Sean Donovan (The Californians, Book 3)

BOOK: Sean Donovan (The Californians, Book 3)
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This book is dedicated to my nephews,
Derek Kolstad, Angus Wick, Bob Kolstad,
Billy Wick, and John Wm. Wick.
I pray that you will know God intimately,
and serve Him with your whole heart.

About the Author

Lori Wick was born and raised in Santa Rosa,
California, the setting for this series. Lori and
her husband, Bob, live in southern Wisconsin
with their three children, Timothy, Matthew,
and Abigail.

Visalia Families-1876

Sean Donovan

Charlotte Cooper (Charlie)

Sadie Cox (Charlie's Aunt)

Sheriff Lucas Duncan


Santa Rosa Families-1876

The Marshall Riggs Family

Wife-Kaitlin Donovan Riggs


Extended Family-Marcail Donovan

The William Taylor Family

Wife-Mable (May)


The Jeffrey Taylor Family

Wife-Roberta (Bobbie)


The Nathan Taylor Family


Children-William (Willy)


Santa Rosa, California

May 1874

That'll be it for the night, Sean. Close up the back and
head home."

The brooding young man nodded but did not speak. It
was on the tip of his tongue to tell the livery owner that
he would go home if and when he felt like it, but that
remark would probably cost him his job, and that was
something he could not afford if he was ever going to get
out of this town.

Carefully hiding his anger, Sean Donovan closed the
rear doors of the livery with little more than a glance in
the direction of his employer. He didn't speak or bid his
boss goodnight, even as he made his way to the front
door and out into the street. Dozens of other Santa Rosa
residents were closing up shop and heading home.
Many knew Sean by sight if not by name, but he chose to
meet no one's gaze nor even return their greetings.

His sister's house loomed before him long before he
was ready to face his family. He hesitated in the street for
several minutes, hoping he could get upstairs to his
bedroom without being noticed.

"Sean?" His sister called as soon as the front door
opened, and Sean worked to conceal the anger he felt.

"Hi, Sean." A very pregnant Kaitlin Riggs came from
the direction of the kitchen, her voice as sweet and kind
as her spirit, but it was totally lost on Sean. "How was

"Fine," he replied sullenly, and Katie found herself
fighting to keep her own feelings from showing. All they
did lately was quarrel, and Kate did not feel up to an
argument tonight. She couldn't help asking herself,
however, how long was he going to stay angry? How
long were she and the family going to be made to suffer
for something their father had done?

"Supper is nearly ready. Why don't you wash up?"

Sean turned to the stairs without answering her, walking straight past his younger sister, Marcail, without
even acknowledging her.

Marcail and Kaitlin exchanged a look, but knew that
more words wouldn't change anything. When they
entered the kitchen together a moment later, Kate's husband was coming in the back door. Marshall Riggs,
"Rigg" to everyone, pulled his wife close and kissed her.
He then went to his sister-in-law to embrace her and kiss
the top of her dark head.

"Where's Gretchen?" Rigg asked after his daughter,
who was not quite two years old.

"She's playing on our bed," Katie answered him.

Rigg went in the direction of the bedroom, tossing the
question over his shoulder as he went, "Did Sean get

Kate answered softly, "He's here, Rigg. I can tell he
doesn't want to be, but he's here."

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