Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3) (52 page)

Read Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3) Online

Authors: Lorelei James

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3)
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She nodded against his chest. Still making no move to leave him.

“Can I ask you something?”


“Why didn’t you ever get married and have another family?”

That question surprised him for the second time. “I guess I never found a woman who would put up with me.”

“I’m serious.”

“I am too. I’m set in my ways, Macie.”

“My way or the highway, huh?”


“But what about when you were younger? Before you got so set in your ways?”

“I figured there was no rush. That I’d have plenty of time to settle down when I was older.” Cash didn’t want to muddy the waters and discuss his relationship with Gemma and all that he wanted from her now that he’d found a woman who would put up with his wicked ways. “The same holds true for you too. You’re young. I’m sure there are things you wanna do. Travel. See the world.”

Macie snorted.


“My mom was the gypsy type, not me.”

Cash leaned back to look at her. “You want to settle down?”




He kept his tone casual. “With Carter McKay?”

“No. I like it here because you’re here, Dad. But if you’re talking about me and him? I don’t know. Probably wouldn’t work anyway.”

Cash wanted to tell her it probably wouldn’t and encourage her to nip the relationship in the bud. But he bit his tongue and listened.

“He and I are so different. He’s smart.”

“So are you. You passed your GED when you were fourteen.”

“Hah. He’s got a Masters of Fine Art.”


“That’s not all. He has ties to the land and to his family and I don’t know what that’s like.”

“Is he messing with your head? Telling you what you have and what you’ve accomplished in your life isn’t good enough? Makin’ promises that you know he ain’t gonna keep?”

Her eyes narrowed and he recognized that challenging look: He’d seen it staring back at him in the mirror. It gave him a spark of pride that she did have something of him in her after all.

“Can I talk to you about this? Rationally? Or are you gonna run off half-cocked?”

Cash grimaced and pointed to the four clips on the tailgate. “Half-cocked? I’m fully loaded.”


“Kiddin’. I ain’t gonna shoot him.”
. “Go on.”

“It’s like he runs hot and cold. He treats me like I’m everything and then the next day, it’s like I don’t exist.”

“He’s an idiot.”

“Yeah.” She smiled and wiped the tears from her face. “Never mind. I’m babbling. It’s my stupid hormones.”

“When you realize it ain’t you, and it is his fault for how he’s making you feel—”

“I’ll keep it to myself.”

Cash opened his mouth. Shut it.

“But thanks. So when we’re done cleaning up, you want to come and try a piece of caramel apple pie?”

“With whipped cream?”

“I don’t have any in the camper.”

“Gemma has some in the fridge. I’ll grab it and be right back.”

Shooting guns and having pie with his daughter. It was turning out to be a damn fine day.


Three hours later
Cash’s cell phone rang while he filled water tanks in the south pasture.


“Cash? It’s Colby McKay.”

“Colby, you old dog. How’s it goin’?”

“Good. You?”

“Good. How’s Channing?”

“As beautiful and docile as ever.”

“That’ll be the day. She’s got you pussy whipped.”

“True, but I ain’t complaining.”

“She wouldn’t let you. So, what’s up?”

“You ever thought about teaching bull ridin’?”

Talk about from out of left field. But he and Colby never had time for small talk.

“No, but you’ve caught my interest.” He listened as Colby gave him a brief rundown.

“Sure. I’ll take a crack at it. I probably oughta clear it with Gem first. But I don’t see it bein’ a problem with her. Those boys interested in anything else? Bronc or bareback ridin’? ’Cause she has some rough stock she’d like to test out.”

“I’m sure them boys would love anything you throw at ’em.”

“Our kinda kids, eh?”

“Yep. Though, I don’t think they make ’em as tough as us anymore.”

“We always thought we were way tougher than we actually were.”

“No lie there. We’ll see you next week sometime. I’ll give you a jingle before we head your way.”

“You ain’t coming here to take home your brother Carter, by chance?”

“Carter? No. Why? He causing problems?”

“If that boy breaks my daughter’s heart, I’ll be sending him home to the McKay Ranch in a casket.”

“You have a daughter?”


“Shit. Sounds like we have a lot of catching up to do, Cash.”

“And some splitting up to do. I’m inclined to start with his fool head.”

“Hang tight. If I pass along what you just said, the whole McKay family will be there in two hours with horses and ropes—not necessarily for him. So, I’ll ask you not to kill him just yet.”

“Fair enough, but no guarantees.”

Chapter Twenty

ash? You want
another beer?”

He’d been sitting in the darkened living room for over an hour. He shoved aside his thoughts about his conversation with Macie and focused on Gemma. “Nah. I’m good.”

“You’re pretty quiet tonight. Everything okay?”

“Actually, everything would be great if you’d come over here and give me a little sugar.”

“Yeah?” She sauntered over and plopped herself on his lap. “I was beginning to feel neglected.” She kissed his throat. “Lonely.” She kissed his chin. “Horny.” She kissed his mouth in that sexy teasing way that gave him an instant erection. “Very, very horny.”

“I’ve heard about you horny widow types. Always thinking ’bout…”

“About what?”

“You tell me, horny Widow Jansen. What’s that gleam in your eye mean for me tonight?”

“It’s so damn dark in here I’m surprised you can even see my eyes.”

. It’s my Indian scout night vision. Wait. I’m getting something else from that vision. I’m sensing you want to—” he let his tongue dip into her ear, “—blow me.”

good. Let’s go upstairs where I can spread you out on the bed and work you over real good.”

“I’m comfy right here.”


“What’s the rule about arguing with me?”


“Good answer.” Cash trailed his lips along the long, tasty line of her neck. “Unbuckle my britches and put your hands on me, Gem.”

“You wear your jeans so damn tight I won’t be able to get them—or you—off unless you stand up and take ’em off.”

“Whatever makes it easier for you.” Cash put her back on her feet and stood beside her. Gemma kissed him while she unbuckled his belt. She kissed him as she unbuttoned and unzipped him. She kept kissing him as she shimmied his jeans and boxers to his knees.

Anticipation made him crazy. Waiting for her cool, strong hand to circle his cock. Followed by her hot, wet mouth and wicked little tongue.

“Cash? Up against the bookcase.”

Zero argument from him. He shuffled sideways until his ass met cold wood. She dropped to her knees.

“Spread those legs wider.”


“Now, see here, cowboy. I won’t have you knocking off my knickknacks on the bookshelves. You’re gonna have to hold still. No bucking your hips. Got it?”

“I can move someplace sturdier. Maybe we oughta do this by a wall?”

“No.” Gemma slapped his thigh.

Shit. That was sexy, her taking charge and acting all bossy. His dick jerked against his belly.

“I will stop if you don’t obey me, Cash.”

“I’ll obey.”

“Good boy. Hands by your sides.”

He clenched his fists by his clenched thighs.

She nuzzled the hair covering his sac. “How is it you smell so…sweet right here? When you’re all hard, tough male?” Her hand slipped up the inside of his leg. Then she cupped his balls and rolled them between her clever fingers.

Cash didn’t move, but his cock twitched again.

Gemma sucked both balls into her mouth and made an, “Mmm. Mmm. Mmm,” noise. Her tongue flicked over the globes, between, and she sucked again. The very tip of her wet finger lazily stroked the sensitive strip of skin behind his sac. Then it slowly slipped back to the puckered hole. Drawing ever-deeper circles into that sensitive knot of nerves. One push and her finger breached the tightly muscled ring and was inside his back channel.

“Goddammit I shouldn’t like that but I do.”

She made another, “Mmm,” vibrating noise with his balls in her mouth as she pumped her finger and stroked another hot spot deep inside his ass.

He groaned.

By the time she released his nuts, they were drawn up tight against the base of his cock, hard as walnuts. She zigzagged the tip of her tongue up the vein throbbing in the center of his cock. Warm, wet flicks bathed the head. She stroked his interior walls and her finger thrust hard one last time before it slid out. Then she moved his shaft aside with her chin so she could nuzzle his groin.

“I love, love, love the way you smell. I’ve barely started tasting you and my panties are already soaked.”


She slapped his other thigh. “Are you supposed to be talking?”

He shook his head, but he knew she couldn’t see him in the inky blackness.

“I’m tired of talking too. Especially when my mouth can do things to you, and to this bad boy, that will make you my love slave. Forever.”

His heart shot into his throat as she deep-throated him.

Man. He’d never get used to that silky wet heat. A cool rush of air. Another warm wave as she pulled his cock in deep again. And again.

Fuck. It was like being in heaven and hell. He never wanted that sublime sucking to end as much as he couldn’t wait until he reached the glorious end.

He felt Gemma’s hands clamped around his hips. Her thumbs stroked his hipbones, in a gentle erotic arc, an opposite sensation of the hard and fast and—Christ almighty—wet, wet, wet feel of her mouth bobbing on the entire rigid length. And the occasional scrape of her teeth as she released his cock an inch at a time, the little tease.

She slowed her rapid strokes to suckle just the knob. Her lips tightened around the head of his cock and that nasty, sexy tongue flicked his glans until his legs threatened to give out. He bumped his groin into her face, urging her to take in more of him.

“What did I tell you about trying to bang your hips closer?”


“So you
know the magic word,” she murmured against his abdomen. Once again she sucked and licked and drove him to the brink, then retreated to lap at the crease of his thigh. “You taste all musky and yummy here.”

“Gemma, doll, please. Finish me off.”

“I love making you squirm.”

“Goddamn, you’re good at it too. But I can’t stand much longer.”

“Then come in my mouth this time.”

When she’d given him head in the past month, he’d always pulled out at the moment of truth and come on her tits or her belly or in her pussy.

Thinking of his cock pumping his seed over her tongue and feeling her swallowing part of him seemed more intimate than the act itself. He usually avoided that portion of blowjobs and the women he’d been with hadn’t cared.

Until now.


“Okay. But I’ll need to put my hands on your head.”

“Whatever you want.” Then her greedy lips parted and she took him in all the way.

He grabbed her hair. “Open wider.”

She did.

“Get me wet with that hot fuckin’ mouth.”

She made slurping sounds and sexy moans as his cock tunneled in and out.

“Suck harder, JESUS, just like that. Fuck, Gemma. I’m close. Tilt your head. Hold on.” He shoved the last couple inches until he felt the tip of his cock hit her soft palette. He roared as his balls lifted, and streams of come poured down her throat as he kept her firmly in place and pumped his pelvis.

Even through the dull roar in his ears Cash heard Gemma gulping. After the last spasm, she slowly released him from the haven that was her mouth.

She stood and pushed him back, because he lost the ability to stand.

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