Shakin' It For Daddy (The Panty Droppers) (5 page)

Read Shakin' It For Daddy (The Panty Droppers) Online

Authors: Tigra-Luna LeMar

Tags: #Interracial Erotica Romance

BOOK: Shakin' It For Daddy (The Panty Droppers)
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“I remember.”

“Degan, I don’t know what to think about all of this,” Mika admitted. She turned her back, pressing against the glass of the window. “I mean, my life has been shit since the day I decided I wanted to be a dancer with a bunch of showgirls. I never thought to do anything else. I have nothing to offer you and I know you didn’t offer me forever, but I don’t think my could take a fling and forget what it would do to my heart. I don’t want to seem all needy and shit, but the truth is the truth. I don’t have the patience for a lot of things.”


“No, let me finish. I just don’t want this to be a joke.”

“I can assure you, Mika, that this is not a joke. I’ve wanted you for so many years it’s now a throbbing need inside me that won’t seem to stop. I told you if you said no I would back off and go away and I meant to keep that promise.”

“What if—” She stopped abruptly and turned to look outside again. “That’s not what I want?”

“Then what do you want, Mika?”

Taking a deep breath, Mika pressed a palm to the glass. Walking away, she looked around her. The room she was in was scantily furnished. Her bed was in a corner across from a white dresser that sat beside a chest-of-drawers. That wasn’t what she wanted for her bedroom. Mika wanted a princess bed with four posts, a chest at the foot of her bed with all her sheets and pillow cases. She wanted a love seat beneath a wide bay window with beautiful white curtains blowing in the wind.

She wanted to wake up in the middle of the night and watch the moonlight flow over her husband’s body.



“Are you okay?”

“No, I’m not okay. What I want is to have more—more than this. There
to be more.”

“I don’t know what to tell you, Mika. But I will tell you this. There is more to life than whatever it is you’re referring to. I can give you so much more. Doesn’t it count for something that I have loved you basically all my life?”

“But what if I don’t love you?”

“I don’t expect you to love me because I ate your pussy on a table,” Degan replied. “There is more to it than that. I was hoping you’d give me the chance to show you that I could be a good man to you. But you’ve made it clear you don’t want to do that.”

“Can I have another chance?”

“As many as you’d like, Mika.”

“Okay—could you please come visit me?” Mika wanted to know. “I know it’s not the Hilton and my place is nothing you’re used to, but it’s clean and it’s mine.”

Degan chuckled. “I’ll be there—give me the address.”

* * * *

Degan sat with his back against the headboards in his room. He tried pulling it together and thinking differently than he had for the past few hours. He’d spent the night pacing his room and packing to head back to New York. Getting a call from Mika was the absolute last thing he expected. Staring at the address on the bedside table, he felt a wave of something dance through him. With a chuckle, he climbed from the bed and grabbed his bag. He picked up the address, shoved it into his pocket and hurried out of the room to the lobby. After checking out and leaving his cell phone number for anyone who may be trying to reach him, Degan paid his bill and exited the hotel to get his car. Soon he was speeding back toward Simora.

He had no idea what he would do once he got there and the faster he drove, the less time he had to think about it. By the time he pulled up before the apartment, he could see why Mika didn’t want him coming there. The building seem as though it was a house that someone changed into an apartment. The brown stone that was used to construct it, seemed like patchwork for over the years it seem the building began falling apart and someone had been repairing it. A window on the second floor was covered in tin foil and right above that another window was boarded up.

Someone was arguing and when he stuck his head out the window he noticed two women, one with a dog and another standing by a rose bush. Arching a brow, he shook his head and found a parking space. Stepping from the car, he grabbed his bag and removed his glasses. Instantly the arguing stopped. When he looked to where the women were, they were staring at him as though he’d suddenly sprouted horns.

“Ladies,” he greeted them before stepping toward the entrance.

They giggled and waved at him like teenagers in love.

The first step he stood on, crumbled beneath him and Degan grabbed the rail to keep on his feet. Swearing softly, he continued his climbed and let himself into the first set of double doors. He walked over to the buzzer, but noticed the button to use was missing. He tugged at the next door not expecting it to open. It did. “Safe…very safe.”

Walking into the lobby was a whole other experience. The mail boxes didn’t look secure, but the single security camera that pointed toward them may make it hard for someone to steal another person’s mail. Shrugging, he pulled the paper from his pocket to see that Mika lived on the fourth floor. He stared at the
out of service
sign on the elevator and arched a brow.

“Why would it be working?” He shrugged sarcastically.

When he finally reached the fourth floor, he dropped the bag to the ground and stared down over the rail. With a shake of his head, he walked down the hall and after getting lost a couple of times, he knocked on Mika’s door.

“Who is it?” Mika hollered from the other side.

“It’s Degan.”

The door slipped open and Degan had to smile. Standing before him, Mika looked so beautiful. Tightening his fingers around the bag’s handle, he stood there staring at her not knowing what to do.

“Come in,” she said.

As he walked by, Mika reached up and dropped a kiss against his cheek. Stopping, he looked at her and she grinned shyly at him, and then turned to close the door.

“Well, this is it,” she explained. “It’s not much, but it’s mine and it’s clean.”

“You said that. I’ll be comfortable,” he assured her.

“Follow me. You can put your bag in the bedroom.”

“Is there only one? I can sleep on the sofa if you’d like.”

She laughed softly. “Degan, we’ve already had oral sex, I don’t think it matters whether or not we share a bed or not.”

He nodded. “Touché.”

But his mind went back to the sway of her hips. The way her rounded ass danced before his eyes caused him to lick his lips. He wanted to reach forward and palm them, squeezing just before falling to his knees to worship it them. She stepped aside and he cleared his throat.

“You can put your bag in here,” she was saying. “I made you something to eat—wasn’t sure what you would like. I made fried chicken and rice.”

“Really?” he questioned. “You weren’t sure what I would like to eat?”

Mika laughed, shook her head and walked back down the hall. He dropped his bag and followed her. The walls were scantily clad with a few pictures here and there. There was one of her in a showgirl costume and he stopped to stare at it. His eyes followed her body from the silver stilettos she wore, up her shapely thighs to her smiling face.

“You coming?”

Degan laughed. “Coming,” he called. Entering the kitchen, he walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into his body. Her scent instantly swirled around his senses making him moan.

Dipping his head, he tasted her neck just as she sunk her fingers in his hair. Slowly, he trailed his mouth up the side of her neck, to lick her earlobe. “I think I should eat. I don’t want to force you into anything.”

Releasing her, he stepped back, pressing his back against the table and watching her. He wanted so bad to take her but he couldn’t. Proving his love for her was more important than his hard cock begging—pleading for some attention.


Chapter Seven


Mika sat silently, watching Degan eat. He wasn’t really eating. He was pushing the food around on his plate.

“Don’t like it?” she questioned.

“No that’s not it. It’s delicious—really. I just—suddenly I’m not that hungry.”

“I bet you are,” Mika said, pushing slowly from her chair. She walked away from the table and stood by the door watching Degan. She was beginning to rethink the thoughts dancing through her mind, but she couldn’t help herself. It had been a strange fantasy of hers to strip for her man—to have full attention on her as if she was his next meal. If Degan wasn’t hungry for food, perhaps she could feed him in another way.

His gaze fell again to his plate and Mika laughed softly. “Degan?”

“Mhmm?” He looked up at her.

Mika began undoing the buttons to her shirt. She pressed her back into the wall beside the door while swaying her hips slowly from one side to another. When the final button was finished, she spread the sides of her shirt and pushed it off her shoulder. She felt the cool air as the shirt hit the ground. Arching her body away from the wall, except for her shoulders, Mika pressed both her hands to her chest and slowly dragged them downward, over her bare breasts. Tweaking the nipples, she moaned and lifted an index finger to her mouth. She sucked against it, while her other hand continued its travel down her body and into the waist of her skirt. By the time she was touching her clit, she was groaning, whimpering and humping her fingers.

“I need to see.” Degan’s voice broke through her haze. “Take your skirt off and shake your ass for me.”

“Oh!” She groaned.

It was as though she had no brain power at all. She couldn’t seem to say no to this man. Turning her back to him, she undid the zipper at the back of her skirt and as she pushed it over her hips and down, Mika took her panties with it while bending over. Bracing her chest into the wall, she stepped from the skirt with one leg and kicked it away from her with the other. She danced for her man, shaking her ass as if she was in a club and the music was bumping. She dipped her body low to the ground, bouncing twice before rolling with her ass out to give him a good view of her increasingly wet cunt, upward.

“Damn…” Degan whispered.

Fully naked, she stopped to jiggle her ass at him. “Was this what you wanted, Pappy?” she questioned.

“Spread those legs for me.”

She did as he ordered. The creak of his chair told her Degan had gotten up. She knew for sure when she felt his palms, caressing the length of her legs. Looking over her right shoulder, she saw the top of his head, just as it dipped between her legs. His tongue lashed against the back of her knees, making her shiver. She leaned heavier against the wall, and whimpered.

He licked up her thighs, and without asking, nibbled against her cunt lips. Reaching backward she grabbed the back of his head and ground her hips down hard. His tongue slipped into her, just where she wanted it.

“Lick me…” Mika squealed happily. “More.”

Degan licked her, just like she wanted. He growled sending his tongue deeper, and flicking it back and forth. When she thought he couldn’t get any better, he latched onto her clit and sucked it deeply into his mouth. The pleasure built within her, dancing down her spine and curling her toes. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end in delicious bliss while she shivered visibly against her lover’s tongue.

“Degan!” she cried.

Her hips were firing now—riding his tongue savagely. He gripped her hips, digging his fingers into her flesh. Delirious, Mika swore, released his hair to brace both hands to the wall so she could push onto his tongue harder.

“De—gan!” she screamed. Her climax charged through her like a fleet of wild horses. Her head thrashed from side to side even as her body jerked against his sucking mouth. “Shit! Damn!”

On her back, she shook staring up at him knowing that no matter what she couldn’t just walk away at the end. He made her body react like no other man had. Turning her body, she lifted a leg stroking his leg with her toes.

He smirked at her while undoing his belt buckle. There was a look in his eyes that made her want to do anything he wanted. Her gaze remained on him even after his pants and boxers were long gone. His large cock above her made her lick her lips. To her joy, he stood astride her head and grabbed his meaty dick in a large fist. Ever so damn slowly, he stroked it, toying with her. Mika wanted a taste.

She grabbed his legs with both hands and tried desperately to arch upward just to get the perfect tip of his penis into her mouth. Each time she got close he would move away. “Bad girl,” he admonished.

“Give it to me!” she demanded.

“That would be too easy, wouldn’t it?”

Dragging her nails up his legs, she tried again and once more he pushed his body to his tip toes moving that delicious piece of muscle out of her reach.

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