Saint's Sacrament - Sins of the Father (4 page)

BOOK: Saint's Sacrament - Sins of the Father
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“Some men, we say,
‘well,women are complex, Saint.’” He hesitated and reflected, now shrouded in a sliver of darkness as he stood back from the spotlight. He re-entered the light, fleetingly looked up and pointed to the ceiling, as if it were the heavens. “Yes, they are complex, it’s true. But so are we. We come from a woman—anything she produces is a manifestation of
. When a man says women ain’t shit, he is saying
ain’t shit, because we are a derivative of the Goddess. This is one big circle, one big point of origin.” He moved his index finger in the shape of an ‘O’, then paused. “Men, we don’t take the time to learn about ourselves, who the fuck we
are,” he said softly. “Do you ever ask yourself the question, ‘Who am I?’

“We take even less time to learn about our mate and how to make love to her
. We are missing out on one of life’s biggest pleasures, the true connection you receive from sex, not just that physical orgasm. If you aren’t connected to that woman internally and cerebrally, then you never really came before!” His voice rose, drawing wide eyes upon him. “You’ve never busted a
nut! You are a virgin, at least spiritually, until you’ve had this. You’ve never experienced a full-body, full chakra orgasm, and man,” he smiled and shook his head emphatically, “you are missing out because you didn’t do your homework, the footwork, the necessary exertion to
to that level with your woman, your
woman.” Heads nodded in the audience. “When you succeed in this knowledge, it will manifest and then, the best is to c.u.m...”

He smiled at the various sentiments bouncing around the room, a loud, “Yes!” here and a “That’s the truth!” there...

“When you focus only on your dick, that just isn’t enough. That is your ticket to the concert, but you miss the magic of the show if that is your
focus. Looking down at your dick, paying attention to only your own pleasure instead of looking at her, missing the whole damn fucking performance! When you have a soul connection, and make love, your orgasm is ten times better. All the other times you came were nothing compared to this! That shit literally takes your damn breath away, and you can’t stop. You want nothing
than to please her, because that makes your orgasm even better. Once you orgasm with a soulmate, your brain sends signals to the rest of your body that something phenomenal is going on. This causes convulsions and you feel like the fuckin’ fourth of July all in your nerve endings, up and down your spine. Your chakras are damn near screaming and your whole body goes stiff for a few seconds like you are fucking planking! It’s the only damn time I am rendered speechless but y’all don’t hear me though!”

Many men in the front row jum
ped to their feet and applauded as he swiped his sweat away from his brow with a folded white cloth.

“I’ve said this before, but it
bears repeating: make love to that woman’s mind, and you have her. Travel her heart, make her emotions well up like an ocean inside of her, and that pussy will get wet right quick and in a mothafuckin’ hurry!” He snapped his fingers. “You don’t even have to touch her, your words and your sincerity will get her ready for you, preheating the oven well in advance. A woman’s orgasm is tied into her mind!” He tapped the side of his head, bringing the point emphasis. “If she loves you, even if she is mad at you, she can still have an orgasm during sex with you. If you’ve invested enough time rewiring her properly, she will continuously come back to you for more. That is how you want your mate to be. You want it to be where she is calling you, saying some freaky shit, getting
all worked up!”

Sporadic laughing flowed through the

Sometimes, you are beat to the punch with a salacious text. You were getting ready, you know, had your phone out.” Saint pretended to text message in the air, causing louder laughter as he leaned to the side in a swagger stance.

“And you are thinking yeah,” he grinned
widely, “that pussy is gonna be

The raucous laughter practically masked his comedic performance.

“I’m going to send her some shit like…” He sniffed coolly and wiped the tip of his nose. “Like, hey baby, tonight when I get home, I’m going to knock that pussy out the box so far, the damn Yankees will want to recruit me…yeah…”

Boisterous laughter rang throughout the auditorium.

“And, that’s fine.” Saint moved casually across the stage. “But, maybe, just
, you could try something else, something to take her off guard. Like…” He jutted his arm out, pretending to look at an imaginary phone and type into it once more. “‘You know, this morning when you were in the shower, and fragrant suds cascaded down every curve of your angelic body, I thought about how I wish I was the water...’ then wait for her ass to respond.” Saint snickered. “We know what she’ll say, she’ll type back either, ‘Really’ or ‘Why?’—right? So that’s when you go
on her. You flip the shit and say, “Because the
place on your body I haven’t been able to taste, to lick, to suck, to nibble, is inside of your pores, and the water does. So tonight, when you get home, I want you to get in the bathtub that I already ran for you and we will pretend to be what we
are...’ and then, gentlemen, she will urge you on, and ask, ‘And what’s that?’ and you’ll say... ‘You are the Earth, and I am the water. I’m going to be It’s a flood, baby. Moving inside of you, that your mouth will be speechless, just gaping open so your damn pores will have to scream my name!”

The crowd began to applaud as Saint grinned and paused, still looking at his imaginary phone and smiling wider.

“‘So deep inside of your mind, baby,’” he continued over the ruckous. “Making love to every thought you’ve ever had and forcing a climax in your soul before you even feel me pushing inside of you...’” Saint hitched the last of the sentence on a whisper, let it linger in the quiet of the room, then winked.

“Tha man!” a man yelled out from the audience, clapping, causing another wave of laughter.

Saint looked up and out into the crowd. “See? That’s an example of changing the script, of turning something that is just basic sexual banter into something that stimulates her mind. Both types can get her wet—only, my second example works all three levels inside of her so that you can achieve what I was describing before.

Sometimes, if you just plant a small seed, she will take over. It will no longer be a spectator sport for her. You get ready to type your sex text, and look down, and see her sending one’s a beautiful feeling though, men.” He grinned. “Instead of you telling her about how you want to be her water, she is telling you, how she wants to take you in! Absorb you, draw you to her core, and pulsate against you....goddamn!” He jumped up and down excitedly, causing more exhuberence in the crowd. “You know, once you bust through that damn door, that woman is in a world of trouble!” He cackled. “Your head is all messed up for the rest of the day. Your boss asks you for a report, and you say, “I’ll get it titty, right away, I mean READY right away!”

The crowd rolled in laughter.

“Mind just all screwed up....” He smirked, scratched the side of his mouth and moved toward the front of the stage, putting on a thoughtful expression.

But once you get to know that woman, in all these areas, you
apply it. Having knowledge and not applying it means absolutely nothing. I say this in some of the other conferences. You can listen to me the entire time we are here, but if you don’t apply anything I’ve taught you, don’t place it directly into your life, you may as well have saved your money and stayed home. You have to
, and then
. If a pan on my stove goes up in flames, but I don’t get the fire extinguisher despite knowing where it is and how to use it, what good did that knowledge do for me? It didn’t help at all. It is not the knowledge’s fault, nor the fire extinguisher’s; it would be mine for not utilizing it. You must understand passion completely, how it is born and how to maintain it.

“Now, as promised, I was going to discuss more about the chakras and what kills us and our relationships. If you know anything about me, you know I don’t apologize about shit that I say, and I use religious references
occasionally to illustrate my points. I use mainly Christian examples though I am not a Christian. I use these so that most everyone can understand. I have the understanding that the majority of my listeners follow one of these three religions.” He counted off his fingers. “Christianity, Judaism or Islam. We also have agnostics and atheists, but the bulk of the people in this room identify with one of those faiths. You can’t practice any of those religions without knowing something about the others because they overlap, and all this political and religious fighting,” he paused and he caught his forehead in his thumb and index finger, as if a headache were brewing. “Man...”

A warm roll of applause rang through, encouraging him to finish,
to tell them the secrets, the hidden truths.

“I’m off on a tangent for a second, but these religio
ns all over the damn world are really fighting over the same damn beliefs, just with different names and worded in another way. It’s the
damn story, in all three for the most part! Jesus also known as Yahweh, Mohammad and Moses! I am not judging anyone in here, I just wanted to put that out there because I turned on the news this morning to hear about more bombings over religious differences ’nd shit, people losing their fucking lives over deities that are doing just fine without the spilled blood. I’m tired of it.” He shrugged wearily. “We must survive, and you must do all that you can to do such, but only when all else has failed! Believing you will be granted eternal life because you blew up a room full of school children in the name of whomever you fall to your knees for is bullshit!” He felt his blood pulsating through his veins, his face flushed hot as horrid images of demons laughing and racing into various hosts propelled forward. Night after night, incubi crawled through the recesses of his mind, haunting him, and he’d turn on the television, and sometimes see the hell-raising visions played out, their dirty work foretold. “We now excuse ego driven insanity with religion. Some say it is one and the same! God is

The room burst out in applause.

“Anyway, enough of that.” He slowly calmed as he patted the sweat off his hairline. “My whole point is that Christianity is laced with what some would consider pagan symbolism and new age allegories, and you know what?” He cracked a grin. “It
” He shoved one hand in his pocket and made his way back toward the center of the stage. “The sun and moon came first, before
of the deities. There was the Creator, and then the world. In that creation, we were made, man, and w.o.m.b.m.a.n. God made soul, to keep us in touch with Him—it is a telephone, our higher level making calls. God made spirit to drift between this world and the ones on different planes. God made chakras, to have us connect with the person he designed for us and to help us elevate and communicate with our own spirits. Now, let’s delve deeper into that.”

Let’s count them off. There are seven chakras.” He held up all the fingers on his left hand and two on his right. “Let’s take a look at them a bit more closely and I won’t take long. The clock is ticking.” A large screen lowered behind him and the room drew darker. “Chakras have deities associated with them, and they have a negative side.” He smiled as he observed the surprised reactions from the audience. “Yes, that’s right. So many times, when we as therapists, teachers and doctors speak of chakras, we don’t share the duality. Let me explain.
that has illumination has a dark side. We all cast a shadow under the right conditions. There is no beginning without an eventual ending, no up without a down, no right movement without a left movement. It is the same as the Christian concept of being born into sin.” He pointed behind him to the man on the chart with his seven chakras highlighted in various colors.

The baby is innocent, but he or she was born into a world of sin, from a mother that was not perfect and a father who was also not perfect. Thus, inside of her, that baby is the pure
for a dark side, passed down from one generation to another, if you will. The dark sides are as follows: grief, guilt, unhealthy attachment, shame, illusion, fear, and lies. Grief in a relationship is staying in a relationship due to a fear of being alone. The possibility—the fear of the grief that happens when we end a relationship that is not in our best interest. Guilt is possibly thinking you owe that person something, that you owe them to stay because they’ve done so much for you.” He strolled slowly across the stage.

You owe them to stick it out—kind of like maybe a man that introduced his wife to alcohol. They are both drinking far too heavily; it is interrupting their lives in a negative way. Thus, they are alcoholics. He has aided in her becoming one, showed her the door to the addiction. After a few years, he gets clean, but she still remains a drunk. He doesn’t want to be around that anymore, but he doesn’t leave because he takes the blame for her condition. Understand? Moving along.

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