Shea: The Last Hope (13 page)

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Authors: Jana Leigh

BOOK: Shea: The Last Hope
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“Thank you for all coming. I have taken the liberty of drawing up an agreement for each of you to sign. I want to make these partnerships very clear. You will find that under my leadership, the Pack will run quite differently. In fact, let me make this very clear right now, because I want there to be no misunderstandings on anyone's part. I am the Alpha of this Pack, and we are no longer the Rogues like my predecessor liked to call us.

That name makes it seem like we are not in control of anything, that we are outsiders, and that is far from the truth. I am. So this is the way we will be treating things from now on, this is a business, my business, and your business. We are the future of the shifter races, and nothing will stand in our way to obtain our goals."

There was clapping and cheering from the people in the room. Roarke felt the power surge and envelope him. These people were his future, because by using them, he would be able to take over the leadership of the country like he planned. The humans had no idea who they were voting for, and neither did the Council. They thought it would be so easy to open their long-held secrets to the humans; well, he was going to make it impossible. And they would have to go through him and his people to do it.

Roarke wanted to laugh because the Seer had left a few things a secret, so she wouldn’t change the path, the Chosen and their followers were going to have to take. Nor did they know what his plans were. He wanted to howl with glee when they discovered that more was to come if they wanted to actually fulfill their destiny.

He held up the folder that held the paperwork he had drawn up. "In here are the contracts for each of you to sign if you are going to remain in this group. You’ll need to take special note of the last clause. The penalty exacted for attempting to break the contract is explained there, in great detail.” Roarke smirked and watched as his assistant handed out the forms to the people in the room.

Most snorted and growled when they read the contract. Shifters did not believe in actually signing contracts, they thought handshakes would do. But Roarke was not going to be stupid like his predecessor. He had thought people would come to his aid when he called, due to his tendency to frighten them if they refused. He wanted things to be clear from the onset. If he called, they answered, or they would face the consequences. How could you have a war unless you had the backing?

"After you have all signed the contract then we have a few more things to take care of. I have a list of names; these people need to be picked up and brought here, unharmed if possible, if not bring me their heads as proof. It is essential to our cause that these people are found and brought here. So, who would like first crack at the list? I promise the reward with be worth it." Roarke said and laughed gleefully when he saw the hands go in the air.

This was a group of opportunistic mercenaries who would sell out their own mother given the chance for a big payoff. He wished for a moment he could tell them what their prize would be, but then it would ruin the surprise. Roarke knew that a seasoned tracker would be able to pick up these mongrel's scents, he couldn’t risk using them more than once each. So when they returned with his prize; they would receive the greatest reward he wished to give them, a one-way ticket to hell, right where they belonged.

Chapter 12

Devon opened the office door and looked at his mates who were sitting in there trying to get him organized. He wanted to laugh, they were insistent on making sure that people knew he was the boss. After yesterday, and the whole hangover scene with Casey, he should have known that things were going to be busy today. All the women, who had gotten drunk, moaned and groaned, and fought all day while helping to take care of Cloe and the babies.

Quin had hoped to talk with the new member of the Council, but they had been unable too because of the way she was feeling. Today Shea and her mates were coming over to the Pack house and getting formally introduced to everyone; they had about an hour to get things done.

Casey made sweet clucking noises to the babies who were sitting in the portable crib, next to the desk, with their eyes wide open. She was filing papers in the new file cabinet that they had ordered to match his desk, "How the hell is he going to find things when it says 'A, B, C...' on the tabs? When you look in them, there are papers from everything that starts with the letter."

Sid snorted and said, "At least he was trying. If you look at the mail and stuff, half of these aren’t even open. There’s even one from Bama's mom asking to send some of her eagles for training; it wasn't either. This could cause potential problems with other shifter groups if they thought they were being dissed."

"That’s because I called her instead when I saw who it was from. Why read when I can talk to her?" Devon laughed.

Both of his mates’ turned to look at him in surprise and then turned red about being caught talking about him. Devon walked into the room and pulled them both in for a hug and kiss before sitting down behind his desk.

"Didn't I hire an assistant a couple of days ago?" he asked.

"Yes," Casey giggled, "then you fired her when she interrupted a meeting with Quin."

Devon frowned and thought about the incident. "No, I didn't," he argued.

"When you say, 'Get the fuck out of here!' it tends the make people think they’re fired,"

Sid drawled and then looked around the office. "Didn't you notice she wasn't here?"

"Sorry, I have been in meetings for the last few days. We have a lot of people wanting to join the training, and now that Argus and his mates are, contacting all the other Packs and Prides. I've been slammed with requests." Devon put his hand to his forehead and sighed. "Seriously, I was going to ask you, Sid, if you wanted to work in the training area with me. I have all the Beta stuff to do, as well as the training. I’m feeling a little overwhelmed."

Casey laughed and then clapped, "Fun, Sid you don't want to do the construction thing anymore, now you can do this. I can be the secretary and watch the kids. It will be awesome."

Devon laughed and said, "So, as your boss, now I can order you around, and you have to listen. Maybe little freaky lunch breaks are in order," wiggling his eye brows.

His mates laughed and then Sid held his hands open. “I would love to help with the training. I think maybe since we are mates, we can be partners, not employees. My parents called, they’re having a few problems up there. I think they wanted to talk to you about something."

Devon looked at him in surprise and said, "Really? When did they call?"

"Last night, I just got the message," Sid said, "I think maybe they were going to call Jordan too, but their relationship is still a little tenuous, and so maybe you could call?"

Devon nodded and reached for his phone. His office was in their home. In the main Pack house, the head security office was located there, but he liked to use this place to deal with business. He was close to his mates then. Besides, there were too many people in the Pack house to get any work done.

Casey stood up, stretched her back, and smiled at him. She took his breath away when she did that, Sid glanced up and saw the heated look he was giving their mates and laughed, "Lunch break?"

"The babies are taking their nap," Casey said seductively and then ran a finger down her chest cupping her own breasts. "You know, Shea’s book had a few ideas. One of them was how to have a three way in a desk chair, what do you think, wanna get nimble with me? Or did you want to make that call?"

Sid pushed himself up from the floor and growled at her. "I’ll get the chair," he said and moved quickly to stand behind her. Devon groaned when he saw Sid pull her shirt off and snap her bra off quickly. He realized he still held the phone receiver and slammed it back down. Her breasts had gotten bigger since she had given birth.

Casey had been self-conscious about it at first, but when she realized how enthralled, they were with the changes in her body; she had reveled in her new body shape. Her nipples changed to a darker color also; Devon stalked forward and bent his head taking her erect nipple in his mouth and bit down gently.

Casey made a little noise of protest when he released her breast quickly and then tugged at her pants. He wanted her naked and spread before him, like a Sunday feast. He paused and looked at his desk and large chair that sat behind it. With one hand, he swept the papers on the floor, and pen flew against the wall as he made room for what he had planned.

"Shit, that took me all morning to get done.” Casey grumbled, and Devon chuckled.

"I will sit and watch your pretty little ass bend over and pick it up when we are done."

He said thickly.

She narrowed her eyes and said, “Better yet, I will sit and watch you clean up the mess you made."

Sid whispered in her ear, “We’ll make our big strong Beta do it naked, so we can enjoy looking at his ass."

Devon shrugged and said, "Win, win for me, it will make you both so hot and bothered we will never make it to the meeting."

Sid tugged Casey's pants down and then Devon swung her up on the desk and laid her out for them to look at. "Perfection," he said with a reverent tone.

"Oh yeah, prefect height," Sid said walking around the desk and pulling off his clothes at the same time.

Devon ran a hand down the front of her stopping at the top of her curls on her pussy and then leaned forward and moaned, "I can smell your desire."

Casey rubbed her legs together in anticipation trying to create a little friction for herself while Devon removed his hand and began taking his clothes off quickly. Sid wrapped a hand in her hair and turned her head, so she was looking at his straining cock. She knew what he wanted. Between both of her mates, Sid loved his cock sucked more.

She reached up with her hand, took his cock in her palm, and grasped his thick cock firmly, then using her thumb; she wiped the bead of cum over the tip then tugged to bring it to her mouth.

Devon paused to watch and said, "I love her mouth, suck our mate good baby."

Casey smiled around Sid's tip and then moved to take him all the way in her mouth. Sid threw back his head and groaned at the sensation of his hot little mate's mouth on him.

Devon leaned forward and licked her pussy lips clean. She had been practically dripping with excitement.

Sid tightened the hold on her hair to hold her mouth steady and then said, "Dev, whatever you are doing, keep it up; she is doing amazing things to me."

Devon raised his head from between her legs and said. "I’m here to serve, whatever I can do to help."

Casey made a protesting noise with her mouth around Sid's cock, and Devon smiled and looked back at her pussy. He moved a hand from around her thighs and pressed in against her clit. Casey began to squirm, and he ran his finger down until it was at her entrance and then her speared her and flicked her clit with his tongue at the same time.

She arched her back and sucked hard on Sid's cock.

She loved these men. They discovered everything about her body. They took the time to talk to her and make sure she enjoyed everything they did. Her breasts ached for someone to play with them, and as if they read her mind. Sid pulled back slowly, and she releases his cock. With his hand still tangled in her hair, he bent over and kissed her.

The kiss was like a brand, one that she would wear with pride, and he moved to her neck; she turned to give him access. Sid licked his mating mark on her neck and then grinned when she shivered at the reminder of that night.

Lower he went until his mouth was poised on the tip of her hard nipple. Devon licked her pussy aggressively as he watched what Sid was doing. Sid ran his tongue around the nipple not giving her the sensation she needed. Casey could feel the need rising for them to finish what they had started.

"Damnit guys, I need," she cried out.

"We know exactly what you need," Devon growled against her mound and then sucked her clit into his mouth at the same time Sid finally took her nipple in his. The dual sensation was almost too much; she jerked her head from side to side, and felt the passion override and flow through her. Casey panted as they continued to play with her body, riding out the small orgasm she had.

Still feeling the tingling in her body of awareness, Casey sighed when Devon stood and pulled her into his arms and walked around the desk to where Sid was already sitting in the chair.

"Make it a little taller." Devon growled, and Sid pushed the button on the side that rose it up. Devon placed her in Sid's lap with her back to Sid and facing him. He tweaked both her nipples. She leaned back against Sid, who wrapped his arms around her and ran his hands down her body until he was playing with her clit and kissing her neck again.

"So this is what you want? We may have to talk to Shea about just giving us a list."

Devon mused, and Casey looked at him with lust in her eyes.

"No need, I have a list already with the books and the pages marked.” She said cheekily.

Her men laughed and then Sid raised her little, and she heard the sound of a cap snapping opened. She looked over her shoulder to see him greasing up his cock, and her pussy clenched in anticipation. Sid grinned at her, grasped the base of his cock, and nodded.

"Giddy up," he said.

Casey grinned and allowed Devon to help her position herself, so she could slowly sink down on Sid's cock. She felt Sid's lubed fingers press into her back hole while Devon held her, stretching her, so she wouldn't feel any discomfort as she lowered herself slowly. She felt the tip of his cock at her entrance and held her breath. Slowly, they lowered her until she was full from the back.

Devon kissed her mouth, once again branding her. Then he pushed the chair back so it was tilted as far as it would go then he helped Sid lift his legs over the arms of the chair his legs holding hers outside his leaving her feminine core spread wide for Devon’s view.

Devon knelt on a box that had mysteriously appeared on the floor in front of the chair.

"You ready baby, we are gonna stuff you with cock until you scream for release." Devon growled at her, and she nodded back.

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