Seductive Company (25 page)

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Authors: Sexy India,Red Snapper

BOOK: Seductive Company
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As she approached the scene of confusion, a medium height chocolate brother was standing their giving orders to one of the police officers. After he finished giving his instruction, he quickly turned around and addressed India.

You are Ms. Wynn I presume?”
She frowned as she replied, “Yes...that’s correct...what’s going on here?”

Ms. Wynn, please allow me to introduce myself…I’m Inspector Randolph Poirier with the Royal Bahamian Police.” “I’m sorry to inform you but you see...there has been a murder!”
India’s heart skip a beat as she immediately replied, “A murder...what do you mean...where is Whitney...Whitney!”
She tried to pass him to go into her suite, but his strength prevented her as he grabbed her by her shoulders and turned her to face him.

Please, Ms.’re not allowed to go into the crime scene please let us go over here (pointing at the other side of the hall) I’d like to ask you a few questions.”
She looked at him as if she wanted him to release her as she shook her head in the affirmative and strolled over in the suggested direction down the hall.
They stopped and then they faced each other. The tears were now beginning to flow down her face as the Inspector begins his interrogation.

So I take it that you know this Ms. Whitney?”

Yes...I knew her briefly...she was here visiting my colleague Mr. Travis St. Croix...where is he...?”
He quickly interrupted her, “No...He’s fine...this Whitney has many of your attributes...many of your features...are you sure you are not perhaps?”
She frowned as she replied, “What do you mean...she was just a girl who was here visiting a colleague...not a family member!”
He smiled as he began to scribble some notes on his pad. He then looked at her as he replied, “Please, Ms. Wynn I am not trying to get you upset but...”
Suddenly, Travis and Danika came rushing onto the floor as the Bahamian Police held them back at the do not cross line. Travis immediately shouted out to India, “Don’t answer his questions...our lawyers are in route as we speak.”
She immediately turned toward the Inspector as he sighed and motioned for her to join Travis. She immediately strolled down toward them as she thought, “What the hell is really going on around here...what I have gotten myself into?”
The more he thought about it, the angrier he became as Marc sat there at his cube. He knew that Ursula was going to do something with that packet but he did not know what. He wanted to contact India to tell her exactly what was going on so he picked up the phone as he thought, “What if she is involved in this mess...I need to know why...why she would do something like this!”
He gazed at the phone as he began to dial her phone number.
He sat there in anticipation as the phone began ring. He waited for her to answer, so he desperately could hear her voice. He wanted to hear her say it. Suddenly, the phone picked up as he quickly commenced to speak, “’s me Marc...I really need...”
Suddenly, her voice began to respond but it was the sound of her answering service, “Please leave a message after the beep!”

Damn,” he thought as he slammed the phone back on its cradle. He was now determined even more to get in touch with her at whatever cost. Suddenly another co-worker came into the area and shouted, “Hey come quick to the break room!” “Something is going on at that Marketing convention in the Bahamas!”
Marc quickly got up out of his chair and raced to the break room where there was a news flash on the television. He looked up at the screen as he watched the breaking news unfolding. As the newscaster started to report the breaking news:
“This is truly a tragic event as the local Bahamian authorities are now investigating the mysterious murder of an African-American female tourist, who was in the country visiting to whom we believe to be a senior executive from the Bluefield Marketing Group; Which is one of America’s top marketing corporations visiting the Bahamas as part of a International Marketing initiative that has been taking place there for the last few months...there is no word on whether this senior executive is involved with the death of this young woman; whose name has not been identified as of yet.” “We have not received any statements from the Corporation at this time and so far according to Police, there are no leads other than their request to converse with the alleged senior executive who at this time is a person of interest and not a suspect...”
Marc was totally upset now after watching the criminal investigation unfolding in the Caribbean. He knew he needed to speak with India and he had to do it with quickness. As he was racing out of the break room, Ursula was coming in. He looked at her as she gave him a discomfit expression as she tried to walk around him. He stopped her by pulling slightly on her arm as he said, “Ursula...we need to talk!”
She frowned as she responded, “Look Marc about last night, I was just trying...”
He quickly interrupted, “I’m not talking about last night...we need to talk about India!”
She looked at him amazed as she replied, “INDIA...I mean India...what about her?” “Wait...let’s go somewhere private.”
They left the break room, walked down the hall, and entered a private conference room, shutting the door.
He looked at her as if she was crazy as he responded, “Haven’t you seen the latest news broadcast on CNN...there’s been a murder in the Bahamas that involves some senior executive that’s down there from this company with you have any idea who that guy is?”
Ursula looked at Marc dumbfounded as she replied, “No but I’ve heard that this particular guy has been causing problems for India since she’s been on that assignment...wait is India alright?” “Have you spoken with her?”
He sighed as he replied, “I’ve tried to call her but she’s not answering and I’m getting worried.” The reporter said that the woman who was murdered was a tourist who indicates that it’s not India, but they didn’t release any names yet so we still need to find out!” “First this bull about her embezzling funds from the corporation, now this!”
She stopped as she realized what he just said. She looked at him as she responded, “What did you did you find out about...wait a minute you went searching in my attaché case last night didn’t you?”
He gazed at her with a ridiculous expression as he replied, “What difference does it make...we need to find out if India is alright...then we need to find out who’s really responsible for this embezzlement scam!”
Ursula sighed as she replied, “Marc...I assure you she’s the one who been stealing from the corporation!”
Marc glared at her with disbelief as he responded, “What...listen to what you’re saying Ursula about your best friend...what motives would she have for doing such a thing?” “She was already well on her way and didn’t need to take nothing to get what she deserved.”
Ursula for the first time in Marc’s eyes looked as if she was jealous of India. It was as if she wanted to believe that she was corrupt. He gazed into her baby blue eyes as he responded, “So you think that she did this...what proof do you have that she’s guilty Ursula...why do you have that makes this...your friend guilty?”
She smiled as she replied, “The packet...that’s right...the packet!”
He laughed as he responded, “The packet...the one that was sent here?” “Have you checked the reliability of the source that sent it?” “How do you know what was in the packet is legit?”
She looked at him dumbfounded as she replied, “I...I don’t know but...!”
He quickly interrupted her, “See...that’s why we need to investigate this before we go accusing really find out what’s going on!” “We have to clear India before it’s too late!”
Ursula sighed as she responded, “Why do we always have to help her?” “It’s always about India, India, INDIA!”
Marc looked down at her as he replied, “Look...I don’t know what it is that wrong with you, but we owe it to her to help her so snap out of this Ursula!”
She looked down toward the floor as she thought, “Okay Marc but...I really think she’s part of this and I’m gonna prove it!”



Meanwhile back in Nassau, Travis was standing in the corner conversing with two of the corporate mouthpieces that were sent to represent the corporation’s interest as Danika strolled over to converse with India. India who was totally upset was now sitting on the couch in the middle of the room as Danika slowly made her way toward her and quickly sat down next to her. She gazed at her for several seconds before she set in motion her bogus apology, “Look India...I know I’ve been a bitch since we’ve been on this outrageous assignment, but for what it’s worth...I’m sorry about what happened to your friend.”

India glared at her as she replied, “Is that all you’ve got to say about this?” “I thought she was your friend too...damn Danika, you slept with her and she’s nothing to you, huh?”

Surprised Danika responded, “What...did she tell you that?”

India glared at her with a demented expression as she replied, “I guess you thought your shit was covered up...I know you and I know that as pretty as Whitney was you had to have tried!”

Danika sighed as she answered, “Okay...maybe we did have a little licking fest but it wasn’t like I was in love with her…I surely didn’t want to see her dead!”

India looked at her as she replied, “You sure about that, Danika...I know how much you’re jealous of anyone that’s around me...maybe you felt she was fuckin’ me and you wanted to get her out the way!”

As soon as she was about to answer, Inspector Poirier strolled over to converse with the women.

“Ms. Winfield...I’d like to ask you a few questions...if you would follow me...we can do this now!”

She glared at India and then she gazed at him as she responded, “Yes...of course Inspector….lead the way.”

He smiled as he looked at India and said, “Please excuse us, Ms. Wynn.”

She smiled back at him as she watched Danika and the Inspector strolled toward the far side of the room. Suddenly, her cell phone began to ring as she immediately retrieved it from her purse. She recognized that the call was from Marc as she quickly answered, “Hello...Marc!”

Marc sighed with relief as he replied, “India...I’m so glad to hear from you...I was so worried about you...are you alright?”

India’s voice sounded weak as she replied, “I’m fine...I just can’t believe that there was a murder right here in our hotel!”

“I know...I’m just glad that you’re alright...what about this rumor circulating that you’re involved in an embezzlement scam?”

Surprised India responded, “What...what are you talking about Marc?”

“You mean you don’t know...that packet...the one you told Ursula to had information implicating you as a prime suspect in embezzling million’s from the corporation!”

India sighed as she replied, “So that’s what Travis was up too...He’s trying to steal from the company and make me the scapegoat!” “You know...he was in a relationship with the young woman who was murdered here...maybe she found out his plan and he killed her!”

Marc quickly responded, “India...please be careful, you don’t want him to know that you are on to him!”

As she was about to respond to his suggestion, a member of Lady Davenport’s camp quickly came rushing into the area where everyone was detained. She immediately strolled over toward India and hurriedly said, “Please Madam…Lady Davenport wishes your presence in her limousine.” “It’s just down in front of the hotel…please I will take you there!”

She quickly said on the phone, “Marc…I’ve got to go!”

Marc tried to keep her on the phone as he shouted, “India…wait…please don’t hang up…”

She quickly hung up the phone as she shook her head in the affirmative and immediately commenced to follow the assistant to the elevators.

The Inspector, while conversing with Danika quickly observed India and Lady Davenport’s assistant beginning to make their way toward the elevators as he immediately blurted out, “Ms. Wynn…Please…I still need to ask you a few questions!”

The assistant quickly responded, “Inspector…when you’re ready to question Ms. Wynn…you can reach her at Lady Davenport’s residence!”

As soon as she say that he sighed heavily as he frowned at her. He then glanced back at Danika who was not gazing at him with a mischievous grin. It was obvious that Lady Davenport was an authoritative woman and the way things were looking at that moment, she had a strong domination of the local authorities. As he now watched India and the assistant step into the elevator, he continued with his questioning session with Danika.

“Ms. Winfield…how long did you know the victim?”

She smiled slightly as she replied, “Inspector…you just let her go and you want to ask me questions?”

He sighed as he replied, “Look, Ms. Winfield…I will get to your friend…trust me on that, but you need to cooperate…It is to your advantage if you do it may make things as you say in America…worth your while!”

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