Savage Awakening: A Blood Thirst Novel (Book 2) BDSM Erotica/ Paranormal Romance/ Romance Erotica (6 page)

BOOK: Savage Awakening: A Blood Thirst Novel (Book 2) BDSM Erotica/ Paranormal Romance/ Romance Erotica
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Chapter 8: Your Death Wish, if There’s Love in Your Eyes


was dry heaving, panting, and under the delusion it was Darius that found me. He was near, by my side looking down on me like I was his favorite bone- only my sense of smell sensed the Lycan. I smelled Lycan, but he felt and looked just like the dragon I wanted.

“What’s wrong with you, why all this arousal… pain?” He corrected, standing over me- asking, but looking everywhere else making sure no one would take his prized possession from him. “Is the dragon here, has he come for you?”

“Darius, don’t come any closer.” I moaned from the pain of wanting him, the confusion making it so easy to give into the poison and pretend it was him.

“Where the fuck is Darius, did he do this to you, make you like this? Did he bite you, tell me now, what else did he do?” He was looking for him, looking crazed searching for the source of my pain.

I turned from him. Taking a fetal position as my shaking intensified. I was in hell.

“Answer me!” he demanded sounding so much like the man I needed.

“Stop yelling please, I’m burning… I need you, Darius. Always have.”

“Stop saying his name… I’ll kill him.” Stalking me like a predator about to strike, he continued.  “No, not him. I’m what you need. You can’t be this too. The fucking dragons kept this secret really under wraps.” He paced looking at me… like I felt- a hungered wild animal. He turned from me, shaking himself as his shoulders bunched becoming tight and he expanded. His body looked like it was going through some change, and I inwardly begged he wouldn’t shift.

I screamed feeling sudden sharp pain lance through me, I shot to my back my hands moving over my breasts… touching my neck wondering if I had been bitten and missed it somehow.

Instantly he was kneeling in front of me, his palm on my fevered stomach- his voice shook when he said, “I won’t let you be one of them... you belong to me. Fuck Beauty… stop… just stop… please!” He grabbed my shoulders shaking me while dragging me up against him to a sitting position. His body was slick and heated… feeling so good against mine.

“It’s just not possible. No females remember. You are my Queen! You’re not turning into one of them.”

I looked up to him, and saw what his meaning was… finally clicking into place, blue light shown all over him.
… this terrified me.
What had done this?

Shutting my eyes- quickly, I screamed in pain. “Please stop it. It’s burning me alive. Poison… I feel it scorching me from the inside.”

“What do I do, tell me what to do! The scent of your arousal is fucking killing me.” He begged holding me harshly to him while gently smoothing my tear soaked hair from my face as his eyes worshipped my lips.

I whined like a hurt animal from the need and pain. God, I missed him, missed him so much it was tearing me apart. I was such a fool… thinking I could leave him, now I knew… thought it would be a blessing if I tore out my own heart.

“I want you, but I’m trying to do right by you. Tell me what you want!” He was begging me.

I would tell him and he would kill me for it, if I was lucky.

“I want him. Take me to Darius, please it’s the only way to end this.” I said wanting to reach out to him. I needed to feel skin against mine. I needed to be touched.

“The last thing you need is to be near a dragon! You’re so aroused. That’s the burning you feel. They did this so you would mate with him… he is the dragon you smell of, isn’t he? He is Dracos.” He said reaching for me, unable to control himself. His palm closed over my breast, rolled my nipple on his open palm, as I opened my mouth to stop him, but moaned instead- trembling with need. My mind tried to fight the poison and tell me this wasn’t right, he wasn’t who I wanted, but I yearned to be touched. I needed it.

I let out a moan as my eyes opened covering all of him. My vision was blurred, but I did see silver eyes devouring my breasts as his lips parted. I knew it was Ly who touched me now because his eyes were unmistakable, I meant to push him away, but my body kept accepting him… told me it was Darius. If I gave in and called him Darius… he wouldn’t touch me, so I reasoned to do just that.

If he left me now, I may be able to ride whatever this was on my own.

I couldn’t stop myself from begging for what I needed though.

“Darius, yes, please… baby!” I begged as I pushed my breast into his palm. My hands dug deep into his skin, nails anchored him… taking a tight hold, and pressing us together while he roared mirroring my need. He shook his head forcefully his hair falling loose, his skin began darkening to a bronzed color, and he expanded growing massive in size. It excited me, I rubbed myself against him… moaning and speaking incoherently... it sounded like an ancient dialect.

He abruptly stopped himself. “You don’t even know who I really am… I can’t, but fuck do I want to.” Deliberately slow he began taking his hand off me, almost like I scorched him.

I sat back on my heels, relieved he would let me go while simultaneously hating him for not giving me the relief I sought with my hands rubbing against my slick-flushed flesh. Perhaps it would be enough if I brought myself to come… but not while he watched, it reminded me of the last time I was with Darius. I needed him to leave now.

I barely understood when he moaned, “What did you drink? What did the witches feed you?” He asked me with shaking hands as he struggled and lost, feeling his hands hold my hips tightly- roughly pulling me closer. “They are close, I can feel their energy. I’ll have you myself before allowing the witches to trick you into giving him your body.”

I leaned into his body, pushing my breasts against his ribs and inhaling his scent. He was what I needed… what I craved for.

“Ly, leave now… please, before it’s too late for us both.” I pleaded against his neck, where his scent was strongest, right before I lay my hands on his shoulders stroking him just as I imagined doing all over him.

“It was too late for us both, long before this. You use him as an excuse to push me away, you always have. I know you Emma, more than you know yourself.”

He called me Emma for the first time. I needed to get out of here because this hell that trapped us was looking like heaven with my name on his lips.

“Darius, you’ve always wanted me!” I yelled into the darkened sky. “Where are you when I need you? Is this my punishment for drinking you, yet denying you all these years, for leaving you? I’ll come back for you, baby!” I shouted at the moon crawling away from the man I wished was Darius because he was right I would never stop punishing him and pushing him away.

Why isn’t Darius saving me now?
By the time he came for me, I wouldn’t be worth saving. What was I saying, he wasn’t worth saving either. He would take me back no matter what, now I understood why. We were perfectly flawed.

“The hell you will!” Ly snarled, sounding like someone else, taking me by my hair and pushing me hard against his body.

Soon after, I felt the dragon crouching over me, his forearm underneath my stomach lifting me to him, positioning my body to take him. I fervently sought the relief I’d denied myself and suddenly moved back on him pushing against his arousal. “Take me now, please! You smell so breathtakingly good, like something I could never walk away from… like everything I’ve ever wanted!”

“You don’t know what you’re saying, Beauty. But it is too late, I no longer care what you think of me, all that matters is you’ll only say my name after tonight.”

He howled, and I pulled away from him. His hands enclosed my waist as his head came down against my nape. His hair was all over my back as I felt his body growing behind me. “Give me the chance, and you will forget him- This I promise. He will pay for taking you from me when he did.”

I shut my eyes against my fear over the monstrous form I knew gripped me, shut myself against his words- his tempting promise, and against my all-consuming need. Could I pretend, he was who I wanted because with him there would be control. I could control the beast.

“Whatever you do, don’t look at me, or we’ll both be done for, Love because you too smell like what I’ve been waiting for all my endless years.” He grunted rubbing harder against me.

He was painfully hard and enormously big, I felt him so completely, rubbing me just like he had in my dream… I am consumed by my own heat soaking through my jeans. Alarming me… my hand travels behind me, feeling for him through the second skin that is his leather pants. I want to beg, plead, ask for forgiveness for sins I feel I’ve committed against this being. I can blame it on the hungers of my flesh… how it hungers now, afraid of looking back.

“I’m sorry… please, please don’t bite me,” I said with the few lucid seconds I had, “keep howling it reminds me you’re not him.”

I felt a long swipe of his tongue along my back. It pierced me with a desire so strong, yet soothing the building ache of my flesh at the same time. It was cool, wet, and deliciously erotic… relieving the burning sensations on my skin, while reminding me it was Ly who gripped me.

“Yes, yes… it feels incredible. Please, just like that- it’s helping.” I realized I wasn’t above begging him and it reminded me of an earlier time when his beast promised me he could make me beg for him. “Please, don’t stop. Just like the night you came for me out on the road and I told you, I’d do whatever you wanted… just don’t stop.” His tongue traveled my back while his hand found my breast and kneaded, rubbed, and pricked making me lose my mind.

“Ah. Yesss, just like that. It’s so gooood.” I moaned.

“I want to be selfish and take what you so blindly offer. Instead I’m helping you Beauty, but fucking killing myself at the same time.” He breathed against my skin. “It’s taking more strength than I’ll ever have to stop myself from doing all the things I’m craving to do to you. But I’ll ease your torment without doing anything to make you hate me.”

As his tongue continued, and I felt him at the base of my spine… I arched, my hands digging deep into the sand. He howled as his hips pushed digging into my wet softness. There were some needs we both couldn’t fight against.

He was the beast, it was he who found me… Eros.
My mind was driving me mad. I didn’t know who anyone was. I just knew what I recognized. And I knew he’d loved me like this before… crouched on the ground on all fours waiting to be punished by him.

I pushed my irrational thoughts into my Pandora’s box and securely locked it. “I rather it be like this, Ly. Please don’t let him come near me. I can’t turn into what he is. He can never control me again.”

“Beauty, there is no way I’m letting anyone near you now. Tell me you’re on fire for me! I need to hear you say it because I’m so fucking turned on for you.” Letting me go, he fumbled with the button on his pants.

I had to stop him because although I sought some relief from the pain, I knew I couldn’t allow anyone that close, so soon. “Ly, no please… what… is your family name?” My hand found his, gripped it, pulling it away from his half zipped pants, and I brought it in front of us digging over his into the sand. “Please, talk to me.” I said trying to find something to distract him with.

With a voice that sounded more beast than human, he said, “Luke Crowe brother of King Logan Crowe, and you my Queen are the very elusive…The Lost Princess of Dragons, Emmaley Eva Bendis Ladon. The daughter of the Draconian King, King Emmerson Ladon Drake. And also the daughter of the Goddess of Dawn Aurora.

I’d say you’re an irresistible combination for everyone, but especially me… I want you like no other.”

“Thank you for telling me who my father is.” I breathlessly whispered as I felt his hand travel over my skin making me shiver everywhere he touched. I tried to move away from him… my mind registering there was a family out there looking for me because with those simple words, he’d given me more information than I’ve ever known in my existence.

“Don’t thank me yet,” he objected seizing me as his free hand continued traveling from my waist over my stomach, his fingers gently rising, moving between my breast when his hand spanned and gripped my neck, he hoarsely demanded, “Keep your eyes closed but lift your neck to me… and do not fucking move away again. I give you my oath, I won’t bite, but I need to see what I thirst after, what I need more than my next full moon.”

“If you try to leave me now… I will unleash all… our cravings on you. My beast won’t stop until you are completely mine.”

I did as he asked, anchoring my head against his shoulder because I was weighed down with need. With my eyes closed, I inhaled deeply his scent smelling with every passing second- more Luke, “always more… Luke

Sweet pine and woods.

“Yes, it’s me who will enter you tonight. It will always be me.” He avowed. “Will I finally find you willing and ready for me? Beg me, say my name again, Beauty.”

I feared he was losing his struggle… we were both becoming lost. And although my mind argued against it, I knew I would beg for him.

His tongue rolled on my neck, while his hand dug deeper into the sand underneath mine. I looked at the moon… as he continued licking me. I felt the gentle breeze over the skin he’d wet, increasing my need. My hand lifted to his neck caressing him. Feeling him struggling for composure behind me as I moved against him. My eyes shown up at the moon, lighting it brighter than the
Sun as he soothed my pain. His free hand sought my uplifted breast… I leaned back over his shoulder as his tongue felt wide, wet over my nipple, my body convulsed, and I moaned my approval.
We’ve been here before, him and I.
I feared it was he who found me and helped me run from Darius in the cave… it explained why he knew so much.

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