Seducing Peaches (6 page)

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Authors: Crystal Smith

BOOK: Seducing Peaches
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“12 good with you?”

“See you in 30 then.”


“Mr. Ranker, I was just getting ready for lunch.”

“Good, we’re headed over to Logan’s.  Do you wanna join us?  They make the best pasta ale vi.”

“No, I don’t think so.  I’m meeting someone over at Callies.  Thanks for the offer though.”

“Lois, call me Mark.  We are all pretty informal around here.”

“Ok, Mark.”


      Lois waited at the table for Michelle to arrive.  Lois was so excited and relieved when Michelle came through the doors.  She was about to unload all of her problems on the poor innocent waitress. 

“What’s up Lois?  You’re all flushed and sweaty.”  Michelle seated herself staring at Lois with a ‘What the hell is going on’ look.

“This isn’t the first time you’ve seen me flushed and sweaty.”

“That really didn’t sound good at all, good thing I know what you mean.”  They both laughed at that.  Lois was nervous and almost embarrassed to talk about it.  Lois was scared that Michelle would think she was just totally illiterate when it came to sex.  But she’d be right.

“So, you know last night when you gave Mr. Hasting our address?”

“Yeah and when you guys did the funky monkey, and I haven’t gotten a thank you yet by the way.”

“What makes you think I should thank you?”

“Cuz I seen your eyes this morning.  You have thought of him all day. Don’t try to deny it Lois.  I’m your best friend.  I know all.”

“Well, you got me, kinda.  We didn’t exactly do the “Funky Monkey” as you call it.  We did something.  Or should I say he did something.  Anyways, there’s a problem.”

“What? Spit it out.”

“I think I must have been bad at it or something.”

“I knew it!” Michelle busted out into laughter and then calmed herself when she realized that Lois was quite serious.  “Why do you think you were bad at it?”  The look on Michelle’s face was now inquiring and making Lois feel more ashamed by it.

“First we did not do the funky monkey, quit calling it that and secondly because he hasn’t talked to me since.  He hasn’t even looked at me today!”

“What exactly happened?”

“Just stuff ok.  I don’t wanna get into the nitty gritty details.  You know I don’t kiss and tell.”

“Jesus Lois.  Hold on to your panties.  Have you tried talking to him?”

“No, I haven’t but that is beside the point.  He is supposed to talk to me first.”

“Well, I’m not sticking up for him but you know this isn’t the old days.  He doesn’t have to get your Daddy’s permission to date you.  I know you don’t kiss and tell but I think this is one time you need to if you expect me to help.”

“I swear if you ever tell anyone about this I will so kick your ass until you don’t have an ass.”  Michelle nodded in agreement.  Lois went on to tell her what happened in greater detail than she should have.  But she wanted good advice so she didn’t see any way around it.

“Wow, honey you weren’t bad.  He. Was. Really. Really. Good.  He teased and left you wanting so much more.  There is no way.  He couldn’t have pulled that off if he was drunk.”

“I don’t think he had really drunk as much as you said he did.”  Lois looked at her waiting for her to fess up to what Lois was already suspecting had happened.

“Ok, Ok.  Look I may have mentioned you were the girl that night at the bar.  I may have apologized for interrupting your kiss with him.  He may have talked me into helping him.  Don’t hate me.”

“I knew it.  You are dead meat sister just as soon as you tell me what the hell to do.”

“What do you mean?  It sounds like you are doing everything you need to be doing.”

“This is the farthest I have well,,,,, you know.  I don’t know what to do.  I don’t know what to say.  I don’t know how I should look at him.  What if I was so bad at it, he is trying to forget it therefore not even acknowledging me in the room?”  Lois’s breathing was heavy, she was straight up panicking now.

“Ok, slow your roll there.  We can figure this out.  Think about it.  If he wasn’t interesting why would he go through the trouble of bringing your best friend in on this?  If he wasn’t interested, why would he have brought you to work that night and then stayed.  Unless he had remembered you all alone.”

“This is so freaking confusing.  You got me into this mess.”

“Yeah but from the sounds of it, you shouldn’t be complaining.”

“Ok, what next.”

“How about good morning, last night was the best night of my life, wanna do it again sometime only maybe do some funky monkey to?”  Lois’s mouth fell open.  If she needed to have her tonsil’s examined this would have been a good time to do it. 

Michelle smiled differently.  Like a robber who just got away with the mother of all loads.

“Funny.  Fucking hilarious.  I can’t say that.  This isn’t a joke Michelle.  I came to you for advice.  Real advice and you’re making it a joke and laughing at me.”

“I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to make you feel like that.  I wasn’t laughing at you.  But this situation is funny.  Just sit back and think about it.  If not now one day you will look back and laugh your ass off.  And why not?  Why can’t you tell him you want him to be your first fuck experience.  Be honest with him.”

“Because that is not who I am.  That may be something you would say but I can’t do that.  I don’t look at sex as the funky monkey or just a fuck. Sex is supposed to mean something.”

“So just talk to him then.  Ask him if he wants to come over for supper sometime.  It can be an all you can eat buffet.”  Michelle couldn’t stop herself.

“Again, funny.”  Tears burned her eyes.

“Well, as much as I would like to stay here and debate this with you, I have to go.  I have a date.  Lois look, just talk to him okay.”

“A date.  With who.”

“Myself.  I am going shopping.  I need some new shoes and a pick me up and shoes just happen to do that for me.”

“Ok Girl, have fun.”

Lois made her way back across the street and to the elevator.

What am I going to say to him? 
Lois thought about it, but the more she did, the more irritated she got.  He had played her.  She barged into his office bound and determined to let him know what she thought and how she felt about it.

“Really?  Did you not think I wouldn’t figure it out?  You Bastard!  You weren’t drunk at all.  You had every intention of having sex with me and then tossing me to the curb didn’t you?  Was that your plan?  Go ahead tell me.  Entertain me with your big and flop of a plan.  Well sorry to have disappointed you there asshole.  You can’t just pretend to be drunk and then do what you did and get away with it.  And by pretend, I know what you and Michelle were up to.  She told me everything.”  Lois tapped her toe on the tiled floor making that tapping noise when you know shit is about to hit the fan. 

“Thank God we didn’t have sex.  I might have to pretend to have been too drunk to remember it.  You know, I quit getting involved in games when I was in the 3
grade.  Didn’t your Momma teach you how you are supposed to treat women?”  Lois gaped madly at him knowing damn well that she would have remembered it. 

“Lois, I would like you to meet my mother.  Clara.”  He spoke just as calm as could be.

Lois slowly allowed her eyes only to turn to where he was pointing. 
Oh shit.  Oh damn.  Fuck.  Way to go Lois.
  After a moment Lois extended her hand to Clara.  “Nice to meet you.  Sorry for the intrusion, I’ll be in my office
.”  Shit, what have I just done?  Yep, I’m fired for sure now.

Lois had just barely got her door shut to her office when there was a knock on the door.  Her jaw again was on the floor which is where it was beginning to spend most of its time. 

“Nice to meet you as well Dear.  It’s about time somebody put my son in his place.  I have been waiting a long time for you to come along.  Just make sure you keep him lined out.  Men secretly like that you know.  Now, I want grandchildren and I want them preferably before I die.  Do you have a problem with that?”  Clara stared at Lois waiting for her answer.

“Ma’am.”  Clara didn’t hesitate at all to stop her quick.

“Call me Clara.  How many grandchildren do you think you can give me?  Please don’t be embarrassed.  I’m only getting older.  I want grandbabies everywhere.”

“Clara, I think you have the wrong idea.  I’m sure you will make a lovely grandmother someday but I don’t think that I am meant to be the mother of those grandchildren.  I’m sorry for the way I intruded, really I am.  I fear my anger got the best of me giving you the wrong idea.”

“Your anger is what makes me like you.  It takes a strong woman to be able to handle a Hasting’s man.  He is so much like his father.  So how do you feel about kids?”

“I like kids very much Clara, but you see,,,,” Clara cut her off.

“Good, you’re coming to dinner tonight.  Thomas will bring you.  He doesn’t have a choice in the matter.  I won’t be seeing my son if you wanted to go and well finish your little discussion.  Good day Dear.” 

And just like that Clara was gone.  Now Lois understood where Tom got his bossiness from.  It’s not the Hasting’s man in him.  It’s the Momma Clara in him. 

“Lois, can you come in here?”  Tom may have asked but his tone demanded it.

“Um, Um,,,, I am kinda busy.”

“Now Lois
.”  Oh shit, he’s pissed.
  She grabbed her things, took a quick look around and with her head held high, she went to face the music that she was sure she would not like.

“Yes Sir?”

“Sit.”  He didn’t look at Lois right away.  He continued to read a paper in front of him.  Finally a look.  He lay the paper down and stared at Lois with an odd expression on his face.  Lois was twitching in her seat.  The waiting was killing her. 
Just fire me already.

“Where are you going Lois?”

“What do you mean?”

“You have your things.  Are you leaving for the day?”

“Well, I thought you were going to fire me so I just thought.  Oh just do it and get it over with already.  I’m not a patient woman.  I don’t like to be belittled.  Do it now.”

“No, I have no intentions of firing you.  Especially since you have made such the impression on my mother.  I may be an adult, but she can still kick my ass any time she gets ready to.  And as much as I don’t want to admit it, I would have to let her.  As far as you being impatient, well that might be interesting later on.”

First thought that came to her mind was ‘Thank God’ and then she lowered her head and played with her hands.  Her face was flushed.  She was finding it hard to believe that she hadn’t seen Clara sitting there to begin with.  When Lois looked up he was looking at her smiling.

She couldn’t
tell if he was enjoying the show of making her feel an inch tall or what he is doing.


“Yes, you see, after you so openly aired our business in which I am sure my Mother loved.  She gave me that smile.  You know the one that someone gives you instead of saying I got you.”

“You mean like the one you were just giving me?”
Oh shit.  I did.  I just said that out loud.

“Exactly.  Now,” he chuckled.

Lois had to interrupt him quickly with anger and irritation raging.  “What makes you think you got me?  And another thing, how is my lack of patience going to be interesting?”

“Because I have watched you do everything in your power today to avoid me.  You flush every time you think I am there.  Sometimes you flush when you are sitting at your desk.  I can only assume you are remembering last night especially when you pick up a piece of paper and start fanning yourself.  To be honest, it makes my cock hard as iron.  As far as the patience thing, it will be interesting to teach you what patience really is.”

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