Read Sea Panther (Crimson Storm) Online

Authors: Dawn Marie Hamilton

Sea Panther (Crimson Storm) (7 page)

BOOK: Sea Panther (Crimson Storm)
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“My mistake.” His voice purred.

Kimberly placed the last refolded shirt on the bed and
attempted to scoot past him. Before she could, he closed the door and blocked
the way. His eyes flared.

“Let me show you what happens when someone chooses to
disobey the captain’s orders.” He pulled her into his arms and captured her
lips with a blundering mouth. The assault set her heart pounding at an alarming
rate. Excitement and need shot through her veins along with the blood. She
tasted his ferocity and returned it in kind.

They meshed, becoming one.

Fireworks exploded in her head.

When he pulled away, his breath came hard, as did hers, and
his erection pushed against the buttons of his black jeans. “Leave my cabin and
don’t enter again without invitation. Do you understand?”

She raised her gaze from his groin to his eyes. Their
unusual cinnamon color had brightened, appearing almost red. Weird. She shook
her head, but his eyes were definitely red. “Your eyes—”

“Leave. Now.”

She held fingers to her tingling lips and nodded
understanding, but didn’t move, mesmerized by the unusual light in his eyes.

He turned away and leaned forward with hands pressed on top
of the desk. His knuckles whitened and his body heaved. Taut muscles rippled
with each heavy breath.


Kimberly choked back a sob, rushed into the passageway, and
ran to the refuge of her cabin. She’d made everything worse. How would she ever
be able to face him again?

* * *

Robert stayed put, leaning against the desk, catching his
breath, until Kimberly’s footfalls faded. Releasing her from his embrace was
one of the hardest actions he’d ever taken. The devil knew she could set fire
to his loins with a mere glance.

When she’d given him that quick smile, he’d slipped into
lust overload.

He ran his tongue over the elongated fangs and suppressed
his vampire-self. Kimberly was the most damnable woman. She’d certainly turned
things around on him. Her kiss demanded more than his had. What was he to do

He fell back onto the bunk and stared at the ceiling. He
couldn’t keep his hands off the spirited lass. When she was near, he lost what
little self-control remained to him. Hiring her had been a monstrous error in

The panther yanked against its restraint, wanting
desperately to mate. Having recently fed on nourishing blood, Robert forced the
animal deep into the dark recesses within him.

How had he allowed himself to get into such a quagmire?

Inviting her to the club the other night had been a foolish
mistake. Although he’d known Raven and Wolfgang would be trouble, he’d
forgotten what a stranger would think of the reprobates that frequent the club.
She must have been shocked.

Why else would she have run?

She used the excuse that she thought Raven was his lover.
Why would Kimberly care? Did she have special feelings for him?

A knot twisted in his gut when he thought of the man who’d
had her pressed against the wall of the warehouse. Robert refused to
contemplate what might have happened if he hadn’t arrived when he had. Nor did
he want to think about what he’d do to the man when he found the bastard.

The man would prefer to be dead. Robert choked back a growl.
From now on, he would maintain a friendly distance. It was the least he could
do. They couldn’t become lovers. She deserved much better than he could give

He could only bring heartbreak.

She’d seen the change in his eyes. He’d need to be more
careful in her presence. Never be alone with her. The vampire shifted within
the murky shadows in rebellion. Dread gripped Robert’s heart. The monster had
set his sights on Kimberly.



he sun peeked
over the horizon as
Sea Panther
set sail. She made the way south,
heading out of the Chesapeake. Kimberly worked alongside the boys and Colin to
keep the sleek yacht sailing smoothly on course. Neither Robert nor his sister
made an appearance on deck until after dusk.

Robert ignored Kimberly.

His sister… Well. She glared. Expected to be waited on. In
general behaved unpleasant.

The rest of the crew was great to work with and Kimberly was
beginning to consider them friends. A comfortable routine developed over the
next couple of days. In the mornings, Colin gave the order to set sail.
Kimberly shared duties with the boys, while Robert and his sister holed up in
their respective cabins until sunset.

Sea Panther
anchored offshore in the evenings. Colin
ferried Robert and his sister ashore while Kimberly enjoyed dinner onboard with
the boys. They took turns keeping watch, and whoever didn’t cook cleaned up.
After dinner, they played cards or read humorous stories aloud.

On Christmas Eve, they sailed into a public marina in North
Carolina. As Kimberly finished securing the bowline to the floating dock, her
cell phone rang. She waited for a thumb-up from Colin before answering.

“I’ve been trying to reach you for days,” Sarah complained.

“Merry Christmas to you too.”

“Merry Christmas. But that’s not why I called. Where are

“Sorry. Cell service has been unreliable lately. We just
sailed into New Bern. Why didn’t you text me or leave a message?”

“I have news. Wanted to tell you myself. I’m afraid you’ll
be upset.”

“Okay…” Kimberly inhaled a deep breath. “Spit it out.”

“The fingerprints from your car match prints taken at the
B&B. They belong to a known hit man named Dino Rizzetti. He’s believed to
be armed and dangerous.

“Shit!” Kimberly’s heartbeat kicked into overdrive.

“Yeah. That’s for sure. The cops also said he has no
connection to Mr. Romano.”

“I knew Sal wasn’t involved. Did the police arrest this Dino

“No. They haven’t been able to locate him. They want to put
you into protective custody.”

“Why?” A lump formed in Kimberly’s throat.

“I’m not sure. They want to know where you are so they can
pick you up.”

“No way.”
No way in hell

“But you have a hit man after you.” Sarah didn’t need to
remind her. Kimberly’s stomach performed major somersaults without added

John waved from deck. He was stocky and muscular. So was his
twin. Timothy was wiry but strong. Colin claimed to have once been a Golden
Glove boxer. Robert oozed power.

She didn’t need cops. She sailed with five bodyguards. “I’ll
be fine. Love you.” Kimberly ended the call and turned off the cell phone
before second thoughts kicked in. Her sister would be angry, but Kimberly would
make it up to her when this mess was over.

She climbed on deck and forced a smile for her crewmates.

“We have to decide who has watch.” John handed over four
straws, one being shorter than the other three. “Hold these, and we’ll each
choose one.”

“What about me? You guys always take watch.”

John gave her one of those you’re-being-stupid looks. “We
can’t leave you alone.”

Of course not. Kimberly sighed and held out a hand. One by
one, the boys drew a length.

“Damn.” Timothy held up the short piece.

Davey slipped an arm through Kimberly’s.

“Looks like you have the watch tonight, Timmy boy, while
John and I have the pleasure of this pretty gal’s company.”

“No worries.” John slapped Tim on the back. “We’ll bring you
something back from the pub.”

“Thanks. Make sure it’s something that’s bad for me. The
greasier, the better.”

Kimberly grimaced.

“Sure,” Davey said. “Cheeseburger and spicy fries?”

“How about rum cake?” Kimberly offered. “After all, tonight
is Christmas Eve.”

“Yummy.” Timothy grinned, but then his expression sobered.
“Be careful. The captain said to keep a close watch. He doesn’t want strangers
too close to Kimberly.”

“How will I dance if no one is allowed near me?”

“You’ll dance with us,” the twins said in unison.

“Lead on, boys.” She chuckled, pretending to be full of
holiday spirit.

Kimberly followed them across the worn grayed planks of the
dock to shore. Arms linked, they strolled along a charming street lined with
houses draped in flickering holiday lights. When they reached the Main street
pub, John muscled their way through the crowd. Luck was with them. They grabbed
a semicircular booth as a family vacated it.

Kimberly slid across the turquoise vinyl to the far side and
faced the bar. Davey and John took up residence to her left. From there they
had a view of the front door across the half-high panel at her back, leaving
the bench to the right vacant. While they chatted, the twins monitored the
entrance and anyone who ventured too close. She chewed on the corner of her
bottom lip. They were obviously going to hound her all night. Just as well,
Sarah’s news was disturbing.

A hit man could be anywhere. Here? Kimberly nervously
scanned the crowd.

* * *

Robert paced the dock alongside
Sea Panther
glared into the starlit night. The animal lingered at the edges of his consciousness,
waiting for a moment of weakness. Marion circled above the yacht before landing
on Robert’s outstretched arm and releasing a lengthy croak.

When she whispered a warning in his mind, he tensed. “Keep a
sharp eye out tonight, Tim.”

“Something wrong?” The lad lazily dangled his long legs over
the edge of the deck from where he sat.

“Perhaps.” Robert glanced into the nearby woods and
scratched the back of his neck. “Have a bad feeling.”

Marion leapt from his shoulder, flew over Timothy, and down
through the companionway. A few minutes later, Colin and Raven emerged from the

“Shall we go?” A wicked grin crossed Raven’s crimson-painted

. Robert cracked his neck. Whatever went down,
his evil twin planned to enjoy. He grasped her elbow, and Colin fell in behind.
“Timothy, stay alert.”

“Aye, aye, Captain,” the lad jovially called after them as
they headed to shore.”

“Something wrong?” Colin asked.

“Marion saw a dark figure with binoculars scoping the yacht
from the trees near that outcrop of rocks.” Robert pointed to their right.
“When she circled, the watcher slipped deeper into the trees.”

“What do you need of me?”

“Make the pickup and return to
Sea Panther

Colin inclined his head and strode off.

Robert frowned at his sister. The memory of how he’d found
her remained a raw wound. After a hundred years of living the curse, he’d
thought all of his family, including Marion, had died after living out their
natural lives. Then to find her at Waterloo in the midst of all the young
soldiers’ dead bodies with blood dripping from bared fangs had forced him to
his knees. The rage still rode him.

She shifted into a raven and flew away from him that night.
This evening, she would do his bidding, though he regretted using her. “Feed.
Enough to sustain us both.”

“’Twill be a pleasure.” Raven entered the woods with a swish
of hips.

Robert reached within for the transformation. Fangs burst
forth, lengthened, and the vampire emerged. He would protect what belonged to

His yacht. His crew. His mate.

* * *

Willy moved away from the marina with as much speed as he
could manage. He’d heard rumors the Panther owned a pet raven, and the darn
bird had seen him. The evil creature possessed the same alarming stare as the

Damn, he hadn’t meant to show himself so soon. Willy reached
into the fanny pack and rummaged for the tools. Holy water and a silver dagger
given to him by a member of the slayer society he joined after learning of his
sister’s fate.

He’d avenge the slut.

His feet slammed against dead leaves as he weaved in and out
of trees and dodged low-hanging branches. He needed to get away. As far away as
possible. He ran for what seemed like forever—until his chest burned.

The forest thickened. Deciding he’d gone far enough, he
stopped and bent over. Hands on thighs, he panted and gasped for oxygen. When
he could breathe again, he looked up.

What the fuck?
A sinfully sexy, raven-haired woman
stood in front of him. The sexy-hot expression in her eyes made blood race to
his cock.

“Like what you see?” She stepped closer.

“Yeah. We can have some fun.” He licked suddenly dry lips in
anticipation of riding the bitch and moved into her personal space. A long red
fingernail dragged across his chest. Unexpected pain stunned him. His t-shirt
shredded and blood oozed from a stinging cut. Excitement escalated. Didn’t
matter if she liked it rough. So did he.

She slowly wet crimson lips with the tip of her tongue. His
was hangin’. Damn, if she wasn’t a bitch in heat. She gave him a major hard-on.
So sexed up, he was gonna explode.

She grabbed his crotch and squeezed. Oh, yeah!

He jerked his gaze upward. The woman’s eyes changed color.
Turned a frightening blood red. What? Too late, Willy spotted the fangs.


He tried to pull away, but couldn’t budge. She licked her
lips again and leaned in close. Willy struggled, but couldn’t move leaden
limbs. Those sharp pointed teeth hovered closer. Closer to the vein throbbing
in his neck. Closer still.

Panic seized him. He had no control over his body.

She’d paralyzed him. He could feel sensation, but couldn’t
physically move. Acid choked his throat, and Willy learned the taste of fear.


* * *

His vampire-self scented fresh blood. Robert fought to
maintain control over the fiend’s actions as he cautiously approached his
sister and her prey. Daintily licking the edge of her mouth, Raven tossed the
human away. She grinned at Robert and her pupils returned to normal.

He hated himself for what he’d take from her—blood.

The monster must feed. The vampire rose to the surface and
hissed at Raven.

“Easy, big boy.” She laughed and held out an arm. “Take what
you need.”

He latched onto her wrist, sank sharp fangs into tender
flesh, greedy for the nourishment she provided. His hunger proved voracious.
The rich nectar on his tongue provided strength and renewed the vampiric
connection between brother and sister.

She allowed him his fill. When finished, he grazed his
tongue across the marks and closed the wound. Satiated, the vampire receded to
a shadow in the background of Robert’s mind. “Thank you.”

He was truly grateful, but uncomfortable with the
blood-taking just the same.

His sister smiled, reminiscent of the lass of their youth.
Only for a moment, then the
Kick Ass Girl
returned. She used a metal
tipped, booted foot to roll the intruder over.

“Willy?” Shock gut-punched Robert. He could hardly believe
the lad he’d been kind to in the past stalked his yacht. The growl emerging
from deep in his chest resonated betrayal.

Had the lad stalked Kimberly too? Probably.

“You ken him?” Raven asked.

“Aye, he crewed for me up north. I dropped him off in Cape
May for a family emergency. That is when I took Kimberly on as crew.”

“Foolish mistake.”

Robert ignored Raven’s rebuke and ripped the fanny pack from
Willy’s waist. He snarled at the contents. Tossing the vial of holy water to
the ground, he examined the razor sharp silver dagger tilting it first in one
direction then the other.

“Nasty little boy. Next time you will not enjoy my kiss.”
Raven kicked the lad hard with the metal tip of her pointed boot.

Willy moaned, but barely moved.

“What shall we do with him?” Raven reached down and stroked
the lad’s crotch. Terror-filled wide eyes looked back at her. “Shall I suck him
dry and hang the corpse from a tree?”

Robert nudged her away from the lad and knelt over Willy.
“Why are you here?”

The lad trembled as some of the paralyzing effects of
Raven’s scratch wore off. Struggling to speak, his mouth opened slightly, but
no words came out.

Robert ground his teeth, waited. The tranquilizing effect
would take time to neutralize.

“Y-yo-you kil-led my sis-sis-sister,” Willy managed to
burble after several minutes, a stream of saliva running along his chin.

“Pathetic.” Raven shook her head and curled her lip.

“Go enjoy Christmas Eve, darling.” Robert wanted to be alone
with the young man to learn exactly of what the devil the lad was babbling

Raven’s eyes flared red. “You sure you don’t want me to take
care of him?”

Willy pissed his pants.

“Leave him to me. I don’t want you further involved.”

“Fine.” She tossed her long black hair over a shoulder and
strutted off.

Torn between the need to punish the lad and the need to find
Kimberly and ensure her safety, he glanced at the position of the moon. There
wasn’t enough time for both.

“Listen to me carefully, Willy. I have nae idea what you
think I might have done. But I can assure you, I have not killed anyone.”
least not for the last one hundred years
. Robert leaned back on his
haunches. “Most of the effects of our little encounter will wear off by sunrise.
Would be in your best interest to forget about being here. About meeting us.”

“Wha-at do y-yo-you mean m-mo-most?”

“Ach, now lad. You see, there is a small lingering effect of
Raven’s sweet kiss. She can track you. And through her, I can too. We will
always be able to locate you. Talk to you.”

BOOK: Sea Panther (Crimson Storm)
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