Say Forever (27 page)

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Authors: Tara West

BOOK: Say Forever
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It’s late by the time we settle in our cabin for the night. Andrés decided the family needed to spend Christmas in New Mexico, and I think it’s a brilliant idea. His catering business is doing so well, he refused to take any money from my parents for the cabin.

It’s been seven years since we moved to San Antonio and Andrés started working for his Uncle Arturo, and in that time, Andrés managed to complete culinary school and turn his uncle’s venture into a thriving business. In fact, they are doing so well, his uncle closed all his restaurants, made Andrés a partner, and now they cater full time. Andrés and I sometimes get to work the same events together, which is fun. One time, we even managed to sneak into a utility closet and have sex while a bride and groom were saying their vows. Terrible, I know, but I’m fairly certain that was the day Victoria was conceived, so the risk was worth it.

My mom and I love working together. Our designs have now been featured in many major fashion and wedding magazines, and we’ve grown another side business off Domingo Designs. In addition to custom furniture and party designs we now sell home décor, and a few reprints of my paintings have been picked up by major retailers. One painting in particular, an abstract of a loving husband and wife holding a newborn baby, is our biggest money maker. It’s already been reprinted several times and featured in prestigious art magazines.

Andrés was worried about money when we were first married, but last year we cleared seven figures. I’d say we’re doing pretty well for ourselves. And to think, my adoptive mother thought I was throwing my life away when I told her Andrés and I were serious. Speaking of The Cobra, she made the San Antonio nightly news a few weeks ago after she and her best friend, Nora Richards, were caught trying to blackmail a state senator. Now they’re looking at time in prison. Ouch.

My mom insists on taking the kids upstairs for bath time, and I don’t argue. My legs and arms are so sore from climbing up and down that hill, I can hardly put one foot in front of the other. I fall into a cushioned sofa by the fire while Andrés fixes us drinks.

I slip my phone out of my pocket when it starts buzzing, and open up a text from Karri. It’s a picture of Tyler and his horse jumping a barrel. I cringe when I see how high that horse is flying. Good thing Ty is a natural horseman. He’s already won several races, and he’s only eight. I’m so glad Karri finally got full custody of her child. Although after Mrs. James ran off with her bodyguard and Mr. James moved to France, it wasn’t hard. She just had to convince Jackson to let her have him. Jackson was still drowning in sorrow after his latest fiancé dumped him. Seems she was so angry when she found out her engagement ring had initially belonged to me, she posted a public Facebook rant about his tight wallet and itty, bitty penis. Now he’s tied up in a defamation lawsuit with his former fiancé, and too wrapped up in his own problems to worry over Tyler. Tyler still seems like a happy, well-adjusted child, and he loves living with his mom at Violet and Grace’s ranch.

When Andrés sits beside me and hands me a cool glass of Bailey’s and milk, I’m about to show him the picture of Tyler, but one look in his smoky eyes, and I know he’s got another idea in mind. I only get a small sip of my drink before his very warm, very virile body is pressing into me. He sets my drink on the counter and lays me down, stretching across me. He reaches between us and rubs my hand up the length of his erection.

His heated breath tickles my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. “It’s time for our bath, too, mjia.” Feeling the rough pad of his thumb circle my palm, I soften against him.

“No, Andrés.” I push against his chest. “What if they catch us?” But even as I’m pushing him away, my legs spread like melting butter.

“That’s what you said when we made Victoria,” he laughs.

He gets up from the sofa, pulling me with him. When he nods toward our bedroom on the bottom floor, I swear I see horns sprout from beneath his thick hair as his eyes twinkle with a devilish gleam. I repress a shudder and lick my lips as I follow his lead and lock the door behind us.

A few useless things you don't need to know about Tara West

1. Like Tyler, if I eat gluten, I will get very, very sick. I turn into a cross between a gremlin, Godzilla (only the flames come out the other end) and a rabid dog. It truly is an ugly sight.

2. I am married to the world's most awesome, supportive man and we have a sweet little girl. They are my everything.

3. I love my fans and writer friends. They give me purpose and keep me grounded.

4. I taught high school English, journalism and photography for eight years.

5. The World's Best Brownie is in Houston at a place called Ruggles Green. It is made from hemp flour, covered in gooey chocolate, and truly is an orgasmic experience for your taste buds.

6. I have written trashy parodies under the name PJ Jones. If you'd like to give PJ's books a try, just be warned; if your laugh-o-meter is set to prude, not crude, and you have high literary standards, or ANY standards at all, you will be sadly disappointed. My favorite PJ books are Driving Me Nuts!, Romance Novel, Attack of the Fairytale Zombies! and Melvin the Dry Cleaning Zombie. Now that you know I'm PJ, please don't throw rotten tomatoes at me or burn a Jane Austen effigy in my yard. Thanks.

7. Unlike Grace's Chihuahua, my little Chi is a ball of cuddly, cute sweetness, except when she sees a cat or a squirrel. Then she's seven pounds of fluffy terror.

8. I was born and raised in Las Vegas. We lived in a few different cities when hubs was in the military, but San Antonio is where we call home.

9. I wrote and published five books in 2013, and have many, many more book ideas in my head. In 2014 I hope to publish two fantasies, two YAs and a few sexy, funny paranormal chick-lits. I'm also planning a hilarious new adult roller derby girl story with a writing partner, who just so happens to be a former derby girl.

10. I work for a romance publisher and freelance as a book cover artist. I designed all of the covers for my Whispers books and my Something More series. I have designed close to a thousand book covers since 2005.

11. My editor cut 2500 useless words from this book. I have no idea why, but I guess I really, really, like useless words.

12. Please come hang out with me on my Facebook page:

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Or send me fan (not hate)

For more Tara West books, check out my Amazon page:
Tara West

Check out PJ Jones's Amazon Page:
P.J. Jones

Books by Tara West

From the Something More Series

Say When

Say Yes

Say Forever

From the Whispers Series

Sophie's Secret

Don't Tell Mother

Krysta's Curse

Visions of the Witch

Sophie's Secret Crush

From Keepers of the Stones

Witch Flame, Prelude

Curse of the Ice Dragon, Book One

Spirit of the Sea Witch, Book Two (releasing 2014)

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Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

A few useless things you don't need to know about Tara West

Books by Tara West

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