Shakin' It For Daddy (The Panty Droppers) (8 page)

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Authors: Tigra-Luna LeMar

Tags: #Interracial Erotica Romance

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“I have nothing here,” Mika replied. “I don’t have a job anymore because I walked away from it. The people here hate me and my apartment is falling apart around me. My mom warned me that Simora wasn’t an easy place to live—I didn’t listen. I figured I’d be here long enough to make the dance team and then I’d be gone once I made enough money. I dreamed of transferring from Simora to Vegas. I know it is a silly dream.”

“Not really—it’s your dream. I may sound like a really bad Hallmark Card but your dreams are things you hold on to.”

Mika chuckled softly and sat down before him. “All am saying is, I don’t have much and if you love me the way I think you do when I look into your eyes, you need to know all of this.”

“You worry too much,” Degan told her, scooting forward on his bum and taking her hands in his. He kissed each palm and wrist then looked up into her eyes. “I appreciate your concern about me and my reputation. But I’ve tried living without you, remember? And it ended in tears.”

She giggled. “So, what exactly were you doing to this woman when you called out my name?”

“Oh, that’s a low blow!”

“You were—let me guess—you were…eating her out.”

Heat captured Degan’s cheek. He released her hands and shook his head. ‘I admit to nothing.”

“Oh damn—that’s why you’re so good at it!”

He laughed. “You’re unlike any woman I’ve ever known. You’re so open and so damn sexy—I think I should lay on my back and you need to make me come.”

“And how do you suggest I make that happen, Degan Moira?”

“Well,” he whispered, leaning back on one elbow and using his free hand to free his aching dick from his pants. “You could suck it—you could stroke it or my personal favorite, you could ride it. Choose the element of my destruction.”

To his bliss, she crawled forward, lifted her body astride him and smiled. He watched in a daze, while she pressed the head of his cock to her entrance and took her seat. Bracing her palms against his chest, Mika moaned, tossed her head back and rode him.


Chapter Ten


“Did you want me to postpone your meetings for the week?”

Degan watched Mika walk into Mingy’s while he spoke to his persona assistant on the phone. “No—just my Monday and Tuesday appointments. I need a few more days.”

It was Saturday and he’d spent the past few days with Mika. They were the happiest days he’d ever spent with a woman and it confirmed to him that he was right to search after her. He didn’t think he could make it with another woman. Marrying Marrisa would have been a disaster because he would have been thinking of Mika the whole time. A woman deserves all of a man not just half. Sighing, he finished his conversation with his P.A. and snapped the cell phone shut. Shoving it into his pocket, he took a look into the backseat of the car and smiled. Mika’s suitcase lay there, telling him it wasn’t a dream—Mika was moving with him to New York.

By the time he turned again to look at Mingy’s, he noticed a couple of old women pressing their noses to the glass and staring at him. He figured they were wondering who was driving the luxury car and why Mika was in it. He grinned when he saw her walking out again. He started the engine and when she climbed in, he reached across and kissed her. He couldn’t help himself.

“Ready?” Degan questioned.

Her flashed happily at him as she waved a white envelop at him. “Ready!”

“What’s in that?”

“My final pay check. It means I’ll have some money in my hands once we hit New York along with the little savings I’ve managed to put away.”

Degan made a face. “Mika…”

“I know, I know. But I like having my own,” she replied. Leaning over, she pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek. “Thank you for being so considerate, but sometimes even if a woman is in love with a man she needs her own, you know?”

“I know.” Degan stared at her for a little longer. Groaning, he kissed her—sucking her lower lip into his mouth and running his tongue over it. He meant to pull back, but deepened the kiss instead. When he finally pulled back, all he wanted to do was drive them somewhere private. “You know, there is no such thing as just a kiss from you.”


“Come on, we have to get back to Braison. Even though the plane can’t leave without us, they will ground it if we’re late.”

“I know you said there’s no such thing as a simple kiss with us, but I’m going to risk it anyway.”

He allowed her to lace her fingers into his hair, pulled him to her gently and kissed him. It was a beautiful thing giving the woman he loved control over his pleasure.


They were finally on their way. The ride back to Braison was silent. At one point, Mika reached over and took his hand. That simple touch sent Degan’s heart hammering inside his chest. Making the turn into the parking lot for the airport, he found a parking spot and turned the ignition off. He caught her arm when she turned to exit the car. “Wait a minute.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I want to say something to you and you can’t freak out.”

“All right.”

Degan took a deep breath. “I love you—Mika, I love you.”

The smile that seeped over her face surprised him. He thought for sure she’d freak out and run. She hadn’t said the three words to him yet.

“It’s all good, Degan because I don’t know how it happened, but I love you too,” she whispered.

“Mika you don’t have to…”

She cradled his face. “Shh…I know this may seem a little fast. I get it. But oh my Lord do you understand what you do to me? Degan you’ve loved me since high school, you’ve loved me since before I understood what love was. In the past few days you’ve proven over and over how you feel about me. I’ve always dreamed of someone who would hold me like you do and crave me like you do. Degan—”


“No—I love you.” She shrugged. “I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow, years from now, but I want to find out with you. I’ll find work in New York and we’ll make this work.”

Degan smiled and pulled her into his arms as best he could across the center console. He held onto her. It scared him to think he could open his eyes and it would all be a dream. Caressing her back, he lifted a hand to her neck, easing her as close to him as he could.

“I love you, Degan.” Her warm tears seeped through his shirt.

He lifted her head to look into her eyes. They were filled with tears. He kissed each eye lids. “You don’t need a job, Mika. But I know it will make you happy to have. I will support you. If you want to build an empire, wait tables, drive a bus—”

He trailed off when Mika laughed.

“Whatever you want to do. If it makes you happy, and makes you laugh like you’re doing now, so help me I will support it.”

“Thank you. Not many men in your status would appreciate their women waiting tables. Something about their egos or some bull like that.”

Degan chuckled. “My ego is worthless without you. I’m proud to be your man, Mika…”

* * * *

Mika nodded at him, stole one final kiss before taking a deep breath. She wiped her tears stained face and pushed her body from the front seat of the most comfortable seat she’d ever had the pleasure of sitting in. Stopping she reached in again and grabbed her purse from where it was on the floor. When she moved to grab her bags, Degan caught her by the arm and pulled her into his arms. He kissed the side of her head just below her ear.

“You don’t have to do that,” he whispered, licking her ear lobe. “That’s why I’m here.”

“But you have your bags.” Her breath caught in her throat.

“I only have the one. And because mine goes over my shoulder and yours have wheels, guess what? I can be all chivalrous.”

“Alright, I’ll let you be chivalrous. But while you check us in, I’ll get us something to drink. I’m thirsty.”

“I need your passport.”

“Sure,” Mika pulled the small book out and handed to him. With a final kiss, she extricated herself from his arms and hurried over to a nearby store. She had an overwhelming smile on her face that she couldn’t get rid of even if she tried. Making her way to the cooler, she hummed to herself. She hadn’t done that in years. Turning around, she watched him speak to the agent at the counter. The way he carried his body screamed masculinity. Mika licked her lips because of the raw sexuality she knew he had and the things he could make her feel. He glanced in her direction and she waved at him and turned her attention back to the cooler.

Browsing the items, she picked up two bottles of orange juice, grabbed some candy and a travelling bottle of mouth wash. After paying, she hurried back to Degan’s side. The two were ushered into the airport, past the lines and down a long corridor. He held her hand all the way as she clutched her purse to her side. Happiness tingled through her, pulsing down her spine. She giggled and snuggled even closer to him.

“Here you go, Mr. Moira.” The attendant handed him both their passports. “Enjoy your flight.”

“Thank you,” Degan replied. “Are you ready, sweetheart?”

Mika looked down at his outstretched hand. She couldn’t help the blissfulness charging through her. Inhaling, she thought about her situation. How many women, can say a man who loved them in high school still loved them years later? Especially after he found her, trying to be a showgirl and working in a diner with nothing but a small savings account to her name? How many women can say in their life times that they were so happy? Degan Moira was the perfect man for her—perhaps they needed the years apart to grow up so they wouldn’t mess it up later. Whatever the reason, she couldn’t complain with the outcome, because she was truly,

Looking up into his face, Mika’s smiled widened as she laced her fingers with his. “Oh yeah.”




Mika danced around the kitchen. She stopped by the sink to shimmy to the left, then to the right, before dunking her hands into the sink. She washed the dishes while she bopped her head from side to side. Once in a while she glanced at the clock. It was almost time for Degan to get home. She was used to seeing him a few times during the day when he stopped by the diner she worked at to see her. She thought that was sexy. That morning though, she hadn’t gone to work so she could stay home to prepare for an exam. He’d taken the day off to surprise her, but when he found out she had an upcoming exam he pouted and changed his plans.

University was a pain in the ass, but after talking with Degan, she allowed him to talk her into going back. She was happy—it felt as if she was doing something with her life. It was just a road to what she ultimately wanted to do with her life. After a few weeks in New York, and working as a waitress, Mika changed her mind about a book store. She settled on helping inner city youths. In order to do that, she had to get a degree.

“Baby?” Degan shouted from the hall.

Giggling, she ran to dry her hand and turn the radio off. “In the kitchen!” she called.

“You would never believe the traffic out there,” Degan said.

She rushed at him, burring herself in his arms, ignoring the large bundle of flowers he carried. She wanted to do that the moment he climbed out of the large bed, kissed her forehead and left her with one word. “Study.”

“How was your day?” He kissed her forehead. “Did you get any studying done?”

“Yes,” she replied, leaning on him. “You may not be able to find the bed due to my notes, but I got plenty of studying done today. Thank you.”

“Anytime—I brought you some flowers.” Degan grinned. “I figured you would need something to lift your spirits after a day filled with psychology.”

“Thank you!” Mika lifted them instantly to her nose. She gave him a hug, and then gave him her mouth. The moment his tongue touched hers, all she could do was whimper, dropped the flowers on the counter and lifted her arms around his neck. The kiss warmed her soul.

“Mmm.” Degan pulled from her. “Hold that thought. I have something to show you in the car. Afterwards, we can continue?”

“This had better be important, Mr. Moira because all I’ve been thinking about is ripping your clothes off and having my way with you.”

“And I love the sound of that—but we really have to go to the Bentley for a second.”

Mika smiled at him. He had that look in his eyes that she’d come to know over the past year; he was up to something. Silently she walked by his side, feeling as though she was supposed to be there. They reached the deep blue Bentley with chrome rims and she stopped to look at him. He said nothing and for a moment she was terrified.

“Look,” he said, motioning to the car.

Arching a brow, Mika turned to look at the car. At that moment a little dark head popped up to the window. She quickly looked at Degan, and then rushed toward the car. There, standing on its hind legs, resting its front paws on the window, staring back at her was a beautiful, black West Highland Terrier. Reaching, she picked up the puppy and held it against her chest, kissing his head. “Degan!”

“You were always saying you wanted a puppy,” Degan smiled, rolling up his shirt sleeves and loosening his tie.

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