She Fell For A Boss: An Urban Love Tale (8 page)

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He could hear her let out a sigh, but then she agreed. “Fine.”

He was happy as hell. Honestly, he thought she was going to shut him down.

“Shoot me your address and I’ll come scoop you up. Is your shorty with you?”

“No, why?” She answered with a little tension in her voice.

“Just checking. I know kids need car seats and shit, so I was gon’ go buy one if she was rolling with us.”

“She’s with my sister. I’m supposed to be having dinner and staying at her house tonight,” she admitted in a more relaxed voice.

“That’s cool. I won't keep you too long unless you want me to. I just need to see you for a minute.”

“A minute?” she teased “I can send you a picture if that's all you need. You don't have to come pick me up for that.”

“Shit, fuck that. I want both. Send that shit and be naked in it, and your address so I can come scoop you up.” He laughed, only half playing. But fuck it, if she was down, then he was damn sure down.

“I swear you are always doing the most. What happened to my filter?”

“That shit was canceled the moment you put sexting on the table, shorty.” He chuckled.

“I did not offer... you know what, never mind. I'm gon’ hang up and send you my address before I change my mind.”

“Change it all you want. I was serious as fuck when I said that I would come looking for you, now play if you want.”

“I’m hanging up now,” She said sounding a little irritated but he didn't care, he meant it so she could just rock with it.

Right after they ended their call, Miego got a text with an address. She was only a few blocks over from his mom’s crib, so he decided to swing by their house first and take a quick shower. But first he shot her a text.

My pic didn't come through, resend that shit, please

He didn’t even bother to wait for a reply because he knew she was going to ignore his text. Miego was feeling shorty already. He just hoped he didn't have to take a life to be with her, but he had a feeling that was going to be necessary.

Chapter Six

here are we going?” Yami asked as soon as she was seated in Miego’s car. She had already assumed he was a dope boy because of his appearance, arrogance, and the tattoos he wore, so she wasn't at all surprised by the car he drove.

“I need to handle a few things. You good to just ride with me?”

Handle things.
Yami hoped that he wasn't about to take her on a drug run or to handle any illegal business. The last thing she needed was to get caught up in that. The one thing Black did make sure of, was that she was never connected to anything he did. In fact, other than occasionally counting money for him, she didn't have a clue about his street business. He made a lot of money from it and people feared him because of it, is all she knew.

“Do you have drugs or guns in here with us?”

Miego laughed as he watched the concerned looked that filled her face.

“How are you just gon’ make me a stereotype, shorty?”

“So you don’t sell drugs?” Yami folded her arms across her chest and gave him a ‘please stop lying’ look.

“I didn’t say that. I’m just asking you how the fuck you just gon’ assume that shit,” Miego said with a smirk.

“It's all over you. Your clothes, your tats, that cocky ass attitude you have, and not to mention this.” She waved her hand around in the air indicating the car.

Miego looked down at his jeans, Jordans, pocket tee. The clothes he wore were simple but they were expensive. No big ass logos or print because he couldn't stand that.

“I have on jeans and a t-shirt, shorty. How the fuck does that say dope boy?” Miego was curious about her assessment of his clothes.

“I know clothes, and that shit you have on might be just a t-shirt and jeans, but it cost more than my books did this semester.”

“Damn, it's like that? The fuck, you a fashion major or some shit?” Miego said with a grin.

“No, but I like nice stuff, so I know it when I see it.”

“I’ight, you can get that. You can consider me a short term dope boy. How about that? And no, I don’t have drugs in here, but I do have a gun, three in fact. One right here.” Miego lifted his shirt. “One right here.” He reached under his seat and pulled out a .9mm just long enough for her to get her eyes on it, and then put it back. “And a chopper in the trunk. I have enemies, so I stay strapped. You’re never gon’ be around me and I don’t have a gun. Is that a problem?”

Yami sat and silently processed while Miego couldn't keep his eyes off her body. She wore a tiny ass v-neck that hugged her small breasts and a pair of destroyed skinny jeans that were equally fitted with a pair of navy chucks. He couldn't help but think that she looked like a little kid because she was so damn small.

“Just be careful,” she finally let out.

“I told you, shorty, I got you. Now can we go, damn? Your interrogation is burning up my time with you. You might not be making it to your sister’s for dinner.”

Yami smiled and shook her head before playfully rolling her eyes. “Yeah, we’re good.”

“So, what's the deal with you and Black?” Miego asked.

The question caught her off guard. “There is no deal. We have a daughter and that’s it.”

“So you’re not still fucking him?” Miego looked right at her and only looked away to occasionally watch the road while he waited for her to answer.

Yami hesitated for a minute, but then answered, “No.” She knew it was a lie, but he didn't have to know that. Besides, they were hardly ever together because he was always with other females.

Miego chuckled. “You're a damn lie, but that’s cool, though. That was your last time, whenever it was, and I mean that shit. So if I ask you again and you lie to me, then that’s it. If you’re gon’ be with me, you’re damn sure not gon’ keep fucking him, and that is not something that can negotiated.”

“Be with you?” Yami repeated, ignoring the fact that he had called her on her lie.

Miego just looked at her but didn't say anything. He wore a grin instead.

“You're not gon’ answer me?” Yami asked.

“Don't ask questions you already know the answer to,” was all he said.

Yami didn't have a comeback for that, so she sat back and stared out the window. They rode in silence until he pulled in the parking lot of their destination and Yami looked at Miego like he had lost his damn mind. She knew good and damn well that he didn't bring her with him to shop for a baby. Correction, his baby.

“Why are we at Babies ’R Us?” Yami asked, not even attempting to hide her frustration.

“I need to get a stroller.” Miego got out and waited for Yami.

She didn’t move, and instead watched him through the windshield. When he realized she wasn't getting out, he walked around to her door, opened it, and leaned over her, placing one arm on the roof of his car.

“The fuck is wrong with you?” Miego asked with a smirk because of the way Yami’s face had twisted up so fast.

“How old?”

“Eight months, why the fuck does that matter?” Miego knew she had assumed he was buying a stroller for his kid, and since she was so pissed, he didn't tell her any different.

“Oh my God. You are unbelievable. You have an eight-month-old child and you’re bringing me here to help you buy a stroller? Please take me home.”

“Why the fuck do I need to take you home? Don't you have a daughter?”

“My daughter is two, almost three, and I’m not asking you to shop for her on our first date. Me having a kid is irrelevant, and you knew I had a kid.”

Mieog laughed. “Damn, shorty, you mad as fuck. Your face is all red and shit, but it's cute as hell, though.”

“Are you serious right now. Did you hear anything I just said?” Yami looked at Miego like she wanted to slap the grin off his face.

“Get out the damn car, with your hostile ass. I don’t have no damn kids, shorty.”

Yami looked at him confused, but she was still pissed. “Then who are you buying a stroller for?”

My nephew, it's my brother Tron’s son, Tajh. Somebody stole that shit while they were at the doctor. Damn, I know you think I’m rude and shit, but do you really think I would bring you to help me buy a stroller for my own kid without even telling you I had one first? That would be some fucked up shit, shorty, and I’m not that damn bad.”

Yami sat there but still didn’t move. She was pissed that he let had her believe he had a kid, but relieved that he didn't.

“You gon’ get your little red ass out the car or what?”

Yami looked up at him and really wanted to smile. He looked so damn cute to her, leaning over her body with that sexy grin on his face, exposing a dimple in his right cheek. Instead, she held it, rolled her eyes and stepped out. He removed his arm from the roof but didn’t step back, so their bodies when she got on her feet. Yami inhaled Miego's cologne while he admired her tiny frame.

“Are we going in?” she asked, trying to kill the awkwardness of them just standing there so close.

“Can I kiss you first?” he asked.


She said it so quick that it made him laugh. Of course, he ignored her and leaned down, damn near with a full curve in his back, and gently placed a kiss on her temple. Yami felt her body quiver and he admired the expression that filled her face.

“Let’s go, and for the record, this ain't no damn date. We're just chillin’. The fuck I look like taking you on a date to a baby store? When I take your ass on a date, trust me shorty, you'll know.”

Miego grabbed her hand and pulled her out the way so he could shut the door. Once he did, he hit the remote to lock the car and the two headed toward the store. Miego held onto her hand and she let him, not wanting to ruin the moment, which was why she didn't say anything about his whole ‘date’ speech either.

The two spent the next hour buying more stuff than he really needed to buy, including a car seat that he insisted on buying to keep in his car for Ray. Yami enjoyed being around Miego because, despite the fact that he didn't have any filters, he was actually pretty funny and a big ass kid. The two actually did more playing in the store than they should have, and by the time they reached her sister’s house, Yami really didn't want to leave Miego.

“So, do I get an invite to dinner or what?”

Yami laughed at the goofy grin he wore. He basically had worn it all day, which was a different side of him. When they first met, he seemed so arrogant and reserved, but now she was seeing him differently.

“I don't really think that will work. My sister doesn't think me and you are a good idea.”

“Why not?” Instantly, his whole mood changed, and Yami noticed it. He was serious and looked annoyed.

“She just wants me to focus on school and Ray.”

“So both of y’all scared of that nigga, huh?”

“No, that’s not it,” Yami tried to explain.

“It's cool, shorty, but tell your sister that this shit is happening. She don't have to like it, but it's happening. Today was good, shit just feels right. I know you feel it too, so I don't really care whether she thinks it’s a good idea. No disrespect, but it's your life, shorty.”

“I know, let's just see what happens first.”

“I’ight, I’ll give you that. I have a few things to take care of, so I’ll hit you in a little while. Don't take your ass to sleep.” Miego was smiling again, but Yami wasn't.

“Are you seeing anyone?” She had been thinking about it all day, but just didn't ask. They were having a good time and she didn't want to ruin it, but a guy like Miego always had somebody, and the day they met he was on the phone with some chick named Nakia.

“Not anybody that matters. You tell me that you're down with me and I dead that shit, no questions asked.”

“Are you still fucking her?”

Miego chuckled about the fact that she had hit him with his own question.

“Nah, not anymore,” he answered truthfully.

“Not at all?” Yami quizzed.

“Until you decide what you want, I might let her suck my dick, but nah shorty, I’m not gon’ fuck her. I promise you that.” He didn't feel it was necessary to mention that he might get with somebody else, though. Hell, he didn't know how long Yami was going to hold out on him.

“Wow. Yeah, you do that.”

“Yo, you asked. Didn't I tell you not ask questions that you already know that answer to? If I'm not fucking you, then you know I’m fucking somebody. Don't act shocked, but I’m not a cheater, Yami. The second I know it's me and you, that's it. I won't mess around, but you just told me in so many words that you don't know what you wanna do. When you figure that shit out, I’m in a hundred and ten percent, but until then, I’m gon’ do me,” Miego said.


“And when I leave here, I’m going to see my nephew and then taking my ass home. So don't go ignoring my damn calls because you think I been with the next bitch.”

Yami smiled, just a little relieved that he wasn't leaving her to go be with someone else. He wasn't hers, but she was still jealous.

“So, can I get a kiss good night?”

Yami laughed. “No, you cannot. You just admitted that you might be sexing other females until I so call make a decision, so why would I let you kiss on me?”

Miego laughed. “Damn, shorty, you really testing me. Can I, at least, get a hug then?”

Yami opened her arms and was about to lean toward him, but Miego opened his door and got out instead. She did the same and waited for him.

“Fuck that, I need to feel something since your ass is holding out. I don't want no damn kiddy hug.” Miego grabbed her so fast and pulled her body against his that it caught her off guard. The way his body engulfed hers made her feel like it was a perfect fit, like his arms were made just to hold her.

Miego held on for as long as he could before he kissed the top of her head. “When you finally do let me hit, I’m probably gon’ split your little ass in two. Real talk, shorty,” Miego said randomly.

“Oh my God, you just can't help yourself, can you?”

He grinned. “My bad, that damn filter shit don't work for me, but I’m trying. Give a nigga some credit.”

“Good night, Miego.”

Yami shook her head and walked to her sister’s building. He watched until she disappeared inside it. His mind was made up even if hers wasn't. She was rolling with him, fuck what everybody else thought.



“Mommy, what took you so long?” Rayah ran into Yami’s arms as soon as she walked in the door.

“Why, did you miss me?” Yami lifted her daughter and kissed her face, but her attention was focused on her sister who was mugging her hard as hell.

“Yes, but Auntie Yaz bought me candy and let me watch a movie.” Rayah was narking on Yaz and didn't even realize it.

“She did? Well, how about you better eat all of your dinner or we’re gon’ have some problems, Ray, you know better.” Yami peered at her daughter who grinned back at her.

“Don't sweat her, she’s not the only one doing things that she shouldn't be doing, right, Yami?” Yaz said before she rolled her eyes and walked back into her tiny kitchen.

“Go play, Buttercup, and I’m going to help Aunty Yaz finish making dinner.”

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