See Jayne Play (14 page)

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Authors: Jami Denise,Marti Lynch

BOOK: See Jayne Play
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Why now? Why this?”

I couldn’t figure it out. He was too shy to ask for a lap dance, but he was secure enough to pay me thousands of dollars to watch him jerk off? I didn’t get him at all.

I overheard Vince at a party talking to a potential client about a special girl, Jayne King. When he confirmed that it was you, Scarlet Jayne from The Palace, I couldn’t stand the thought of you being with other men. I wanted to know why. I wanted to keep you for myself. I couldn’t figure out why someone as beautiful as you, so special, was selling herself.”

I flinched, disgusted and ashamed. “Everyone has their reasons, Flynn. We’ve gone over this. You have your daddy, and I have mine. There’s a lottery as far as family goes, and my scratcher was blank. This wasn’t what I envisioned for my future, but shit happens. Life happens. I do what I have to do.”

He grabbed my hand and pulled me back against him, wrapping his arm around my waist and holding me down against him.

I’m not insulting you, Jayne. I’m trying to tell you that I want to give you more.”

He didn’t let me answer; instead his lips invaded mine, releasing me of all thoughts. All I could think about was him, his words. I wanted to believe him. God, how I wanted to. In what universe would a man like Flynn want me? All I knew was that I was lost to him. Gone. I was willing to take the plunge.

I gave everything I had in that kiss. I told him my heart wanted him, my body craved him, and that I wanted him in every way possible. I was running with a ghost, an invisible compulsion that had wracked my body the very first time I laid eyes on him.

Memories of the first time I really noticed Flynn came at me like a film reel. It was in another casino his father owned. I’d been there with some friends in the lounge. I caught a glimpse of him from across the room, and I was done for. It was his laugh that got me. And then his eyes.

His laugh was so genuine, real, and full of true happiness. There was no mistake, the way he through his head back, his eyes squinting and his knees bending. I found myself smiling as I watched him.

Unfortunately, he’d been with a girl, a gorgeous blonde with big fleshy tits and dress three sizes too small. He never took his hands off her, so I watched from afar.

After that, I’d see him randomly, sometimes in nightclubs, sometimes in the casinos, but never did I see him alone. It was intimidating and definitely disappointing, but I was used to that. As Janie, I was invisible. A nobody. It was one of the reasons I loved playing Jayne. I could con the men into believing anything I wanted them to. I convinced them that I was the woman of their dreams, the once in a lifetime girl they’d never forget.

Flynn wanted Jayne, and she was all but gone. I had run out of steam, and once it was all said and done, she’d be gone for good. He was under the illusion that I was that girl, glamorous and mysterious, when in fact I was nothing but a liar and a crook.

His lips went to my neck as his body moved down mine. I couldn’t take my eyes off him, as badly as I wanted to. I wanted to let go and get lost in his touch, but I couldn’t allow myself to forget one moment.

His tongue laved over my nipple while his hand went to the other. Softly, he held the weight of my breast in his hand, and I was on fire. I squirmed underneath him, his weight pressing me down.

Smiling, his tongue darted out and flicked at my nipple causing me to hiss.

Please,” I pleaded.

You want me, Jayne?”

God… yes,” I whined. “I’ve waited so long.”

He looked surprised, like he had no idea that I wanted him. “When?” he asked. “When did you start wanting me?”

So long ago,” I panted. “I’ve always thought you were so beautiful.”

He invaded my mouth again with a new determination. His hands were wild, feeling and grabbing at everything he could. It was exhilarating, freeing. I knew the moment I walked into his suite at The Maguire it was going to be explosive once it happened. The air crackled between us. The raw energy was too much to ignore.

Knowing now that I wasn’t a means to an end, that he’d actually sought me out personally, things were different. That shift was enough to push me past all the hang-ups and insecurities. I wasn’t just a whore to him. He wanted me—
—and that was more than I ever expected.

All his strange behaviors suddenly made sense. He was trying to get close to me without disrespecting me. Funny, my father had never even given me that kind of consideration. For him, the bottom line was the most important thing. He’d never had qualms about what I did for a living, no matter how degrading it was. As long as money was involved, it was all good.

For the first time in my life, I actually felt valued and cared for. I knew Vince loved me—he took good care of me—but my best interests? His head was up the same horse’s ass as my father’s was. I knew he loved me, but he was fucked up, too. We were a mess, all of us, and lying underneath Flynn while he worshipped me like a treasure, I realized just how far down the hole we’d fallen.

Flynn’s lips had made their way down my body, his breath hot against the softness of my stomach as he inched toward my pussy. The anticipation had been building for so long, it was like the longest unfulfilled orgasm ever.

Look at me,” he demanded. His hooded eyes caught mine, holding me prisoner. “Watch me make love to you the way you deserve, Janie.”

My heart thundered. It felt like it would jump right out and crack my ribs. There was nothing sexier than seeing him between my legs, so eager to give me pleasure that his arms shook as he held himself up. I watched as his tongue darted out, tasting gently, before he closed his lips over my clit and sucked it into his mouth.

I fell back, unable to hold my head up anymore. My entire body was alert, vibrating with lust and throbbing with the need to have him inside of me. As delicious as it was having his mouth on me, I just needed to have him. All of him. I wanted him inside of me.

I can’t, I can’t,” I cried. I tried to verbalize my needs, but it was impossible. He was like a man possessed, and there was no stopping him. A sane woman wouldn’t want to stop him. I was obviously over that edge.

I felt his finger nudge at my entrance, and my eyes flew open. The pressure was so good, so what I needed. I lifted my head again, feeling my whole body shake as I tried to hold myself up, and gasped when I saw the look in his eyes. He pumped, slowly, pushing his finger inside and curling inward before pulling out again. It was torture, pure and evil torture.

Flynn, please… no more. Just fuck me. I want you to fuck me.”

His eyes darkened, and a smirk grew on his face. “Oh, I’m going to fuck you, Jayne. So fucking hard. You’re on my time, though. Remember? I’ve been waiting a long time to taste you, and I’m not stopping until I’ve had my fill.”

Fuck.” I fell back against the mattress, raising my hips to meet his thrusts.

Again and again he pushed into me, until I felt another finger, and then his mouth once again. It was sensory overload, and I was toppling over. The man was good. Really good. Better than I’d ever had.

I wasn’t stupid. I knew why it felt different, but I was hardly in the position to think clearly.

It took me no time to fall apart, and the way he moaned as I came was enough to set me off again. He was so damn sexy, a man in every way. I wasn’t even sure I would live through actual penetration after that orgasm. I would probably die of heart failure.

He worked his way back up my body, kissing and nipping at my skin as he went. He couldn’t get enough. His need for me was so strong, I could feel it everywhere.

Bracing himself above me, he laid his forehead against mine, kissing my lips softly. “I need you to understand what this means, Janie. Once I have you, I’ll never let you go. You’re mine. No one else will touch you. I’ll fucking kill them.”

My breath caught in my throat. I could do nothing but nod. I did understand, and I felt the same. It was such a foreign feeling for me, but natural at the same time. I wanted to keep him too. I wanted to be his, and him mine. Tiny flashes of domestic bliss blasted in my mind, things I had no business wanting, but craved just the same. Could we have that? Was it even a possibility? I wasn’t sure, but I definitely knew that for as long as I had him, I was going to be happy.

I’m serious. This is what I want. You. I’ve only wanted one thing from you, Jayne. Everything.”

My tongue was thick against the top of my mouth. My gut twisted with a word more unfamiliar than the look in his eyes. It was fighting its way out, clawing and kicking like a wild animal. I saw it swimming in his face, both of us bracing ourselves for the four letter word that would completely change our lives.

It was crazy. It was impossible.

It was love.

Seeing the hesitance in my face, he fell next to me with a heavy sigh, his arm going across his face, the other across his stomach.

I want to take you somewhere today. Sleep. You’ll need it.”

I curled up on my side, fighting tears. I was scared. It was too soon, but it was there. We both knew it.

We have all weekend. I want to take my time, Janie. I’m not pressuring you into anything. You want it—you just need to realize it.”

His arms went around me, pulling me back against him. He kissed my neck, rubbed my belly. Tender. Sincere. Perfect.

Crickets sang outside our window. The sparks of light from the dark, desert night glowed through the drapes like a light show. It was serene and comforting. I felt safe… loved.

Just as my eyes began to fall heavy and my breathing slowed, I turned over, wrapping my arms around him and laid my head against his chest and kissed him right above his heart.

I do. I want that. All you have, I want.”


The next morning, I woke up alone. Alarmed, I shot out of bed, wrapped the sheet around my body, and padded out of the room to find Flynn.

I found him on the patio, shirtless and gorgeous in a pair of athletic shorts slung low on his hips. A dark, sprawling tattoo marred his back, spanning from shoulder to shoulder. I’d noticed it before, but hadn’t really paid attention. There were so many other things to look at when it came to Flynn.

But at that moment, it stood out. It was angry, vulgar, and tragic.

Tension rolled off him, the strong ropes of hard muscles of his back and shoulders twitched as he swung his arms while he paced. Whatever the conversation was about, it was pissing him off.

I didn’t want to interrupt or eavesdrop, so I turned to go back in the house as quietly as I could without him noticing me.

Wait,” I heard him say. I turned, and he held a finger up for me. “I’ll call you back. Find out what’s going on and make sure nothing fucks this up.”

He pulled the phone away from his ear and slid it into the waistband of his shorts. The stress that stretched across his brow eased as he smiled at me.


He held out his arms, and I wasted no time finding my way inside them. We’d had a huge breakthrough the night before, and everything felt completely different with him. I trusted him—something I didn’t do lightly.

With my dad’s freedom within my grasp, I was finally going to let my inhibitions go and see where life took me. I was allowing myself to love a beautiful man, and accept what he had to give me in return.

Is everything okay?”

I didn’t want to presume he’d enlighten me about the conversation, but I felt vulnerable and wanted to see how much he’d allow of himself. The more he gave, the more I’d give.

I was so out of my damn element.

Just business, sweet Jayne. Did you sleep well?”

I had. I’d slept like a baby in his arms. Admitting I wanted something more with him took a huge load off my back. I no longer felt like I carried the sins of my father, or the sins of my past. I was ready to unload them. Toss them off a bridge.

Better than ever. I wish you would’ve been there when I woke up, though.”

A gentle kiss to the top of my head and I was mush. “I had to take that call. I was going to climb back in bed before you woke up. Tomorrow morning, we won’t leave the bed at all.”

My heart fluttered in my chest. “What about today?” My voice was suggestive, and my body warmed with the hope that we’d return to the bed and finish what we started the night before.

His eyes smoldered, and I was up and over his shoulder before I knew what hit me. I let out a small squeal, then giggled. This is what happiness felt like. The light, flirty playfulness was something I’d never experienced.

What do you think you’re doing?”

Giving my ass a hard slap, he laughed. “I’m taking you back to bed and giving you that fuck I promised.”

Oh God.”

His chuckle turned dark. “You better start praying. You can’t come outside in nothing and expect me to act like a gentleman, Jayne King.”

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