See Jayne Play (15 page)

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Authors: Jami Denise,Marti Lynch

BOOK: See Jayne Play
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Janie,” I said, my voice losing all its strength. “Call me Janie again.”

We’d reached the bedroom, and he placed me on the bed gently, kneeling in between my legs.

Janie.” He ran his knuckles over my cheek, and then leaned forward to kiss me, pressing me backward.

Janie, Janie, Janie.” He chanted my name over and over again as he marked my body with his lips.

The sheet was gone, and finally there was nothing between me and the hard muscles of his chest. I reached around and ran my fingernails down his back, remembering the tattoo.

Your tattoo is huge.”

His lips raised in a smirk. “Oh, come on. You want me to comment on your manhood?”

Reaching across the bed, he pulled a foil packet from underneath the pillow, ripping it open and slid it over his length quickly.

Without another word, he lifted my legs over his shoulders, his eyes searing into mine as he positioned himself at my opening and then slid inside, one torturous inch at a time.

My jaw slack and my limbs numb, I held my breath until he was completely inside of me. No matter what, I knew I would never feel that good again as long as I lived. Ever. My eyelids were heavy, but I couldn’t take my eyes off him.

He was so strong, so beautiful. Everything about him screamed sin, and yet, he was tender. I felt it, saw it, knew it. He was pouring himself into me, body and soul. I felt worshipped, loved. For the first time in my life, I was making love.

He was making love.

By the look in his eyes, it was a first for him, too. We were two souls discovering what it felt like to belong to someone, to open our hearts to another, and at that moment I felt like the luckiest woman alive.

Jesus, Jayne, so fucking beautiful,” he groaned. “I knew it was going to feel like this. Like fucking heaven.”

He ground his hips into mine, swiveling his hips before bucking them back. Over and over he thrust into me, my entire body quaking with each strong snap of his hips.

Letting go of my legs, he fell over me, holding himself up with his elbows as he continued to work himself in and out of me. He was taking his time, relishing in every minute we spent together. I could tell he was holding off. I didn’t want him to. I wanted him to devour me.

The sound and smell of sex was everywhere. It was thick and vivid and consumed every inch of the room. Dust, shadows, air—it was all saturated with us. There was nothing but me and him, our love, our bodies.

Harder,” I cried. “Please, harder.” I was begging. I was so close, yet I didn’t really want it to end. It was too much and not enough all at once.

You feel so good, so tight,” he said, grinding his teeth. “I’m not going to last, baby. I need you to come.”

His lips leaned down, and the heat in his kiss was enough to throw me over the edge. My body shattered and I clung to him, clawing at his back as I rode it out.

A few more pumps, and his body stilled, and I felt as he filled me before collapsing on top of me.

I held him tight against me, wrapping my arms around his shoulders, and tangling my legs with his. His warm breath was ragged against my neck as he tried to calm down. When I felt him try to get up, I held him even tighter, not wanting to let him go for a second.


Janie, I’m crushing you.”

I smiled against his shoulder and then laid a gentle kiss on his sweaty skin. “I like it. I want you to.”

He chuckled. “I’m never letting you go, Janie.”

I hope that’s true.”

Pulling back to look at me, he let his eyes scan my face. “That was beautiful.”

I gave a little nod, and pulled my hand forward to run over his smooth cheek. He was breathtaking. He’d shown me more respect and more consideration in one moment that I’d ever expected from a man.

You’re beautiful,” I told him. I meant it. He was truly something to look at.

With a grin and a peck on my lips, he jumped up, holding his hand out for me to take. “Come on. Let’s get a shower before we get dirty again.”

I giggled as he lifted me from the bed and then carried me to the bathroom, using his foot to slam the door shut behind us.


Being on Flynn Maguire’s arm was an exhilarating feeling. Every eye was on us as we entered the casino. The sound of my heels as they tapped against the marble floors thundered in my head. My heart pounded. They could tell there was something special about the two of us. We filled a room like stars in the sky.

Heads turned, jaws dropped, and I stood proud as a peacock. Being on his arm was something. In all reality, yes, he’d bought me, but things were quickly going in another direction. There would be no more money exchanged when we spent our time together. We were one and the same—equal. He wanted me next to him, and I needed to be there.

I’d been a little nervous about stepping out in public, especially since I hadn’t heard from Vince. That made me nervous. I’d hoped to have a resolution already, and every hour that went by, I was a little more concerned.

It wasn’t like Vince to leave me in the dark, either. He hadn’t even checked up on me, and I had to have faith that it meant things were going as planned.

Being with Flynn made me forget for the most part, and that was a good thing. We’d fucked the entire day away, and I was truly disappointed when it was time to go.

Plus, my nerves pricked even more once he told me where we were going.

A poker game.

The irony alone made me want to puke. It was too close to home, too familiar. Flynn’s reputation was epic. I knew he hardly ever walked away from a table empty-handed, and I was sure the influence of his name gave him a better advantage than people like my dad. Still, I had a knot in my gut, and it just wouldn’t ease up.

He stopped, tugging me back, and stood in front of me. His eyes found mine, and his hands went to my arms.

What’s wrong?”

My eyebrows creased, confusion set in, and I shook my head. “Nothing. Why?”

His jaw ticked. “You tensed up.” His hand slid down my arm, and he grabbed my wrist, pressing his finger against it. “Your heart is racing.”

I took a deep breath and broke eye contact. I needed to talk to him about the situation I was in. Coming clean was the right thing to do. If I really, truly wanted something to happen between us, something real, I had to open up and give him all of myself. Who knew what he’d think after I gave him the big picture. As forgiving as he’d been, I wasn’t sure he’d want to be involved with something as shady as a kidnapping and extortion.

We need to talk tonight.”

Okay,” he said slowly. “Seriously, are you not okay with this? You can wait for me in the suite if you’d prefer. I want you next to me, but not if it’s going to upset you.”

Shaking my head, I leaned into him, pressing myself against the strength of his chest. “I don’t want to be anywhere you aren’t. It’s just that…” I sighed. “There are things you should know. If we’re going beyond sex, like you said, I should lay everything out on the line for you.”

He squeezed me hard against him. “We’ll talk, Janie, but there is nothing for you to worry about. Nothing will scare me away.”

I wasn’t convinced, but I also didn’t want it to ruin our night. “Let’s go. They’re expecting you.”

His look turned serious. “I mean it, Jayne. Nothing. After tonight, everyone will know you’re mine. No one comes near you again. Not unless they go through me.”

I hope you know what you’re doing, Mr. Maguire.”

He smiled, kissed me hard, his tongue caressing mine and his arms going around me in the most possessive embrace I’d ever encountered. Right there, in the middle of The Maguire Grand, he marked me.

I was his.

I’m a very smart man, Miss King. I always know what I’m doing.”

The table was packed, and the room was full of spectators. It was a much larger scale than I thought it would be, and I realized he was definitely making a statement having me there. There were velvet seated chairs off to the side, and one was marked with my name on it. Front and center.

He was in his element, and I found that, all things considered, I was as well. I was gifted with charm, and I’d easily won over every man in the room. It was very different, being Flynn Maguire’s woman. I’d always had attention, but I now had respect. The women envied me, and the men were curious. You could see the questions in their eyes, and the jealousy raging in their bones.

I swam in it, but my attention wasn’t on them. It was on Flynn. His face held a mask of concentration. I’d sat through enough of these tournaments to know what to expect, but this was a completely different experience. My father was a man of action, boisterous and obnoxious. He bragged, proved himself a fool most of the time, but Flynn was calm and collected, a man on a mission.

I could do nothing but watch. I didn’t want to take my eyes off him for a second. Watching him work was a thing of beauty. It gave me a new perspective on him and where his head was. He was nothing like the spoiled rich boy I thought him to be. Sure, he was definitely more fortunate than most, but it was secondary to his personality. He ran deeper than the money and lifestyle he was born into. He didn’t play poker for sport—it was his life.

Mind if I sit, Miss King?”

I startled and looked up to find Doyle Maguire smiling down at me. He was a big man. Huge. Powerful, handsome, and built like a California Redwood. You could see the features he shared with Flynn—his broad shoulders, hazel eyes, and a smile that could melt a hardened criminal like butter.

But, he gave me an uneasy feeling, one that tangled up my nerves like a vining weed. I smiled, though, Jayne replacing Janie on stage.

Please. Be my guest.”

He unbuttoned his jacket and sat, crossing one leg over the other. “I haven’t seen you around a poker table in quite some time. I take it your father is playing tonight?”

I was shaking. I clasped my hands together and hid them on my lap, my smile still firmly planted on my face.

Not tonight, no.”

His eyebrows rose. “Ah, I see.”

Scared shitless, but sure that he already knew why I was there, I decided to be honest. He was, after all, Flynn’s father.

I looked over at the table and noticed the furious look on Flynn’s face. He looked torn, like he wanted to clear the table and take me away. I didn’t understand it. Was he angry that his father was there? Angry that I was talking to him?

Actually, I came as Flynn’s date tonight.”

He chuckled. “That boy loves his whores. Tell me, Miss King. Is he getting his money’s worth?”

I gasped, but tried to keep a level head so Flynn wouldn’t become suspicious. I could handle this asshole, the same as I did every other rich, pompous man and their arrogant assumptions. Being that it was Flynn’s father, I had to tread carefully.

Holding my back straight and my smile tight, I answered. “We’ve become something beyond a business arrangement, Mr. Maguire. I’m here tonight as his girlfriend, not his whore. I’ve retired.”

I gave him a smile full of mirth and hate. The look on his face was all the retaliation I needed. He was shocked, that was perfectly clear. And pissed.

Is that what he has you believing, Miss King? I thought you were a bright woman, but I was mistaken. You’re just like the rest. You’ll be gone by the end of the week. That I guarantee. My son will have his fill and you’ll be back on the streets, selling that second-class cunt.”

My body was in action before I could even think about it. I had to get away from him, consequences be damned. He’d hit on my insecurities, something very few could do, and I’d had enough. I’d had the best twenty-four hours of my life, and I wasn’t letting him take anything away from me.

I didn’t make eye contact with Flynn as I fled the room. He couldn’t afford to leave the table, and I didn’t want to burden him with his father’s poison. The doubt had set in, though. As badly as I wanted to suck it in and spit it out, it was there, filling my veins and taking me down.

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