

By the time her knees touched the ground, he’d undone his jeans and had his cock in his hand. “Okay, baby, let’s see how much you can take.”

He thought he had her pegged, did he? She couldn’t wait to prove him wrong. She opened her mouth, relaxed her throat and took him all the way down. He may have the biggest cock she’d ever deep throated, but she’d honed her skill on a pretty sizeable dildo. Funny, she’d never felt the urge to use that dildo in her cunt. Actually, she’d never felt the urge to fuck her cunt with anything that didn’t have a man attached. A few minutes with her Magic Wand and she was perfectly content.

She seized his long moan as her own personal victory. She slid her mouth up and down his considerable length, varying speed and depth until he grabbed her head and held it still.

“I’m about ready to come, baby. Tap my thigh if you don’t want to swallow.”

Instead of tapping his thigh, she sucked harder. Stupid man. She was a good girl, she

“In that case, I’m going to fuck your throat. Tap my thigh if you need me to stop. Tap my foot if you understand.” When she reached down and tapped his foot, he immediately started pumping his hips, sliding his cock deep.

He gave her a chance to catch a quick breath every few strokes, but it wasn’t long before his grip on her head tightened and his rhythm changed. A few short, shallow thrusts later, he was shooting into her mouth. She swallowed the last spurts and licked him clean.

“Well, aren’t you full of surprises?” He helped her to her feet and drew her in for a long, slow kiss. Damn, he was one big, sexy contradiction.

He held her ass in his hands and pulled her hips tight against his naked crotch. Holy hell, he was getting hard again. She wiggled her hips and he ground himself against her. “Baby, be careful what you ask for. I could go again, and second time around always takes much longer.”

Something caught his attention and he swivelled his head towards the sea. “Fuck! Quick, sunshine, get yourself straightened up. We’ve got trouble.” He tucked himself away and fastened his jeans before jumping into the truck.

“Belt up, we’ve gotta move.” He pulled his mobile phone from his jacket pocket and punched in a number. “Karen, we were just at Mistport it looks like they’re trying to drive a pod in at Orness Bay. I’m bringing Biddy back to you before I head down. See you soon.”

“What’s going on?” Biddy asked.

“It looks like there will be a slaughter down in the bay, so I’m going to drop you back at REN House first.”

“Why can’t I come with you? I’ve got my camera.”

“You’re still recovering from jet-lag and you’re not prepared to handle this. It can get tense when this shit goes down, and you need to have all your wits about you. Don’t worry, you’ll get plenty of opportunities to take photos.”

— FOUR —

By the time Doug returned that night, the twinge of guilt he had for not taking Biddy with him to the killing bay was long gone. He’d witnessed and filmed the same carnage countless times over the years, and it never failed to turn his stomach. He supposed, in some odd way, that was a good thing.

He could smell supper cooking as he walked through the door and it made him want to retch. He needed a hot shower, clean clothes, and some solitude. He took the stairs two at a time and was relieved to see the bathroom was free. He dumped his gear off in his room and grabbed a clean pair of sweatpants along with his toiletry bag.

Fifteen minutes later, he was lying on his bed. He’d scrubbed up quickly so he’d be done within his allotted ten minutes, but even if he could have spent the entire evening in the shower scouring his skin raw, he wouldn’t have felt any cleaner. Every year it was weeks after the season was over before he felt clean. At least the water had been scalding hot.

Usually after a day like this, he didn’t want to be anywhere near people. He still didn’t, but only because he didn’t want to soil whatever he had with Biddy. Of course, that wasn’t realistic and it wouldn’t be long before she lost her innocence. He had no doubt she’d seen photos and video footage of what goes on in those bloody bays in the name of tradition, but images didn’t come close to the sickening reality of it.

Who the fuck commits such needless slaughter in the name of tradition? He could see maybe taking a few adult whales every year to maintain their tradition, but decimating entire pods, butchering pregnant mothers and calves? Un-fucking-conscionable.

The knock on the door pulled him from his morbid thoughts. For some unknown reason, he ignored his urge to tell whoever it was to fuck off. “Come in.”

As the door opened, Biddy’s sweet face appeared. “Hey. We saved you some supper. Would you like me to bring it up to you?”

“I’m not hungry right now. Maybe I’ll come down for it later.” He looked into her eyes and all he wanted right then was to hold her tight. Of course, that would be a mistake—anything more than sex could easily be interpreted as an emotional connection—something neither of them could afford.

His conscience was losing battle after battle when it came to this woman. He held his arms open and said, “I could use a hug, though.”

She sauntered across the room and climbed on the bed. He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her against his naked chest as he rested his chin on the top of her head.

“It was bad?” she asked.

He squeezed her a little tighter and whispered, “Yeah.”

Biddy nodded and lightly stroked her fingers along his arm, raising goosebumps. Hell, that wasn’t all she was raising. Fucking her when he was in this state was not an option. He was too wound up and there was no way her body was prepared to take the pounding he needed to give.

He should make her leave, but dammit, he wanted to feel her warmth, her softness. With her body touching his, he didn’t feel quite so dirty and he was just selfish enough to take advantage of it, because once she’d had a taste of the killing bays, he wasn’t sure she’d have this effect on him anymore.


“What the hell?” Biddy sputtered as she landed on her back. They’d been so relaxed—all cuddled up together on the bed. Then boom—Doug had picked her up, flipped her over, and working at the button on her jeans.

“Just hush and lay still, baby. I need to make you feel good.”

He kissed her belly as he slid her jeans down her legs. Instead of pulling them right off, he left them at her ankles. He pulled her legs up so her feet were resting sole to sole on her chest and slid his pillows beneath her lower back. She wondered what he’d have done if she were less flexible. The long, slow lick of his warm, wet tongue along her slit made that thought vanish as quickly as it had appeared.

It didn’t take long at all for Doug’s tongue to prove just how woefully inadequate her sex-life had had been. She couldn’t concentrate on anything but the promise of an orgasm that hovered just beyond her reach.
was her new mantra.

If it were any one of her previous lovers between her thighs, she’d have assumed he didn’t have the skills to close the deal and she’d have to rely on her superior acting ability to pull a Meg Ryan. With Doug, she was sure he was just getting started and he’d make her happy ending well worth the wait.

He eased a finger inside her as he sucked gently on her clit. Fuck, it had been so long since she’d accommodated anything bigger than a tampon, even a single, solitary man-finger felt kind of big. He slid out and back in again, gradually speeding up. Just when she thought she was going to explode, he pulled out, turned his head, and nipped the inside of her thigh.

“Not yet, baby,” he murmured, “I want my cock buried deep inside you when you come, and you’re so tight, it’s going take some time and patience before I’ll be able to fuck you the way I want without doing any damage. Don’t worry, we’ve got all night.”

Damn him to hell. As much as she wanted to whine and complain, she didn’t want to make it obvious to the entire household what they were up to.

Doug slipped his finger in and out a few more times, then said, “Let’s see if we can fit two in there, shall we?” He pulled out, then tickled her clit with his tongue as he slowly slid two fingers deep inside. His thumb replaced his tongue, worrying her clit while he whispered all the dirty things he wanted to do with her before their time together was up.

Who knew dirty talk turned her crank? If she wasn’t careful, he was going to ruin her for all who would follow. God knew, he’d already rendered the best sexual experience she’d had so far into something entirely forgettable—and he hadn’t even fucked her yet. Her sex-life would forever be separated into two distinct eras. Doug, and Dougless

He pinched her thigh and growled, “If you can think, I’m not doing my job properly.” The third finger almost stole her breath. If she hadn’t already tasted the size of his cock, she might have thought he was over-estimating the amount of space he was going to need. Truth be told, she wasn’t entirely sure he wouldn’t need to work a fourth finger in just to be sure.

BOOK: Romancing the Alpha: An Action-Adventure Romance Boxed Set
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