Saving the Beast (13 page)

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Authors: Lacey Thorn

Tags: #Shapeshifter Erotic Romance

BOOK: Saving the Beast
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“She? Fuck! Shifter or human?” he asked gruffly.

“Shifter.” Sort of, but Diane wasn’t going into details on Kenzie with him. “Zane thought she must have smelled the scents he did and took off.”

Angel gave her a shrewd look. “I’m guessing she was your escort to find your mate.”

“What makes you think I came to find my mate?”

He grinned. “Feral cat fever sends shifters into a primal state. Your man wouldn’t have been able to leave your side if you’d already been mated. You’d still be holed up in a bedroom, fucking like animals.” He took great amusement in that comment, but Diane said nothing.

“I’m guessing you weren’t mated. He left to protect you from what the fever was doing to him. You came after him. Good for you, by the way. He’s lucky to have a mate like you. Some women would be terrified to go after their mate knowing he was locked inside the beast.”

“I’m not afraid of him. He’s mine,” she said simply.

“He is,” Angel agreed. “Smart choice on Tah’s part to send a female shifter in. Males aren’t as aggressive toward them. Most are inclined to feel protective. As your escort, she wouldn’t have bailed on you. So I’m guessing she stayed separate, giving you space to bring your mate to you. Did she warn you about the hunting party?”

Diane shook her head.

“She would have. She would have taken the time to get to you and warn you, especially with the condition you’re both in right now. He’s right to go after her. He probably told you otherwise so you wouldn’t worry. Is she a friend?”

Diane’s eyes widened as she nodded. Oh, God! She prayed Kenzie was okay.

“We need to go. If she didn’t warn you, chances are she couldn’t. I don’t have time to read you the riot act like I should. If your mate’s any kind of man, he’ll turn you over his knee and paddle your ass for opening that door to me.”

Diane gasped, stepping back again and glaring at Angel. Zane? Spanking her?

“Oh, yeah. And you deserve it. That was stupid, very stupid. I’m betting you were told implicitly to not open the door for anyone but him.”

She flushed, and he nodded.

“He’s going to be very angry with you.”

“You’re a very frustrating man, Angel. I don’t think I like you very much.”

He grinned then, and it was devastating. If she weren’t already mated, that look would make her knees weak.

“Nah, I’m a teddy bear. You’re going to love me before this day’s over. Might even make that man of yours jealous.” He winked at her, grinning like a kid full of mischief, and she felt her lips twitching to join him.

“How do you know what you know?” she asked.

“About your pride? Tah?” He shrugged. “News travels fast among shifters.”

“We’ve heard nothing,” she said.

“That’s because you’re the news,” he offered. “I plan to meet your Tah before I leave again. They’ve waited a long time for him to show up.”


He shrugged again. It was becoming annoying. “I’m a loner. I wait for no one.” He glanced around, his gaze settling on her gear in the corner. “Gather what you need. You won’t be heading back here.”

“Why not?”

“He’ll take you back to the pride, now. Not only are there hunters, but you’re still in heat, he’s still got fever, and you, my dear girl, failed to follow orders.” He grinned again. “Oh, yeah. We’re going to find one pissed off panther.”

She hurried over and grabbed her pack. She was trying to decide if she should take the tent and sleeping bag when Angel interrupted her.

“Leave the rest. You don’t need it.”

But that was just it. They probably couldn’t afford to lose any gear right now. Money was tight and would remain so until Abby went to sign those papers in Denver.

“Trust me,” Angel said and there was something in his gaze that made her want to. “You don’t need it. Not anymore.”

She slowly nodded and walked toward him. What was it about him that made her feel safe yet unsure at the same time? She wasn’t afraid he would hurt her, which was strange enough. She felt safe but leery. Did that even make sense?

“Who are you, Angel?” she asked again.

“Whoever I need to be,” he said softly, and she swore she saw just a bit of sadness in his eyes before he blinked and it was gone.

“Now listen up, and I mean listen because you’ve already shown how well you follow orders. When we leave here, we might be heading right into a battle you’re ill-prepared for. I blame your mate and your leader. Tah’s failed in this, and I’ll let him know it. I need you to follow my instructions to the letter. No room for interpretation. To the letter, Diane. Do you understand me?”

“Yes,” she answered.

“Good. Now, you’re to stay right behind me. I want no more than a foot between us at all times. No matter what you hear, what you see. If I move, you’re right on me. Got it?”

She nodded.

“If I tell you to walk away from me for some reason, you do it immediately. If I tell you to stay some place, there will be no questions. Only obedience. Are we clear?”

She glared but nodded again.

“This is a full party of hunters. I counted thirteen men, all armed for war. I don’t know what you’ve seen, but I guarantee you it wasn’t a party like this. These are lethal men, killers who will see you and use you as a means to an end.”

“Can I have your gun?”

“Do you know how to shoot?”

She chewed her bottom lip nervously, before shaking her head.

“Then no,” he answered matter-of-factly. “Are you ready?”

Her mind raced. Was this the right course of action? Should she go with him or wait until he stepped out the door and try to shut and lock it behind him? Why the hell didn’t she leave the door shut to begin with?

“I would have broken it down,” Angel said as if he could read her mind. “If you’d given me no other choice, I would have. You’re not safe here on your own. If Zane weren’t feeling so overwhelmed by you and out of control, he’d have known that. Remember as long as that fever runs through his veins, he’s not thinking as clearly as he should. I’m sure you’ve heard the expression thinking with the wrong head?”

Diane flushed. “If that were true, he wouldn’t have left me.”

“It would seem that way, but actually, he would have. The sooner he deals with this, the sooner he can get back to you for uninterrupted time. The problem is while that seemed logical here, the longer he’s away from you, the more scattered his thoughts will become. His animal is riding him hard, anyway. With feral fever, they’re no longer in sync unless they’re with you. Before you arrived, the animal was in control. Zane was more than likely still in there, but his panther was the one in charge. Now Zane’s back, but the fever keeps his animal on the surface, close enough to take over if needed. He’s feral, and at the moment like a loaded gun in a novice’s hand.”

“What does that mean?” Diane asked, almost afraid to know.

“That he’s just as likely to get himself killed as he is to take out anyone else.”

“I can’t lose him,” Diane whimpered, shaking her head frantically.

“I’ll do my best not to let that happen. I just need you to trust me,” Angel said. “Will you do that?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

For Zane, she’d do anything she needed to. Hadn’t she already proven that by coming out here to search for him to begin with? She glanced at the huge man next to her on the porch. At least, she had Angel this time. Nothing against Kenzie, but Angel made her feel a hell of a lot safer than the five-foot-two brunette.

Zane crouched in the tree line, taking it all in and trying to think. They had Kenzie. That was the one thing he was certain of. He wasn’t sure how many of them were gathered, his senses were a little fucked up for some reason. He was hot, burning hot and had a feeling the fever was coming on with a vengeance, and it was so much worse now that he’d tasted the remedy. His mate. He needed her, wanted her so desperately. It fucked with his head, pulling him in differing directions when he needed to focus on where he was and who he needed to help. Kenzie.

They had her. Her scent was strong, as was the stench of blood and sweat. His body shook with the need to burst in and get to her. The panther in him wanted to shed blood, to conquer and kill so they could get back to their mate. They both wanted to leave, go to their mate and ensure she was safe and protected. It was taking all Zane had not to shift and just let the animal have his head. He should have known better than to leave Diane. But would they have been any safer? Or would the hunters kill Kenzie then go after them? What was to say they still wouldn’t?

He had to think, to be smart and find the solution that would save them all. Kenzie. He had to focus on her first as she was the one in the most danger. Unless… There were more hunters circling behind him, searching for Diane. He shook his head. They wouldn’t know he and Diane were there. Chances where, they’d caught Kenzie’s scent and taken her, and she wouldn’t have given him or Diane up no matter what they did to her.

For the hundredth time, he wished he had a way of contacting Tah or Reno. He shook his head. No, he wouldn’t put either of them in danger if he could help it. He’d call Murphy, though. That son of a bitch would have his back in a heartbeat. Finn, too, if he was still okay. Zane should have asked Diane about what was going on, how everyone was. He didn’t even know if Abby and the baby were okay.

He rose and moved stealthily around the cabin the hunters were using. It looked similar to the one he’d taken Diane to, and made Zane wonder how many of them were hidden out here. Perhaps housing people that posed a threat to Tah and the pride. It was definitely something they should all be aware of. Maybe they’d made their perimeter too small?

Four men out front, three more in the back and at least two inside. It was a full-blown hunter party and sure as shit they were here looking for shifters. They might know about Tah. Hell, chances were higher they were here looking for Amia and Reno, especially if they were Blane hunters. They’d understood the risk when Reno had mated with Amia Blane. But Blane was simply Amia’s last name, it wasn’t who she was. She was one of them, now, more so than she’d ever been a member of the Blane clan.

Zane circled around farther. There were two men on the other side, bringing the count up to eleven. More than likely there were at least an even dozen of them, which meant there might be a few unaccounted for. He couldn’t know for sure exactly how many were inside with Kenzie. The sweat and stench of multiple bodies bled together. Kenzie’s scent was the only one he could sift through to with any certainty and even it had been altered. His senses were everywhere, though, and he couldn’t figure out what was off about it.

Would he have time to get back to Diane, get her to safety, and come back with help for Kenzie? Not likely. He continued until he was in front again, pausing for a brief minute before starting his circuit again. The numbers didn’t change and the stench of blood only grew stronger. His lips peeled back, flashing his canines, and he felt the burning in his joints that preceded a shift. He was edgy and twitchy as fuck. His mind was chaotic. The only thought he could focus on with any clarity was his mate. He was tearing apart, and the only one who could prevent it wasn’t with him.

The animal had changed tactics. It wanted to run, to get to Diane as quickly as possible. It was his only thought. The man worried he might be missing something and leading hunters right to her. He couldn’t risk it, risk her. So he fought to hold on, fought to think, fought against the fever burning in his veins and the animal that sought control, once more.

Until something tickled his nose. A scent that shouldn’t be there. A scent that should be locked up safely in a cabin several miles away from here. He inhaled deeply and moved back as the rumble in his chest threatened to leave in a hiss and growl that would expose him to the hunters he was watching.

His mate was close. And she wasn’t alone.


Chapter Nine




Angel moved quickly but managed to make sure Diane was able to stay right behind him every step of the way. She was grateful for that. He seemed to have picked up a scent that upset him as they moved, and now he stalked forward with a stealth she found frightening. His chest vibrated with low growls he didn’t seem aware he was making. He glanced back at her again, and she swore his eyes glowed brighter. His cheeks were dark with color, and he looked as if he was beyond angry. He appeared ready to kill.

They moved farther, and he stopped, pointing to the tree at his back. She slipped behind it, pressing herself tightly against the bark while he did that inhale thing again. If possible, he looked even more upset when he titled his head and glanced over his shoulder toward her again. Diane trembled, praying Zane was okay. Don’t let them be too late to help Zane and Kenzie.

Angel’s chest rumbled with displeasure again, prompting Diane to speak up.

“Are you okay?” she asked as quietly as possible.

He turned on her with eyes that glowed neon. “I didn’t expect this,” he grunted, his canines flashing like sharp daggers at the sides of his mouth. “I didn’t think it was possible.”

Despite the anger emanating from him, she sensed a bit of wonder in his voice. What had him so off balance?

He shook himself. “It doesn’t matter. It can’t matter,” he muttered. “Good news is we’re almost there. Bad news is it seems panther boy has caught our scent, and he’s not happy with either of us. And there’s a good chance he’s leading them right to us.”

“Oh, God,” Diane said, her voice shaky.

Angel sighed. “I didn’t plan to do this, but I have no choice, now.”

“Do what?” she managed to ask before he grabbed her and jerked her to him.

She wasn’t prepared. He hadn’t touched her once since she’d opened the door for him. It had made her lax, made her feel a false sense of safety it seemed. Her breasts collided with his chest, and he gritted his teeth as if he were the one in pain. He dipped his head toward her, and she strangled on her own breath as panic set in. He was going to kiss her. God, no!

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