Seducing Peaches (33 page)

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Authors: Crystal Smith

BOOK: Seducing Peaches
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Tom was stunned.  She liked seeing him pick his jaw up for a change.  “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry.  I won't do that again.  It was just my curiosity.”

“Well, how did you know that it was going to bring out mixed feeling of my alcoholic father, who didn’t know how to hug only to beat the shit out of me.” 
Oh my god, I can't believe I just said that. 
Her breathing was heavy and her hands were visibly trembling. 

“I am so sorry, I didn't mean to say that, I can't believe I told you that, I have never told anyone about it,” She was panicking almost and embarrassed at the same time.

“ It’s okay Lois.  I’m sorry you had to live through that Lois. If there is anything I can do to help you please let me know.  I know a really good person you could talk to.” 

“A shrink, I don't need a shrink, I'm not crazy and it wasn't my fault.  This is why I don't talk about my past nor embark in small talk.  If anyone needs the shrink you do.”  She was so beyond pissed, how dare he insinuate she needed a shrink and was insane.  

“I didn't mean anything by it, please don't be angry.” 

“Well, like I said I don't want to talk about it.”

They finished their meal without another word spoken.  Returned to their vehicle and found the interstate again.  Not a word was spoken for hours. 

“Lois, I’m exhausted, do you mind to take over for just a couple of hours.  Please.  I need a nap.”

“I thought I just had to ride.  I didn’t know I was your driver to.”

Fine, whatever.  I can handle this.  Just read that fucking book and hope like hell I don’t fall asleep.”

Damn it.
  He was right.  She should take over if he can’t stay awake.  “Okay, just pull over.  I don’t mind.”

“No, it’s ok, you don’t have to.”

“Quit being so damn stubborn already and pull the fuck over.”  She yelled at him.  He slowed and pulled over.  They exchanged seats and sure enough he was out.  She flipped through channels on the radio finding something she liked.  Turned the heat on.   She was beginning to get chilly.  She should have changed into some jeans and a hoody at the diner but she didn’t think.

It was beginning to snow.  She loved the snow.  It’s so pretty.  It wasn’t long and it was coming down really heavy. 
Where the hell we at for this kind of snow?  I should of paid more attention to where we were.

“Lois, don’t leave me please.” 
Holy fuck.  Did he just say what I think he did?
She turned to look at him and he was asleep still. 
He’s talking in his sleep.  Oh.  Well let’s see what you have to say already.
  She listened hoping he would say more.  He did.

“Please, I’m sorry.  I never wanted to hurt you.  Please baby, I’ll do anything.” 
If only you would of said those words instead of being hateful we wouldn’t be where we are now.

“Lois, that’s it baby.  I love you. I love the way you suck my cock.  I want to fuck you until you scream my name and the thoughts of ever leaving me again are completely out of that gorgeous, sexy mouth of yours.”

  She looked at him. 
Why couldn’t he have just told me this before?
It’s probably just a dream Lois.  Damn him. 
She looked back to the road and there stood a deer.  She tried to swerve around him but slid into the ditch instead.

The passenger side of the Tahoe had caved in barely giving him room to move his legs.  She could see blood coming from his right eye brow, there was a crack in the windshield where he must of have hit. 

“Tom are you okay, come on talk to me?”  He looked stunned, looking around, grabbing his head and then looking at his hand and the blood.  Lois quickly reached into her purse, pulled out a small piece of cloth and placed it to his forehead, applying light pressure.

“Tom talk to me, are you okay?”  He looked up at her.

“Yes Babe, I’m fine.   What happened?” 
Babe, what the hell?  Oh no he hit his head really hard. 

“Just stay here, I am going for help.” 

“I’m fine, really.” 

“No, I don't think you are, Tom you just called me Babe, you've hit your head, and you’re bleeding.”

“So I hit my head, I’m bleeding and I have called you Babe every day since our


      “Honeymoon, what are you talking about Tom?” 

“Okay our honeymoon, did you hit your head?  Our honeymoon, you know Aspen, 7 days,

ski slopes, recovery in the hospital where I broke my leg, you know our honeymoon.  What
is wrong with you?”   He was almost yelling.

At this point she knew something was seriously wrong with him.  She pulled out her cell phone and attempted to call 911. 

“Damn it, no service.  The towers must be down.  OK, um-mm, just sit right here, I gotta go for help.” 

“What, no you’re not leaving me here, I am not staying here alone while you take off hiking in that shit.  It’s not happening.  Someone will come along.  We are both staying right here.” 

“Fine I’ll stay, someone has to be coming by soon I agree.”

She sat there and thought about whether she should tell him that they were not married, and that she was his employee, that his memories that he spoke of well, weren’t and well the making love part, well that hadn't happened in a long time.

Hopefully this would just be like a few minutes of confusion and then he would remember the truth and what happened.  The snow continued to come down at a very fast pace.  The wind was whipping so hard that she could feel the Tahoe shake beneath them and hear it roar around them.

Someone has to come by soon.  They just have to.  What if Tom hit his head so hard that he is bleeding in his head and that's what is causing him to be confused and think we are married.  He could die and it would be my fault. 

This whole thing is my fault.  If I wouldn't of been paying attention to what was he was saying then I would have been paying attention to the road and we wouldn't be in this mess, and he wouldn't be hurt.  Way to go Lois.  I wanted to hurt him, I often thought of how I could hurt him.  But not like this.  Never like this.

But then again it’s his fault.  If he wouldn't of been talking out his dream in his sleep then I would have been paying attention to the road.  No I can't blame him.  You can't control what you do in your sleep.  I have really gotten us into a mess.  How am I ever gonna get us out of this. 

Her thoughts couldn't help but to keep going.  It had been almost an hour and nobody had come by yet.  But with the way the roads were looking, anybody would be stupid to be out in this.  And that’s her fault, if she would have been paying attention to what was going on outside she would have noticed how bad the weather was getting and seen that fucking deer. 
I got to do something.  I have to. 

This just isn't going to work.  If I don't find help for him, something bad could happen. But how am I gonna convince him to let me go and him stay here.  In his condition he definitely don't need to be walking in this weather.

“Look, Tom, I gotta go and get help, I want you to sit here. I’ll be back soon.” 

“No, I said” She quickly cut him off.

“Damn it, I said I would be back just wait right here.  If I don't try to go get help, then we will have to spend the night here.  Try to preserve the gas as much as you can.  Start the engine long enough to warm it up in here, and then shut it back off.”

She climbed into the back, and started rummaging around the suit cases.  She opened up her case and took out some long sleeve shirts, put them on, put a coat on, then she opened his suit case, as she began going through his belongings.

Get it together Lois
. She kept looking for something warm for him to wear, but couldn't find anything suitable.  In fact all that was in here was shorts and t’s with some socks, shoes and boxers.  Where are his suits?  She didn’t have time for this. 

“Didn't you pack anything warm?” 

“Well, I didn't think I was going to be left alone on the side of the road, in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of a blizzard.”  He yelled back.  She shook her head in disbelief and thought about what just happened.  It seemed they both had a temper. 

“Here put these on, they won't fit you, but they will keep you warmer than what you’re wearing.”  He did as she said throwing him her hoody. 

“OK, so like I said I’ll be back, it may take me some time, but I will be back.”  She went to open the door, and Tom, grunted.  She turned back and he almost looked just tee totally pissed off. 

“What is it?  What's wrong?” 

“You’re going off into that out there and leaving me here and you’re not even going to kiss me?  I thought I meant more to you than that, you may never see me alive or I may never see you alive again and you’re not gonna tell me you love me?”  She just looked at him for a few minutes.  He sounded like a damn woman. 
Fuck.  What the hell do I do now?

Oh brother, what to do, what to do. I guess I could kiss him and just say it, in his mind we are married and if that will make him shut up and let me go then so be it.  And besides, it wouldn't be a total lie anyways, and it's not the first time I wanted to kiss him.

She reached out with her right hand and set it on his shoulder.  Slowly leaned in and when Tom brought his lips to hers it was done.  What was supposed to be just an innocent kiss was sending surges of electrical powered strength to her most intimate places.  Very strong, very fast, surges. 

His lips were so soft, his tongue met her like they had been kissing for years, he tasted so sweet, hand slipping from her cheek to her neck and holding it as if he didn't want this kiss to end.  Their noses brushed each other as they continued with their possibly last kiss, his hand began moving down to her shoulder and rubbing it slightly. 

She placed her arms around his neck, her hand resting on his neck, her fingers twisting in his hair, his hand from her shoulder that he had been caressing to her breast to her waist. 

He slid his hand under the coat and hoody she was wearing.  Her mind kept telling her to stop this now, but her body needed this.  Her heart needed this.  “You smell of fresh peaches.”

She didn’t
stop him. 
Oh god I missed this so bad.  I missed you telling me that.  I missed you.

His hand slid slowly making his way up to her breast, squeezing gently and caressing the hardened mound with his thumb.  Sounds of moaning escaped her throat, and aroused him even further as she could feel his growing erection against her.  His hands felt so good sliding from one place to another. 

Her hands found their way to his chest and teased him back to his shoulders.  She pushed the hoody up, past his shoulders and over his head.

Tom followed in her movements pulling her arms back so she could remove the coat while never stopping the expedition of his mouth and tastes.  He felt so good, tasted so good, and she wanted him more than she had ever wanted anything before.  She pulled away from the kiss and looked at him.  Her lips throbbed, her heart pounded, her nipples felt like they were going to burst through her bra.  Her clit was tingling, pussy wet.  Oh she wanted to feel him there. 

“Let’s get into the back” and without waiting for his response she shuffled her way to the back and he followed her quickly. 

She watched as Tom reached for a lever, and lay the seats down.  She lay herself down and waited for him to begin.  She looked at him differently this time.  His eyes almost looked as if he was full of something other than lust for her. 

“I love you Lois.  I mean it.  It don’t matter whatever happens.  I will always love you.” He kissed and teased her mouth.  “I love the way your body responds to mine.  I love the way your eyes twinkle when you are horny as hell like right now.  I love the way you’re not afraid to be with me.  I love everything about you Lois.  All of you.  I’m so glad you came back to me.” 

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