Seducing Peaches (8 page)

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Authors: Crystal Smith

BOOK: Seducing Peaches
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“Good, well if you’re ready?”

“You still want me to go?” 

“Yes, I do.  That is, if you feel up to it.  Although, I have to be honest.  I really don’t feel like you have an option in the matter.  However you may want to go to the bathroom and freshen up first.”


Softly he smiled as he brushed his knuckles across her reddened cheek.  “Just trust me and go.”  When he kissed her forehead she didn’t believe that she could possibly ever feel safer than she did right now.

She stood and walked to the bathroom and totally was horrified to see the image looking back at her in the mirror.  Her makeup had run leaving black smudges down her cheeks showing the path that her tears had taken. 

She quickly fixed her makeup.  She applied more foundation and powder trying to cover the evidence of the earlier event that had opened a new door to Tom and her relationship.  Taking a deep breath she went back to him.

Lois stood before him in a dark blue, strapless sequenced dress that brushed the floor.  Form fitted.  The slit up the side of her leg showed just enough leg to make a mind imagine more.                        

Four inch heels matched perfectly.  A single strap crossed her toes, showing off her newly pedicured nails.  French tipped.  Shaw, again dark blue to match the dress, draped around her shoulders.  Her hair curled just right.  Each curl bounced off her shoulders as she moved.

“You look stunning.”  Lois never would have thought a man could make her turn so many shades of red with just a few words.  “I like it when you blush Peaches.  It’s quite the turn on as well.”  She blushed further as he extended his arm smiling at her.  Lois smiled back looping her arm in his.  Immediately she felt the warmth of his touch sizzle through to her skin.  She thought of how she could hold on to him forever.  Just stay in this moment that they were both in.  But then they stopped at his car as he opened the door for her to get in.

The drive there was quiet.  Lois was expecting him to ask her in further detail about what had happened earlier but he didn’t.

She watched as his hand moved from his leg to the gear shift to shift the gears and back to his leg.  She wished his hand was on her leg.  On her breast.  Between her legs. 
How can I be thinking like this after what just happened?

“Lois, are you having difficulties over there?”

“No, why?”

“Red, I sure do like that color.  Especially when you are the one wearing it.”  He smiled as he turned into a drive.  Lois couldn’t even see the house yet and she was beyond words.  The driveway paved and lit up.  Lined in dogwood trees in full bloom.  Bright little lights wrapped in the trees, lighting the drive.  The smell was breath taking.

Lois caught view of the house.  There were multiple cars being parked by valet. 
Oh my god, valet.
This is so much bigger than I thought.  I’m not going to fit in.  I don’t fit in here.
  Lois began to fidget.  She tried to pull herself together before he noticed, but again, he seen all.

“Don’t be scared, it’s just dinner.  With a bunch of rich people.  Most of them will not impress you I suspect, they don’t me.”

“Then why invite them?”

“Deep pockets.”


When they pulled up to the steps, valet opened her door, and she stepped out.  Lois’s mouth was open as she looked up the front of the ‘house’. 
This is a mansion.  A brick mansion.
  Assorted flowers were everywhere.  A fish pond in the center of the circle drive.  White shutters.  White rocking chairs on the porch.  Red brick.  She had never seen anything like this other than in magazines.

Again he walked up and extended his arm and just as before, Lois accepted it and smiled up at him feeling a little like Cinderella going to the ball.

New experiences just keep coming with this man.  Who would of thought, someone like you could make me feel as spectacular as you do.
  She wanted to say it out loud and would have had her nerves not gotten in the way when she looked around at all of the guests arriving.

“First time to a charity dinner Lois?”

“Yes, how did you know?”

“It’s a gift.  You’re easy to read.” 

“Hello Tom.  It’s good to see you again.” 
Beautiful.  Red long hair, green eyes, fair complexion.  Tall model like body.  She must be an ex.  She is practically throwing herself at him with her eyes. 

A hint of jealousy was brewing in her veins now.  She wanted to know who the hell was this woman and why did she think she had the right to look at him like he was her next meal.

“Kindra, this is Lois my date tonight.” 

Tonight?  And why the hell am I Lois now and not your Sweet Peaches?

“Nice to meet you.”  Lois didn’t extend her hand and she knew instantly that this was what jealousy felt like. 

Wow!  What makes me even begin to fathom that I have the right to feel like this now?  I don’t know if I like the way this guy can make me feel like I am the most beautiful woman in the world, then in the next second, want to tear apart some complete and total whore.  I mean look at her.  If looks could kill I would be dead.  That’s right.  It’s me on his arm.  Not you.  Sucks don’t it.

Tom could feel Lois’s tension gripping her hand tighter he led her away from the cause.  “Mother.”  He kissed her cheek, and hugged her briefly, not letting loose of Lois. 

“Lois, I am so glad you could make it.  Have you thought about a number?” Clara smiled at Lois.

“It’s a pleasure to be here.  And no, numbers have been the last thing on my mind.” Clara kissed each of Lois’s cheeks.  Lois was beginning to feel like she was in a movie.

Tom escorted his mother and Lois to their table and seated them both.  “I’ll be right back.” 
He’s leaving.  Where is he going?
  Lois watched as he walked away.

“Lois, you look lovely.  Can’t wait to meet those babies.”  Clara winked then continued. “I want you to meet Senator Adams.”  Clara politely introduced Lois.  Clara quietly whispered to Lois, “His hands have the tendency to be as crooked as he is in politics.”  Then she respectfully went on.  “This is Suzanne Adams, the Senator’s lovely wife.”

“Pleasure to meet you Ma’am.”

“Here, have some champagne.  It will help.  It always helps me through these things.”  Goosebumps suddenly appeared on Lois when she felt his breath on her ear.  Reaction caused her body to twitch and stir deep within.

“Are you ok dear, you look flushed?”  Lois smiled at Clara not being able to answer her verbally.

“I seem to have that effect on you don’t I?”  Tom whispered those words quietly while he softly blew his breath against her ear.

“I’m ok really, just a little out of place I think.”  Lois lied.  How could she tell him that he made her so damn horny she wanted him right then and there?

“You’re not.  Trust me.  Everyone else is out of place.” 


      Lois was astonished at the dinner she was attending.  She watched as Clara took her place at the podium feeling a bit of excitement of the unknown.

“Ladies and Gentleman.  I would like to welcome you to We Can Win 2012.  As you all know, the economy has not been good to some of our neighbors.  Let us all take this time to be grateful for the things that we have, never taking them for granted.  Let the festivities begin.”

“Welp, here we go.  Hope you have your dancing shoes on.”  Tom reached out and grabbed Lois’s hand and began leading her out on the dance floor. 
I don’t understand.  I can’t dance.

“Tom, I can’t dance like this.  I don’t do, ball room?”

“Yes you can, look at me, feel what I am doing and follow.”  All Lois could do was take a deep breath as he began leading her around the dance floor not giving her body time to resist.  Not that her body would have!  That deep breath that inhaled his sexy scent only made her body respond to him as her mind went fuzzy.

“See it’s not that bad.  Enjoying the ride yet?” 
Oh I would like to enjoy the ride alright.
  Lois wanted to say it, but simply beamed instead.  When the music ended they took their seats.

“Ok, so that was the warm up.  Next they will begin calling us out one by one.  This is the part I don’t necessarily care for but it’s for a good cause.  Remind me of that later.”  His eyes looked deep into Lois almost toying with her emotions.


“Because, literally it will be different.  I do believe the Ladies will line up first.  You’ll see.”

Lois watched and nervously waiting for her name to be called as she watched the women line up. 

“I am very excited and honored to introduce you all to my wonderful sons date tonight.  Lois Brown.”  Clara called for Lois to take her place.

Suddenly Lois’s knees shook as she walked up taking her place.

“Lois is kind hearted, trustworthy, and dependable.  She is gorgeous as you all can see.  She is a woman that speaks exactly what is on her mind and doesn’t back down from anyone.  One day she hopes to be able to keep a normal color while around my son.  Everyone give her a hand.” The crowd erupted, Lois searched for Tom finding him smirking devilishly back at her. 
He knew she was going to say that.  Fucker.

Clara went by handing each woman a colored handkerchief.  They were all different, bright colors.  “Keep this close dear, good luck.”  Clara whispered to Lois as she handed her the handkerchief.  Lois inspected it and found a number stitched to it.  $10,000.00. 

Lois began to feel faint at the thought of it.  The sudden movement of the men brought her back to reality as she started to pray that Tom got her number.

Next all the men lined up.  A basket was passed around the room each of them selecting an envelope.  Lois looked hoping to get a glance of what was in them, but nothing was revealed. 

“Each of the lovely ladies has a handkerchief and just as last year there is a number stitched to it.  The number represents how much you will pay to spend dancing one dance with the woman that you have chosen by selecting your envelope.” 

Dear god, please, please, please, let Tom have mine.    He is standing across from me smiling at me.  Is it rigged?
  One by one, each man opened his envelope and took the hand of the woman he had drawn. 
Ok.  Deep breath.  Tom is next.  There are only two of us left.

Tom opened his envelope and walked toward Lois, kissed her cheek and then took the hand of the woman next to her. 
  Senator Adams took Lois’s hand and led her to the dance floor. 

I want to curl up and die.  Get it together.  This is supposed to be fun.  I can do this.

He placed his hand on her waist and then began the dance.  Everyone was dancing.  The Senator soon started to move his hands lower down her waist.  Lois took several deep breaths and calmly moved his hand back up.

To her irritation he quickly slid his hands down past her hips and rested them on her ass and pulled her in tight. 
Don’t make a scene.  It’s just a dance.  It’s almost over.

Suddenly Tom was next to them.  Lois didn’t know what he was whispering in the senator’s ear but whatever he said was loud and clear.  The Senator’s face went grim, pale and he moved his hand back to her waist. 

The dance lasted to long for Lois’s liking.  As soon as the music ended, Tom was there pulling her from the Senator’s grip into his arms and leading her back to the table.  “I told you I didn’t care for that part.” 
He looks jealous.  Yes!! 

He was still irritated with the Senator half an hour later.  Tom gazed not so nicely at him.  And the Senator was the first to halt eye contact and look away each time they locked eyes. 

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