Saucers of the Illuminati (12 page)

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Authors: Jim Keith

Tags: #General, #Body, #Mind & Spirit, #Unidentified Flying Objects, #Philosophy, #UFOs & Extraterrestrials, #Metaphysics

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Hubbard's son, Ron DeWolfe, says that Hubbard was something of an acolyte of Crowley, and after the death of the Beast 666, determined to take on his mantle.

Parsons was to die in June, 1952, in a chemical explosion that has often been suggested to have been a by-product of his cosmic tampering. That may or may not have been so. Before his death Parsons was interviewed by FBI agents and admitted that he had been illegally in possession of a number of classified documents relating to explosives taken from Hughes Aircraft Corporation, and that he had furnished them to the Israeli government. The question remains open as to who was responsible for Parson's death - infernal forces or Howard Hughes playing turnabout?

James Shelby Downard, in "The Call to Chaos" in
provides additional deep background on the intelligence agency-occult connection:

Consider that the secret society which became the nucleus of the Office of Strategic Services - Central Intelligence Agency octopus was making biotelemetry implants in unsuspecting people as early as 1933.

After the operations, the victims were kept drugged for a time and then were brainwashed (OSS-CIA is written that way because when the former became the latter, they changed the name but not the facts). I believe the implants were at first activated by touching the skin with a device similar to an electronic prod, but which actually was a symbolical phallus.

The early implants were made to stimulate the pudenda nerve, when triggered, so that the sexually excited and amnesiac-drugged victims could be used in the sex circuses of the OSS-CIA secret order.

Those victims were not infrequently operated on while anesthetized by morphine and scopolomine, which produce analgesia and amnesia (twilight sleep, to esotericists). They too were brainwashed after healing. This evil program, supposedly for the sake of national security, was oriented to the Cult of GAOTU [The Freemasonic god, the Great Architect of the Universe].

Downard also reports:

Saturnalian orgies were and are performed with some representation of a deity... A woman I call the Great Whore performed in those rites some years ago, representing such deities as Artemis (Diana or Hecate), Aphrodite Porne (Dirty Venus), Bastet, Selket and the White Goddess described by Robert Graves in his famous book. I do believe that these sex circuses were part of a greater Call to Chaos working...

Is Mr. Downard projecting all of this? I am not entirely certain, but I do know that there are strong verifiable linkages between occultism, politics, and spycraft. One of the less-spoken-of aspects is their connection to homosexual and bisexual practices, long a mainstay of certain forms of ritual magick. With the risk of straying into Political Incorrectness (truth, as always, being a secondary concern of the arbiters of our national mindset), I will speak of such matters.

Jim Brandon in his excellent
The Rebirth of Pan
has commented on the attraction of UFOs, inexplicable Fortean events, and alien entities to sex activities of various sorts. It should be noted that homosexual orgies seem to have been an integral part of many Mystery Religion rituals, the precursor of many current secret societal practices, and that in primitive tribes homosexuals were often looked upon as partaking of divinity, and took on the role of shamans (read "channelers" in latter-day parlance). The Mystery Religions in addition utilized hallucinogenic drugs, Sun and Mother Goddess worship and human sacrifice--at least on occasion.

Aleister Crowley engaged in bisexual practices for some of his magickal workings, as did the cabal of "Apostles," a Cambridge University student group that was thoroughly infiltrated by the KGB

and took over British intelligence in the 1930s, their influence said to have continued until the present day. One of the founders of the Apostles, which was termed by members as "the Higher Sodomy"

and "a sort of gay Freemasonry," was Sidney Reilly, "Ace of Spies"

as the media has it. Reilly was also part of the Rhodes Round Table group at 120 Broadway in New York that provided funding for the Bolshevik revolution. An index to Reilly's viewpoint is provided in a letter on bolshevism that he penned in 1925:

I believe that... it [bolshevism] is bound by a process of evolution to conquer the world, as Christianity and the ideas of the French Revolution have done before it... and that nothing--least of all violent reactionary forces--can stem its ever-rising tide... the much decried and so little understood "Soviets" which are the outward expression of bolshevism as applied to practical government, are the nearest approach I know of, to a real democracy based upon true social justice and that they may be destined to lead the world to the highest ideal of statesmanship--Internationalism.

Pretty straight Round Table-One Worldism in Bolshevik guise.

From the ranks of the Apostles came such highly-placed British intelligence turncoats as Anthony Blunt, Donald Maclean, Kim Philby, and Guy Burgess. These men were KGB agents who infiltrated and controlled the highest levels of British--and in certain instances--American spycraft. In recent years Victor (Lord) Rothschild of the Rothschild banking family (which bankrolled Cecil Rhodes), a member of British intelligence during World War II, was fingered in the British Parliament as the most likely candidate for the highly-placed "Fifth Man" Soviet spy among his Apostle friends Blunt, Burgess, Philby, and Maclean. Although there were calls for prosecution, Margaret Thatcher defended Rothschild and within months the case was closed.

The behind-the-scenes manipulation continues. Another homosexual cabal that allegedly included Knight of Malta, British intelligence agent, and Rhodes Round Table lawyer Louis Bloomfield, along with homosexuals Clay Shaw and David Ferrie, as described by "Torbitt" in his pivotal investigative document
Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal
, is said to have been responsible--in an organizational sense--for the John F. Kennedy assassination.

There is a tangled web of Masonic symbolism that can be discerned in the events of the JFK assassination, beginning with the fact that the killing took place in the "Lone Star" (i.e. pentagram, Sirius) state. Remarkable research in this regard has been done by James Shelby Downard, demonstrating that the Kennedy assassination was manipulated for ritual purposes in an enactment of the ages-old "Killing of the King" fertility ritual, admittedly a radical theory but one backed up by a good deal of evidence.

As John Michell has said in
The Flying Saucer Vision
, "what we now suspect was in the past openly known. The 'gods' demand sacrifices, perfect specimens for their own scientific purposes. In the days when the nature of the gods was known, their desires studied, and the benefits they could bring enjoyed, sacrifices were left for them on the high places which they frequented. The relationship between the gods of mythology and the superior race from the sky, to whom the first sacrifices were made is a large subject which must soon be studied in detail."

In "The Call to Chaos" in
Apocalypse Culture
, Downard explains, "The third degree of 'Blue' (basic) Freemasonry, and more particularly the ninth degree of Scottish Rite work, embody symbolical assassination and death ritual; but in GAOTU [the Great Architect of the Universe] operations they go in for the real McCoy: heavy snuff stuff."

The Kennedy assassination was performed at Dealey Plaza, the location of the first Masonic temple in Dallas. "Security" for the Kennedy motorcade was supplied by the New Orleans CIA office, with headquarters in a Masonic temple building. Dealey Plaza is located near the Trinity River, and Kennedy's motorcade headed for the Triple Underpass, both references symbolic of the Masonic triangle and number three fixation. In what may have been a symbolic dramatization of the Masonic Hiram Abif legend of assassination by three "unworthy craftsmen," after the Kennedy murder three "hoboes" were paraded in front of cameras by the Dallas police (one of the "hoboes" alleged to be E. Howard Hunt of the CIA), then the three were quickly released without record of their identity. In Masonic lore assassins travel in threes.

"Torbitt's" investigations persuasively show that the conspiracy to murder JFK was run from the top by Masonic Vice President Lyndon Johnson and 33rd degree Mason and homosexual J. Edgar Hoover, at the time playing dual roles in Washington as Director of the FBI and epically repulsive party girl, with Bloomfield (also very likely a Mason because of his affiliation with British intelligence) running a large network of conspirators and underlings in the killing of Kennedy. Mason Lyndon B. Johnson appointed Mason Earl Warren to head the Warren Commission for investigation of the assassination. Information was doled out to the commission by Mason Hoover and Mason and ex-CIA director Allen Dulles, while 33rd degree Mason Gerald Ford seems to have done everything he could to discount the possibility that the murder had been perpetrated by anyone but a "lone nut assassin."

One macabre possibility is that Lee Harvey Oswald may have received the same sort of brain implant as the alleged saucer abductees mentioned earlier. As detailed in
The Man Who Knew Too
by Dick Russell, the Mexico City CIA station was, immediately prior to the Kennedy assassination, the location of certain mind control experiments intended to create a "sleeper killer," that is, an hypnotically-controlled assassin. Russell also repeats a "deadly rumor" that was published in the little-known
We Controlled?
by the pseudonymous "Lincoln Lawrence." Russell reports:

Lawrence began his chronicle on March 30, 1961, when Oswald was admitted to the Third Clinical Hospital's Ear, Nose, and Throat division in Minsk [Russia]. He had been suffering "complaints about suppuration from the right ear and weakened in hearing," and the diagnosis called for an adenoid operation. Marina, whom he had recently met, came regularly to his bedside during his eleven-day stay in the hospital.

"After he was placed under anesthesia," Lawrence wrote,

"advanced technique was employed to implant a miniaturized radio receiver which would produce muscular reaction in his cerebral region." Thus, upon leaving the hospital, Oswald would "remain for the rest of his life--without his knowledge--a completely efficient human tool... subject to control!"

The author went on to describe two devices implanted in Oswald's brain. One was R.H.I.C. (Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Control), "the ultra-sophisticated application of post-hypnotic suggestion triggered at will by radio transmission. It is a recurring hypnotic state, re-induced automatically at intervals by the same radio control"... On record in the National Archives is a government memo dated March 3, 1964, from CIA director McCone to Secret Service chief James Rowley, which makes a remarkably similar speculation.

Following his surgery at the Minsk hospital, McCone wrote, Oswald might have been "chemically or electronically 'controlled'... a sleeper agent. Subject spent 11 days hospitalized for a 'minor ailment' which should have required no more than three days hospitalization at best"...

But "Lincoln Lawrence" did not see Oswald ultimately as a pawn of the Soviets. Rather, he wrote that Oswald was later "high-jacked," or

"maneuvered into the orbit of another group which trained and prepared him for work in the future when they (the second group) might have need for his 'special qualifications.' The second group then asserted control of Oswald upon his return to the United States in the summer of 1962..."

According to Lincoln Lawrence, Oswald was not the only manipulated cog in the wheel. Another was Jack Ruby, "placed under hypnosis... perhaps at a party or perhaps by some 'performer'

who was pretending to offer a casual audition for the Carousel Club." The entertainer at Ruby's club the week of the assassination was, in fact, a hypnotist, William Crowe, whose stage name was Bill DeMar.

It is verifiable that Masons and their allied secret societies are hardwired into the control systems of government and intelligence agencies, comprising a level of unseen motive and hidden intention in agencies that have the power of life and death over the citizens of the United States and the world. They control the controllers, so to speak, and if there was a conspiracy and a cover-up in the John F.

Kennedy assassination, then they were certainly in a position to accomplish them.

James Shelby Downard, again, has stated:

But the ultimate purpose of that assassination was not political or economic but sorcerous; for the control of the dreaming mind and the marshaling of its forces is the omnipotent force in this entire scenario of lies, cruelty and degradation. Something died in the American people on November 22, 1963--call it idealism, innocence or the quest for moral excellence--it is this transformation of human beings which is the authentic reason and motive for the Kennedy murder.

And the transformation continues...


The Year of Light

The calendar of the Freemasons begins four thousand years prior to the Gregorian, at the time of a reported supernova that they commemorate as
Anno Lucis,
the Year of Light, and about the same time that a fantastic leap in civilization was accomplished in Sumeria and Egypt. Look at the cornerstone of any government building in your town and you will see that the Masonic date is included in the inscription, obvious proof that this dating is highly important to the Masons. But there were other, earlier commemorations to the supernova. Richard W. Noone, the author of a book titled
, believes that the Great Pyramid at Giza was probably built as a monument to this striking astronomical event. He states:

The Grand Gallery [of the pyramid], aimed like a giant telescope at a particular celestial body in the earth's southern sky--before its view of the heavens was blocked by the completion of the building--points to where radio astronomy bas just pinpointed the supernova (or giant stellar explosion) nearest to our solar system... The Great Pyramid's Grand Gallery is focused at this particular spot in the earth's southern sky.

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