Seducing Peaches

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Authors: Crystal Smith

BOOK: Seducing Peaches
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Seducing Peaches




Crystal Smith


Seducing Peaches


Copyright 2013 by Crystal Smith


Kindle Edition



This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.  Your support and respect for the property of this author is greatly appreciated. 


All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


Book cover design by Melody Simmons.




This book is a work of fiction.  Any resemblance to persons, living or dead,

or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.


Disclaimer:  The material in this book is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content.  It is intended only for those aged 18 and older.





















To all,

Allen, this has been a long time in the making.  Thank you for standing by me through all the ups and downs.  For having patience with me when I am sure if the shoe were reversed, I would not have.  I love you.

To my beautiful kids Zach and Ashley.  I love you both.  Thank you for helping Mommy with your creative ideas for my book.  Ashley Cinderella is in here.  Zach there is a motor vehicle accident.  I’m sorry I couldn’t find the right spot to fit in the idea of him being Rambo. 

Mom, thank you for helping me with the kids.  No matter what you say, the next novel about Jade was not your idea.  LOL!  I love you.

Liz, thank you for giving me words of encouragement through this entire process.

Latam Green, Tom wouldn’t be as hot as he is without your help!  Thanks much girl. 

Fans, I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it.  I will be setting up a blog soon so keep an eye out.  Feel free to email me questions. 
[email protected]


Much Love,









     Lois was just a small town girl who lost her Mother at a very young age leaving her in the hands of an extremely mad Father who turned to alcohol for relief.  After putting her through hell itself, she left and never looked back after turning eighteen.

She never thought her new life would be just as challenging and painful as her last.  She worked job after job just trying to make her way through life.  After opening her heart to someone, in one night he shreds it to pieces.   Making a vow to herself to never trust a man again.  She promises herself to only engage in conversation when she absolutely had no choice.  Work.

Growing tired of the same old thing every night while waitressing at a local bar, she takes a job as a first assistant to a wealthy hotel chain owner.  After her truck breaks down on the way to her first day at a new job. She is given no choice but to take a ride from a complete stranger.  A man.

Lois and her ability to converse with the opposite sex only sparks a lot of curiosity with this new stranger and within herself.  She finds herself struggling to maintain control.  After insulting the stranger who graciously and safely delivered her to work, she receives the surprise of her life.  This stranger turns out to be her new boss and owner.

Her first impression is he is an arrogant asshole and womanizer just like every other man.  So why is it she finds it hard to believe he can make her body, mind and soul respond to him in a way she never thought was possible?  She never expected it would turn into love.

Tom Hastings is a Hotel chain owner who can have any woman he wants for the most part. After his father died, he took over running the family business and turning it into quite the success, he has one love in his life and that is his Mother and he has no plans to change it.  Tom only wanted a woman for one need and it didn’t involve his heart being engaged in feeling. 

After his first assistant grows tired of Tom not refusing to give her more, she quits without notice.  Tom encourages his right hand man, Mark to replace her immediately.  Mark has grown tired of constantly training woman for this position and losing out of his own life, he hires a first assistant that he is sure last, giving him freedom of getting his life back.  She didn’t match not one of Tom’s specifications.  She was perfect.

Tom on his way to work in the sudden down pour picks up a woman walking in the rain.  She is timid and has an obvious fear of men.  After talking with her on the way, he has growing suspicions that this is his new employee.  Irritated by Mark not following his orders, he is awkwardly intrigued by her and sets out to find out more about her.

He never dreamed spending more alone time with her to learn about her past would cause him to first fall in total and complete uncontrollable lust, then love. After a business trip that Tom sets up to again be alone with her goes terribly wrong, Lois runs again.

Will Tom go on to have only a friends with benefits relationship with women or will he chase after her? Will Lois ever have her fairy tale ending or is this another end to a heartbreaking chapter in her life?



















The Beginning

“You know Michelle, this isn’t a good idea.  I’m starting my new job tomorrow.  I can’t be out getting drunk.  Lord knows it will be the crack of dawn before I can drag your ass home and I don’t want to show up hung over from an all-nighter either.”

“Look, you need to take a load off.  We won’t stay out late.  Have a few drinks, few dances, few hot sexy guys.  You know the usual.”

“No! I told you it is not going to happen.  I should have never told you.  I don’t understand why in the hell it bothers you so much.  It’s not your body it’s mine.”

“Because you are 23yrs old and you shouldn’t be living the life of a nun.”  Michelle gave her the ‘I am fixing to get us both into trouble look’.  “You know you want to.”


“Sarcasm is not an attribute that will attract you a stud muffin so I suggest you lose it before we hit the clubs.” 

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.”  Lois knew exactly how this night was going to end.  Just like the last time she had gone out with Michelle.  Michelle puking her guts up from drinking everything everyone gave her and Lois holding her hair.  It wasn’t a fond night of memories for Lois.

Whistle…..  “Damn Lois, someone’s getting lucky tonight aren’t they?”  Michelle teased her.

“If that’s what you get off this, then I am so changing.”

“Don’t you dare!  You look hot.  Come on.  You never know your Prince Charming could have a thing for red, or black leather.  Love the boots.  Stay the way you are.”

“I don’t want to send off the message that I’m easy Michelle.”

“Oh trust me, it don’t say easy.  Dangerous, kick your ass, don’t fuck with me without an invite definitely not easy.  That’s what you’re saying by wearing that!”

“Hmm.”  Lois turned taking one good long look.  Her cherry red v neck top showed off just enough cleavage to let a man know it was there, but not enough that the mind didn’t have to wonder.  Her black leather mini skirt snug to her hips showed off her curves.  Black 4inch heel boots that came up just below the knee gave her height the extra umph it needed.

Hair had never been her greatest ability at managing so a simple pony with her bangs pulled to the side and wrapped did the trick and it was easy to do.

“Ok, let’s get started.”


     It didn’t take Michelle long before she had her a man and he was practically humping her brains out on the dance floor.  Lois shook her head in disbelief at how easy it was for Michelle to snatch on to a man.

Lois on the other hand, always spent the majority of her nights out with Michelle, sitting lonely at the table because when she was asked to dance, she always politely turned them down.  The one time she accepted the offer, she could barely walk the next day for the bruises on the top of her feet.

Lois glanced across the room again checking on Michelle one last time before she went to the ladies room.  Once inside, she looked at herself in the mirror questioning why in the hell had she let Michelle talk her into this shit again.

Coming out of the bathroom, a force from behind her sent Lois sailing forward at an uncontrollable rate.  Lois squinted her eyes closed, half expecting to land on the floor on her face.  Instead, the warm, strong arms that held her immediately caused her nerves to shoot to the sky.

“Are you ok?”  The stranger’s voice was deep, raspy, sexy as hell.  She didn’t want to open her eyes.  She only wanted to hear his voice and picture the way she imagined he would  look like.  Her dream man.

“You’re mighty lovely laying here and all but you need to open your eyes for me.  Are you ok?”  This time the voice was different.  More excited.  Damn it, she had to open her eyes.  She couldn’t let whoever it was that held her keep holding her. 

She batted her eyes open only to let her mouth open as well.  Tall.  Dark.  Sexy eyes.  Lips that made her mouth immediately crave for a taste.  Broad shoulders.  Muscular chest seen through his dark navy shirt.  Small beads of sweat rested where his collar bones met.  Suddenly she had the urge to lick him there.  Suck him.  Taste him.

The sound of a clearing throat pulled her back out of her soon to be wet dream, and back to look in his eyes when she noted the sly grin on his mouth.

“I’m guessing your pretty ok now then?”

She pulled herself up to a standing position unable to answer his question.  Her hand still held on to his biceps feeling the muscle beneath.  If she didn’t let go of him and look away she was sure her knees would give out any second.

But damn, his eyes had her locked completely.  She couldn’t blink.  She couldn’t think.  She couldn’t do anything except stare into his hypnotizing gaze.

“I’m gonna let you go now.”  She seen his mouth move but didn’t hear a damn word his sexy lips had said.  She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his boldly.  When his mouth moved back against hers it was over.

A new found heat shot through her body.  Soft, gentle lips soon became heated and demanding of hers.  She gave him everything he wanted.  She tasted his taste.  And he tasted of BBQ wings and beer.  He tasted good enough to eat.

He brushed her lips one last time before raising his mouth from hers.  When Lois opened her eyes, it was as if she was staring into a fire raging out of control.  She wanted him.  But most importantly, he wanted her.

“Lois, let’s go.  I can’t stand it.  I’ve got to lay down.”  The sound of Michelle’s slurred words brought a smile to his lips and an irritation in Lois.

“Nice to meet you Lois.  Maybe some other time.”  And then he was gone.

Lois searched through the crowd searching for her mystery man.  She wasn’t ready to let him go.  She wasn’t ready to not be kissing him.  She wasn’t ready to go home.  Alone.

Lois turned back looking at Michelle, irritated by the fact that it was her fault she wasn’t still in his arms.  “Do I interrupt you when you are dance fucking every guy you can get out there on that damn dance floor?  No!  I leave you alone.  Jesus Michelle! You sure did pick a bad time.”

“I’m sorry Bestie, I can’t help it.  I just kept drinking and they just kept buying.  Please take me home.  Come back if you want.”  Michelle couldn’t even keep her eyes open.  She sure in the hell wasn’t standing straight as Lois watched her body move in circular motions.

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