Sapphire (31 page)

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Authors: Katie Price

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Literary

BOOK: Sapphire
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Sapphire shook her head, ‘I don’t want to worry them, I’ll call them tomorrow. Look, Cal, you can go to bed now if you want, I know it’s late and you’ve probably got an early start.’

‘I’m staying up with you until you’re tired enough to sleep – you’ve had a big shock, Sapphire. You don’t need to pretend that everything’s okay to me.’

‘Thanks Cal, you’re a real friend, I appreciate it.’

Just then Cal’s phone rang it was DI Mullet wanting to let Sapphire know what had happened – Sapphire’s mobile was still out of action so she had given the police Cal’s number. Cal handed her the phone. She had hoped that Markov would be charged and arrested; instead the police said that they didn’t have enough evidence to charge Markov with anything but they promised to keep a close eye on him and they had warned him not to go near Sapphire.

Sapphire ended the call in a state of shock. She quickly filled Cal in on what was said and then exclaimed, ‘They just think it was a domestic, Cal, they’re not going to do anything!’

Cal frowned, ‘That’s shit! But don’t worry, I’m sure this Markov won’t want anything to do with the police, he’ll keep away from you. From what you’ve told me he’s got too many things going on that he wouldn’t want the police to know about.’

‘D’you really think so?’

‘Yeah, he’s not stupid, is he? He’ll keep away now.’

The two friends were silent for a few minutes, both sipping their brandies and staring into the fire. Then Cal spoke, ‘So how’s Jay?’

‘How should I know!’ Sapphire said defensively. ‘He’s going out with my best friend, end of.’

Cal frowned, ‘It’s not though, is it? You’re in love with him. I think you realised it when you started going out with Ryan, but you didn’t know how to tell Jay, did you?’

‘No way!’ Sapphire tried to bluster, stunned that Cal had been so spot on. She took a large slug of brandy, to avoid looking at Cal, nearly choked as the alcohol burned her throat and then decided to fess up. ‘Yes, you’re right,’ she said quietly, ‘but what difference does it make, Cal? He’s with Sam now, I could never say anything to him and I would never want to hurt Sam.’

‘I think you should tell him,’ Cal replied. ‘For all you know he has feelings for you and his relationship with Sam is a rebound thing.’

Sapphire shook her head. ‘Jay’s not like that. He wouldn’t lead Sam on if he didn’t really care about her.’

Cal shrugged. ‘I told you he sounded worth holding on to.’

Sapphire hung her head, ‘I know that now, Cal. I completely fucked up.’

‘Hey, I didn’t mean us to have this conversation so you could beat yourself up. I just wanted to let you know that you can tell me how you feel. God knows I’ve gone on long enough to you about Angel. If anyone knows about fucking up something good it’s me.’

‘Here’s to us fuck-ups then,’ Sapphire said ironically, clinking her glass against Cal’s.

He shook his head. ‘No, I’m not drinking to that because one day you’ll be back with Jay I reckon.’

‘And one day you’ll be back with Angel,’ Sapphire added. Cal frowned. ‘Oh no Cal! You can’t give me a
happy ending and then not have one of your own,’ Sapphire protested.

‘I treated her so badly, she’ll never have me back,’ Cal said sadly. ‘And somehow I’ve got to live with that.’

They stayed up for another couple of hours chatting and watching an episode of
. By 2 a.m. Sapphire thought she might finally be able to sleep, but as soon as she was in bed and the light was off the nightmare images of Markov lunging towards her flashed up in her mind. And much as she tried to tell herself that it would be all right, that he wouldn’t dare to come near her, she knew instinctively that a man like Markov did not give up easily . . .

She only managed to get a couple of hours’ sleep in the end and stumbled into the kitchen the following morning feeling awful. ‘God, I hope the make-up artist can do something with me, otherwise I’ll break the camera,’ she exclaimed and then stopped when she realised Cal had company. A beefy-looking ex-SAS-type man, with a flat nose and a buzz cut, sat drinking coffee at the kitchen table. He was dressed like a throwback to the sixties as a mod in a tightly fitting black suit and narrow black tie.

‘Sapphire, meet Colin.’

‘Hi,’ Sapphire replied, feeling self-conscious about her dishevelled appearance.

‘Morning,’ Colin said cheerily.

‘Colin is going to be looking after you for the next month or so.’

‘What do you mean?’ Sapphire asked.

‘He’s one of the guys I use for security sometimes and I want him to look after you. He’ll take you to work and pick you up, stay at the apartment. Be your bodyguard, I suppose.’

This was totally unexpected, and control freak Sapphire wasn’t at all sure that it was something she
wanted. ‘Can I have a private word with you Cal?’ she asked, adding, ‘no disrespect, Colin.’

‘None taken.’

She marched into the living room, followed by Cal.

‘I don’t need a bodyguard!’ she exclaimed as soon as he had shut the door. ‘And no way can I afford one either!’

‘You don’t have to; Colin is on loan from me. Seriously, Sapphire, I want you to have him. It’s not that I think Markov will come near you, but I just want to be sure and Colin will be there to make you feel safe. I know you didn’t sleep last night, I heard you get up about five times. Do yourself a favour, have Colin look after you.’

‘But Cal, it’ll cost so much money!’ Sapphire protested.

‘Sapphire, you’re one of my closest friends, I want you to be safe. Think of it as a favour for me, that way I won’t be worrying about you. I’m going to LA at the end of the week and this would really put mind at ease. Please, Sapphire, let me do this for you. It’s really no big deal.’

Sapphire bit her lip; she was so unused to accepting help from anybody and then she decided to break the habit of a lifetime, ‘Thanks Cal, I really appreciate it.’

Cal grinned broadly, ‘Come and have breakfast then and get to know Colin, he’s a real diamond, even if he is stuck in a style rut.’

In the two weeks that followed, Sapphire was intensely grateful to have Colin. It meant that she could live her life without looking over her shoulder in fear all the time. In fact, she adapted incredibly quickly to having him around. He would drive her to work, then pick her up and take her shopping or to the gym. If she went out with friends from the production company, he would drop her off and then pick her up. He stayed in the apartment too, which she was hugely relieved about. ‘What would you do if I got lucky one night?’ she joked when he picked her up after one of her nights out.

‘I’m very discreet,’ he told her as he drove her home, ‘but Cal tells me there’s only one man you’re interested in and he lives in Brighton.’

‘What! You and Cal have been gossiping about me!’ Sapphire exclaimed in mock outrage. ‘I thought men never talked about emotional things.’

Colin replied, ‘Not me and Cal. He was brilliant when me and the missus were going through a rough patch, really made a difference.’

Sapphire gave an ironic smile – Cal the marriage guidance counsellor, who had been unable to save his own marriage.

‘So, have you spoken to this Jay bloke lately?’ Colin continued.

Sapphire shook her head and said sadly, ‘Colin there is no point. He’s going out with one of my best friends and anyway I don’t think he even likes me any more.’

‘Nah, it’s a rebound thing, I reckon. A man doesn’t propose marriage to a woman and get over her that easily. But you’ll have to make the moves, tell him how you feel. He’ll have his pride.’

‘Colin, I appreciate you and Cal’s concern, but I have to face facts. Jay has been going out with Sam for three months now. I think it’s serious.’

‘Rebound,’ Colin muttered under his breath as he pulled in to the underground car park.

‘Anyway, you’ll see them at the weekend as it’s the marathon and they’re coming round to the flat afterwards.’

Sapphire had hoped that she could get away with just watching the couple in the race and she had only agreed to do that as Jazz had begged her, guilt tripping her by saying how much it would mean to Sam and how important it was that she was doing the race for Cancer Research. It was all very well but Sapphire couldn’t help feeling very differently about Sam and every time she
thought of the couple together, she was almost physically sick with jealousy. But in spite of her feelings she had then found herself agreeing to invite Jay and Sam to her place for breakfast before the marathon and then to come back afterwards for a celebration meal and to stay the night. She had told Colin that she wouldn’t need him at the weekend because she would be with her friends but he insisted that he should be with her. ‘Just because Markov’s done nothing, doesn’t mean you should let your guard down. Not that I am saying he will try anything,’ Colin added hastily. ‘But I wouldn’t be doing my job if I wasn’t looking out for you. Anyway, I’m going to cook for you and your friends. Cal said you were a terrible cook and I love cooking.’

Sapphire was in fact dreading the weekend. Jazz was coming up on Saturday night but even with the support of her friend, Sapphire didn’t know how she could face seeing Jay and Sam. The longing she felt for Jay hadn’t diminished during the time she had been in London – on the contrary, it had grown more intense. She spent the week before obsessing over the meeting, and then for added torture she logged on to Sam’s Facebook profile where she had put up photos of the couple in training.

‘It is wicked to see you!’ Jazz exclaimed when she arrived at the apartment on Saturday night.

‘You too!’ Sapphire replied, hugging her friend. She had missed her so much. Jazz had only been able to see her a couple of times in London as work was so hectic for both of them.

‘And this is Colin,’ she added as Colin popped his head round from the office, where he was holed up watching

‘Hi, don’t worry I’ll leave you girls to it, I know you’ve got lots of catching up to do, but just to let you know I’ve
made a salade niçoise. It’s in the fridge, and there’s a fresh dressing for it in the blue jug.’

‘Oh my God!’ Jazz squealed as the girls went into the kitchen to grab a glass of wine. ‘You’ve got a bodyguard slash personal chef – you’re like a Hollywood star, I’m so jealous!’

Then she stopped herself, ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean that. I know why you’ve got Colin. ’

Sapphire had told her friend the whole story but so far she hadn’t told her mum; she figured she would when she moved back to Brighton – she wasn’t up to dealing with her anxiety on top of her own. ‘It’s okay, Jazz, really I could do with laughing about the situation. And actually I’m really going to miss having Colin around.’ She put on a posh voice. ‘It’s amazing how quickly one adapts to having staff.’

Both girls collapsed into giggles. ‘Come on, let’s have a drink!’ Sapphire exclaimed, opening the fridge and taking out a bottle of cava.

‘I thought you’d only be drinking Cristal, now you’re on telly.’ Jazz teased as they trooped back into the living room with drinks and snacks.

‘Nah, cava is credit crunch champagne. But I’ve got some real stuff to celebrate Sam and Jay’s marathon.’ Even just mentioning the couple changed her mood dramatically, which Jazz was quick to pick up on.

‘It’s really good of you to invite them over, Sapphire. I know Sam really appreciates it. And I’m sure they won’t be all loved-up in your face,’ Jazz said.

‘Oh, I know,’ Sapphire replied, curling up on one of the huge plum velvet sofas. ‘It’s just seeing them together, it does my head in.’

Jazz sat down on the other sofa, ‘Still feel the same about Jay then?’ she asked sympathetically.

‘Yes,’ Sapphire groaned, ‘I can’t seem to get him out of my head and it’s not like I haven’t seen any fit-looking
men in London when I’ve been out – I’ve even been asked out by one or two, but I’m just not interested.’

‘Perhaps you should go out with one, maybe you just need to have a distraction, there’s nothing like a hottie to put a smile back on your face.’

Sapphire shook her head, ‘I’ve thought of it, but then remember what happened with Gavin, and I don’t want to end up in that situation again. I’d rather stay single and hope that I get over him one day.’ She took a sip of cava, then added, ‘And maybe he and Sam will split up. Colin thinks it might be a rebound relationship.’

Jazz winced, ‘Sorry, babe, it doesn’t seem like that to me, I wouldn’t pin your hopes on it.’

‘Okay, change of subject,’ Sapphire declared, trying hard not to show how hurt she was by Jazz’s last comment. ‘Tell me how the wedding plans are going.’

Jazz and Ben were planning to get married at the beginning of September and it was going to be a full-on number. Jazz flicked back her blonde hair and looked uncertainly at Sapphire, ‘Are you sure you want to hear about it?’

‘Absolutely!’ Sapphire said. ‘I want an update on the dress, the bridesmaids’ dresses, the menu and the cake!’

And fortunately for Sapphire, who just wanted the attention off herself, after only the smallest persuasion Jazz launched into a full and thorough debriefing of where the wedding arrangements currently were at – even whipping out her BlackBerry to show Sapphire pictures of potential dresses, cakes, and table displays. She seemed to be planning her wedding with the precision of a military campaign.

‘If I ever got married again – which as we all know is never going to happen, but if I did – I would so want you to organise my wedding, you’ve thought of everything.’

‘That’s what Sam said,’ Jazz said happily, then clapped a hand over her mouth, mortified by her comment. ‘Not
that she’s getting married, Sapphire, I swear. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say that.’

Sapphire sighed, ‘It’s okay, Jazz, you don’t have to say sorry – they’re a couple and I’ve just got to accept it.’

Words that were easier to say than mean. Sapphire couldn’t help being sent on a downward spiral by Jazz’s view that Jay and Sam were pretty rock solid and to make herself feel better she ended up hitting the wine. So instead of being bright-eyed and fresh when Jay and Sam arrived at the flat the next morning at quarter to seven, Sapphire was decidedly the worse for wear. She had just about managed to have a shower and get dressed and slap on some make-up, but she knew she looked like shit, in spite of Jazz telling her she didn’t.

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