Sapphire (28 page)

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Authors: Katie Price

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Literary

BOOK: Sapphire
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What about me! Sapphire wanted to shout back; instead, she said passionately, ‘I would never ever do anything to hurt Sam. As for that night – it’s forgotten.’

Though even as she said it a memory of him kissing her burnt brightly in her mind. How could she ever forget?

She stared back at Jay, trying to hide her intense hurt.

‘Anyway, I was always open with you, Sapphire. You were the one who was economical with the truth. Like when was it exactly that you decided to cheat on me with
Ryan?’ Jay was sounding pretty emotional now.

‘I didn’t ever cheat on you with Ryan,’ Sapphire protested. She so wanted to say that she had made a mistake, that she was in love with Jay but knew she had to stay silent.

Jay glared at her in disbelief. ‘Okay, I admit I flirted with him and,’ she hesitated, knowing how bad this made her sound, ‘and I kissed him, but that was it until you and I had split and I’m not proud of it.’

And she wanted to add that he didn’t exactly deserve to have the moral high ground after their night together.

‘Whatever,’ Jay said as if nothing Sapphire could say about the past could possibly interest him any more.

Sapphire felt stung. ‘I’m telling the truth Jay, why the fuck would I want to lie about it now?’

‘Because you always want to come out of a situation looking good, don’t you?’

‘No, I don’t, Jay,’ Sapphire could feel her eyes filling with tears at the accusation. ‘Didn’t you stop to think what it would be like for me seeing you and Sam together? Awkward doesn’t even cover it. And to find out like this!’ She turned to go before Jay could level any more criticism at her, then swung back round and added, ‘Was there no one else you could have gone out with? Did it have to be one of my best friends?’ She was shouting again.

Jay looked seriously pissed off now. ‘Sapphire, it’s not about you, it’s about me and Sam. I couldn’t help falling for her. If it was up to me I’d be happy if I never saw you again, but for Sam’s sake I think we need to try and be friends.’

Sapphire felt an icy cold blast of rejection. She only had herself to blame, she had pushed Jay into saying this, but that didn’t make it any easier. ‘I’ll make sure I keep out of your way,’ she replied in a hard, brittle voice. Then she turned and walked swiftly along the pavement. She had
to get away; the tears were falling now, turning the scene around her into a blur.

‘Look, Sapphire, I didn’t mean that,’ Jay called after her.

Sapphire ignored him, just keep on walking, she told herself, keep on walking. When she finally got home, she took off the necklace and shoved it into the back of her jewellery box. That dream was over.

She poured herself a very large vodka, and sipped it neat; somehow the burning sensation seemed appropriate. She felt so betrayed by everyone. She had always thought that whatever happened in her dealings with men that she would always have Sam and Jazz to rely on, but it seemed she didn’t. She was entirely alone.

Her phone rang but she let it go to answerphone. It was Jazz. ‘Sapphire, please pick up, I just want to know that you’re okay. Please, Sapphire, I’m so so sorry. Pick up.’ Jazz sounded on the verge of tears but Sapphire remained where she was. She didn’t want to speak to anyone right now. The phone went again, this time it was Sam leaving a message. ‘I’m sorry, Sapphire. I know I should have told you before, but there never seemed to be a right time. Don’t blame Jazz, I made her promise not to tell you. I didn’t think you were bothered about Jay. Can we talk tomorrow?’

Sapphire buried her face in her hands. What a fuck-up she had made! She’d been blind to what she had with Jay; she was obviously a crap friend – why else would Sam and Jazz have found it so easy to lie to her? At the thought of Sam a fresh wave of humiliation rose up in her – did everyone know about her and Jay? In spite of not wanting to speak to anyone she found herself reaching for her mobile and calling her mum. She got straight to the point ‘Did you know Jay was seeing Sam?’

‘What?’ Christine sounded genuinely surprised. ‘Sapphire are you okay?’

‘Did you know?’ Sapphire insisted.

‘Of course not, love! I’d have told you if I did! Vicky did mention that Jay had a girlfriend, but I had no idea it was Sam. I’m so sorry, love. You sound really upset, shall I come over?’

‘No,’ Sapphire said quietly, trying to hold back the tears, ‘I expect you’re with Jason.’

‘No, I’m not, but even if I was, I’d come over. You sound really low.’

‘I’m fine, Mum, it was just the shock. I’ve made such a mess of everything.’

‘Sapphire! Don’t say that! You have made such a success of everything – think of your business. You’re so strong, everyone admires you. Please let me come over.’

‘No, thanks Mum,’ Sapphire repeated. ‘You know I always need my own space. I’ll call you in the morning.’

Chapter 14

help you with something?’ Sapphire asked the young blonde-haired woman who had just walked into the boutique.

Two days after Sam’s birthday Sapphire was back into saleswoman mode, trying desperately hard to carry on as normal, but inside hurting so badly. The young woman shook her head and said quietly, in what Sapphire thought was an Eastern European accent, ‘Actually I wanted to talk to you.’

Sapphire stared at her, puzzled – she looked vaguely familiar but as she was wearing huge dark glasses it was hard to tell. ‘Do I know you?’ she asked, wondering what the young woman wanted. The woman took off her glasses and instantly Sapphire recognised her. She was Alina, the woman she had seen with Markov at his London club several months ago.

‘Please, can we talk somewhere private?’ Alina said urgently, looking anxiously around her. She looked exhausted, her face was drawn and there were dark shadows under her eyes. She was no longer the stunning beauty Sapphire remembered. Sapphire was surprised at the request but nonetheless she got Jazz to watch the boutique while she showed Alina into her office.

‘So, what can I help you with? I’m afraid if it’s about work, I don’t have any vacancies right now.’

Alina shook her head. ‘It’s not that.’ She hesitated and picked at the red nail polish on her fingers.

Sapphire felt like saying, well what is it? She didn’t exactly have time for guessing games.

‘I came to say there’s someone you need to be careful of.’

‘Who’s that then?’ Sapphire tried to sound confident but her heart sank: there was only one person Alina could be referring to.

‘Markov – I know he likes you. Well, more than that, I think he is becoming obsessed with you. I just wanted to tell you – please don’t have anything to do with him.’

‘Trust me, I don’t want to have anything to do with him!’ Sapphire exclaimed with feeling. ‘But why are you telling me this? I’m sure you wouldn’t want it getting back to Markov?’

Alina pulled an expression of disgust. ‘That bastard! I was his girlfriend for six months. He is all smiles on the outside but he is vicious when he’s crossed. I put up with it because he gave me plenty of money to send back to my mother to care for my son.’ At this she pulled out her wallet and showed Sapphire a picture of a cute toddler with chubby cheeks and brown curly hair. ‘He’s five now so he looks different. I haven’t seen him for three years.’

‘Can’t you go back?’ Sapphire asked.

Alina shook her head, in resignation. ‘I couldn’t support my son if I did that, and anyway Markov has contacts everywhere.’

‘And are you still with Markov?’ Sapphire was appalled at Alina’s plight. She remembered watching a TV documentary about Eastern European girls imprisoned in brothels. Surely that wasn’t Alina’s fate?

Alina grimaced. ‘He told me I had stopped pleasing him. I’m with one of his friends now.’ She shook her head. ‘But I don’t want to talk about it. He’s down in Brighton with Markov and I managed to I slip away.’ She
checked her watch. ‘I’d better go, they’ll wonder where I am. I just wanted to tell you to be careful.’

Sapphire would have liked to say that she could look after herself but she remembered only too clearly how powerless she had felt in Markov’s presence, the feel of his hand on her bare skin. ‘How do you know he is interested in me?’

‘I heard him talking to one of his boys, boasting about how he was going to get connected to a local business and how the owner was very beautiful. He’s just bought an apartment in Brighton, I think he’s planning to spend half his time down here now.’

‘Oh shit,’ Sapphire said with feeling.

‘Just don’t be alone with him. He has a way of getting at people and controlling them. You have friends and family and you are from this country. It is different for you. I’m an illegal. But I hope one day to go home and see my son.’

Sapphire felt desperately sorry for Alina and wanted to help her but when she voiced this, Alina said sadly, ‘There’s nothing you can do, I just wanted to warn you is all. I couldn’t live with myself if didn’t at least do that. Markov has ruined enough lives.’

After Alina left, Sapphire remained haunted by her story. Every time the door opened she jumped, thinking it might be Markov. She felt as if there was no end to her troubles at the moment. She called Alfie again and asked to meet him after work. Alfie had suggested a drink but that seemed too intimate. So it was coffee at one of the many cafés in the Lanes – the cosy normality of the surroundings contrasting with their topic of conversation. ‘What do you suggest I do?’ Sapphire asked after she’d filled him in on the situation.

‘I wish I knew,’ Alfie replied, looking concerned. ‘There’s no point in going to the police because he hasn’t
done anything. I do know some stuff about him, but like I said before, I don’t want to get involved.’

‘You’ve got to tell me what you know!’ Sapphire exclaimed. God, even just talking about Markov made her feel nervous and she looked anxiously through the the window at the pedestrians strolling by, fearing he might be out there.

‘I don’t think that’s such a good idea,’ Alfie replied. ‘What you don’t know can’t worry you.’

‘Tell me, Alfie,’ Sapphire persisted. ‘I really want to know.’

Alfie sighed and ran his hands through his blond hair. As he did so, Sapphire noticed he was wearing a platinum wedding band on his finger.

‘Something you want to tell me, Alfie?’ she asked, gesturing at the ring.

‘Ah,’ he looked embarrassed. ‘Yes, Brooke and I got married last week.’

Sapphire raised her eyebrows in surprise.

‘Yeah, I know what I said to you, Sapphire – about feeling I made a mistake and wishing I was back with you, but that’s never going to happen is it? I think I’ve grown up these past months, finally faced up to my responsibilities. And whatever I feel about you, I have a son now and I want to do right by him. And,’ he hesitated, ‘I do love Brooke.’

‘It’s okay, Alfie, I wasn’t exactly holding out for you,’ Sapphire said drily. Then smiled at him. ‘Really I’m happy for you.’ And suddenly she realised that she was. Alfie had devastated her with his betrayal at the time, but she had moved on and he no longer had the power to hurt her.

‘So now, tell me what you know about Markov.’

Alfie looked behind him, clearly even talking about Markov made him jumpy. ‘All I know is that Markov is part of some Ukrainian gang involved in prostitution and drugs that wants to get a footing in legitimate businesses.
He’s been trying to get in on our club but so far we’ve managed to head him off. He is bad fucking news. Unfortunately Ryan got involved with him when he was out in Ibiza – I don’t know how exactly. I think Markov bought off some other gang who were dealing drugs in Ryan’s club and causing trouble. And since then he’s acted like Ryan owes him.’

‘Well, why don’t you go to the police?’ Sapphire demanded. It seemed obvious to her. What was Alfie’s problem?

‘Because I’ve got a child and a wife,’ Alfie let the statement hang in the air, while Sapphire stared at him in disbelief.

‘Are you saying they would be in danger if you said anything?’

Alfie shrugged. ‘I don’t know, I just wouldn’t want to risk it.’

Then he told her how he also knew Markov ran several escort agencies in London and was looking to open one in Brighton; he used girls from Eastern Europe who had come into the country illegally – frequently coercing them to work for him. He was also involved in drug dealing. But he wanted to be seen to be respectable – hence the London club, hence wanting a share of Alfie’s club and his interest in Sapphire’s business.

‘He really is a nasty piece of work. I don’t know why Ryan ever got hooked up with him, but I tell you he regrets it now and,’ Alfie paused and looked awkward, ‘he regrets how he treated you.’

Sapphire rolled her eyes, ‘He can regret all he likes, I don’t give a shit about Ryan after what he did.’

‘Whatever – I know he’s sorry. And all I can say about Markov is just keep your distance. Don’t see him, don’t take his calls, he’ll get the message.’

But Alfie had underestimated Markov’s interest in Sapphire. Two days later, on Valentine’s Day, he sent her
a huge bouquet of deep red roses. For a second Sapphire smiled when the delivery girl handed her the flowers – it was always nice to get something on Valentine’s Day and not feel like a saddo single who no one wanted. But the smile vanished as she read the card: ‘I’m still waiting for your call, Sapphire, M x’. Why wouldn’t he give it a rest? Surely it was beyond obvious that she had no interest in him? Just how thick was his skin?

Sapphire was already feeling bad enough about Valentine’s Day as it was, imagining how loved-up Sam and Jay were being. She threw the bouquet on the floor in disgust.

Then Jazz burst into the store with a grin that could have lit up the whole of Brighton Pier. She raced up to Sapphire and thrust out her hand.

‘I’m engaged!’ she said unnecessarily as the diamond ring told the whole story.

‘Congratulations, Jazz!’ Sapphire said as enthusiastically as she could; there was no way she wanted to rain on Jazz’s parade. And she really was pleased for her friend. She knew that Jazz had been longing for this, practically since the moment she met Ben three years ago.

‘It’s brilliant, isn’t it! Ben was going to propose tonight over dinner but he ended up coming over to mine first thing this morning and doing it then because he said he just couldn’t wait any longer. So he actually proposed as I was eating my porridge in my pyjamas! I might have to get him to do it again when I’m all glammed up. I don’t want to remember that the most romantic moment in my entire life took place when I was eating porridge! I mean, who am I? Goldilocks?’ Jazz literally could not stand still for the excitement.

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