She's Gotta Have It: A Hood Love Story (8 page)

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Authors: Shvonne Latrice

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

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“Who’s face was I in?” I asked.

“Latif’s! You spent the whole night with him!” he shouted.

“Wow, I was talking business. Plus, you have a wife,” I shook my head and looked out the window.

“Well, what if I didn't have a wife?” he inquired.

“Then we would be together, and you would have some say-so as to whose face I’m in,” I lied.

Noah was not about to be my man. If anybody was gonna be my man, it would be Qadir. Fuck! Qadir!

I’d been blowing him off for weeks. He texted me while at the party, but I didn’t respond because like Noah said, I was all in Latif’s face.

“You want me to come up?” Noah bit his lip as we sat in front of my condo.

“No, I’m tired,” I replied as I unbuckled myself.

“Too bad,” Noah said throwing his car into park. I rolled my eyes and exited the car.

As soon as we walked in, Noah started kissing on my neck and caressing my body. He backed me into my bedroom, while unzipping my dress.

“What the fuck is this!” Qadir yelled.

“Ah! Qadir! Baby, what are you doing here?” I screamed.

“Baby?” Noah frowned.

“Cool Zooey, I’m out!” Qadir shouted and stormed out the room.

I chased after him, but my heel broke and I fell to the floor. BOOM! The door slammed. I turned on my back, and Noah was glaring down at me.

“Who the fuck was that?” he asked.

“An ex,” I replied forcing a smile.

I stood to my feet, and walked over to him. I dipped my tongue into his mouth, and he lifted me in the air so that I could wrap my legs around his waist. Fuck.




Tonight was another night I knew I would regret. Andi was really tripping on me about dating Cassian, like the maniac that she was. I didn’t want to go against my sister, but I loved him and she had no say-so in my dating life. She had no say-so about anything in my life, and I wished she would realize that.

However, in order to shut her mouth for a little bit, I was going to go with her to this party Hollis was to deejay. I did miss hanging out with her, despite her being so annoying, so this was perfect.

“You ready chica?” she grinned while peeking her head into my room.

“Yes,” I exhaled.

“Stop being so glum Jos. You’re gonna have fun. Plus, you’re gonna meet a boss nigga tonight!” she smiled big as hell.

“Can't wait,” I replied dryly.

Once we were both dressed to impress, we headed over to Playhouse nightclub in Hollywood. As soon as we got there, people were whispering and pointing at Andi and me.

“That’s Andi Richardson and Cassian’s girl,” one person said.

“Where's Cass?” someone yelled to me. I just ignored them. “He must’ve dumped your ass!” she added and laughed.
Josalyn, don’t swing
, I told myself.

The only negative thing about dating Cassian was that I was no longer Josalyn Richardson, but ‘Cassian’s girl.’ Everywhere I went these days, people asked me if I
his girlfriend, or just
called me
his girlfriend. I wasn’t used to being watched so closely by random people, on social media and blogs either.

Andi was smiling from ear to ear, basking in all this shit. I just shook my head as we approached the bouncer. Unlike times before, we didn’t need to let them know we were on a guest list, the bouncer immediately removed the line separator and we walked inside.

Hollis was up there spinning “Live from the Gutter” by Drake and Future, and everybody was turning the fuck up. We walked up the side steps so that we could sit in VIP behind the DJ booth.

“Josalyn, this is Hollis’ friend, Khalid,” Andi beamed.

“How are you beautiful?” Khalid flashed a smile.

Khalid was a big-time rapper, and stayed on the radio. He was always releasing something new or featuring on the latest hits. He had a toffee complexion, brown eyes, and was 6’4. He was on the skinnier side, but he wasn’t skin and bones. He was a cute guy, but Cassian looked one hundred times better, and wasn’t skinny.

“I’m great. Nice to meet you Khalid,” I smiled.

“You know I like them vanilla chicks!” Khalid joked with Andi, and she playfully rolled her eyes.

I hated guys like him that only liked a certain skin color. Ugly can come in any color. Not all light-skinned chicks were pretty. I’ve run across a many ugly, mud duck looking light-skins. Thank God, I wasn’t one of them.

“I’ll be right back,” Andi chuckled and walked off before I could protest. As successful as Khalid was, I’m surprised she didn’t want him for herself.

“Here you go,” Khalid grinned as he handed me a drink.

“Thanks,” I exhaled. My phone buzzed and it was a text from Cassian.

“I forgot that was yo’ nigga,” Khalid laughed as he looked at Cassian’s name on the screen.

“Oh you did? I doubt that,” I rolled my eyes unbeknownst to him.

“Yeah, when you’re famous you don’t have a private life,” he replied as he bobbed his head to the music.

“True,” I half smiled, not really interested in having a conversation with him. I preferred the convo within my iPhone with my man.

I miss your smart mouth!

I miss you acting like an asshole lol.

Fuck you.

Suck my ass.

I will, when I get back.

You’re disgusting, I love you.

I love you too, Pretty.

“You always text when you’re at the club?” Khalid asked.

“If my man isn’t with me I do,” I smirked.

“He’s out of town right now, ain’t he?” he inquired.

“Mm hmm.”

“Why you didn’t go?” he quizzed.

“Because unlike most of these celebrity girlfriends, I’m in school,” I fake smiled and he laughed.

“Damn, let me leave you alone,” he put his hands up in mock surrender. I didn’t respond because that’s exactly what I wanted him to do.

I knew what kind of nigga Khalid was. He’d lied on his dick plenty of times in the past. He was a fake ass thug, who prided himself on stealing other musician’s girlfriends.

We stayed at the club until closing, since Hollis was the DJ. I was beyond ready to go home. I would’ve much rather spent my night cuddled up with Cassian, over FaceTime.

“Where are you going?” I asked Andi when I realized she wasn’t headed to the house.

“We’re about to go chill with Hollis and Khalid,” she responded while keeping her eyes on the road.

“Andi, it’s 3am. I’m sleepy as hell and don’t feel like entertaining anyone,” I said sternly.

“I have a five-hour energy in my purse if you need it,” she chuckled.

“Andi, I’m serious! I’m not in the mood!” I yelled.

“And I'm serious too! Drink that fucking five-hour energy and suck it up! I’m helping to secure your fucking future!” she shouted.

“My future is being secured every time I go to class, and when I got that acceptance to medical school! Not chasing after niggas just to use them in hopes of being the next Kardashian!” I screamed.

She didn’t say anything and kept driving. I closed my eyes and let out a heated sigh, as I laid my head back on the headrest. She would never see things my way. This was the last time I was hanging out with her at night.

We pulled up to a big ass house with a K on the gate. This must’ve been Khalid's house. I hated a show-off ass nigga. Once we parked, we exited the car and Khalid welcomed us in. As soon as Andi and I sat on the couch, I rested my head back because I was so tired.

“You okay?” Khalid asked.

“I’m just tired. I have a lot of studying to do,” I half lied.

“Let’s take shots!” Andi clapped her hands together. Hollis cracked open some Grey Goose, as Khalid laid out some shot glasses.

“I’m good,” I said holding my hand up.

“Just one shot Jos, pleeaassee,” Andi begged and handed me a filled shot glass.

We started to play a game called “I Never”, and every time someone said something you’ve done, you took a shot.

“I don’t want to play anymore,” I slurred after my third shot. I adjusted my tight ass army green dress that I was ready to climb out of.

“We will be back,” Andi chuckled with her drunk ass, before leading Hollis out of the room. I wanted to kill her right now.

“So what’s up with you?” Khalid smiled and scooted closer to me.

“I thought you said you knew I had a boyfriend,” I frowned.

“Yeah, but I know how you and your sisters get down,” he replied stroking his beard. I knew this shit would catch up to us.

“Well I’m not like that. I don’t care what you heard,” I said as I scooted away. He grabbed my face, and forced a kiss on my lips. “Stop!” I yelled and pushed him hard.

He backhanded me hard as hell, and I fell to the floor. What the hell? He climbed in between my legs, and held my wrists down using his one big hand.

“Khalid please! No!” I shouted as I tried to squirm away.

“Andiiii!” I screamed as I felt Khalid's hands on my panties.

“Shhhhh,” he chuckled. I relaxed and stopped moving, which made him smile. He pulled his dick out, and I kicked it hard as fuck.

“Arrgghhhhhh!” he yelled and fell back.

I grabbed my torn panties and rushed to the back to find my sister. I ran past a room and heard her moaning loudly.
Why didn’t I drive myself?
I thought.

“Andi!!!” I yelled and banged on the door.

“Come here bitch!” Khalid hollered from behind me, and gripped a handful of my hair. He dragged me into a linen closet, and punched me in the nose. Oh, this nigga wanted a fight? He was about to get one then.

“Stop Khalid!” I screamed so loud my throat was sore.

He roughly shoved my dress upward and I clawed at his eyes. He and I were fighting like Mike Tyson and Holyfield in that little ass closet. I was determined to not let him rape me. He punched me again, but my anger wouldn’t allow me to succumb to my injuries. I kicked his exposed dick repeatedly, while raining blows on his face. He stopped hitting me to clutch his sore dick and balls, so I took the opportunity to kick him in the face like I was David Beckham going for the winning goal. He wailed like a newborn, and then hopped up and ran out with his pants falling past his bare ass. My head ached and I could barely move, and the blows he’d delivered were starting to take effect.

“Andi!” I hollered once more, before finally passing out.

I woke up and my head was throbbing. I was slumped over in the linen closet, which reminded me of what happened last night. Tears escaped my eyes, as I slowly got up. My body was sore as fuck, especially my fucking face and head. I limped outside, and heard Andi laughing from afar. Khalid and I both entered the room from opposite directions, looking like Ike and Tina coming from their last fight.

“What the fuck happened to her!” Andi yelled when she saw me. I glared at her as I walked closer to her.

“Take me home!” I screamed in her face. If she didn’t comply, I was gonna give her the same ass whooping I’d just given Khalid.

“Yeah, take that crazy bitch home!” Khalid shouted as he sat down on his loveseat.
Damn, I fucked him up
, I thought. The light in the living room shone on his injuries.

“You tried to rape me! Don’t be mad because I whooped your ass!” I shouted.

“Aye man, ain’t nobody tried to rape you. You’re the one who tried to fuck me, and then beat my ass when I said no!” he barked.

“You’re a fucking lie! You just a thirsty ass nigga who’s mad because he got his ass whooped by a bitch!” I leered.

“Aye, get her out my fucking crib! I don’t fuck with hoes that spread lies!” he frowned.

I shook my head at him as Andi tugged on my arm. I snatched it from her and stormed out the door.

I was done with trying to be nice to my sisters. I was not into this lifestyle, and was no longer going to pretend I was for them. One of my worst fears almost happened, and there was nothing that Andi or Zooey could say to ever make me hang out with them on that level again. Thank God I took kickboxing for four years.




Chapter Eight: Andi


Knowing my sister was almost raped, was bothering me like crazy. I tried to convince myself that it was her fault so that I would feel better. I mean, if she had just given Khalid what he wanted, she could’ve escaped the beating. Then again, I didn’t like the fact that he hurt her. But by looking at the two, it was very obvious that Josalyn had beaten his ass much worse than he did her.

I never meant for that to happen though. I just wanted her to get acquainted with a dude who was bigger than Cassian, but it backfired horribly. Not only is Khalid gonna blackball our names, but now my sister thinks I’m the worst person in the world.

Josalyn had been ignoring me, and every night she cried herself to sleep. I knew this shit was all my fault, but I couldn’t worry about that right now. Shit, she should be happy that she won the fight and escaped the rape!

“Andi, it’s your time,” some lady let me know.

I was at the video shoot for Denim. I knew this would be the gig that I needed to give me that boost. I smiled in the mirror, and then turned around to look at my fat ass. I had on a G-string and a bra, since it was for a pool scene.

I strutted out, letting everybody take in my perfect body with not a stretch mark or piece of cellulite in sight.

“In five, four, three,” the director yelled, and then mouthed two, one.

All the girls and I started to shake our asses, and wind to the music. I was showing out for the camera, because I needed this to help me book more shit in the future. I was happy that I got a solo in one scene, where it was Denim and his boy. I turned my back to the camera, and both men smacked and grabbed my perfect ass.

“That’s a wrap!” the director yelled after hours of shooting, and everybody headed off set.

“Aye Andi, come here,” Denim waved me over, and I happily jogged to him.

“Come to my dressing room real quick,” he said biting his lip.

He grabbed my hand in his, and I followed him to the room. When I walked in, two of his homeboys were chilling on the couch.

“So what’s up?” I smiled nervously.

“We wanted you to show us a good time,” Denim smiled and pulled my bikini top to the side to expose my breasts.

“I don’t-” I was cut off when he stuck his tongue into my mouth.

He played with my exposed nipples, while kissing me hard. I felt another pair of hands tug my thong down to my ankles. I was too into the kiss to see which homeboy it was, but he started to eat my pussy from behind. He pushed me onto the couch, and then put my legs on his shoulders to continue.

“Fuck,” I cried out as I wound my hips into his face.

Denim released his dick, and walked over to put it in my face. I took it into my mouth, and bobbed up and down on it, as his friend ate my pussy like no tomorrow.

“Yeah bitch,” Denim growled as I sucked him off.

I came in his friend’s mouth, and then the other friend took his place, eating my pussy. Shit! He spread my legs wider, and started to suck on my clit, as I worked my magic on Denim. As I came again, Denim pulled his dick out and came on my breasts. I was not feeling this shit, but I had to do what I had to do. His friend flipped me over and was about to enter me, but Denim stopped him.

“I get first!” he said.

He rolled a condom on and got behind me. He slid his long thick dick into my walls and pounded away. He grabbed my hair and pumped me so hard I thought I would fly off the couch.

“Damn this bitch pussy is good!” he grunted as he rammed into me.

“Ahhhh!” I cried out as I came. Denim smacked my ass and sped up even more.

“Slow do-down,” I stammered.

“Shut the fuck up!” Denim spat.

“Ugghhhhhh!” he grunted as he filled up the condom.

Before I could recuperate, his friend slid on a condom and started fucking me too. Once he was done, the next friend came and did the same. By the time they were done, I was spent as hell. Denim kicked them out after a little while, and I stood up to leave as well. I needed to soak in some Epsom salt. I hadn’t planned on doing any of this shit.

“Where are you going?” Denim asked.

“Home,” I replied in a low tone. I felt disgusting.

“Nah, you my bitch now. You coming home with me,” he replied.

Once Denim got all his belongings together, we left the video shoot and got into the backseat of some black Escalade. It was so awkward how he just told me I was coming home with him. The whole ride I was quiet, because I needed a shower and was worried about my car.

“Denim, what about my car?”

“I’ll have my people bring it to my crib,” he replied nonchalantly as he typed on his phone. “Whatever other niggas you fucking in the industry, end it now,” he added and put his phone away.

Wait, what? What the hell was going on here? I didn’t even know this nigga, and he was making decisions about my life like he was my man. I had to be on Punk’d.

“Excuse me?” I raised a brow.

“Did I stutter?” he raised a brow as well. His chiseled features were perfect.

“No, but I’m just confused as to what’s going on,” I squinted my eyes as we pulled up to a big ass mansion.

“I told you that you’re my bitch now,” he laughed.

“Your bitch? What does that mean?” I quizzed.

“Come on now, Andi. I know you know what being a nigga’s bitch means. But since you claim you don’t, let me inform you,” he sighed and leaned close to my face. “It means that if I see or hear about you fucking on another nigga, I’m gon’ fuck you up,” he winked and sat back. Yet, he just had me fuck his friends back at the shoot.

“You don’t even know me,” I chuckled nervously. I didn’t know if I was turned on, or just scared as fuck.

“You talk too much,” he said and then hopped out of the car. “Come on,” he spat over his shoulder as he walked towards his front door.

I got out and followed him, and once we reached the front door, he pushed it open and allowed me to walk inside. The house was huge and the ceilings were so high that it reminded me of a mall. It was a double staircase foyer, with a chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

“Close your mouth,” he taunted and booked it up the stairs. I followed him slowly so that I could still admire the house.

“Denim, can I use your shower?” I quizzed looking up at him. He was 6’5, so he was a big ass nigga.

“Here, hurry up,” he said and pushed a door open.

It was a big white bathroom, with a huge Jacuzzi tub, shower, and a mirror along the wall. My mouth was on the floor as I took in this beautiful bathroom.

“I said hurry up,” his voice boomed and I jumped.

“Sorry,” I responded and closed the door in his face. No nigga has ever had me intimidated like this.

I grabbed a fresh towel from the towel warmer, and then hopped into the shower. I wanted to take my time because it was such a nice shower, but I was scared that Denim might burst in here. I hopped out and grabbed a bigger towel from the warmer to wrap around my body. It felt so good against my skin, and I made a mental note to find out where he’d gotten it from.

I remembered I didn’t have a change of clothes, so I walked out of the bathroom in search of him. I heard yelling and arguing, so I followed the sound of the voices.

I arrived at the room, and realized it was Denim and a woman arguing. What the fuck was going on? I was not trying to fight over a man I didn’t even know, especially while I was naked. Just as I was about to go back to the bathroom and wait, the door flung open. It was a light-skinned girl, with a tear stained face. I recognized her from a couple urban magazines and music videos, but I couldn’t remember her name.

“Tell her to leave Denim!” she shouted in my face.

“Denim, I’m gonna call a cab. Can I just borrow something to throw on?” I looked around her.

“Nah, bring yo’ ass in here,” he spat and yanked me inside the bedroom past Mandie! Mandie Rivera; that was her name.

“For real Denim?” she sniffled and pushed her long curly weave back. “You got me so fucked up nigga! How dare you bring this bitch here!” she screamed.

As strange as it may sound coming from me, I felt bad for her. I knew she fucked around with him, but I didn’t know it was this serious.

“Aye, I been told you it’s a wrap. Let’s go,” he said pushing her out. I got up and ran to the bedroom door, to peek my head out and watch the madness.

Denim was pushing her and she was fighting him along the way. She kept trying to run around him, but he was blocking her.

“I’m not going nowhere!” she hollered at the top of her lungs.


He slapped the dog shit out of her, and she didn’t stop trying to get around him. The slap didn’t even faze her it seemed.

“Go Mandie!” he screamed as they reached the stairs.

“Get that-”


Another slap was delivered to her face. She started to cry hysterically, as blood ran down from her nose and lip. Her hair was starting to stick to her face, as she cried like a baby fresh out the womb. Denim picked her up, and carried her down the stairs and to the door.

“Denim please,” she begged as she sobbed.

He sat her down outside the house, and pushed her to the ground when she tried to come back in.
How many times did he have to hit her for her to stop?
I wondered as I watched in horror.

“I need my clothes,” she finally cried.

“I’ll send them,” he spat before slamming the door in her face.

I rushed back into the room, so that he wouldn’t know I’d just witnessed what he’d done. If I wasn’t scared of him before, I was now.

“Let’s see,” he said as he walked back into the bedroom, closing the door behind him. He walked to a drawer, and pulled out a silk nightgown.

“Whose is this?” I quizzed after he threw it at me.

“Take a wild guess,” he smirked and went into the bathroom within the room.

I slipped it over my head, and then just sat there. I’d left my purse in the trunk of my car back at the video shoot, so I had no phone to look at while I waited. I laid down and stared at the ceiling, processing what I had just seen. After what seemed like four hours, Denim emerged from the bathroom wearing a towel around his waist. His mocha complexion was glistening and his muscles were flexing. I sat up and watched as he fished through his drawer for some boxers.

“Was that your girlfriend?” I questioned.

“Something like that,” he chuckled as he slipped the boxers on.

“Does she have any hair ties around?” I asked. My wet hair was starting to annoy me.

“Yes, but I want your hair like that right now,” he responded as he neared me. I felt like a hostage.

“I-I need my purse,” I stammered. This nigga had me stuttering, which was a first.

“You need to shut the hell up sometimes,” he exhaled and plopped down on the bed next to me.

He laid down, and then made me lay down as well. He cuddled up behind me, and then wrapped his forearm around my neck.
Please don’t choke me,
I chanted in my head. He reached under the gown, I guess to check if I had panties on. I heard some movement, and then I realized he was taking his boxers off with his free hand. He let my neck go, and I listened as he ripped a condom open, and slid it down. He wrapped his arm back around my neck from behind, and lifted my leg up. He positioned the head of his dick at my opening, and then pushed his way in.

“Uh, uuhh,” I bit down on my lip as his big dick filled me up.

He moved in and out of me slowly, while holding my neck tightly with his arm. He started to move a little faster, but still slow, and it was feeling good as hell.

“Mmm,” he grunted softly as he humped me.

He smacked my ass hard as fuck, making me whimper like a little kitten. He used his free hand to pull my nightgown straps down, and then cupped my one exposed breast. He pinched my nipple, as he continued to hump me in a circular motion.

“Ahhh, ahhh,” I cried out as I felt myself about to cum.

“Damn, your pussy is good,” he growled while squeezing my breast.

He let go of it, and then lifted my leg up higher for more access. He tightened his grip around my neck with his other arm, and then started to beat it up. He bit down on my shoulder so hard that I knew he’d broken skin. You could hear the wetness of my center, as he plowed into me hard and fast.

“Uhhhh,” we both called out as we came.

My shoulder throbbed in the place that he’d bitten. He kissed it lightly, and my body shivered. Finally, he slid out of me, and then slid the condom off. I turned on my back to look at him.

“Go flush this,” he dangled it in my face. “I think she got some wipes or something in there, to clean yourself with,” he added. I didn’t say anything as I took the condom from him using my thumb and pointing finger.

I padded to the bathroom, and flushed the condom before wiping myself with some Summer’s Eve wipes I spotted. I looked around the bathroom as I cleaned my vagina, and I realized she was really his bitch. There were two toothbrushes and everything here. She even had her shampoo in his shower. I wondered why he kicked her to the curb like that, or maybe he just did for the night. I flushed the wipe, and then washed my hands. I spotted a set of ponytail holders, so I took one off to put my hair in a bun before exiting.

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