Sexy As Hell (5 page)

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Authors: Andrea Laurence

BOOK: Sexy As Hell
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He’d underestimated the impact the succubus would have wearing Camille like a coat. Seth had battled his fair share of demons of all kinds, succubae included. It had always been impersonal. He didn’t know the hosts, and he certainly didn’t harbor an attraction for any of them.

With Camille it was different. It looked like her, sounded like her, smelled like her...the only difference was that this Camille was horny and throwing herself at him. He wished the real Camille would try that. Maybe then he could have the prize she was dangling without the inevitable consequences.

Seth eyed his watch. Ten minutes until the pizza was done and thirteen hours until the sunrise that would force the demon back to Hell. He considered hitting her with another tranquilizer, but that wasn’t safe for Camille. They all had side effects, and he didn’t want to do anything he didn’t absolutely have to. He just needed to be strong and treat this like any other job.

Seth turned to look back at the cage. Camille’s lacy, pale pink and red bra was lying on the floor in front of his chair. A moment later, her blouse and skirt followed. He tried not to look beyond the bars. She was going to be naked and he wasn’t sure he could take that.

The television suddenly started flipped channels, landing on one of the satellite music stations. The slow sound of tribal drums filled the room with an erotic, rhythmic beat. He could no longer resist a peek. He could see her naked body sway in time to the music. Her delicious curves called to him from across the room. The demon was relentless in her pursuit.

He shouldn’t look back. Sodom and Gomorrah taught him that much. He needed to put an end to it.

Seth stalked across the room and unplugged the television. He didn’t look at her as he returned to the kitchen in silence. Instead, he braced his arms on the kitchen countertop and closed his eyes. He took several deep breaths, concentrating on the flow of air into his lungs and out, like he did when he needed to center his consciousness and contact Michael. With each rush of air he expelled, he hoped the intoxication of the succubus would go out with it.

By the time the pizza was finished, he almost felt normal again.

Seth threw two slices onto a paper plate and one slice onto another. He carried both with him back to the folding chair, kicking her clothes back toward the cell. He didn’t look inside. Instead, he sat down and immediately began eating.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Camille trying to get his attention. She was still completely nude, writhing around on the floor. She let out the occasional
moan of pleasure as her deft hands moved from place to place, begging him to look up and get an eyeful of her pornographic display.

Seth resisted the urge to throw dollars at her. She was working harder than most of the exotic dancers he’d seen in his years. But he wasn’t about to look.

Do you want some pizza?
he offered.
I’m sur
e your host is starving by now.

The movement and pleasurable cries stopped at once. Camille drew up onto her knees and gripped the bars of the cage to get a better look at his plate.
Her s
tomach is empty, yes. It aches.
She took a deep breath.
Is that what I smell?

Seth risked a glance at her now that she wasn’t playing the sex kitten. She was still nude, but now the display was more like a tasteful statue than a girls’ revue.
It’s got cheese, tomato sauce, spicy sausage...don’t they have pizza in Hell?

Camille chuckled and sat back on her heels.
Despite reports that it’s just some big, flame-kissed orgy down there, I can assure you it’s not. We don’t have any of the things we once enjoyed in Heaven or on Earth. Why do you think we risk what we do to come here?
Her rose eyes scanned his face, but he wasn’t sure what for.
Will you really give me some?

On a few conditions.

Camille sighed and pulled away from the cage bars.

For one, put your clothes back on.

Seth noted her hesitation. He took a big bite, closing his eyes and groaning in pleasure at the flavors and gooey cheese rolling around in his mouth. He cracked one eyelid open just enough to spy Camille as she started tugging her clothing back on.

she announced, standing fully clothed in the center of her cage.
Can I have it now?

Seth shook his head.
talk to Camille.

The demon crossed her arms over her chest in defiance.
Forget it. I’d rather let her starve to death.

Come on, what will it hurt? I just want to make sure she’s okay.
Seth opted to appeal to her vanity.
Unless you don’t think you’re strong enough to retake consciousness when we’re done?

Of course I am.
Camille’s chest puffed up at the insinuation that she was weaker than her host.

Then prove it.
Seth threw down the challenge he knew she couldn’t pass on.

Camille approached the cage, watching Seth with intensity as she gripped the bars in her hands. She took a deep breath and closed her eyelids. Her body shuddered for a moment and then went slack. When she reopened her eyes, they were the clear blue of Camille instead of the demon’s pinkish-red.

she asked, looking around in confusion.

He regarded her for a second, ensuring it was in fact his neighbor and not a trick. He set the pizza down and walked closer to the cell.
Is that really you, Camille?

Yes, it’s me.
Her eyes welled with tears.
What am I doing here? Where am I?
she asked, the fear evident in the trembling of her voice.

You’re someplace safe, that’s all I can tell you. I don’t want you to worry.

Not worry? Some
has taken over my body.
Camille reached through the bars and gripped his hand.
I don’t want her to hurt you. I know that’s what she wants.
The concern in her voice touched him. She was more worried about him than she was for her own well-being. Her thumb stroked the back of his hand as she squeezed him for reassurance.

Perhaps there was more to their relationship than the neighborly friendship he settled for. He’d always told himself that it could never work between them. Aside from the fact that he wouldn’t age, she was far too innocent to be involved in his life and his work. Now she wasn’t just involved, she
his work. And if Michael let him out of his contract, what was to stop him from pursuing her now?

That was a thought better saved for tomorrow.
I can take care of myself,
he soothed.
You just need to be strong for me, okay? We’ll get through this.

her back straightening with resolve.
Okay. I trust you. But Seth, there’s something I want to tell you.

There was
an urgency
in her words that made his stomach tighten with anxiety.
Whatever it is, you can tell me later. Don’t do it now,
he urged.

No, I want to tell you. I want to say it just in case this all goes wrong. I hate regrets.

Seth’s mind began to swirl madly with thoughts he never allowed himself to have.

Camille took a deep breath and nodded.
I’ve heard the things she’s said to you. I know there’s something between us that we’ve never pursued for whatever reason. I know I was always too frightened of what we could have together. There seemed to be this darkness that followed you, and I wasn’t certain I could cope with it. But if we both get out of this alive, I don’t want to be scared anymore. No matter what happens, I want you to know that I...
she hesitated.

Seth’s heart skipped a beat in his chest.

Camille’s eyes darkened from blue to purple then pink as her expression hardened and a wicked smile spread across her face.

I want my pizza now.


5:10 P



Just one more of many reasons she had to fight to stay on Earth —— pizza.
inhaled the food Seth offered. It was everything he said it was, even if it had cooled slightly by the time she got her hands on it. She could tell there was more left in the kitchen and she wanted another piece. Camille’s body needed the fuel if she was going to remain strong enough to achieve her goals.

Can I have another piece?
She shouted across the room at Seth. He’d stomped off after her imperfectly timed interruption. She had to admit, she got a little joy from it. If he was going to toy with her, it was only fair she toyed with him. Now he was back in his recliner, watching a cable news show and doing his damnedest to ignore her.

she yelled, but he didn’t budge.

Focusing her attention on the television again, she flipped the channel, this time to one of the pornography stations. The newscaster was quickly replaced by two women devouring each other in a steamy spa.

Seth poked his head around the edge of the chair and scowled at her under his heavy dark eyebrows.
could already see the answer was no, but if he didn’t want to watch some girl-on-girl action, he needed to pay attention to her.

Camille is still hungry,
she added innocently.

With a grunt of displeasure, Seth slammed the footrest down and stomped over to the kitchen. He muttered something about tranquilizers and lesbians under his breath, but
didn’t care. She just wanted another slice of Heaven. Then, her tummy full, she could refocus on her mission.

He paused with the plate outside her cell.
The television,
he said.

The channel flipped back to the news station.
A pity.
She shrugged.
It was just starting to get good between those two.

He thrust the piece through the bars.

My host thanks you ever so much,
mocked with a smile, snatching the plate away and retreating protectively to the corner of her cell to eat it.

When the pizza was gone she opted to take a power nap. Demons didn’t sleep the way humans did, but when they took a host, they needed to give the body time to recuperate. It wasn’t her body, but if she wanted to keep it beyond the next few hours, she needed to take care of it.

took off her shirt and wadded it up in a ball under her head. She closed her eyes and within seconds, she was in a deep, unnatural asleep.

When she opened her eyes sometime later, she felt thoroughly refreshed. She sat up and stretched, working out all the kinks from lying on the cold stone floor. The room was quiet, the television off.
couldn’t see Seth, but she assumed that he, too, fell asleep.

The clock on the wall caught her attention —— she had a little more than ten hours left.

A sly thought crept into her brain as she rose to her feet. She stood on her tiptoes to catch a glimpse of her sleeping captor in his chair.
grinned with satisfaction as her next course of action took form in her mind.

Quickly and quietly, she removed the rest of her clothes and knelt down in the center of her cell. She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. Her breathing fell into a slow and easy rhythm as her hands slid up and down her bare thighs in time with it.

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