Seducing Peaches (7 page)

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Authors: Crystal Smith

BOOK: Seducing Peaches
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Lois couldn’t say a word.  Again she was speechless.  Her body began to heat up and her heart began to beat at a very irregular and fast pace.

“Mother has insisted that you have dinner with us.  Can you attend?”

“Yes, I suppose I can but really I shouldn’t.  I mean.  Don’t feel obligated to bring me to dinner just because you’re Mother insist that you do.  I mean, nothing really happened last night.  I had no right coming in here the way I did.  We can just forget about it.”

“Who knows, maybe it is me insisting.  Maybe I insisted that my Mother invite you so you would come.  And what makes you think I have any intention of letting you forget last night.  I am not in the habit of making easy to forget memories.”  She looked at his eyes and she could see passion.  No not passion.  Fire.  Hot, Hot Fire. 

“Did you insist on the dinner?”  Lois stuttered her way through the question.

“No, but that’s beside the point.  I did have every intention of taking you to dinner tomorrow night, but I guess tonight will have to do.  It is also a charity dinner.  You will need a gown.  Do you have one?  And answer my question Peaches.”  She felt a smile tug at her lips from his endearment.

“No.  No.  No.  Yes, I probably have something that will do.  And well I don’t know, I just assumed I guess.”

“Good, I will pick you up at 6pm.  Be ready.  Mother doesn’t like me to be late.  What’s your address?”

“810 Eagles Street.  You don’t remember?”

“For all I know, that could have been your friends place and not yours.  And Lois, I never get drunk.  It will do you well to remember that as well.”             

“Why did you act drunk then?”

“Humor.  I wanted to see how you would react when you figured it out.  Any other questions concerning last night?”

Lois didn’t say anything, but he could tell she wanted to when her eyes squinted and read anger.  She stood and quickly strode out of his office.

He was going to ask me to dinner tomorrow night.  YES.
  Anger didn’t last long.  She sat down.  “Lois.” 


“Come back.” 
Damn it now what.

“Yes Sir.”

“First, I hardly think that it is appropriate anymore to call me Sir, while we are working that is.  Everyone here is on a first name basis.”

“Ok Tom.”  She went with it.  She didn’t have much choice as her mind was stuck on when exactly it was he would want her to call him Sir if not at work.

“And you left your purse in here.”

She grabbed her purse, made her way back to her office. 
I want you now.  I want to feel your breath on my skin.  I want to have sex, no I want to have the funky monkey with you now.  Nah, I wouldn’t dare say that shit.  What the hell am I thinking!

Remembering what his breath was capable of though.  That was totally different.  When she closed her eyes, she could still almost feel his breath on her sensitive skin.

“Lois, your flushed again.”  Lois jumped looking towards the phone on her desk. 
Oh shit!  Damn it!  I hate it when he does that shit.

“Lois.”  Again she jumped looking up this time.             

“Jeez Lois, are you ok?”

“Sorry Mark, I didn’t, I mean, I’m fine.  What can I do for you?”

“I was wondering, do you think you would like to go to Blues tonight?  Laura is dying to meet you.”

“Oh I’m sorry, I kinda have plans.  Who’s Laura?”

“My girlfriend.  No biggy.  Some other time then?”

“Sure, I’d like that.”

Tonight, I am having dinner at a charity ball, with Tom, or Thomas.
  Just the thought of tonight brought a smile to her face. 
I got to get busy before he buzzes me again to inform me of the obvious blushing. 

Lois stirred on her computer and looked at the time.  3:30. 
Ok I can do this.  I’ll file some papers.  Answer the phone that I have become to think I am professional at.  New job title, Lois Brown, professional phone monitor. 
Again she smiled.


Bing.  IM

Peaches, I like it very much when you smile.


Oh my god.  Really.  What does he do sit over there and watch my every move?


      IM- Tom, I think I am going to have to do something with this office after all.  The thought that you seem to know every move I make is scary.  How do you expect me to get any work done if I am worried that you are watching me?


Lois sat there staring at her computer screen waiting on his response.


      IM- Peaches, I find it sexy to watch your every move.  I find it to be quite the turn on.  To know what you do when you don’t think anyone is watching you.  I like to think of the things that you will soon do for me.


     IM- Tom,  I am trying to get my work done so I can go home and ready myself for this charity     dinner I was so graciously invited to.  If you don’t mind, please refrain from bothering me with your sick and twisted turn on’s. 

P.S.  What makes you think I will do things for you?



IM- Lois, I have yet to you show you sick and twisted yet.  But I look forward to it.  And Peaches, you will do things for me.  : )-



Shit.  He does have the intention of something happening tonight.  I haven’t shaved my legs for two days.  I don’t have any idea what I am going to wear.  I haven’t done laundry in a week.  All I have clean are granny panties.  Calm down Lois.  Breath.



IM- Tom,  If it is ok with you, it is now 4pm and I have to leave now so that I can prepare myself for tonight.


Oh shit, that’s not what I meant to say.  I meant to get ready.  Shit, fuck, damn it.



IM- Sweet Peaches, Please go ahead if you need to.  I look forward to finding out how you prepare.

P.S. Lois, make sure to prepare well.  It will be nothing like you have ever experienced I can assure you.


      Lois blushed again.  She grabbed her things as quick as she could except for the fact that she didn’t want to hurry visibly because she didn’t want him to know that she was hurrying. 










Chapter Five

Lois opened the closet.  She didn’t have anything to wear. 

What was I thinking?

She grabbed her purse and hurried down the street to the nearest clothing store. It didn’t take nearly as long to find a dress as she thought it would. 

Shaved her legs, brushed her teeth and curling her hair all at the same time was not exactly what she ever seen herself doing,  finally she was ready.

Ding Dong.  The doorbell.  5:45pm.
Shit he’s early.
  She looked in the mirror once more eager for Tom to see her and then opened the door. 

Immediately she froze and began to tremble.  “Alex?  What are you doing here?”

“Oh, I thought I would stop by, see what you were up to.  You didn’t have to get all

dressed up
for me today.” 
How arrogant.

“I didn’t.  I have a date tonight and you’re not invited.  You have no right being here.  I

never want to see you again.
”  She attempted to shut the door in his face but he stopped it and squeezed by her.  “Look, I don’t have time for this right now.  Please leave.”

“Oh you don’t mean that.  Look at you.  You know when a girl says no but really means yes.  Your date won’t do what I am going to do you.  You know you want me.  I remember everything about you.  I remember when you kissed me how you would blush after.  Oh, Lois, you want me bad.  It’s been far too long.”

“No, I have no idea what you are talking about.  And if I blushed it was in total disgust I assure you.” She spat at him.

“Don’t play that game with me.  I don’t much like games.  Remember the last little game we played?” He reached out for her, grabbing her by the wrists he pulled her forward to him.  He tried to kiss her. 

“Leave me alone.  Leave now.”

“Oh baby, I know you want this screwing.”  He reached down pressing his hand against her inner thigh.

“No, stop it.  I don’t want this.  I will call the cops this time.  Leave now!!!”  She screamed at him.  She began to struggle and manage to free one hand. 

She slapped him as hard as she could.  She stood there looking at him to see what he was going to do next.  It all happened so fast.  He slapped her with so much force causing her to fall to the floor.  He was on top of her.  She was fighting him with everything she had in her.  He slapped her again.  She screamed as loud as she could for help. 

“Get off of me.  You can’t do this to me again.  Leave me alone.”  He tried to kiss her again but she surprised him by biting with all her might his lower lip. Lois could see the scant amount of blood on his lip.  The look on his face made her fear heighten further.  But then he smirked.

“So you like that rough stuff now do you.  Let’s see what we can do about that.”  He straddled her pinning her arms down.  She spit in his face.  She cringed her eyes closed when he raised his hand at her again. 

All of the sudden Lois couldn’t feel his weight on her anymore.  She slowly opened her eyes and was shocked by the sight but never happier.  She saw the back of a man dragging him out the door.  He stood Alex as if he didn’t weigh a single pound and punched him knocking Alex back and onto the floor. 

“If you ever touch her when it’s not wanted again, no scratch that all together.  If you ever so much as think about touching her again, I will hunt you down like the dog that you are and when I am done with you not even a dental exam will identify your body.  Do you understand me?  Don’t think for a minute I won’t.”  Tom slammed the door.

When he turned back to Lois, tears were running down her cheeks.  He walked slowly towards her not saying anything.  His face was blank.

He held his hand out to her giving her the opportunity to accept or refuse his touch.  After being attacked like that, Tom wanted to make sure she hadn’t been scared off.  They walked to the couch and Tom waited for Lois to sit down but he remained standing in front of her looking at her. 

He walked into the kitchen and after grabbing two icepacks he returned to the couch. Lois couldn’t do anything but stare at him. 

Is this another one of my dreams that haunt me and I am about to wake up?

“Are you ok?”  His questioned sincerely as he looked over her face and the mark she knew she now wore.

“Yes.  Are you ok?”  He looked down at his hand and placed an icepack to her cheek while resting his knuckles on the other.

“This is nothing.   Look I know it isn’t any of my business, but do I need to know anything particular about what just happened here tonight?”

“No, he’s nobody.  I don’t want to talk about it.”  Lois turned her head down and away from his eyes.

“Lois, don’t ever hide your face from me.  You don’t have to cower down to me or feel inferior or whatever it is that you feel that makes you look away and put your head down like that. You do it so often sometimes I wonder if you do it with just me or with everyone. Do you understand what I am saying?”

It took her a minute to answer his question, but eventually she managed to squeak out a, “Yes.”

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