Sebastian: The Complete Series (55 page)

BOOK: Sebastian: The Complete Series
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He paused for a fraction of a second, then his smooth lips were on my hole and his mouth was caressing my opening, his tongue slipping over me and wetting me in the most intimate of ways. My body was running on a mixture of adrenaline and nerves, and it took over, pining for him in a greedy, out of control way, bucking underneath him, yearning for more.

It was a satisfying feeling to have his fingers enter me, quickly opening me up, and I welcomed it all, letting my body sink further into the sofa and my legs go limp over his shoulders. When he pulled his mouth from my hole, still working those thick fingers expertly over my prostate, I grabbed hold of his shoulder, staring into his eyes as he grazed his head over my hole, pushing into me slowly as he held my gaze with his own inflamed look.

“Robert,” I croaked out through pants of air. “Fuck me.”

His balls lay flush with my cheeks, his girth spreading me open in a way only he would ever do and I jerked around him, my muscles contracting and holding him tightly in me while he growled my name above me. “You feel so fucking good.”

“Please,” I whispered. “Please, Robert.”

He grabbed the back of my thighs, lifting up and pulling his long length from my insides. When he slammed back into me, I braced myself on the arm of the sofa and watched as he rammed his cock into me over and over. “That’s it, baby, show me how much you need this.”

I was on fire, burning up from the inside out, hardly breathing, my body tortured by the bliss he was giving me. The broken cries which filtered through my brain slowly registered as mine, and I gave up trying to be quiet, going instead for the full on porn star style moans.

Robert ploughed into me, his cock rigid and stretching me wide as he thickened, his own orgasm getting closer as he continued to fill me up. I was aching for him, for him to keep going, to make me come again like I knew he could. “You're so close,” he panted down at me. “Come for me.” With two violent thrusts, I grabbed hold of his shoulder, my body contracted around his, surely making it impossible for him to hold off. “That’s it. Come, baby!”

I screamed out, and a nanosecond later, so did he—his cock shooting deep inside me as I jerked and pulsed under him. “Fuck!” My cream shot out so hard I could feel it splatter on my chest. “Robert, my God!” I couldn't breathe, could barely take a shallow swallow of air.

He hovered above me, his damp body covered in sweat as was mine, his lips working their way down my neck to my mouth where we kissed lazily, his softening cock slipping from my body. Slowly, he lay beside me, and I moved willing into his arms, lying with him while we caught our breath.

As my thoughts cleared, I considered how long it had been since we did that, and how differently it had happened. I thought it would be full of drama, that it would be hesitant and plagued by memories, but it wasn’t.

It was us. Just like we’d always been.

Perhaps even better, because underneath all that desire and need there was a stronger current of love there egging us on, driving us deeper, causing tsunamis of emotions to well up until they were too much to bear.

After so many words, so many long conversations, all the chats with friends and our psychiatrist, there was nothing left to say.

We didn’t need to hear anything more.

That one pure moment lying on the sofa in his—
—sitting room, the Christmas tree lights blinking in the bay window, the flames from the fire lighting the room and heating our now cooling bodies up, him in my arms and the knowledge we’d got through so much.

What more could I ask for?

I had everything I could ever want right there in my grasp and no matter how hard it had been to get to that point, there was nothing on earth which could pull him from my arms, not even my own demons.

With a soft kiss, Robert worked his mouth over the tears I didn’t realise I was shedding, turning me to face him before smiling down at me.

Cradling his face in both my hands, I lifted up, kissing him tenderly. “I'm so lucky to have you. Thank you.”

Robert kissed me, wiping one last tear from my face with the pad of his thumb. “Thank you. Thank you for waking me up and showing me how to live.” He stroked my hair back from my face. “Before you, I was just existing, wondering what it would be like to actually feel more than I had ever done before. I’d searched for so long and almost given up when you stepped into my life. How I feel for you is something so deep, so special, and I always felt it, right from the first night we shared. I was so frustrated, so pissed off. It physically hurt to have you near me and yet know I could never fully be the only one. I’ve been fighting for us since before there was an us. I'm never letting you go, Sebastian Knight. Never.”

“Good, because I'm never leaving.” I grinned up at him.

“No, you're not.” Robert laid his head on my chest, holding me in his arms. It was a few minutes later, after much silence and tender touches, that he lifted his head and looked into my eyes. “I got you something, but I'm not sure I should give it to you.”

My heart fluttered a little. “Is it a puppy?” I’d asked for one, but obviously I couldn't be trusted to look after another living creature.

He’d instead bought me a houseplant—a houseplant, people! He said if it lived six months I could have a goldfish and work my way up to a puppy.

I sort of knew it wasn’t a puppy, but I enjoyed playing with him.

“We’re working up to that, remember?”

“Yeah, yeah.” I waved flippantly, totally planning on bringing home the St Bernard puppy I'd spotted for sale in the local newspapers in the New Year. “Soooo, no puppy, huh?”

“Fraid not.” He reached under the sofa and pulled out a small box, and it was at that point I slipped into cardiac arrest.


He sat up and I moved with him, clenching the box in my fist while he looked smugly on.

“Thank you.” I was about to slip it back under the sofa and pretend that didn’t happen when he caught my hand and pressed it to my chest,

“Open it.”


“Seb.” He opened his eyes real wide and then actually fluttered his eyelashes at me.


“Yeah, I'm using what I've got, okay? Now open it and stop panicking.”

It could be a really, really small, teeny tiny puppy.

Opening the box up from its pretty gold wrapping paper, I cautiously stared at the box, knowing it was for jewellery and maybe slipping further into denial about what was going to be in it. “So, it’s not that I
love you or want to be with you or anything, and it’s not that I don’t see a future with us or want that future, it’s just—”

“Sebastian! If I were going to propose, it wouldn’t be like this, okay. Now open the box.” He chuckled as he splayed himself out behind me on the sofa, and I took the first breath since he gave it to me.

Opening the box, I found two thick pendants in white gold or something similar. They connected together making the infinity symbol but apart had a nice twisty look to them. I love them instantly and grinned down at him.

“Thank you.” I picked one up, turning to see my initials on one and Robert’s on the other. “These are gorgeous. I’ve never seen anything like them.”

“I had them made for us. They’re unique like us, and they only work together, like us.” Robert fastened it around my throat, kissing the back of my neck. “Just so you know, proposing
happen, but not yet, and certainly
after we’ve finished fucking.”

“Oh good, yeah… So, I do want that. You know… later.”

“I know and I feel the same way.”

“Thank you.” I turned around, fastening his chain around his neck before sitting on his thighs. “So… this puppy. I've seen one I want…”


“But I
him. He’s not that big.”

“Well, no puppy is big, but they do grow.”

“I’m sure this one won't grow much.” I had no idea about dog breads, so, you know… “He’s so cute. I’d look after him so good. I promise.”

“I dunno, baby. We have a lot to do next year…” He broke off when I pouted. “Well… Ugh.”

“I picked a name out. Thor. He looks like a Thor. I think he’ll fit right on in with us. And he’s so small and sweet.”

He threw his arms over his head, and I knew I'd won so I did my little victory dance on his lap while he chuckled. “Fine, but I think we should wait until after the New Year, because I don’t think Thor will be able to fly to Miami with us.”

“Yeah, you're right… Wait. What?”

“Miami. You’ve heard of it, right?” He threw a cocky grin at me and I slapped his chest.

“Yes, I have! And… Really? Like really, really?”

“Yup. We leave as soon as we get back from your parents on the thirtieth.”

I was too excited for words, and I was pretty sure only dogs could hear my squeals. “I can't wait! Thank you.” I kissed him all over his face, finally stopping on his lips where he coiled his arms around my waist and pulled me underneath him, quickly pinning me to the sofa with his bigger frame.

“So… you ready for round two?”

“Oh yeah.” I grinned up at him, all ready for another bout of dirty sex with the man I loved.

There were bad times ahead, but right then nothing mattered.

We had each other and we were determined to make it work. We saw a future together, and although we couldn't see what would happen on the road to that place, we knew we would get there if we stuck together. Oh, and if we had my cute little St Bernard puppy along for the ride.

They stay small, right? I'm sure they do.




Thank you for reading Sebastian’s Knights to Remember. Both him and Robert will be back in 2016 in another instalment of Knights, this time from Roberts point of view and their story will continue.



Nicole Colville

Amazon Best Selling Author

The home of bittersweet M/M romances which will leave you craving more

Nicole Colville was born and currently lives in Leeds, England. She is a wife to her very understanding hubby and a mother of two young girls who somehow manages to fit in being a full time author of m/m romance and erotica into her busy home life.

She loves writing complex characters in bittersweet romances which will leave you addicted and craving more from her men.

Although best known for her popular series, Hidden and Knights to Remember, she also enjoys writing with friend, and fellow author, E.M. Leya. Together they have published two books in their Sinful Temptation Collection with more planned.

Her new ménage collection based in the popular city of Manchester, England has four books planned for release in 2015 & 2016.

Author Page


: @nikkiecolville

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