Saucers of the Illuminati (13 page)

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Authors: Jim Keith

Tags: #General, #Body, #Mind & Spirit, #Unidentified Flying Objects, #Philosophy, #UFOs & Extraterrestrials, #Metaphysics

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Noone recalls that Dr. Anthony Hewish, 1974 Nobel Prize winner, while tracking astronomical anomalies in the heavens,

"demonstrated that... strange rhythmic pulses were radio emissions from a star that had collapsed or blown itself up in the earth's southern sky some time around 4000 B.C."

At about the same time that Hewish's research was taking place, George Michanowsky, author of
The Once and Future Star
, was deciphering Sumerian tablets that caused him to come to the same conclusion. According to Noone's review of the events: The ancient Sumerian cuneiform table Michanowsky was deciphering described a giant star exploding within a triangle formed by the three stars Zeta Puppis, Gamma Velorum, and Lambda Velorum...

Michanowsky continued deciphering the Sumerian star catalogue, containing observations going back for thousands of years.

The remarkably accurate star catalogue now stated that the blazing star that had exploded within the triangle would again be seen by man in 6,000 years.

This means, interestingly enough, that the Sumerians set the date for the reappearance of the supernova in about the year 2000

A.D. Strong evidence, it seems to me, that the Freemasons probably see the turn of the next century as having a pivotal significance in their mythic history of the world. Taking into account what seem to be the secret purposes of the Freemasons and other allied secret societies, there are certainly many speculations that could be made about what the nature of that significance might entail.

If you are still in doubt that behind the whitebread facade of world politics there is an occult agenda, read the following quotes published in the
Rosicrucian Digest
in 1948, and drawn my attention in
The Patriot Report
of February 1998. According to an article titled "Requisites of Peace":

--Nationalism is destined to become extinct.

--The dissolution of nationalism does not mean advocating an equal distribution of the world's goods among all peoples. It does mean a pooling of resources and their common control by all the peoples for the whole of humanity.

--A one world is inevitable.

--If it does not come through an intelligent admission of the obsolescence of nationalism, then it will come through the most terrible war conceivable.

--Does all this seem to strike at the love of country? It will mean only the replacement of a limited love for a more expansive and expedient one - the love of the world.

--A unity of people, not of states, is required; if there is a merging of interests then there also must be a merging of political control - a central government.

The following quotes are from another article from the
Rosicrucian Digest
published in 1948, "War or Peace," penned by Gisbert Bossard:

--The eventual solution lies in a world federation... the world has progressed to the point of a United Nations.

--Unless certain deficiencies in the U.N. charter are eliminated, the United Nations organization cannot exercise effective world authority.

--Your help is needed in the final push for victory.

--The first Reform: Abolish the veto in matters of aggression.

--The second Reform: Control atomic energy and limit all other important weapons.

--The third Reform: Establish an effective but tyranny-proof world police force.

--Russia will achieve military equality with the U.S. through quota disarmament.

--The cooperation of Russia for the "One World" and a new and wonderful era for mankind is essential.

Aside from the dark catalog of covert manipulation that I have compiled in these pages, I will not delude you into thinking that I am certain that the Freemasons are planning on overthrowing the world system on or about the year 2000 A.D. I do not even know for certain whether this is the date planned for the final consolidation of governmental systems into the New World Order. All I know is that the twists and turns of history are covered with the bloody fingerprints of Freemasons and members of allied secret societies who have intervened at key moments to turn the flow of history in hitherto unanticipated directions, and that everything points to the year 2000 as being an epic culmination in the mythology of these secret groups.

The Masonic architects of the French and Russian revolutions; the Masonic assassins of Archduke Ferdinand who touched off the bloody conflagration of World War I; the Masons who seem to have been responsible for the Jack the Ripper murders performed to stave off a deadly crisis in the Masonically-controlled British government; the Masons who controlled the investigation of and may have been responsible for the murder of John F. Kennedy; the host of Masonic controllers who lurked behind the gothic machinations of the CIA MKULTRA mind control programs; and the continued direction of international politics by Masons and their occultist brethren like P-2--all this makes it seem that the occult portents can now be seen as forecasting another intervention by the cabal.

Key to the creation of the New World Order is the economic and political unification of Europe. According to Cornelia R.

Ferreira, writing in a monograph titled "The New Age Movement": The formula of the "United States of Europe" and of the

"Universal Republic" (to be formed by Europe's merger with other world blocs) was first proclaimed by the Illuminati in 1793; has long been the slogan of the French lodges; was adopted in the 1920s by the Theosophists; and was discussed in American-German Masonic circles after World War II. Unelected European Commission president Jacques Delors, demonsrating the importance of European unity (and the totalitarian nature of the future world government), has threatened national leaders who do not unequivocally endorse it, hinting that Margaret Thatcher's opposition caused her downfall.

The attempted unification of Europe, directed (as revealed in
Holy Blood, Holy Grail
, by Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln) by the Priory of Sion, a secret order that may in fact underpin, be connected to, or even be the Masonic order under a different name, may be a stage setting for something even more earthshaking than a united European state. At the same time that the European Commonwealth is being put in place piece by puzzle piece, there are additional and highly strange prefigurements coming into view, one of the most odd being the multiple-thousand sightings of Eye in the Triangle-configured UFOs seen in Belgium, the headquarters of the European Commonwealth, and, more recently, in Arizona, USA.

If one understands the claims made in
Holy Blood, Holy Grail
(and a study of Masonic texts such as Pike's
Morals and Dogma
or Hall's
The Secret Teachings of All Ages
will substantiate these claims), a person of the bloodline of King David, descended through Jesus and Mary Magdalene, is to be enthroned in a newly reconstructed Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, ushering in the messianic New Age. This reenthronement of the Davidic line was apparently also the hidden mission of the Knights Templar, who are said to have been the group from which the Freemasons sprang in Scotland after the suppression of the Knights.

The family line from which the "Lion King" of the New World Order will arise may be the European royal von Hapsburgs, currently led by Otto Von Hapsburg, the son of the last empress of Austria, and a prominent member of the Bilderberger Society. The family crest of the von Hapsburgs is the double-headed eagle seen on Masonic regalia, and the family has been historically connected to the Illuminati in a number of ways. Maynard Solomon in his book
states that the composer's "Emperor Joseph Cantata,"

which characterizes Emperor Joseph von Hapsburg as a lightbringer and a foe of darkness, was commissioned by the Illuminati. The commemoration may have been based on the Emperor's legalization of Freemasonry in Austria.

Another scion of the family, Archduke Johann von Hapsburg, in the late 1800s provided a huge gift of cash to a parish priest named Father Sauniere, which sum he used to build a temple to Mary Magdalene in France's Renne-le-Chateau. Mary Magdalene, alleged to have borne a child by Jesus--remember? Sauniere was also connected to the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light and the Priory of Sion.

According to J.R. Church, the author of
Guardians of the
, "The Hapsburg dynasty which ruled the Holy Roman Empire since the 19th century, is the direct lineage of the Merovingian bloodline. The Habsburgs are reputed to be the family of the Holy Grail offspring of Mary Magdalene."

At this time the most probable candidate for the position of World King is Hapsburg's son, Karl, who is now thirty-five years old. Karl Von Hapsburg was probably smirking when he said, "The time for the [Hapsburg] dynasty lies in some happier tomorrow when a new Europe... will undergo a time of resurrection."

The Freemasons have always seen themselves as "the manipulators," "the builders," hence the name. One of the secret meanings of the Eye and the Pyramid (which, check a U.S. dollar bill, lacks a capstone, or a culmination, suggesting that it is unfinished) is a portrayal of this intervention in history, the guiding of events in what is cabalistically termed
or the "perfecting"

of the universe--through disinformation, murder, seemingly whatever it takes.

The Freemasons seem to take positive delight in the deception they employ. In
Jack the Ripper: The Final Solution
, which implicates the Freemasons in highly believable fashion for the Ripper murders, author Stephen Knight describes the mindset: Freemasons applaud violence, terror and crime providing it is carried out in a crafty manner. One section of the [Masonic] notes says humor is all important and the most appalling crimes may be committed under its cloak. The one Ripper letter likely to have been genuine suggests that Jack the Ripper was going about his crimes in just this way, committing ghoulish murders with a Puckish sense of fun.

If Masonic supremacy appears in jeopardy, it is reestablished by a show of strength, by crimes of violence, perpetrated to demonstrate... the far reaching power of Freemasonry to initiates the world over...

This is akin to the manipulation we are witnessing. Both Christians and Jews will see the coming World King as the fulfillment of their religious prophecies. What they will not see is a cool precision of cogwheels in motion in the program that enthrones him.

The date the Sumerians and apparently the Masons set for the reappearance of the supernova within the triangle of Zeta Puppis, Gamma Velorum, and Lambda Velorum is around the year 6000

A.L. (
Anno Lucis
) or 2000 A.D.

Who knows? It may even be that the Masons believe their own legends about Sirius, and expect the year 2000 to see the return of the Oannes, the Nommo, the beings from Sirius, those beings no doubt having plans for setting into motion another stage in the civilizing of humanity.

A possible strategy to take advantage of this event is only too obvious. If the Masons really are planning on setting a World King on the throne--and they are--it would be to their advantage to take into consideration millennial beliefs widely held by Christians about a Second Coming around the year 2000, while at the same time taking advantage of Jewish expectations about the Messiah and the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon. They have even been subliminally introducing the youth of the world to the concept through the recent extremely popular animated feature produced by Disney Studios: "The Lion King"--if you doubt the explicit rendering of the messianic legend into huggy and merchandisable animal format, then view this film another time.

At the same time that we see the building blocks being pressed into place for the coronation of a World King, we see other curious activities taking place. Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter Tim Weiner, in
Blank Check,
observe that the largest "black" or hidden budget expenditure by the U.S. military and FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) is in the creation of huge underground bases of the same sort that are mentioned in the wilder of the government-alien collaboration scenarios. Those scenarios of grey aliens ruling underground roosts and preparing for an invasion to be launched from underground, may in fact be disinformation masking what is really taking place: the elite in the government creating a safe underground haven for themselves when the Global 2000 plan goes into place.

The event which may prompt the placing of the key piece in the
Novus Ordo Seculorum
pyramid, the missing capstone, the culmination of the Fool's journey of the Tarot, may well be the catastrophic collapse of the U.S. economic system. The collapse of the U.S. currency and the stock market, as prefigured by the recent crises in the Orient, may well be the straws that will break the American Phoenix's back.

On the other hand, there are those who say that the widespread computer flaw termed the "Millenium Bug" or "Y2K" may perform the same function. The Congressional Research Service describes the problem this way:

Most computer systems in use today record dates in a format using a two digit number for the year; for example, 96 represents the year 1996. The two digit year field is very common among older systems, designed when memory storage was more expensive, but is also used in many systems built today. With this format, however, the year 2000 is indistinguishable from 1900. The year data filed in computer programs performs various functions, such as calculating age, sorting information by date, or comparing multiple dates. Thus, when years beyond 1999 are entered under this format, computer systems will fail to operate properly.

Here are some newspaper quotes about the possible effect of the Millenium Bug:

For some institutions... it will be too late. We could end up with a real catastrophe that could affect many people's lives around the globe... One industry expert has called the defect "the most devastating Virus ever to infect the world's business and information technology systems."

Washington Post,
September 15, 1996

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