Shakin' It For Daddy (The Panty Droppers) (6 page)

Read Shakin' It For Daddy (The Panty Droppers) Online

Authors: Tigra-Luna LeMar

Tags: #Interracial Erotica Romance

BOOK: Shakin' It For Daddy (The Panty Droppers)
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She watched in total bliss as he knelt above her. He leaned forward over her and lowered the tip of his cock to her lips. Without hesitation, Mika opened her mouth and it throbbed beautiful while sliding into her mouth. She groaned in satisfaction as she gripped his ass and allowed him to use her face as he saw fit.

* * * *

Degan braced his body above her like he was doing push-ups. He tried looking beneath him to watch his penis slip between her ebony lips over and over. The tightness of her mouth closing around him made him harder, larger and throbbed faster. Bracing against one elbow, he reached a hand down to caress her head until his body felt as if it would explode. He pulled his tender cock from her clutches and knelt over her, brushing the head against her lips.

“Give me your tongue,” he demanded.

She shook her head, with a dare in her eyes.

Grabbing her hair, he tightened his fingers and smiled down at her. “Give—me—your—tongue.”

Slowly, her mouth opened and she extended her tongue. He rubbed the head against her pink tongue, watching the mark of his pre-come drizzle against it. “Now suck it.”

Holding his breath, he watched as she began sucking him again. Arching his back, he caressed his chest, over his own nipples then racked his fingers through his hair. His body jerked. His cock twitched. His pleasure danced around on the surface before surging through his soul. A smile across his lips and Degan pulled from her again. This time he slid down her body and spread her legs. Using a large finger, he searched for her entrance. Sliding the finger in, he moaned and lifted the finger to his lips.

“Do you want it?” He questioned.


Degan aimed his cock to her entrance, grabbed her hips and drove into her.

“Fuck!” she swore.

He smiled, withdrew and slammed his hips forward again. Her heat swarmed him and her wetness sucked him deeper. He caressed up her body, holding his hips steady after pulling from her slightly. When his palms circled her breasts, he squeezed both, and pushed into her hard.

“Ah!” she cried. Mika’s body writhed beneath his rough assault. He looked down to see her eyes rolled back and smirked.

Sliding his hands up to her shoulders, he held them, using them as leverage to pound her hard. Even if he wanted to slow down and be gentle, he couldn’t. There was something about the ebony goddess beneath him that turned him on more and more each time he thought about her.

Mika dragged her nails down his chest. Growling he grabbed her hands and held them down beside her. Leaning forward, he twisted his hips driving deeper.

“Yes!” she whimpered. “Harder.”

Degan moved away from her and flipped her over. She instantly rose to all fours and arched her back. Her beautiful ass jutted out before his eyes and all Degan could do, was move forward again, and slipped his dick back into her wetness. This time, she climaxed around him, moaning his name over and over like a crazy person. When her body slumped to the ground, he gathered her hair into one hand from behind, riding her mercilessly until his whole body fell apart. He tensed just before his world collapsed and he erupted within her. Even as he fired white hot within her, Degan couldn’t stop his hips and he couldn’t release her hair. When he finally could, he slumped to the ground beside her, being mindful not to crush her beneath his weight.

“Damn, Mika,” he panted. It was almost painful the way his chest was heaving. “Damn.”

Mika chuckled. “What’s the matter, Degan? Can’t keep up?”

“Oh baby trust me, I can keep up. You were so damn tight.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” she replied, rolling into his side. “You don’t mind if I…”

Degan scooped her closer and wrapped his arms around her. He could feel her breasts jerking against his side. Absentmindedly, he caressed her arms, feeling his heart soaring even more for her. Fear peeked it’s head through his bliss with the thought that she may tell him to hit the road soon. His arms tightened around her.


Chapter Eight


A phone rang in the distance and Degan frowned. He was about to roll over when he felt a weight in his arms. Opening his eyes, he saw Mika’s head and smiled. Happiness, like he’d never known before pulsated through him. For so many years, he’d dreamed of waking up beside Mika Jamison. Never in a million years, would he believe it would feel so good. They fucked each other a couple more times and before going to sleep they made love. She’d caressed his cheeks while staring into his eyes in the dimly lit room and when she saw what she was looking for, Mika had given her body to him in a different way. Degan felt it then and as he lay beside her, holding her tightly against his heart, he felt it again. He could see her body sliding over his, arching, writhing, and reaching for his.

The phone continued ringing.

Damn it! Shut up!

But it wouldn’t stop. Moaning, he lifted her from his body and searched for his pants. He found them in the kitchen lying over the back of a chair. Reaching into the pocket, he grabbed the phone and frowned at the name flashing on the screen.

“You have some fucked up timing.” Degan fall into the chair. “What do you want now?”

Preston laughed. “Sorry. I got worried about you. You said you would call and lets face it, you’re a multimillionaire, away from New York in some small town in the middle of nowhere.”

“Sorry—it’s just that it’s not every day I get to wake up with the woman of my dreams in my arms and you’re interrupting that.”

“All right—I’ll let you get back to it. But call if anything, eh?”

Degan promised he would and just as he hung up the phone, something caught the corner of his eyes. Turning to see what it was, his breath caught in his throat. There wrapped in white sheets was Mika. Licking his lips, he dropped the phone to the table and stood. Walking over to her, he caressed her arms.

“You are so damn beautiful,” he whispered. His voice cracked and all he could do was pull her into his arms. “Come back to bed.”

“I thought I’d make you breakfast,” Mika whispered.

“Oh baby no.” Degan lifted her into his arms by wrapping his arms tightly around her curvaceous waist. Walking her down the corridor, he entered her bedroom. “I’ll call out and order some food for us. Wait, do you have to work?”

“I think I was fired,” she whispered, nibbling at his neck. “I don’t know what I’m going to do for work. I have to figure it out soon—but for right now I just want to live in this world…”

He laid her on the bed and hovered over her. “Do you need to work?”

“Yes. I have to earn a living.”

Degan couldn’t argue with that. He always loved a woman who didn’t depend on men for their livelihoods. He loved an independent woman. Though he knew that every man wanted to feel like they were a hero to their women, he knew that no matter how hard he tried, he’d never be able to keep Mika from working.

“I tell you what.” He trailed a finger over Mika’s dark skin. “I’ll get you an interview in my company and it’s up to you to land the job.”

“What kind of a job?”

“Well I don’t know—I don’t want you to think that I’m trying to buy you. That’s why I’d let someone else do the interview.”

“I don’t know,” Mika replied. “Please—I don’t want to think about that now. All I want is for you to make love to me. Wish me good morning, Degan.”

Hearing the sadness in her voice, he felt as if he’d failed to make her happy. Nodding, he bowed his head and took her lips.

* * * *

It was past mid-day before Degan climbed from the bed and exited the room for the bathroom. Mika rolled over, feeling completely satisfied. She glanced at the clock and for the first time in a long while she felt extremely happy. The shower was going so she pushed from the bed and wrapped the sheets around her. Peeking out the room, she hurried into the kitchen and peered into the fridge. She found some eggs and grabbed a large bowl. Breaking a few into the bowl, she sprinkled salt and ground pepper into it before beating the eggs. She flipped on the coffee maker, pulled out a frying pot and stuck it on the stove. She’d just dumped the eggs in when she felt Degan enter the kitchen.

While she whisked the eggs to scramble them, she turned her head to look at Degan. His sexy form was leaning against the door frame.

“I know you said you would order something for us to eat,” she said, returning her attention to the eggs. “But it would be a waste of money. I mean why buy something when you can make it at home?”

“The money is no problem you know,” Degan smiled. He walked over and kissed her neck from behind. “But I won’t say no to a home cooked meal.”

Mika grinned turning down the stove. “Could you look in that cupboard right there and grab me two plates?”

“Okay” Degan replied. He did as she asked, placing the plates on the counter by the stove. “Can we talk over the meal? There are a few things I’d like to run by you.”

“Sure.” Mika’s heart lurched and did a flip. It raced so fast, a pain raced through her body bouncing off her ribs and numbing her toes. She knew what was coming. He was going to tell her that he changed his mind and didn’t want to have anything to do with her. She couldn’t say she blamed him. She had no life, no job and lived in a stinking apartment that was falling apart around her ears. The truth stared her in the face—she brought nothing to their relationship.

Over their late breakfast, Mika couldn’t eat. She continued pushing the same piece of egg around on her plate.

“You’re nervous,” Degan spoke.

“You said we needed to talk, right? Any conversation beginning with that line never ends well in my experience.”

“No, it’s nothing as horrid as all that. I wanted to talk about us, about where you want to take this—this thing between us. It’s obvious that I do something for you or you wouldn’t have slept with me. You wouldn’t have opened your home to me.”

“And I want more than just a fling, Degan. I really do. I mean you just look at me and I fall to pieces. I have this craving, this yearning for you that I can’t rightly explain and sometimes it blinds me to the fact that all this will be over soon and you’ll simply turn back into a pumpkin. The truth is I have nothing to offer this relationship. You bring in wealth and power and I bring in a broken down apartment, unemployment and depression.”

“Money isn’t everything, you know.”

“I know—but aren’t you afraid of what the media will say?”


“You can’t mean that. I mean, the last time I read a newspaper article about you was two years ago and even back then they bragged about who you are—New York’s most eligible bachelor and how you are making millions. What are they going to say when they get wind of me? I’ll tell you what they’re going to say. The little ghetto girl from butt-fuck nowhere is only into him because he’s got money.”

Degan shook his head. “But doesn’t it matter that I know you’re not in this for the money?”

“Why do you think I’m into this?”

“Well.” Degan stopped to sip from his coffee. “I think you’re here because you like my ass.”

Mika laughed. “Seriously.”

“Do you see how stupid this conversation has gotten?” Degan wanted to know. “This relationship isn’t between you, me and the media. This isn’t between you, me, and Preston—this relationship is between you and me. No one else matters. As long as we know the truth, then to hell with what everyone else thinks. Tell me, what’s your dream? Aside from being a showgirl.”

Mika blushed and stuffed a fork filled with eggs into her mouth. She chewed thoughtfully, watching Degan to see if he would laugh at her.

“I wanted to open my own bookstore.”

“That makes sense.” Degan nodded. “You were always reading in high school. Well, this is just a suggestion. But I bought a building in Manhattan about a year ago and I haven’t figured out what I was going to do with it.”

“Then why did you buy it?”

Degan shrugged. “It’s a really old building and the old owners were going to tear it down so they could build condos on the land. I mean, nothing is sacred to these people anymore.” He took a sip from his mug before leveling his gaze on her. “I couldn’t let them do it.”

Mika couldn’t help herself then. She reached over, took his hand and squeezed reassuringly.

“You’re welcomed to the building if you’d like,” he offered.

“Are you serious?” Mika arched a brow. “Wait—it doesn’t matter. I can’t take your building. I mean I’d need money to start it up and I don’t even have a job.”

“Well, Sweetie, we can cross that bridge when we get to it.” He shrugged. “You haven’t eaten.”

Mika gave him a smile and took her hand back from his. She ate a little more from her plate before staring at him. How could he have had feelings for her for so long and said nothing?

“Did you really call out my name during sex with another woman?”

Degan nodded.

“I’m sorry—but you should have said something to me in high school.”

Degan chuckled. “I don’t think we were meant to be in high school. I think we would have done something stupid and mess it up. I think now, we’re ready.”

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