See Jayne Play (12 page)

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Authors: Jami Denise,Marti Lynch

BOOK: See Jayne Play
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I was already happy, and not in any hurry to leave. All it took was a kiss, and I’d forgotten that I’d sold my life away to the man, not been swept off my feet.

I let that thought slide down my back and float away. I was there, there was no way out of it, and things looked like they were going in a good direction. He wasn’t acting like an asshole, he’d finally kissed me, and he looked delicious. Besides, how bad could it be spending a few days in a gorgeous house with the Nevada desert as a backdrop?

It was romantic in a fucked up, this is not your life sort of way.

But, that was how things usually went for me.

I smiled, warm and as soft as I could. He didn’t get Jayne’s smile. The deal was done. He chose me, wanted me there. I was going to make the best of it and enjoy myself. I had no idea what the next week would hold for me, so living in the moment was on my agenda.

He took my hand and led me inside, and again, I was impressed. Nothing fancy, no priceless paintings, no European furniture, no Mr. Collins. It was a normal home, warm and inviting and beautifully decorated. It suited the Flynn next to me much more than the uptight suite in The Maguire hotel.

The environment must have been good for him. I’d never seen him smile so much. He had a lilt to his step, calm and confident but not in the arrogant, smug way he was in the city. I liked the desert Flynn, the shorts and a t-shirt Flynn.

I could fall in love with that Flynn.

I bit my lip and wanted to punch myself in the face for thinking about it. Vince had been right. I was in denial. I liked him… a lot. More than I should have, and more than I was allowed. When all was said and done, I was going to be well and fucked.

I have steaks on the grill, and I thought we could eat on the veranda. It’s beautiful out here at night. You’ll love it.”

My face hurt from smiling so much. It was pulled so tight I could feel my ears at the back of my head. It felt so normal, like a blind date. As many “dates” as I’d had, I’d never been to someone’s home, or treated to a sunset on a veranda.

Being with Flynn made it all that much better.

We came to the end of a long hall, rustic wood wall to wall and slate on the floor. He pushed a large, salvaged wood door open and waved me inside.

It was breathtaking. A wrought-iron bed sat in the middle of the room against one wall, covered in billowing white linens and a white down spread. A ceiling to floor window cast sunlight throughout, and the same worn wood lay on the floor.

It was simplistic, fresh, and romantic. Romance. I was definitely not expecting that.

Do you like it?”

His hands came to my shoulders, his chest against my back and his lips at my ear. His voice was rough, and I could tell he was holding himself back, his arousal blatant against my back.

I love it.”

I think I love you in white,” he said. “I don’t think you’ve ever looked more beautiful.”

I casually looked down at the soft, gauzy dress I’d worn. I wore it in an effort to defy him and his usual demanding requests. It was simple but sexy, a little sheer and perfect for the sweltering weather. Admittedly, I knew it looked good on me, not that I ever wore anything that didn’t flatter—it wasn’t my style. I always liked to look good—preferred it—and looking good for him was important, even when I was rebelling against his preferences.

Thank you.”

I turned in his arms, snaking my arms up and around his neck, tickling the soft curls at his nape. I was determined to twist my fingers in that hair by the end of the night. I wanted it tight in my fists, preferably while enjoying his lips on my sex.

His eyes burned hot and dark as his smile fell. It turned into something pained, forced. The easy Flynn was gone, and in his place was the brooding, cold man from the first night I’d been called upon.

We should eat.”

He kissed me softly and stepped back, loosening my grip on him and turning to walk out. I gave a last cursory glance at the bed, sighed, and followed him out, wondering what the hell had happened.

The breeze was just enough to settle the scorch of the sun, and the yard was a sight I knew I’d never get out of my head. Native foliage and stone fixtures were laid out in a concise, practical manner and easy design, but fitting to the estate.

Dinner was quiet, the sound of silverware clanking and dishes moving echoed over the silence of the empty night. Conversation was slow, but eventually, we found an easy rhythm. Whether it was the wine or the fact that it had gotten so uncomfortably awkward for both of us, I wasn’t sure. All I knew was that I wanted to make the best of things and find that sweet, happy Flynn again.

Why did you bring me all the way out here?” I blurted out.

My eyes went wide, surprised at my own question, before setting my wine glass on the table and leaning forward, suddenly brave.

I mean, why all the fanfare? It seems rather cozy out here and I wonder why you’d bring someone like me here.”

Why not? You’d rather be in the suite, I assume?”

I shook my head, sat back, and re-crossed my legs. “Not at all. I prefer it out here, actually. I’m just curious why you decided to bring me here. To your home.”

His brow furrowed and he sat back against his chair, folding his arms behind his head. “Why wouldn’t I?”

I rolled my eyes and let out a long, frustrated breath. I felt like he was baiting me again, and the trip in the limousine flashed back behind my eyelids. I didn’t want to hear the words out of his mouth. Not really. I didn’t want to remind him in that moment that I was an escort, a woman he’d paid to spend time with. But, I’d opened the door, my own stupid mouth getting in my way once again.

Do you often bring hookers home, Flynn, or is this a special circumstance?”

He flinched, flew out of his chair, and pinned me against the back of mine, hands on both sides of me. “Don’t say it again, Jayne. I brought you here because I wanted you here. Not because I paid you. I paid you because that’s how I ensure that I get time with you. There’s a difference.”

My chin quivered and my hands balled up into fists. Those words, words so beautiful they punched me in the heart. If I’d doubted what I’d felt between us before, I certainly didn’t anymore.

He seethed above me, his nostrils flared in anger. The intensity between us was at its boiling point. Whatever it was that sang when we were together was about to come to a head.

His lips crashed into mine, and all thoughts went out the window. All there was at that moment was him. His mouth, his lips, his tongue. He kissed me with all the words he couldn’t say, all the things he tried not to feel.

I returned them. Ten-fold.

Picking me up, he sat back in the chair next to me and pulled me into his lap, ravaging my mouth like a man starved. My hands went directly into his hair, pulling, teasing, and petting. Kissing had never done much for me, but kissing Flynn was like breathing air. It was a necessity, and once it was all said and done, I would never be able to live without it.

His kisses slowed, his tongue lapping softly at my lips as he pulled away from me, staring at me with fire in his eyes.

I’ve never felt the way you make me feel.” It was only a whisper, barely loud enough for me to hear even in the silence of his secluded yard.

I wasn’t sure what to make of it. What did I make him feel? What did that even mean?

His eyes darted over my face, a smile turning up on his lips. “You want to take a dip?”

Nodding over his shoulder, he motioned toward a virtual lagoon—stone with two waterfalls, palm trees, and a glistening pool of water tucked away on the other side of the yard.

I nodded, feeling braver by the minute and stood, shedding my dress over my head, leaving me in only a pair of pale lace panties.

His eyes glazed over, his focus on my bare tits and the bravado I stole stripping down to my underwear. I threw my shoes to the side, sliding them off one by one, and held my hand out for him to take.

I was past trying to keep my cool. There was really no sense in pretending I didn’t want him the way I did. A rush of lust flowed through me every time I saw him, and having him near me, so close I could touch him, made it impossible to pretend.

The cool air rolled over my flushed skin. The water would feel wonderful after the warm day, and the closer I got to the pool, the hotter my body got. Seduction was something I was good at. Excelled in. I was determined to take from him what I’d wanted since that very first night.

All bets were off. In a few short days, I was walking away from Las Vegas, my family, and a life I never asked for. I was moving on, and my business arrangement with Flynn would be over. It was possible that I’d never see him again, and I’d truly never have the opportunity to fulfill the need I had for him. I was a woman on a mission, one I felt so deep in my bones that I ached with it.

He followed me to the edge of the pool, and I stood in awe as I looked over the enchanting waterfall and grotto to the right of me. It was truly remarkable. Dipping my toe in the cold water, I let my head loll back with satisfaction.

His hands were on my shoulders, sliding down my arms and resting on my hips. “Your body haunts me,” he whispered in my ear.

Goosebumps pricked at my skin. His voice was low, ragged. The brush of his fingertips was more erotic than anything I’d ever felt. He knew how to touch a woman, gentle enough to make you melt, but rough enough to send pools of arousal to flood through your body.

I was drowning in him.

I think of it every second I’m awake. When I sleep, it’s you I see behind my eyelids. I dream of you. Crave you. I wanted you the second I laid eyes on you.”

We were on the same page there, and it was extremely flattering to know that I affected him the same way he did me. The shameless jealousy I’d had seeing him with other women was immense. I now saw that his violent outbursts and pushy demands came from a place of desperation, not control. He wanted me, deeply.

I wiggled away from him and dove into the pool, letting the water take me under and then pushing myself to the surface. It was exhilarating, freeing. When I was a little girl, we’d lived in an apartment complex with a pool. I escaped there, losing myself to the freedom of my limbs in the dense liquid. I couldn’t hear the yelling when I was underneath. I could pretend I was a mermaid or a tiny fish, frantic to flee the ugly depths of a dangerous situation.

It sort of felt the same as I pushed myself across the pool. The water was cool on my skin, chilling the blistering heat of my body. I could think in there, erase the reality and make believe I was still that little mermaid, happy and frolicking with nothing in the world to worry about.

A loud splash from behind me told me he was coming for me. I swung my arms faster, wind milling them toward the other edge. My legs kicked, and my lungs stung. Faster, faster, I thrust myself forward with all the momentum my heart could stand.

He was faster though, and much stronger. His arms came around my waist, lifting me up against his chest and holding me against him.

You can’t get away from me, Jayne.”

Lifting me over his head, he dunked me over his shoulders and back into the pool. I struggled to the surface, letting out a gasp, and slapped him on the back.

What was that for?”

He smiled, lowering himself so he could wade over to where I’d surfaced. “Just because.”

He was playful, charming. The way his switch went from left to right so quickly reminded me too much of my father. That mask was dangerous, and as well as I’d nailed down the disguise, I had nothing on him.

That was mean,” I scolded, moving backward on my tiptoes. “I could’ve drowned.”

He chuckled, his arms swiping through the water as he stalked across the pool toward me. “I would’ve saved you.”

I let out a guffaw and rolled my eyes. “Now you know CPR?”

He nodded, still smiling. Suddenly, he was in front of me, pulling me against him again. I gasped, realizing he was completely naked.

Flynn,” I said. I was breathless, the feel of him against me, hard and bare, was bliss.

I reached down as his lips touched mine and grabbed his cock, stroking him softly. He was pure steel, heavy and smooth in my hand. I’d waited so long to touch him, to have him touch me the same way. The wind blew through us as he pulled my legs to cradle his waist, and I shuddered.

Don’t stop,” he begged.

It was difficult to get a good grasp on him while we were close, but I didn’t want him to let me go. His hands held me firmly, his fingers digging into the cheeks of my ass as he invaded my mouth. Slow, and then quick, he ravaged me while I fearlessly drove him toward his orgasm.

It was phenomenal being with him. I’d jacked off countless men in my life, sloppy teenage hand-jobs in the back of cars, awkward clients while I was a dancer, and the frequent dates I’d had over the years. The way he felt, reacted, looked… it was insane.

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