Seductive Company (23 page)

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Authors: Sexy India,Red Snapper

BOOK: Seductive Company
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“Jacques...I want you to cum! Oh yes, you’re making me so fuckin’ hot for you, I want you to cum right now in my hot sexy mouth!” she growled impatiently, and then continued to stroke his shaft with her tongue.

The encouragement seemed to work, as she felt his cum spray into her mouth seconds later. She took in his creamy load and swallowed, still sucking until she had milked every drop out of him.

Then she crawled up on the mound next to him to rest for a few minutes. Therefore, they laid there for a while. His arms came around to encompass her as he moved in closer. She was not expecting much more to happen tonight. He kissed the top of her head, and she returned his embrace, nuzzling her head against his chest.

She felt his words vibrating as she lay on his chest,
“You are one of the most beautiful creatures I have ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on,” he whispered reverently.

For a few minutes, they lay there kissing each other. She could feel his hand move its way down her back until it reached her ass. His hands started to knead her ass cheeks as his tongue explored her mouth. She felt herself getting aroused again, as did he. She reached between his legs and grabbed his balls, rolling them in her hand back and forth.

His erection started growing again as she played with his balls and they kissed fervently. He seemed hungry for her as he devoured her with his mouth. Suddenly, he was not gentle and romantic, but a hungry beast just dying to eat her. He stood up, taking her with him. Then he turned around again to face the sandy mound and made her kneel on the edge of it, her bootylicious ass sticking up at him. He seized the opportunity to slap it a couple of times before he moved his now throbbing hard dick closer to her hole. He pushed the tip of his dick against her now well-lubricated slit. He squeezed her ass and smacked it a couple more times, causing her blood to run hot. In one swift move, he pervaded her with his erection, until it hit deep inside. He stood there for a moment, as if relishing the tightness of her pussy, and then methodically began pumping it. One hand traveled from her ass to tweak a nipple and her body shuddered in delight. She was hot for him. She suddenly wanted him to screw her harder than she ever had been fucked before. As if sensing her desire, he started to ride her harder, until neither of them was sure they could hold out any longer.

Suddenly, he withdrew his dick and turned her around to face him. He picked her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist, and he let her down onto his dick. Holding her by her ass, he pushed her up and down, harder and harder. She squeezed her legs tightly around him and wrapped her arms around his neck, attempting to kiss him feverishly. However, he was no longer in a kissing mood. He picked her up and pushed her against the nearby volcanic wall. He pressed her hands against the wall and then grabbed her waist, pulling her out so that he could see her puckered ass hole. Seeming to think better of fucking her ass, he again thrust his dick into her wet pussy and continued to fuck her ferociously. She started screaming at him, becoming as animalistic as he does, if not more.

“Yeah, fuck me...oh, yeah, you know you want to!” “Screw my tight pussy...I want to feel your jizz fill me up!” she screamed.

At first, he seemed cowed by this outbreak, but then he became more ferocious and fucked her harder and harder. She had never been so vocal before and it turned him on even more.

“Come on, what you are waiting for?” she shrieked as she reached between her legs and began to massage her clit.

“Take this you fuckin’ bitch!” he bellowed and soon his jizz fill her up until it poured out around his shaft.

The feeling made her orgasm imminent, and shortly after, she felt her pussy begin to pulsate with fervor.
They collapsed in a heap on the sandy beach, their bodies intertwined in exhaustion. His cum was dripping out onto her thighs, but she was too tired to care. They lay there until Jacques got the initiative to cuddle up next to her and dozed off to sleep. She thought how wonderful it was to lay there with his arms around her. She laid her head on his shoulder and let her arm carelessly fall across his chest.

They laid there for hours before she rolled over and found that Jacques was no longer next to her. A little disappointed, she turned and rolled drowsily off the sandy mound. She stood up looking around the beach area as she began replaying the events of the night before. She looked around, for the bathrooms and found that they were several feet away from the area they were. Therefore, she got up and strolled toward them.

When she opened the door to the bathroom, she saw Jacques standing there completely nude, adjusting the water for a shower. She strode toward him confidently, and his arms found their way around her. His hands were wet from checking the water, and the droplets of water on her skin caused her to shiver. He picked her up and placed her inside the shower, and then he joined her. The water cascaded over their bodies, and she pressed herself close to him. He took the soap and worked up a good lather on the washcloth. Then, he began to clean her entire body, starting with her face and working down. Before he ran the washcloth over her crotch, he leaned in and kissed it. She shivered at the unexpected contact. His practiced tongue parted her lips and he teased until her clit came out to play. Then, he tugged on it gently with his teeth. He started flicking it back and forth, and she started to roll her nipples between her fingers. As her legs began to quiver, she braced herself against the wall of the shower and spread her legs wider, to allow him more access. She tensed as the waves of her orgasm washed over her. He pushed two fingers into her and massaged her from the inside until her orgasm subsided. She turned around and placed one of her legs up on the edge of the wall, allowing him to slide his dick into her hole. His arms reached around her and began massaging her stomach and chest as she reached between his legs and played with his tight balls. The feeling of them slapping against the backs of her legs was wonderful, but now she wanted to make him feel as good as he made her feel. As she felt another orgasm building up, she began to yell again fervently.

“Fuck, yeah...oh shit, you feel so good!” “You know I want you, harder, harder!” “Oh man, dammit, make me cum!” “Make my body quiver under yours!”

“Yeah, you like that, don't you?” “You like it when I pound you hard!” “You make me want to cum all over you! You'd like that, wouldn't you?” “Well I'm gonna make you beg for it!” he bellowed, and she shivered at the ferocity of his tone.

He pulled out and began to smack her ass, making it turn deep shades of black. He threw her over one arm, and started spanking her, hard. Now she was even hotter with desire. As her ass shivered under his hand, she started to play with her nipples again. With his arm he was holding her up with; he then grabbed her arms and held them firm against her body.

“No, my cannot do that!" he bellowed authoritatively. “I am gonna do all the work!” She cowered and took the spanking, getting hotter with pent up sexual energy. “Yeah, you like that, bitch. Tell me what you want me to do to you!”

"Oh, Jacques, fuck me...I want you to pound me, hard.” Then I want you to come all over my face and chest!” “I am so hot for you, and I want you so bad!” “I love when you spank me!” she screamed back at him.

Her words seem to push him close to the edge, because he stood her back up so that she could face him. He then begins to plunge deep inside of her once more. He pushed in so hard and rapidly that she twanged from the slight pain. That really got him going, because he fucked her even harder than before.. As she started to go into an intense orgasm, he pulled out of her and began shooting his load onto her chest and all over her face. She opened her mouth, and he shot his cum into it as she stared at him blatantly and longingly. They showered their tired bodies off before returning to the beach. As they were about to leave the beach and return to the building, he delicately leaned her against the wall and with all of his animalistic behavior worn off he draped his wet body over hers and began to kiss her, not roughly or passionately, but softly. His lips brushed hers as he brought one hand up to her hair. He started to run his fingers through it, and she tightened her legs around his waist. After a few minutes, they strolled back to the receiving area and retrieved their clothes.

One more kiss than he was gone. A few minutes later, she got hold of herself and began to make her way toward the hotel. She knew she was now ready to make a decision about her future as she smiled reminiscing on her recent sexual encounter and finally making it back to the hotel lobby. She first decides to get a drink before heading up to her suite, so she strolls toward the hotel lounge. As she was making her way toward the lounge, hoping to see Jacques again, she ran into Travis, who was sitting alone at the bar. She sighed as she made her way over to speak with him. She stood behind him until he acknowledges her presence by glancing at her reflection in the mirror behind the bar.

“So...I guess this whole damn thing just turned out to be a disaster, huh?”

She looked at him confused. One, she’d never seen him acting like this before because he was always so full of confidence, two, he was acting as if he wasn’t trying to set her up, so she acted as if she was clueless.


“I really thought we had a chance with this project...I don’t understand what happen...can you explain it, India?”

She glared at him as she replied, “Me...Why’re you asking me that?”

He turned around slowly and replied, “You were the last one to speak with Lady Davenport before this sudden press conference was called...did you do or say something to sabotage our deal?”

She frowned as she replied, “’re kidding right...I did nothing to mess up our chances!”

He looked at her with an angry face as he responded, “So if you didn’t fuck this up purposely then what’s this rumor that you’re jumping ship and joining Lady Davenport’s camp?”

She looked at him surprised that he knew about her offer, but she immediately figured out that Danika must have told him about the deal. She smiled as she responded to his allegation, “Well, I was offered a position with her corporation but I assure you Travis...I didn’t sabotage our chances to land this deal!”

He gazed at her as he showed her an e-mail message from the Corporate Headquarters.

“You see this...this is an urgent e-mail from Corporate...they want to see us as soon as possible.” “They say they have some corporate matters to discuss concerning this project.” “They claimed that a representative from Davenport Industries, Inc. has some incriminating evidence against us. We are restricted from leaving here until the investigation team arrives here in three days.”

She gazed at him distraught as she replied, “Investigation...incriminating evidence...what’s really going on here, Travis?”












ndia was now totally confused, although Lady Davenport recently had told her that Travis was involved in setting her up, India did not fully understand Lady Davenport’s role in this dilemma. She did not know that she was planning to make contact with her Corporation. As she stood there waiting on Travis to respond to her question, she knew that she had to see Lady Davenport and do it like yesterday.
Travis mugged her up and down and then responded, “I’m not saying anything until I find out what you’ve done...I don’t trust you and I think you should stay the fuck away from me until I find out why you’re setting me up like this!”
He quickly slammed his glass on the bar as he stood up, strolling around her, leaving her standing there in awe. She slowly sat down at the bar and ordered a drink as she thought; “Only one person knew about Lady Davenport offering me a position with her firm.” “I thought I could trust her but I really see that Danika is really out to get me!”
Meanwhile Whitney was in her suite preparing to leave for the United States when she received a knock at her door. She hurriedly strolled to open it thinking it was Travis. She smiled as she opened the door wide, but was disappointed when she saw it was Danika standing there. She quickly turned around, strolling away from the door as she responded, “Oh, it’s you...what do you want?”
Danika smiled as she entered the room, closing the door behind her as she replied, “You know what I want...why you are holding out on me, Whitney?”
Whitney turned to face her puzzled as she responded, “What are you talking about, Danika?” “I’ve told you everything that I know so what is it that you want from me?”
Danika strolled over toward the bar, poured herself a drink and then replied, “I want to know the truth about Philly!” “You see I know that something’s up and you know what it is!”
Whitney smiled as she moved over toward the bar and sat down on the barstool.

Why do you think that something is up, Danika...why don’t you just tell me what you think happened?”
Danika smiled as she took a sip of her beverage and then she replied, “Well...I think that India really slept with your boy Travis....since you two are almost identical I can see you two pulling something like this off!” “But what I don’t get is why...why you are two doing this?” “What’s the reason?”
Whitney sat there staring into space in deep thought as Danika waited for her answer. She knew she had to say something but she did not want to expose India’s cover up so she responded, “The truth is I was there in Philly...India was trying to sort things out with her mother and she asked me to step in.”
Danika looked at her with disbelief as she replied, “Now, do I look like a fool to you?” I know you don’t expect me to believe that bullshit do you?”

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