Seducing Peaches (31 page)

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Authors: Crystal Smith

BOOK: Seducing Peaches
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“OK, horror movie it is.” 

Jade searched until he thought he had found the perfect movie.  When the movie started he made her a sandwich and handed it to her.  Made a little saucer of fresh fruit and placed it in between them.  Poured her a glass of wine, and when he handed it to her he couldn't help himself she knew he couldn’t.  “Sip Lois.”  Hell if it had been her, she probably would of said it to.

She knew what he meant, he had only seen her guzzle her liquor in the past.  She took the glass and gave him a slight smile.  They ate and when the movie finished he started another.  “I’ll be right back.” 

“Where you going?”  Jade turned and looked back,

“Don't worry, I won't be gone long.” And then he smiled that perfect smile of his at her.  She was glad to hear those words.  She didn't want to be alone right now.  She thought she had, but there was something about Jade that could make it all better. 

She couldn't believe that he just held her and let her cry and sob over another man.  Of course he didn't know why she was crying.  She stood and grabbed some pajamas.  She went into the bathroom but didn't think about closing the door. 

She thought she would have plenty of time before he returned to just change.  When she turned to walk out, Jade was standing there.  Not in front of the door to the bathroom, but on the mirror that hung on the bathroom door, it was quite obvious he had seen her change. 

She stood there momentarily looking back at him in the mirror. 

Jade was the one that broke the eye contact.  He simply went to the bed and crawled back in.  Lois could feel the heat in her cheeks and pulled herself back together.  She went to the bed and crawled in.  When she was good and settled Jade pushed play on the remote. 

They lay there with a small but comfortable distance between them.  It was different than before.  He had held her so tightly and now it was if he was pulling away. 

But he wasn't pulling away.  After seeing what he just had, he knew that if he touched her now, he would be doing more than just comforting her.  Jade finally managed to occupy his mind in the movie.  Lois jerked at a scary seen and laughed slightly, when she turned to look at Jade he was sleeping. 

She turned to her side and lay there just watching him.  He looked so peaceful.  He was very handsome, and he had been so kind to her.  She rolled back and finished watching the movie before turning the TV off and letting herself go to sleep. 

She didn't mind that Jade was sleeping next to her.  His presence made took away the lonely feeling.









Chapter Fourteen

      She woke feeling him stir.  He was trying to leave her.  She grabbed his arm and pulled him back down to her.  He easily came right back down.  His hand landed on her breast innocently.  But he didn’t move and neither did she.

Suddenly, she felt him brush his lips to her.  She didn’t move away, instead she kissed him back.  She liked it.  She began to moan as he kissed her deeper and he reacted to it. 

He let his fingers began to move.  Teasing the bud that he felt harden under his palm.  She arched her back upward as if trying to give him more to touch, more to squeeze, more to fondle.  His lips kissed her neck and she turned her head to allow him more access. 

His breath was hot.  His tongue left a trail of scorched skin.  He slipped his hand down and under her t-shirt, moving his way back to her breast as his mouth kissed and licked at her navel. 

His mouth found her breast nipping and sucking her nipple.  Her body arched towards him.  His hands worked their way to her very soft jammy pants but when he went to push them down slightly she tensed.  He backed off slightly and continued with his mouth on her breast moving from right to left, to neck and then navel. 

Each time he even got remotely close to her bottoms, she would tense up.  If she didn't want him, why was she responding to him like this? 

He raised his head and looked at her.  She was laying there, eyes closed, with a very odd expression on her face.  It was showing passion and desire, but apprehension as well.  He stopped touching her all together at this point.  It was over.  She didn’t want it to be over.  If she could just do this, maybe that would push Tom from her head all together.  “What is it?  Did I do something wrong?” 

“No, you didn't do anything wrong.  I just feel like you want this but at the same time you don't.  Lois if you don't want this we don’t have to go any further than what we have.”  She was embarrassed to tell him why she was acting like she was.  But she thought it was only fair to him. 

“I do want this it’s just that I have only been with one person.”  She covered her eyes. 

“You haven't ever been with anyone other than him right?”  Jade responded.  She turned her head in discomfiture. 

“Don't.”  Jade gently turned her head back to him so he could see her eyes. 

“Don't what.”  She questioned. 

“Don't turn away, don't be embarrassed, it’s ok that you haven't Lois.  There is no reason to feel embarrassed.  I should be the one that is embarrassed, here I have pushed you into doing things that you weren't ready for.” 

“No, I am,,,,,,, ready,,,, I'm just I don't know how to explain it.  There is a burning and aching inside me and I want you.  But at the same time, I want to give myself to the man I love.  I fear the only reason I want to do this with you other than physically is because I am hoping you can make me forget him.  And that isn’t fair to you or myself for that matter.” 

“What are you doing here Lois?  Be honest with me.”  She couldn't hide the tears no matter what she did, she tried to cover her face but he gently moved her hand away. Jade was still laying above her and at this point he deserved to know. 

“That man that you thought was my boyfriend.......   Well he wasn't my boyfriend and he isn't now either.  But I love him.  I came here to get over him.  He had made it quite clear that all we had was a boss slash assistant relationship.  Oh, he tried to tell me that he didn't want me to get hurt.  But at the same time, there was more there he isn't telling me.  He played me.  He told me he loved me but that was just part of the game he was playing.”  Jade slid off from her and rubbed his head. 

“I'm sorry Jade.  I didn't mean for this to happen, I didn't know I would run into you here.  Please you have to believe me.”  Jade looked at her.

“I believe you Lois.  I have no doubts that you didn't come here looking for me.  I know you hadn't thought of me like I did of you after the ball.  And I have no doubts that he is one lucky man.  But you know Lois, maybe there is more to it than what you think.  As much as I would like to side with you on this, he didn’t act like he was just toying with you the night he introduced me to his knuckles.  I think he was honest with you when he told you he loved you.”  Jade smiled back at her. 

“Well, he may be lucky and maybe he did mean what he said but it’s me that is doing the suffering.  I mean, you are such a great guy, and if I could just get him out of my head, I would want to explore this further.” 

“What do you mean this?” 

“Look, I can't have him it doesn't mean my heart doesn't still want him.  But my body and mind want you.  I know that doesn't make since, but I have to be honest with you.  If I am nothing at all, I can honestly say honesty has always been my greatest attribute.  Well other than small white lies out of embarrassment maybe but not real stuff.” 

“Look, Lois, I get it.  Totally.  I understand everything that you are saying.  I know because well, I have my own issues.  You are one heck of a friend and if that is all I can have from you then I am truly happy with that.”

“Someday Jade, you will have your forever in your arms.  And she will be the lucky one I guarantee it.  I’m just to messed up right now.  He once told me he would hurt me.  I don’t want to be like him.  I don’t want to hurt you.”  He reached over pulling her up against his chest.

      “Friends.  I like that.”  He whispered as he held her close.


When they woke the next morning she had slept better than she had in a long time.  She stretched feeling the weight of his arm.  She went to get up but he pulled her back to him.  “Lois, please don't be mad at me.  I have been laying here thinking of a way to change your mind, stay here with me.  Let me help you forget him.  What can I do to make your stay?”  Lois smiled back at him but she knew if she was ever going to move on with her life, she was going to have to go back and face him and get over him.

She explained to Jade what she thought was best and he had to agree with her.  She finished out her day and returned home.  Thanking Jade and his family for a good time and their true hospitality. 

      “You’re welcome back here anytime you know that right?” 

      “I do.  Jade I wish things….”  He placed his finger over her lips.

      “Stay in touch.  Friend.”

      He walked her to her truck as she waved goodbye to George and Emmy Jean.  When he closed her door, she smiled back at him wishing things were in fact pre Tom.


      She returned to her life where she had no doubts that when she seen Tom in the morning all of the pain was going to come rushing right back down on top of her.  Crushing her to the point she wouldn’t be able to breath.  But she was going to distant herself and learn to overcome this. 

She woke up the next morning dreading her day.  Back to the same clothes, same office, same job, same everything.  She liked the same in her life.  It was the first time she had been in a point in her life where she knew what was going to be happening the next day.  

The only part she wished she could be rid of was the crying herself to sleep at night, the heart stopping that occurred when she was around Tom, and the butterflies that were so bad at this point, she was nauseous just thinking about it. 

She waited to start the coffee, just as before.  And when she thought it was about that time, she started it.  She poured his cup of coffee and decided to take it to his office remembering the last time she had this same damn idea that didn’t work.  The thought was that would be one less encounter she would have to choke her way through. 

When she opened the door, she just stood there.  He shuffled around a little bit trying to pretend he was standing for another reason.  She actually liked his response to seeing her.  He rose because she walked in she knew it.

She pulled herself back to the billions of little pieces that she had fell into when she seen him and sat the coffee down on his desk. 

“So are you feeling better?” 

“Yes, I am, thank you.  Will that be all?”  She had to get out of there, she had to at that moment or she was going to lose it.  She didn't want to lose it.  She didn't want him seeing her fall back to pieces again.  She just wanted to go on like it never happened. 

“No, that won't be all.  Where were you anyways?  I came by to check on you but you weren't home.” 

“Oh, umm you must of missed me, I had to um, well I had to run out for a bit.”  This pissed Tom off she could tell.  She had seen that look before. 
Why in the hell am I lying to him? 

“That's not true.  I stayed at your room, waiting for you to come back.  I was concerned for you because you said you were sick.  Michelle of course wouldn’t tell me anything but did allow me to stay.  I didn't know you took off on an expedition or some vacation.  If you wanted to go on vacation all you had to do was tell me.”  Tom was yelling at this point and tears where flooding in.  She didn't like his actions one bit.  He was hurting her again and it wasn't even fazing him. 

She didn't have to take it from him no more.  She turned slowly and went for the door.

“When you are through acting like a child, just let me know, I would like to be able to work here.  But if my personal life is going to interfere with my work, then I choose my personal life.”  She walked out the door. 

She didn't want to look at him.  She had seen enough.  His blue colored eyes were now an ominous grey.  She knew without a doubt in her mind that if she would have looked at him, she never would have been able to say what she was feeling.  She would have only melted into tears and begged for his forgiveness and touch. 

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