See Jayne Play (11 page)

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Authors: Jami Denise,Marti Lynch

BOOK: See Jayne Play
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I laughed. Hard.

Flynn, do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds? You’ve had my attention four times now. You pay for my attention… isn’t that the whole point?”

He turned to face me, and the look on his eyes planted me on my ass. “It’s not the same.”

I blinked. Rapidly. I wasn’t sure what to think of that. Was he serious?

I’m not sure I understand you, Flynn.”

He grabbed my shoulders, taking a step closer to me and leaning in closely. “I want you to want to spend time with me.”

Well, shit. I wasn’t expecting that, and although I did want to spend time with him, I didn’t feel like it was in my best interest to blurt it out. I’d lose my footing with him if I did. My advantage would be lost, and then everything would be fucked.

I enjoy spending time with you, Flynn. But I will tell you something.”

He nodded, so I continued. “I resent the fact that you continue to bring other women. I am not some common whore. I take what I do seriously, and I don’t appreciate the games you’ve been playing with me.”

No more games,” he said, shaking his head. “I want to spend time with you. And I don’t think you’re a common whore.”

I sighed and nervously fiddled with the sash of my robe. Several times, his eyes had travelled the length of my body, and I knew it wasn’t the smartest idea to be standing there in my tiny robe and my even smaller pajamas. The attraction between us was so strong and the pull tugged hard, but he was confusing and troubled, that was clear. My life was a mess, and he had no idea what he was asking for.

Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t have had to worry. We’d fuck, fuck again, and it’d be done.

Fine. Call Vince tomorrow and he’ll set something up.”

He shook my shoulders and growled. “Are you not listening? I’m done with the games, Jayne. I want to spend time with you, with Janie. I don’t want to call your pimp for a fucking date!”

My face hardened and my back tightened. The ten minutes of beautiful words he’d blessed me with were suddenly tainted by one simple sentence, and I wanted him gone.

Get the fuck off my porch. Get out of my life, and don’t come back. You don’t want games? Fine. I just quit playing them. If you want a girlfriend, you’re barking up the wrong tree. You either want a whore, or you don’t. Make up your mind, or stay the hell away from me!”

He turned, cursing under his breath and tugging at his hair. Things had gotten out of control once again. With us, it was always that way. Hot, cold, dark, light. He’d brought out a best in me I’d never experienced, but he always brought out the filth that was under the surface.

I was about to walk back in the house, sick of his shit and ready to hide under my quilt and cry for days, but he stopped me.

Wait,” he ordered.

Pulling his phone out of his pants pocket, he pressed a number into the screen.

Several seconds later, the person answered, and immediately, I knew who it was.

I’d like to request the services of Jayne King, for the next ten days, exclusively.”

His eyes met mine, and all I could see was him. His eyes, his smile, smug and knowing and so full of himself. He was making sure he had me. Somehow, it was clear to him that I had no choice, and somehow he made it okay in his head to own me.

I understand, and you can collect payment in full, in advance. I don’t want any delay. I’ll pick her up at seven thirty tonight.”

He slid it back in his pocket and took a step toward me, his eyes still drilling a hole in me.

I paid. Happy?”

Without waiting for a response, he stepped off the porch and onto the sidewalk, disappearing down the block. I stood there, stunned and angry, and even though my legs wanted to run after him and insist that he explain himself, my mind wouldn’t allow it. Jayne King didn’t chase after anyone.

I stomped my foot like a child, swung the door open, and went inside to talk to Vince. As soon as the door opened, there he was, lips tight and arms crossed over his chest. He was pissed.

That guy is definitely messed up over you. You need to be careful.”

My arms went up and I stomped again. “What did you say to him when he asked that? Is he crazy?”

He nodded, his lip lifting a bit in the corner. “He asked for exclusive, and I told him a million. He’ll have the money available today. That’s it, and we’re done, kid. Ten days, less than two weeks, and we’re done.”

I was catching flies. I couldn’t speak, or pick my jaw up off the floor. One million dollars?

And yeah, the fucker is crazy.”

My head shook back and forth in disbelief. It was unfathomable that we were actually pulling it off, and that Flynn was willing to go through with it to prove a point. To spend time with me. His intentions were so unbelievable. Inside, I wanted to believe them. I definitely yearned to have him want me. I was as crazy as he was, honestly, and I was pretty sure Vince knew it.

So, here’s what we’re going to do. We get the money, you get ready to go with him, and I’ll handle your dad. I’ll call you as soon as shit is settled, and let you know where he is. I’ll get him set up, and by the time you’re done with Flynn, we’ll be ready.”

I couldn’t breathe. My chest was tight and heavy, and my legs threatened to buckle beneath me.

What does this mean?”

Vince groaned and walked over to the kitchen counter, grabbing his keys and sunglasses and walked toward the door.

Keep up, Janie. We have business to take care of. Get ready, and I’ll be back."


I clasped my hand over the handle of my bag and stared out the window at the passing buildings. We were leaving the strip, which terrified me. We were going out of the city, and that was more than I’d bargained for. I’d talked myself into enjoying a few days of luxury and pampering at The Maguire Grand, but things were changing, and I was nervous.

The car pulled onto the I-15, taking us south. At first, I thought we were heading out of town—California maybe—and then we hit the 215.

Where are we headed?” I finally asked the driver.

He ignored me, his eyes on the road and mind on driving, and I sulked back against the leather seat and groaned. It wasn’t ideal being at the mercy of someone else. Actually, it was terrifying. Things were way out of my control, and there was a lot at stake.

As we drove, I checked my phone restlessly, waiting for a word from Vince. It was making me nervous that he hadn’t checked in with me, and my mind raced. All I could think about was my dad’s safety. As badly as I wanted him safe, I also wanted to be free of the obligation. I wanted to sweep back into my own life and live without burden.

The old man was going to be on his own. I was so tired of being the parent. I wanted to be a normal woman, and my dad needed to take care of himself. He was too old for the game.

And then there was Flynn. I couldn’t help but have feelings for him, even when he was being a creepy idiot. There was something about him, and I couldn’t help but fall for him a little more every time I looked into his sultry eyes.

Flying down the highway toward an unknown destination in the Nevada desert to meet him for an undetermined amount of time, all with the price tag of a million dollars, killed something deep down inside of me. I’d never felt cheaper or worthless. I should’ve been thrilled—it was the best of both worlds. I could get my father back, and spend time with Flynn alone. It left a sad, bitter taste in my mouth.

I was pretty much devastated.

A sick, pathetic part of me lived for his calls. No longer would I have a reason to receive those calls. I’d be gone. I knew without a doubt that he’d have another girl on his mattress before my car even hit the California-Nevada border. I was nothing but a distraction to him, and out of sight, out of mind. Replaceable.

You’ve had one whore, you’ve had them all.

He loved the chase. I could tell he liked the game as much as I did. That was the zinger. This was fun, being with me, titillation for a spoiled man-child with too much time and money on his hands. He was used to this, and I wasn’t. I kept myself afloat, enough money to have a little fun, and enough sin to satisfy my needs.

Two broken branches off the same tree. His side bloomed, while mine fought to produce life.

Finally things were beginning to look familiar. It was a part of town full of golf courses and ritzy country clubs. Designer, one-of-a-kind homes, custom and ridiculously expensive, lined the landscape.

This is where he lives?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

The driver simply nodded, pulling off the highway and driving through toward the south part of town. The homes were gorgeous, and I kept myself busy by admiring the increasingly luxurious homes pass us by.

He obviously had a home there, and the thought of being alone, left with the privacy of his personal space, caused my stomach to cramp. Meeting him on his own turf felt a little too intimate. The hotel was one thing, but his home said something about the situation that I wasn’t ready to deal with.

We pulled through a large iron gate and down a long driveway toward a beautiful home set back in the hills. It was dark, but the house was lit up like a Christmas tree, full of life and open secrets.

I was intimidated. There was no doubt. I was immediately impressed, if not a little bitter, once the house came into view. More than once, I’d had men shove their wealth in my face, dangling it like a T-bone steak in front of a hungry lioness. Flynn was no different. At least he hadn’t tried to hide the fact that he was stuffed with money, but it was disappointing, nonetheless.

What was he trying to prove? Did he think I was stupid enough to fawn all over him, thank him for his fucking charity?
. He paid more money than I could make in a year to fuck me, or if our past encounters proved to be the norm, not to fuck me, but I still had some pride.

I wasn’t exactly ashamed of being an escort. I chose to use men for money. I loved the attention, and I enjoyed sex. I liked the power I held as an organizer of escorts, and the success I’d found was more than I ever expected in my shitty life. But, I preferred being on the other side of business. I liked holding on to a tiny part of my dignity, and that little bit of power was enough.

After watching my father drink and gamble his life away, I’d found a piece of life to call my own. Sure, I got it. People thought poorly of hookers. I didn’t fucking care. Not anymore.

Besides, it was the world’s oldest profession. If something worked, it worked.

The closer we got to the house, the more beautiful it became. It was a modern, minimalist design, clean lines and wall-to-wall windows. Beautiful red stone and brick gave it a warm and inviting appeal. It was definitely not what I expected, but it was so much more impressive.

I thought briefly that maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t the pretentious prick I thought he was.

Although, the house was clearly worth more than I could even fathom in a lifetime.

Before the driver could even get the door open, Flynn was on the porch and approaching the car. He looked edible in a pair of khaki shorts, loose t-shirt, and a pair of flip flops. I’d never tried to imagine him dressed down, and realized that not even in my dreams could he have looked so good.

Even his hair looked longer, his waves hanging down over his brow, and his boyish smile took me off guard. I found myself smiling back at him through the tinted window. He looked happy, ready to have fun, and excited for me to arrive.

He beat the driver to the door, swung it open, and peered inside, holding his hand out. “You’re here.”

His dimples pinched his cheeks as his smile widened. It was contagious, and I smiled back, taking his hand and climbing out.

The house is gorgeous,” I said. I stood on my toes and gave him a small peck on the cheek.

His arm went around my waist, and I was lifted off my feet and up against him. He kissed me, hard and thoroughly, and I wasn’t sure if it was stars I was seeing or if I’d actually finally lost my mind.

His warm, soft tongue licked at my lips, and then he was pressing inside, demanding all I had to give. I gave it, dropping my purse on the ground; I swung my arms around his shoulders and let myself feel, for the first time in a long time. I felt everything.

Funny thing was, a month before I hadn’t wanted a thing to do with men. I was an independent in the world, no strings, and the whole future to take over. At that moment, though, I was just a girl kissing a beautiful man and watching tiny pictures of ridiculous futures flash before my eyes.

After several amazing moments of kissing the beautiful man, he pulled away, all smiles again and bright eyes. I’d never seen him so relaxed. His guard was down, and I sensed that I was seeing a piece of Flynn Maguire he’d hidden from me before.

This will be good, Jayne. I want you to be happy here.”

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