Shattered Heart (The Hart Series) (23 page)

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Authors: Ann Stewart,Stephanie Nash

BOOK: Shattered Heart (The Hart Series)
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doesn’t matter if it’s Oliver, or any other asshole, no one knows your body
like I do.”  Alex sits up, one hand resting underneath me on my lower back as
he runs the palm of his hand down the length of my body, starting at my
shoulder and ending at my navel.   

hunger in his eyes as he wets his lips before taking his lower one between his
teeth.  Kneeling, Alex pushes up the hem of my skirt, revealing my cream
colored panties.  My body is humming with anticipation and my breathing is
erratic.  His fingers strum along my mound, playing my sex like his guitar.  If
I could, I’d put this song on replay for the rest of my life. 

so fucking wet.  I want to bury myself in you and get lost forever.”  Alex
leans down nuzzling against my thigh.  “I miss this…you…everything.” 

reach down running my fingers through his hair.  I bask in the euphoria of the
sensation before grasping his silky strands and tugging his head up.  I try to
find every ounce of resolve I have left and force myself to push him away. 
“Please don’t do this, Alex…we’ll end up hating each other.” 

the length of my body, Alex pushes his hips into me, grinding against my sweet
spot, showing me how I affect him.  “I don’t think its hate you feel.”  His
lips brush against my cheek as he leans in and whispers, “I’m about three seconds
away from kissing you and fucking you senseless.”

tilts his head towards me, his lips inching closer and closer.  My breath is
ragged and I force myself not to close the gap.  An image of where Alex’s lips
may have recently been is like a bucket of ice cold water being poured on the
passion that was just burning inside me.  I hate that I can picture him nuzzled
up against Mrs. Legs for Days just hours before I arrived, possibly muttering
the same words of appreciation.  Still, it’s what I see.  And because I know
it’s a possibility, I won’t let him do this. 

runs his palms down my breasts and rests them on my thigh.  I take his chin in
my hand, stopping him from touching his lips to mine.  I gather up all my
resolve, not that I have much to collect, and say the words I never thought I’d
voice.  “I can’t.  I don’t know where your mouth has been,

push against him, leaving him to groan in frustration.  Alex rolls onto his
back, giving me the opportunity to stand and back away from him.  His chest is
rapidly rising and falling as he covers his eyes with his fists.  I say nothing
more.  I adjust my skirt and leave Alex, once again, in bed with no more
answers to my questions than when I arrived.



Friday, November 30, 2012

fogged bathroom mirror blurs my reddened face as I towel dry my hair.  After
applying the rest of my lotion, I tighten the belt on my fluffy pink robe and
am startled when I hear rapping against my front door.  The girls agreed that I
would pick them up around eight thirty in order to get the club by nine.  It’s
only seven and I’m not expecting company. 

am I not surprised? 
Opening the door, after glancing through
the peephole, reveals a casually dressed Oliver in a button down green and
black flannel shirt and jeans.  I sigh and give him a knowing look.  He, of
course, studiously ignores me as he saunters by and continues to smile with his
boyish grin. 

are you doing?  You know we’re having a girl’s night out, right?”  I huff
before closing the door.  I turn placing my hands on my hips waiting for an
explanation.  This must be payback for my intrusion on Alex. 

quit giving me the stink eye.  We haven’t had any time together and I just miss
you.”  Normally, these words would break down a girl’s defenses, but I’ve been
ruined for all other men. 

roll my eyes, “Seriously Oliver, we had lunch…TODAY!  How haven’t we spent time

mean time with just the two of us.  Time where Janice isn’t tagging along
giving me dirty looks the entire time.  She’s been in full man hater mode, how
am I supposed to be charming around that?”  Oliver wanders around my living
room, looking at the pictures of my parents, Rachel, and Bryan.

doesn’t always give you dirty looks.”  I know better than that, but I don’t
want Oliver talking bad about Janice, she’s going through a rough time as it
is.  “So you came over to what?  Help me get ready to go out with the girls?”

that’s what it takes to spend time with you, then I’ll be more than happy to
lend you my services.”  Oliver’s eyes run over the length of my body.  It’s not
until his eyes practically bulge from their sockets that I notice the amount of
cleavage I’m sporting.  I pull my robe tighter as he comments, “Nice robe.”

heading into another eye roll, I grab him by the hand and lead him to my
bedroom.  “Fine.  You can help pick out my outfit and hang out while I get
ready.”  I point to my closet.  “Have at it.”  

rubs his palms together as he heads into my walk-in closet.  “Hmmmm, this could
be interesting.” 

so?”  I quirk an eyebrow.

I can either make you wear something that would make a hooker blush or I can
dress you up like Mother Theresa.  Oooohhh do you have anything that’s lime
green?  You know, the color of Slimer from the Ghostbusters?”

of all, this is
closet we’re talking about.  I wouldn’t have anything
in there that I would have a problem wearing.  Secondly, I have no problem
showing a little skin.  I might meet my future husband tonight.”  I tease him
from the doorway as he pushes aside hangers in search for the perfect outfit. 
We all know that’s a lie.  Future husband?  Ha!  What man would want to take on
all of my baggage, not to mention the love child growing inside of me?

I get to pick what goes underneath too?” he questions, raising his eyebrows

your dreams, buddy!”  I laugh before turning around and heading to the bathroom
to apply my makeup and brush out my hair.

yells from the closet, still trying to make small talk.  “So, what does this
ladies night exactly consist of?  Are you going to sit around eating chocolate,
braiding each other’s hair, and practice making out with each other?”

going to ignore the last part of the question. 
not sure exactly.  Trevor gave me a flyer and I thought I could support him and
show Janice a good time.”

ha!  I think I found the perfect outfit.”  Oliver’s yelp of triumph reminds me
of a gladiator who’s just won his battle.  I can imagine him thumping his fists
against his chest while making a celebratory lap around my closet.  I actually
giggle at the thought. 

look at Oliver’s reflection in the mirror and see him dangling a little red
dress from the hanger resting on his pointer finger.  Of course he’d pick the
sluttiest dress.  I’ve only worn it once before.  It was one of Cole’s
favorites, which is why I never wore it again.  It stops a few inches above my
knees and covers just enough to avoid getting arrested for indecent exposure. 
The halter dress hugs my curves showing ample skin in both the front and the
back.  I swallow my nerves as I eye the dress. 

knew I’d regret my decision but I did give him free reign. 

go back to brushing blush across the apples of my cheeks, trying to remain
unbothered.  “What made you pick that dress?” 

haven’t seen you wear anything like this before.  My imagination only goes so
far,” his low voice rumbles.  Oliver pushes forward, pressing his front against
my back.  The dress dangles next to us as he watches me in the mirror.

turn, pushing against him as I take it from his hands and place the hanger on
the towel rack close by.  “Well, I guess you just guaranteed this to be a very
interesting night.”  Oliver’s face drops as he considers the situation.  I hear
him mutter “
as I turn back around and begin applying my eyeliner.

course, my teasing doesn’t halt his efforts.  In fact, he’s still entirely too
close and it’s making me nervous.  Oliver continues to watch me closely through
our reflection in the mirror when I question, “Having fun yet?”

told you, anything to spend more time with you,” he answers, eyes running
slowly along the nape of my neck, his breath against my shoulder blades. 

need to kill his buzz, and quick, or my interesting night is going to start
sooner than I thought.

I know for a fact you could have any girl you want, why are you wasting your time?”

he brushes my hair off my right shoulder and breathes me in.  “I’m never
wasteful, Elyssa.  Especially not where you’re concerned.”  His lips tilt up,
green eyes meeting mine in the mirror.  “You can’t deny that we look pretty
damn good together.  Just imagine what our kids would look like.”  His
cockiness shows in his sexy smirk.

take a minute and consider what Oliver is saying.  He’s right; I can’t deny we
would make a cute couple.  But, the reality is, the reflection is just that…a
glimpse into what could be.  Nothing more.

precisely the problem.  You need to stop focusing on an illusion.  Autumn, or
that girl from finance, or even the girl from the movie theater…take your
pick.  Any of those girls would die for your attention.” 

eyes narrow as they look away.  “Obviously not any girl.” 

catches me looking and tugs gently against my shoulders, turning me around to
face him.  I gasp as he lifts me, placing me on the counter before taking my
head between his masculine hands.

I could, I’d kiss you right now and show you exactly how not a waste of time
this is.”  His breath sweeps across my lips as he lowers his face closer to

body is urging me to give in; to give him a chance.  “But you can’t,” I breathe
back.  Reaching up I place both of my hands on top of his which are now resting
on each of my cheeks.

guess I can’t.”  He steps back, shaking his head as I discreetly calm my

nod my head.  Shortly, the awkwardness of the situation is replaced with small
talk about his short time in Vegas.  I ask him if he misses California yet, in
which he tells me he hasn’t had a chance with traveling back and forth every
weekend.  For some reason I find this odd that he would be traveling so much
after just moving here, but then again, we are talking about Oliver here.

off the counter, I push against his chest, inching him out the door.  “You need
to get out so I can get dressed.

girls get dressed in locker rooms together?  Why do I need to leave?” 
he’s back.

the girls in my locker room don’t have a penis.  Now get out!”  I laugh.  It
doesn’t take long to get my dress on and finish the final touches with lip

I tease and walk to him, lying comfortably on my bed flipping through a photo

sets it down; his expression turning from one of amusement to a burning need in
a split second.  “God, you are beautiful.”  I blush and toy with my hair

the outfit,” I joke with a little twirl.  I actually love this dress, but my
last torrid memory while wearing said dress is of Cole and his grabby hands. 
He was drunk, but when wasn’t he?  He never knew how to take his time,
especially when he was wasted.

definitely not going to have a hard time meeting your future husband tonight.” 
He continues to survey me, thoroughly.  A bit of sadness washes over his face
when his eyes make contact with mine.  Oliver approaches me and wraps his arm
around my waist, pulling me close.  His brows furrow.  “But, could you do me a

breathing feels shallow as his arms tighten around me.  “What’s that?” 

not to elope or fall in love with any potential husbands tonight, please,” he
pleads, voice sincere as he caresses my cheek.

a promise I can keep.  I press my palms against his chest and push myself away,
creating the needed distance between us.  “Promise,” I mutter as I step farther
away.  He’s trying to cross the boundaries I set; problem is I’m not sure where
those lines are anymore.  Another problem, I think he knows it.


IT OFF!”  Autumn yells at the top of her lungs and then whistles with both
fingers in her mouth.  “This was the best idea you’ve ever had!” Autumn yells
over the roar of women surrounding us.  “And here I thought you were still
waiting for Prince Charming to come galloping up on his white horse and whisk
you away.  No…instead you surprise me with this?!”

know I must be blushing from head to toe listening to Autumn continue to yell
and whistle while three muscular men take the makeshift stage in front of us. 
me sideways; what did I get myself into.

surprise she’s referring to is our introduction to Ladies Night.  You know, the
one I recommended based on an eight by eleven flyer that my soon to be
ex-friend Trevor gave me.  Never once did he mention that tonight would include
naked men gyrating across a stage or hip thrusts two inches from my face.  All
I wanted was to have a little fun, get Janice mind numbingly drunk so she could
forget dipshit Kevin, and maybe as an added bonus get Autumn wasted enough for
her to face plant on the sidewalk. 
Is that so much to ask?

I’m sitting between Autumn who’s practically clawing her way on stage and
Janice who has an ear to ear smile plastered on her wide, bright-eyed face. 

can leave if you want to,” I lean over and yell into Janice’s ear.

would I want to leave?  This is exactly what I needed.  Kevin who?” she

her body stiffens, I’m confused.  That is, until I track her eyes and see
Trevor come into view.  Dressed in painted on leather pants, his torso is bare
except for the numerous tattoos that adorn his muscular physique.  I never knew
he had so many and when I think back, he’s always been covered up when we’ve
been together.  He immediately recognizes us and strides over. 

Lord, don’t let this be awkward…please, please, please.

came!” Trevor smiles as he approaches barely acknowledging my company.  Leaning
down he lifts me into a bear hug.  His muscles tighten around my body.  Both
Autumn and Janice stare at me in shock with their mouths practically touching
the sticky floor.  I’m sure it’s completely normal to be in the arms of a

take the opportunity and whisper in his ear, “Why didn’t you tell me you were a

leans in and whispers back, “You never asked.  Besides, I thought you’d figure
it out.  The picture of the half naked man on the flyer I gave you wasn’t
obvious enough?”

a little sheepish, “I thought he was a model or something.”

lowers me and looks between Janice and Autumn, now openly staring at him. 
“Introduce me to your friends.”

look to Janice whose eyes are focused on Trevor’s chest, more specifically his
nipples.  Which are pierced, by the way. 
The things you don’t know about
your friends.

wave between the three of them as I make my introductions.  Both Janice and
Autumn are mute; they just stare and smile widely at him.  They are utterly
drunk on his pheromones, not to mention the four lemon drops they’ve already

tell me you’re not dating this one,” Autumn leans in and nudges me with her

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