Seductive Company (28 page)

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Authors: Sexy India,Red Snapper

BOOK: Seductive Company
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India sat down on the lawn chair next to her as she began to explain the whole situation.

Well…Marjorie…remember when you told me about Travis St. Croix and his plot to set me up…something just doesn’t add up!” “As you know they found a friend of mine this morning in the hotel…she was murdered.” “This woman could have been my twin…we looked so much alike and she did a lot of things for me.”
Lady Davenport responded, “What type of things did she do for you?”
India sighed heavily as she began to explain, “Well…I’ve been doing a little freelance call girl stuff in the evenings.” “You know just doing something to keep me busy…I didn’t want to be in a relationship so I thought this was a great way to get laid and to make some money as well, anyway. I was at a corporate convention about four years ago and that is when I first met Travis St. Croix.” “One of the nights there they hosted a masquerade party.” “I was there and Travis was after me the whole night, but he didn’t know it was me because we were wearing costumes and mask.” “Well I guess I had too much to drink and I ended up having sex with him.” “Anyway he tracked me down and put me on this assignment thinking that he could get with me again.” “I told him that he had never been with me and that it was someone else.” “So…I had my friend, Whitney to come down here to sleep with him, making him think it was me so I could walk in, catch them and then he would think that I really was not the one who slept with him that night.” “Now she’s dead and it’s my fault!” “He killed her and he’ll probably get away with it!” “I don’t understand why he wants to make me the scapegoat for his embezzlement scam…maybe he’s so upset with me about not admitting that I slept with him that he was trying to get revenge!”
Lady Davenport sighed as she replied, “If he was just trying to get revenge…I don’t think he would be setting you up to fall that hard.” “You’re right…there is something deeper than just getting you back for lying!”
India gazed at her as she responded, “I just got a strange message on my phone from Travis…it was weird!”

What did he say?”
She sighed as she replied, “India…it’s me…Travis…were being setup.” “I need to talk to you as soon as possible…please…I know I’ve been an asshole to you but please…I really need to talk to you…I swear I didn’t kill her…”
Lady Davenport signaled the server to bring more drinks as she replied, “He sounds like his backed into a corner…I’d watch him…I know he was involved in setting you up…but I’ll check further…maybe his plan failed and now he needs to fix it by adding you as a murderer!” “We’ll get to the bottom of this!”



Meanwhile across the island, Danika was in the bathroom as she overheard Travis leaving his message on India’s answering service. She sighed as she thought, “This dirty motherfucker is still trying to help her ass…well I think it’s time to take this to another level!”

She sauntered out of the bathroom as she glanced over at him acting a little nervous. She smiled as she asked, “What’s going look a little flustered…are you alright?”

He smiled slightly as he replied, “Yeah…yeah, I’m fine!”

She smiled as she strolled over toward the bar and said, “Do you want another drink…you need to relax!”

He grinned as he replied, “Yeah…I’ll take another drink…I just don’t know how all of this just came up!” “Who would kill, Whitney?” “She wasn’t part of this shit!”

She poured the drinks as she responded, “Well…so far they think it was a tourist robbery gone wrong…the police believe that…so don’t worry.” “They’ll catch the murderer who did this and we’ll be home in the States before you know it.” “So, Travis…I’ve got a question for you…what about us?”

He gazed at her flabbergasted as he replied, “Us…what do you mean us?” “What, we did was just…something that just happened.” “Wait…you didn’t think that us fucking was gonna change things between us…I mean…I look at you differently than before but there is no us, Danika!” “Think of it as just a way to let off some stress.”

She put the drinks down on the table, sat down next to him as she replied, “So you think that I’m some horny ass bitch who just fucks anybody so they can relief some fuckin’ stress?”

He smiled as he replied, “Hey…wait a minute why are you getting hostile…it was just a booty call, a jump off situation, or a quickie if you will.” I thought we were consenting adults who both needed to relieve some tension and we did…you was looking for more than that?”

She gazed at him with an angry expression as she replied, “So you think that I don’t have any feelings…you think that I’d just fuck, anybody?”

He smiled as he replied, “Well…I was surprised because I thought you only was into licking the cat, but when you came to me for some…I just thought I take it.”

She gazed at him as she picked up the glass of wine and splashed it in his face as she stood up and said, “You know Travis…you’re just nothing but a asshole and I hope you burn in hell!”

She quickly strolled toward the door as he replied, “Why are you acting like this…you’ve knew who I wanted!” “India…INDIA!”

She stormed out of the suite as she thought, “India…India…it’s always about fuckin’, India!” “Well now I’m gonna make sure that he goes down for Whitney’s murder…I just gotta find a way to get something on his ass that will put him there just before I killed her!”




The night sky was clear and humid as Marc strolled toward his SUV. He was still trying to contact India, calling her cell phone for what seemed like every five minutes. As he dialed her number again, he continued to meander toward his vehicle when suddenly, as he stepped into the middle of the parking garage, headlights beamed directly into his eyes as the sound of screeching tires and the smell of rubber began to fill the air. He gazed in disbelief as the speeding automobile made its advance toward him. Now standing there like a deer staring into a set of headlights, the automobile rapidly made it’s approached, but when it got closer, it began to reduce speed stopping just inches from where he stood.

Before he could react to the action at hand, a huge, muscular, Caucasian gentleman, who stood about 6’4” and easily weighted about 285 lbs., jumped out of the dark blue Lexus coupé. With engine still running, he hurriedly strolled around to the front of vehicle, quickly grabbing him and swinging him around as if he was a rag doll. Before he could utter a word, the man shouted, “So you like to stalk innocent little white women, huh?”

Marc responded as quickly as he could, “Whatcha talking about man…I’m not stalking anybody!”

As he was about to finish his sentence, the man hit Marc square in the mouth, knocking out two of his front teeth. Blood was splashing everywhere as he continued to thrash him. Marc now lay on the hard concrete floor of the parking garage, trying to protect his face with his arms as the unidentified man continued to kick him.

Marc shouted at the top of his lungs, “WHO ARE YOU DUDE!” “WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME, MAN?”

The man smiled as he picked him up by his collar and replied, “You need to stay away from her…you understand?” “Mind your own fuckin’ business bro!”

After he said that, he quickly struck Marc in the jaw, flooring him once again. He kicked him once more, then strolled back to his automobile and then drove away.

Marc was now in unfathomable pain as he tried to get up to stroll toward his vehicle. Blood was everywhere as he glanced down at his button up shirt as he thought, “This has to be part of Ursula’s demented plan…I’m gonna have to go to the police.” “But what will I say…I have no proof about anything!” “I need to at least let India know what’s going on before this gets too far!”

As he finally made it to his car, he gradually sat behind the steering wheel. As he made adjustments, trying to fathom the pain, in an obscure location of the garage stood Ursula lurking at him with a mischievous smile on her face. She was acting very demented as she thought, “You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into boy…you better stay out of the way!” “Because if you don’t, you’ll be out of the way…permanently!”









ady Davenport nervously strolled down the hall toward her private office. She was extremely dismayed with the whole dilemma that India was now facing. As she strolled toward her office, she immediately instructed her secretary to hold all of her calls as she opened the office door and quickly shut it, locking it instantaneously. She strolled over toward her bar, poured herself a drink and gulped it down swiftly. She hurriedly poured another glass as her cell phone began to ring. She gazed at the phone as it sat on her desk, vibrating. She knew she had to answer it but was hesitating. After a few seconds, she strolled over toward her Maplewood stained desk as she immediately answered the call.

So it’s like that, huh, Ms. Davenport?”
She sighed as she replied to the voice on the other end, “Look…this was not supposed to be like this…you said that you had total control of her!” “No one was supposed to get hurt!”
The voice on the other end sighed as they replied, “All I wanted to do was get the money and blame her for it, but you through in this love bullshit in the process!” “Now we’ve got this damn murder…how do we fix this shit?”
Lady Davenport sighed heavily as she replied, “Fix it…how you let this Danika, bitch get out of control?”
The voice on the other began to chuckle as they replied, “You let me handle Danika…she’ll get what’s coming to her!” “So you fell in love with her…you know this was not part of the damn plan, Marjorie!” “She’s the one who’s supposed to go down for this shit…remembers?”
She sighed as she replied, “I know…I know, but I don’t want anything to happen to her and I’m willing to let you have all the damn money just to make sure that she’s safe!”
The voice on the opposite end just laughed as they replied to the request, “So you’re willing to give it all up…that’s what she worth to you?”

Look…why don’t you just take the damn money and get out of here now?” “Let me clean this problem up.” “You can have what you want and I can have what I want…then everybody will be happy huh?”
There was complete silence for a brief second, than the voice on the other end slowly responded, “Okay…you can have the girl, but you better fix this with the police or the deals off!”
Lady Davenport smiled as tears commenced to run down her face. She slowly replied, “Fine…I’ll make sure that the police have a suspect but you need to control your girl Danika or she goes down!”
The voice on the other end replied, “You can put the blame on her if you want…I’m done with her anyway!” “TAKE CARE OF IT NOW!”
The phone went dead as she just laid it down on the desk. For the first time in her life, she was in a situation that made her vulnerable. She knew she did not have much time and she had to move fast, so she picked up her phone again and dialed a private number. The phone rang several times before she received an answer.

Yes Lady Davenport.”
She sighed as she responded, “It’s time to take care of that little problem for me…make sure it’s done clean without a trace!”
She hung up the phone and sat it back on her desk as she thought, “This has got to stop!” “I’ll see to that!” “This has got to end now!”


Later that evening, everyone was cleared to leave the island. The police had ruled Whitney’s death as a tourist robbery gone wrong. The police found no evidence found to charge anyone. The police still considered them as potential witnesses. India was now in her suite, packing her bags as she thought, “I know I need to let this go since Lady Davenport said she would take care of this but, I still want answers…I still want to know why Travis wanted to do this to me?”
Suddenly the intonation of knocking is heard as she thought, “Maybe its Danika coming over to talk.” India sluggishly strolled toward the door, without a care as she opened it. Before she could open it completely, the door swung open abruptly as she screamed slightly, falling to the floor. Travis came rushing in, slamming the door behind him. He gazed at India, as she looked up at him slightly frightened, but mostly confused as she shouted at him, “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN HERE!” “I’M GOING TO CALL SECURITY!”
She stood up and quickly jumped toward the end table where the phone was sitting as Travis immediately stepped in front of her, gazing down as he responded, “Please don’t call security…just wait…you’ve got to listen to me!”
He took the phone and pulled the cord out of the wall, which made India extremely nervous, as she stood there glaring at him. He was sweating profusely and breathing extremely hard as he grabbed her shoulders and sat her down on the couch.

Look, India…I know you think that I had something to do with all of this commotion, but trust me…I didn’t do any of this!” “They're setting me up…they're trying to put this shit on me!” “You’ve got to believe me…!”
Although nervous, she tried to remain calm as she decided to go along with his blabbing so-called confession.

What are you talking about, Travis…Who’s setting you up?”
He gazed at her with tears now running down his cheeks as he replied, “You’re not gonna believe this but the corporation is setting me up…they’re the ones responsible for all of this bull shit going on!”

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