Seducing Peaches (34 page)

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Authors: Crystal Smith

BOOK: Seducing Peaches
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He remembers now.  Okay I gotta stop this now.
  “Tom,,,,”  Her words faded as he positioned himself on top of her.

He slid the clothing up over her head, and she lifted her head to accommodate his move. Returning his mouth to her breast he rolled to his side and she followed him, while his mouth explored, his fingers undone the small clasp that kept this sexy piece of clothing between his mouth and an aching intimate piece, her hardened mound that was calling and responding to his touch. 

As he slowly removed it, his eyes explored her uncovered body.  “You’re gorgeous.  I can’t tell you that enough.”  He took hold of the left breast with his left hand and his mouth took hold of her right breast.  He circled her nipple with his tongue, and she moaned louder and louder, her hands moving over his body and through his hair more rapidly, arching her back to him, begging him and showing him she wanted him to take more of her into his mouth, he gently nipped at her nipple with his teeth which sent her right on overboard.

“Oh my god, please, just, just, please!”  She thought Tom was beginning to enjoy hearing her beg for him to release her.  His hand made their way to her waist again, this time finding the clasp of her jeans and unzipping them.  She could have saved them some time if she wouldn’t have changed.  She knew he was watching her when she shed her skirt and put them on but she didn’t care.

He slid her jeans down taking her panties with them.  “Oh baby, you’re so wet for me.  Look at them.  Wet.  I want to taste your wetness.”  He dove straight to her cunt.  Licking, sucking and drinking all she offered him. 

She squirmed beneath him.  He gripped her hips holding her still.  Making her take it.  Making her feel him on her.  She wanted her release now.  She couldn’t bare it.  He thrust his tongue into her cunt and licked up over and over repeating it, sliding his fingers in and out of her.

“Harder please, now.”  She was close.  He slid in two fingers and sucked as hard as he could on her clit, pushing deep with his fingers tickling her insides.  She tightened around his fingers, he slid them out and pushed fiercely back in sending her over.  She screamed out his name and shook beneath him.

He gave her cunt one last lick then found her mouth.  Letting her taste herself.  He moaned into her mouth.

“Lois, tell me what you want.  I need to hear it.  I need to know that I am giving you everything you want.  What do you want me to do?”

“I want you to keep doing exactly what you are doing, make me come hard.  Please.”

“Oh yes Lois, keep telling me what you want.”

“I want your cock in me.  Put it in now.”

He raised and guided himself in her.  Slowly he moved in and out of her.  When she had stretched to his cock, he thrust faster and harder.  Their breathing rough and in sync with each other. 

He could feel her tightening around him again.  He began thrusting harder and quicker, planting his knees in the floor, he grabbed her legs throwing them over his shoulders lifting her ass, making it deeper.

“I’m about to come, harder, harder, damn it all to hell harder!!!”  He stilled as the orgasm ripped through her sending her to new found places.  Of all the orgasms he had ever given her this was by far the hardest and best one yet.

He started moving again. His thumb rubbing her clit in circular motions as his cock continued to tickle her g spot. 

      “Tom,,,  I missed you.”  She hadn’t expected to drag out her feelings and she hadn’t expected that she would be laying on her back right now
with him pounding in to her.  She never expected that she would be spilling her guts to him about how she missed him.

      “You feel so good baby.  God I missed you.  You can’t ever leave me again.  Tell me you won’t.  Tell me that you belong to me.”

      “I belong to you.  Fuck me please.”

“Ah, Peaches you feel so good.”

      His thrusting sped up as both their orgasms together.  He stilled spilling in to her mixing with her come.  His weight fell down on top of her.

      He rolled off of her and began getting dressed.  She couldn’t say anything.  When he finished he bent over and nipped her nipple causing pain and wonderful sensations that turned her on all over again.

“Tom, we need to talk.”

“What about?”  He didn’t stop tying his shoes.

“Look at me damn it.”  His eyes shot up to hers and darkened.


“We need to talk about what just happened.  It was a mistake.” 

“Fuck you.  I’m going to get help.  We can talk about this later.”  And just like that he was gone. She watched him walk until she couldn’t see him any longer and then got dressed.

She surfed through the radio stations hoping to hear something about the weather, and thinking about what had just happened.  What if that was the last time she was going to see him?  What if that was the last time she had the opportunity to tell him she still loved him?  What if that was the last time they were going to get to make love and she just ruined it?

What is going on?  I don't understand what just happened.  Why didn't he just finish with what he was doing without talking about babies?  Why do I have to be such a spaz, I should have ignored it.

If she had only just held that moment together, he would have never had known it freaked her out and she would be laying in the back snuggled up together, and she could tell him everything that she wanted to now. 

When she woke some four and half hours later it was cold. 
Shit, I fell asleep with it running.  Damn it.  Way to go Lois.  What else could go wrong? 
She sat there thinking about it and without a doubt she knew she had to go find Tom.  She grabbed what she could stuff in the rolling suitcase and her back pack she carried everywhere with her.  Bundled up really tight and commenced to walking in the same direction she watched Tom go.

It was so much colder than a witch’s tit if that was even possible but it sure felt like it was to her.  The snow had gotten pretty deep.  It touched just below her knee.  Thank God she brought jeans and tennis shoes.  Although they weren’t exactly the warmest clothes, it could be worse.

The wind whipped the wind so hard and fierce her face hurt.  It hurt to take a breath.  She kept her hands in her pockets, and her coat pulled up over her nose, head ducked as low as she could get it, shoulders pulled up tight.  She shook terribly.  It hurt to move her legs against the snow and wind. 

She couldn’t see anything but white.  She was regretting getting out in this shit.  It was the stupidest thing she had ever done.  Such bull shit. 

She kept fighting her way.  She remembered seeing a mailbox somewhere this direction.  Surely she could make it to that. 
Please God help me make it.
  No sooner than she prayed it, she seen the mailbox.  She turned down what looked like the driveway.  The suit case, which she had tied with a piece of rope around her waist so she could just pull and keep her hands covered was getting heavier by the minute.

She hit something with her feet and fell.  It took her a minute to get up.  When she did she could see just a small piece of dark material.  She brushed some of the snow off and then her heart sank.  It was Tom. 

She panicked.  She started shoving the snow off of him as quick as she could.  When she got most of it off, she tried to wake him up.  He didn’t respond to her though.  He was barely breathing, heart beat was very faint.  He was literally freezing to death.  She grabbed his arms and with everything in her, she pulled.  Surprisingly it wasn’t as hard as she thought it would be.  He just slid across the top of the frozen snow. 

The first thirty or so feet wasn’t so bad.  But the longer she drug him and the suit case the harder it was.  Her fingers were numb now.  They kept slipping off of his coat.  She had to keep going.

Again she hit something and fell.  It felt like it took her forever to get back up.  She didn’t want to get back up.  She had to get Tom to shelter though.  It was the only reason she forced herself up.  She turned to see what it was that she had hit. 

Yes.  Thank You Jesus, Thank You.
  She found the house.  She pulled Tom up on the porch and let go to try to open the door.  It wouldn’t open no matter what she did.  She busted out a window with a piece of a busted brick she found.  That was all she could do.

She climbed in through the window and unlocked the door.  She rushed pulling him inside the house.  It was empty.  There wasn’t anything but an old worn down holey couch and a busted up table.  She didn’t know how she managed to get him up on the couch but she did.  She tried again to get him to respond to her but he wouldn’t do it. 

She looked around and seen the fireplace next to the couch.  Surely to god she could find something to burn.  She walked down the hallway.  Two bedrooms and a bathroom but nothing to burn.  She went to the back door.  Opened it and it wasn’t a back door at all.  It led to a room that was sufficiently stocked with firewood.               

She grabbed some of the smallest stuff she could find and threw it in the fireplace.  She grabbed some clothing out of the suit case and a lighter from her back pack and started the fire.  The wood didn’t want to burn.  She had to keep throwing clothes in it to get it hot enough for the wood to catch.  She didn’t have much clothing left when it finally caught.  She sat there holding her hands over the fire warming them. 

It was the first time she had seen them.  They were as blue as they could get.  She kept rubbing them together and trying to warm them but it wasn’t working.  She could feel the cold lifting as the fire grew hotter.  She went back to the back room and carried load after load of firewood back to the fireplace.  One more load and she would be done.  She heard a crack and that was it.


       “Lois, Lois where are you?”  I could hear Tom yelling for me but I couldn’t get my mouth to work above a slight whine.  He continued to yell for me.  I could hear him opening and closing the doors. 

“Lois, Lois are you ok.”  She could tell he was close.  Then she felt him.  He was pulling stuff from her legs.  “You’re bleeding Lois.  Wake up and talk to me Lois.  Damn you this is not how it ends.” 
Is it going to end like this?  Is this going to be the last time I heard his voice? 
And then everything went black.

Oh warmth.  Finally warmth.  She could feel hands holding her hands.  Body heat next to hers.  She had to struggle for her eyes to open.  But when they did, relief was the only thing she could see in Tom’s face.  “I did it Tom.”

“Just rest.  Concentrate on getting warm.  Don’t you feel how warm my body is, my hands are.  Feel the heat Lois.”  And it was like someone was turning a light switch on and off.  One second she could see him, the next she couldn’t see or hear him.


       She woke again to the most wonderful feeling ever.  She was lying next to Tom.  Her head rested on his chest.  Oh even after all of this, he still smelled so damn good.  She wanted to lay there taking in his scent but she knew she couldn’t.  She knew the longer she lay there the harder it would be to get up.

She slowly rose.  “Lois, how do you feel?”

“Better.  How do you feel?”

“Great.  Never better.  What the hell do you think you were doing leaving the Tahoe?  You should have stayed put.  That was the plan damn it.  You could have gotten yourself killed out there.”

She looked at him.  She couldn’t believe he was chewing her ass.  All she could do was turn her head away from him and swallowed that damn lump in her throat that frequently liked to visit when Tom was around her.  She stood going to the fire and with another piece of wood stirred it and put more wood on it.

“Are you going to fucking answer me?”  He was livid.  His eyes were dark and almost emotionless.  His eyes scared her.  “Well, questions require fucking answers Lois.  Now answer me.”

“Ok.  Why the hell are you yelling at me?  What makes you think you have the right to yell at me?  What makes you think that I have to listen to your plan?  I saved your fucking ass and almost gave my own for yours.  FUCK YOU. Don’t you ever talk to me like you just did or so help me God.”

“So help you God what?  Questions require fucking answers and I do believe I asked you several.” 

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