Selective/Memory: The "Depth of Emotion" Book 2 (The Depth of Emotion) (20 page)

BOOK: Selective/Memory: The "Depth of Emotion" Book 2 (The Depth of Emotion)
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“Carter, I asked Aimee if I could help. I loved the idea you had for this function and I think I can get some corporate sponsorship.”

She paused for a moment, realized that she was making this sound all business, and wanted to acknowledge that she realized it was much more than that to him.

“I just want to say before I go any further that I’m sorry for your loss. I think I crossed paths with your wife by spending an afternoon with her and Aria. I didn’t get to know her well, but Aria really loved her. I just want to do what I can with this, especially if it’s important to you.”

Carter was touched by her sincerity.

“Yeah, it’s important to me,” he said, “so, thank you. What’s even more important is that I think something like this would be important to her.”

Now gaining the attention of all three ladies, he pushed forward.

“I’ve talked to Declan about it and he said we can use The Studio to hold the benefit.” He smiled.

Their smiles and exchanged looks said they were as happy as he was with the location for the function.

“He said he wants to do whatever he can to make it successful, too. Lacey was special; Declan knew that. It’s just sad that the three of you only know most of what you do about her because of the way she died. What I’d like to do is change that. I want to have people remember Lacey for the way she lived.”

“I’m sure she was a really good person, Carter,” Katherine said.

He nodded in agreement. “Lacey was genuine, that’s for sure. What you saw was what you got. She wasn’t a woman that played games. In fact, I think that’s one of the things that caught Declan about Aria. She and Lacey were similar that way.”

Paige nodded. She knew that to be true of Aria.

Carter continued his description of the woman they all would be pulling this together for.

“Lacey wore her heart on her sleeve, and I could always tell what she was thinking. She was
When we were young, if somebody treated her wrong, she’d wonder what
might have done to give them the impression that they could do what they did. That’s just how she was. She always gave people the benefit of the doubt. That’s what she said. Lots of people took advantage of that, but she never changed the way she was. She said she had to live with herself at the end of the day. They had someone else to answer to—”

“Sounds like she and Aria had a lot in common!” Paige interjected.

“They did,” Carter agreed. “I honestly think that if Lacey were alive, she’d figure out a way to excuse the person who left her on that road. That’s just who she was—but I’m not quite so merciful like that.”

Aimee reached out to touch his hand, seeing his anger seethe through.

“You don’t have to be,” she consoled. “She loved you for who you are.”

“Yeah, I know that,” he said, reassuring her, “but this is something I can do to be a little more like her—to show that she did have an impact on my life. I’d like to believe I learned a lesson about reaching out to people through watching how she was and to show that there is something else to remember her by than just being
the poor school teacher that got plowed down on a mountain road

The women looked very uncomfortable with that inaccurate description of Lacey, given the little they knew of her. Carter realized he had made his point.

Reaching into the shoulder bag that was resting on the seat beside her, Katherine pulled out a neatly organized file.

“Declan called me to tell me that I could help you,” she said, placing the file before them. “He said I could do it
on or off
his time.” She smiled mischievously.

Surprised, Carter exchanged glances with the others.

“We have the date,” Katherine continued. “In this file, I have the lists and particulars of the caterer, linens, a bartender, and music.”

“I’m impressed!” Carter said. “I don’t know any of this stuff.”

Aimee winked at her. “That’s my girl!”

Katherine, always organized, handed a large envelope to him. “This is for you. You can look it over. If everything meets with your approval, I’ll finalize it by the end of the week.”

“I’m sure that I’ll agree with all of it,” he said.

Shifting uncomfortably, he took a look inside. He hesitated before continuing.

“The last time we talked, this was all just talk. It isn’t that I don’t appreciate it, but I’m not sure I can do all of this.”

The three were puzzled, but Katherine took the lead.

“What do you mean? You don’t think that emotionally you can do it? If you think I was giving this to you to do by yourself—you were wrong.”

Katherine took the envelope back from his hands.

“This is your idea, for sure, but all of us, Declan included, will be there to help you.”

Carter wasn’t certain how to express what he meant. He wasn’t Declan, and he sure wasn’t as well traveled as he was. He was a State Trooper who left his job to help his brother out. Now he was working Security for a company on the Eastern Shore to keep an eye on his brother, and make a little extra money until he could figure out what he was going to do in the future. It really wasn’t much of a challenge as there weren’t too many threatening situations in a modeling studio in this quiet town. Declan said he could be his bodyguard, but he believed being on his brother’s payroll was purely out of pity, obligation or both.

The bottom line was that these women were expecting the benefit to be of the magnitude that his brother would plan, and he was unsure that his bank account could accommodate something of that magnitude.

“It isn’t about my feelings, ladies, because I could make myself uncomfortable for Lacey,” he said, a little embarrassed. “It’s more about the price. I mean, I know that you’re all used to doing something really fancy, but I’m not my brother.”

He smiled apologetically at all of them.

“We might have to scale it back a bit.”

His discomfort made him vulnerable and that only made them want to help him even more so.

“Carter, don’t worry about that.” Katherine smiled. “It’s taken care of.”

He sternly protested, “What does that mean? I have to pay for it. It’s about my wife.”

Katherine shook her head. “No. You don’t understand how all of this works, but I do. Declan has some sponsors—corporate sponsors—that want to underwrite the function, and Paige does too. Whatever amount is left for you to pay, I promise, you’ll be able to take care of it. Will you just trust me, please? This is what I do best. Let me do this for you.”

She pleaded her case. His only obstacle was the one he’d create.

Carter was a little flustered, but more encouraged by the explanation. He struggled to find the right words, but none would suffice. Although living here for such a short time, the friends he had gained were proving to be good ones. It moved him that they would extend themselves to make something that was so important to him, important to them.

He wiped his big hands down the thighs of his worn jeans, feeling himself fight for composure. It was the first time since he had come to stay here that
emotions were so close to surfacing. He had preoccupied himself with concentrating on Declan, and he didn’t want to lose it in front of them.

“Thank you—all of you,” he said, clearing his throat, which had become a bit rusty with the public discomfort. “I’ll be back in a minute,” he announced, excusing himself from the table.

Once they saw that he was through the bathroom door, the women quickly had their say.

“Did you see that?” Katherine asked them. “I thought he might cry when I told him everything was taken care of. I thought Declan told him, but he acted like he didn’t know anything!”

Paige pressed her hands together tensely.

“He really didn’t,” she said. “He’s such a nice guy—a big softie.”

She tucked her hands up under her chin.

“Lacey was a lucky girl…and he’s hot!”

Her comment caused an unexpected glare from Aimee.

“Paige! Knock it off! We’re talking about doing something in memory of his dead wife! He might not know all the ins and outs of putting together a benefit, but he’s a smart guy!”

Eyes wide and hands up in surrender, Paige backed up against Aimee’s threatening tone.

“Hey…calm down,” she said. “I never said anything about him not being smart, Aimee, I just said I thought he was hot. What’s your problem?”

Aimee pulled back and took a deep breath. Her reaction shocked her, too, and she wasn’t sure why she jumped at Paige. She had to rid herself of the defensive aura that had just taken hold of her before Carter came back to the table. She quickly set about to remedy the situation, but had just a minute to apologize to Paige when she saw him returning.

“Sorry, Paige. I guess I’m just a little jumpy tonight.”

Taking his seat, Carter continued the subject.

“I just want to say thank you all, for everything.” He smiled awkwardly. “Whatever you all come up with, just let me know. I did want to plan it, but honestly, I know that you’ll all make it a nice event. Just don’t make it a New York extravaganza so that I’ll be in debt for the rest of my life, because no matter what Declan says, I want to pick up the tab for whatever isn’t covered, okay?”

The girls laughed a bit to make him more comfortable and set him at ease.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

“Speaking of your brother…,” Aimee approached the subject, “…have you noticed a change in him lately?”

Ever the protector, and evasive by nature, he let her lead the course of conversation.

“How so?” he questioned.

“I don’t know,” she responded. “He just seems…happier, if that’s possible. I mean, since he got hurt, and he and Aria broke up, he’s been a little…difficult.”

Katherine appeared pensive. She didn’t feel comfortable adding to the conversation, and wanted to end the subject.

“He went through a lot, Aimee,” she said. “He’s fine.” Katherine hoped that was the end, but Aimee wouldn’t relent.

“I’m not saying it wasn’t justified, and I’m not saying that this change isn’t good. I’m only saying that I’ve noticed”—She turned her attention to Carter—“You forget, Carter, I’ve worked with him for years. I know him too. I remember him as the party playboy before he met Aria, and I know how he changed with her…and I also know how he was without her.”

Carter had discounted how well acquainted Aimee was with Declan’s lifestyle. Not knowing what, or how much, Declan had confided in her, he decided that, for today, to continue to gather information, but divulge none.

“I have noticed that he seems to be in a better mood these days,” he agreed. “I’m just going to chalk it up to him feeling better. You know, he’s getting around better, working out, his business is good, and things are getting back to normal…or as normal as they can be.”

Paige decided to interject. “I might be out of line, but Aria’s my best friend…”

Carter noted her sincerity and knew what was coming next.

“Do you think he misses her?” she asked.

His immediate reaction was to state how it was none of her business, but that would be so callous. He knew Paige’s question came out of concern for them both when he remembered that these people cared about as much as he did for his brother and for Aria. They deserved no less than his honesty.

“I don’t know what will ever come of it, but yes, I do think he misses her,” he answered.

“I knew it!” Katherine popped out. “Oh…sorry…” She cast her eyes down in embarrassment, which made everyone smile.

“I’m not saying he’ll do anything about it,” he said, very melancholy. “What I do know is that they had something that he’s never had before, and now that it’s gone…let’s just say he’s not the same, okay? We’ll leave it at that.”

Picking up the menu, he perused the contents. It was a clear indication to the girls that the conversation about his brother’s love life was closed. Doing what he did best, he leaned the menu forward just enough to flirt and flatter.

“Now,” he said in a deep, husky voice, “what would you ladies like to have this afternoon?”

They all exchanged looks at the inside joke…and directed their attentions to the menu.


At the conclusion of their lunch Paige and Katherine each gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek, and they began to go their separate ways.

“Carter, look for an e-mail from me, okay?” Katherine asked. “I’ll let you see the cost of everything, and how it works, as I go along. That way, you’ll know what’s going on for next year…when we do this again.”

She smiled at him.

“It’s going to be great, don’t worry,” she said as she walked away.

He waved at her as she stepped into her car.

“Thanks, Katherine. I’ll look for it,” he said as she closed the door.

Paige was a little further away on the parking lot. Once she reached her car, she turned and waved. He and Aimee waved back at her. She blew him a kiss, and he winked at her playfully.

“She’s really nice. I’m glad that she wanted to help,” he said innocently.

A slight pang of jealousy shot through Aimee.

“Yeah, she’s a real peach…”

Carter gave her a puzzled look, and she quickly reined in her inner green-eyed monster.

“Carter, did you mean what you said about Declan missing Aria?” she asked, changing the subject.

He stiffened at the return of this line of questioning.

“Yeah, but I’ve got to tell you, I don’t really feel comfortable talking about this. I don’t like talking about my brother behind his back,” he answered.

Immediately defensive, Aimee gave him a hard glare.

“I’d never talk bad about him—and I wouldn’t talk about him behind his back! He is my best friend, so back off!”

Her reaction took Carter by surprise. He knew Aimee was independent, but she was showing herself to be quite a firecracker.

As his shock subsided, she reached in her bag to retrieve a paper.

“I’m only telling you this because he’s my friend, and I love him, so get over yourself. This isn’t about you—I’m asking for him! I want to help him, but I need you to answer my question—
do you think he’s still in love with her?”

BOOK: Selective/Memory: The "Depth of Emotion" Book 2 (The Depth of Emotion)
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