She's Gotta Have It: A Hood Love Story (9 page)

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Authors: Shvonne Latrice

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

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Coming out of the bathroom, I saw Denim engrossed in his phone again. I walked to the bed, and attempted to get in but he stopped me.

“Didn’t I say I wanted your hair down?” he mugged me.

“Yeah but I jus-”

“Take it down,” he cut me off to say. I did as he asked, and then laid down next to him. “Your car is outside by the way,” he said once I got comfortable.

“Oh, good,” I peeled the covers off me, but he grabbed my shoulder and laid me back down.

“You’re spending the night,” he stated sternly. He put his phone on the nightstand, and then caressed my thigh as he kissed my neck.




“I’m tired of this!” I yelled to Noah.

We were arguing about me continuing to be his side bitch. When we first started out, I didn’t care, but for some reason now I did. I wanted him, maybe because Qadir proved to be done with me; I don’t know.

“What do you want from me Zooey? I can’t just leave my wife!” he frowned.

“Well then, I’m done! I’m done with you!” I screamed.

See, Latif and I kept in contact, and he had all the connections I needed at this point. So if Noah wanted to trip on me and not make me his main, I could leave, because I honestly didn't need his services anymore. Truthfully, if Qadir took me back, we wouldn’t be having this argument right now.

You see, unlike Andi, I needed to have at least one solid boyfriend at home. Yeah, I was gonna fuck other guys when the job called for it, but I wanted to have something for sure back home, just like these niggas do. Dudes always want a wifey and then ten other bitches on the side too. So if they can do it, so can I.

“Wait baby, come here,” Noah reached out to me and pulled me close. I inhaled his cologne as he hugged me tightly in his strong arms.

“You know I love you baby, and that I would rather be with you,” he smiled.

“Then do it Noah, or I’m gone,” I whined as I stared up into his eyes. He pressed his lips against mine, and I draped my hands over his shoulders.

“How?” he asked. I smiled and licked my lips. I don’t know what took Poppy so long, but Noah was the easiest nigga on the planet.

“Let me come with you to the movie premier tonight. When they ask who I am, tell them,” I replied and raised a brow.

He exhaled and then looked off to the side, before returning his attention back to me.

“Okay. Hurry up and get dressed,” he said, squeezing my ass and biting his bottom lip.

“Yes!” I squealed as I jumped up and down.

I ran off so that I could get dressed for the night at my own home. On the way there, I shook my head thinking about Poppy. How dumb could she be? I kept her booked solid all day so that she’d be gone from the house. Every night she got home, Noah and I would be gone somewhere, and she just assumed it was because we were good friends. I couldn’t wait to see the look on her little pale face when she sees Noah and I on the red carpet, declaring our one-sided love for one another. I had love for Noah, but I was not in love with him like I was with Qadir.

Qadir, I shook my head as I repeated his name in my head. When I walked into my home, I crossed my fingers and entered my bedroom, hoping he was there but he wasn’t. I wanted to cry, but for what? He was just a nigga, a bum ass nigga who sold drugs for a living. He was a bum ass drug dealer who loved me more than anything, and would’ve bent over backwards to make me happy. A guy who never cheated on me despite the many women that chased after him. But fuck that! I was gonna get big things in life. And soon, I wouldn’t give a fuck about this nigga!

I frowned in the mirror as I patted my concealer onto my honey complexion. I’d dyed my hair honey brown with blond highlights like Beyoncé had. Once I was in a simple black dress and matching shoes, I was ready to go. I went and looked at my phone, and saw Noah text that he was outside. I exhaled heavily and shot Qadir a text.

Hope you’re well.

I didn’t know what else to say! I put my phone into my black clutch, and then switched downstairs to get in the limo with Noah.

“You ready?” he asked and squeezed my hand tightly.

“Mm hmm,” I nodded and half smiled.

I wanted to kill Qadir for ruining my night. He ruined my night because he wasn’t waiting for me in my bedroom like he usually did. Listen to how stupid that sounds. I needed to pull it together.

“This is it,” I smiled as we pulled up to the red carpet at the screening.

After Noah helped me out the car, we strutted up the red carpet, making sure to take pictures in couple-like poses.

“You’re looking a little cozy there!” one reporter yelled.

“Well, this is my girlfriend now,” Noah smiled and nodded.

His handsome face was more apparent under all the lights. I kissed his peanut butter cheek, and then lightly rubbed off my lipstick.

“Wow Noah, what happened to Poppy?” the reporter asked perplexed.

“That’s a done deal,” he replied and ran his hand across his neck like he was chopping it.

“Yikes! Well alright,” the reporter nodded and smiled. Noah kissed my lips passionately, and grabbed my hand to go inside.

After the movie premier, we decided to get a hotel room because he did not want to deal with Poppy tonight. She was blowing his and my phone up, and neither one of us answered.

When he wasn’t looking, I took a picture of us and posted it on Instagram. I captioned it
Mr. & Mrs. Sharks
. Boy was my page being blown up with comments, and tags from all kinds of people.

“What the fuck Zooey?!” Noah yelled.

“Why does it matter? You already declared your love for me on national television,” I shrugged and ate a strawberry.

“You’re right. I’m just confused right now,” he exhaled and plopped down on the bed.

“Well don’t be,” I replied and straddled him without any panties on.

“You’re psycho. I don’t know what I’m getting into,” he chuckled.

“Get into me right now,” I raised a brow as I unbuckled his jeans. Jackpot!



One week later...


I’d been blowing Cassian off for two weeks straight. I’d been telling him I was too busy to hang out, but I knew he was suspicious. We’d gotten into a couple arguments because of it. I was trying to let my face heal, but he was starting to get even more frustrated with me. I decided that I was just gonna go see him. I missed him so fucking much, and I didn’t want him to break up with me. I would just tell him that I fought my sister if he asked.

Speaking of my sister, when I told her I was gonna press charges against Khalid, she just told me that it wasn’t a good idea. She said no one would believe me, and all of his people and fans would hate me. I didn’t give a fuck what his people thought, but I also knew he could press charges against me as well. He was way more beat up than me, so it would be easy for him to get up there and lie. I was confused, but I knew I had to do something about it. Mopping the floor with his ass just wasn’t enough for some reason.

I slipped on some jean shorts, a sweater from H&M, and some Nikes. I combed my pressed hair down, and grabbed my purse and phone. I sped to the studio because I couldn’t wait to see Cassian. I wanted him so badly, and I needed him right now. I didn't have anybody else in this world, because my sisters were too caught up in their own superficial lives.

Zooey had just made national urban headlines when she and Noah debuted as a couple, and Andi was now rapper Denim's main chick. Both Denim and Noah were big shit, so I’m sure my siblings were in bliss. I was just worried because Noah was married, and has been to some white girl for the longest, so I wasn’t sure how he and Zooey were working. On top of that, Zooey was in a relationship with this guy named Qadir. Qadir was a really nice guy, despite the ways that he made his money. As for Andi and Denim, I’d heard a lot of bad things about him in the past, and I didn’t want him around my sister if those things were true. But, just like they had no say-so in my love life, I had none in theirs.

I pulled up to the public studio, and parked my car quickly. I saw Cassian chilling outside scrolling on his phone. He’d been a little sad lately, because his label wasn't backing him right now. They weren’t supporting him financially, nor were they promoting the singles he dropped. He had to use his own money to pay for video shoots, studio time, and production because they just didn’t believe in him anymore. Andi would constantly remind me of this, but I didn’t care. I didn’t want him because he used to have hits. I wanted him because I loved him.

“Hey,” I smiled as I walked up to him.

“Hey bab- what happened?” he frowned as he looked up from his phone to me. Before I could respond, he pulled me to the back of the studio, and closed the door.

“I got into a fight,” I lied.

“With whom?” he asked.

“My sister. She got upset because... she got upset because we... Well she didn’t-” I couldn’t even get my lie out before I started to cry hysterically.

“Baby, please tell me what happened to you,” Cassian said.

“You promise not to get angry?” I said wiping my wet face.

“I can’t promise that because I’m already furious from looking at you, but tell me please,” he responded and scooted closer to me. He was sitting in the chair, across from me sitting on the couch.

“I went out with Andi, and afterwards we went to Khalid’s house,” I said and he nodded.

“The singer Khalid?” he asked and frowned in confusion.

“Yeah. So we were hanging out, and taking some shots. Then Andi left the room with Hollis, and then Khalid started to push up on me,” I sniffled and I saw his jaw clenching, indicating his anger. “A-and when I didn't give in he-”

“I don’t want to hear anymore,” Cassian replied and stood up. He reached into his backpack, retrieved a gun, and started loading it.

“Cassian, what are you doing?” I bucked my eyes.
Where did he get a gun from?
I thought.

“I’m about to kill this nigga,” he replied nonchalantly.

“What? Why? You didn’t even hear the full story!” I yelled.

“Did he put those marks on your face?” he asked.

“Yes, he did. But let me finish!” I responded hysterically.

“Aight, go,” he said as he held tightly onto his gun.

“We got into a full on brawl. We were fighting like two grown men. Luckily, I fucked him up good babe,” I half-smiled hoping to lighten the mood.

“Go home,” he said as he locked his gun into his waist, and grabbed his backpack.

“No Cassian, I-”

“Either go home, or come with me to murk this nigga! It’s your choice, but I’d rather you go home!” he scowled. “Ain’t no nigga gone disrespect me and mine and get away with it,” he added.

“When did you get a gun Cassian?” I finally questioned.

“I’ve always had one. Before all this rap shit, I sold drugs and killed niggas 24/7, Josalyn. Now what’s your decision?” he asked again.

“I wanna come with you,” I nodded.

He pulled me close, and dipped his sweet tongue into my mouth. I rubbed his smooth face as we made love with our mouths. I loved him so much. I wanted to come so I could have his back, and because I wanted to see Khalid suffer.

“Come on,” he said grabbing my hand.

We ran to his car, and then sped to his house. We got into an all-black, beat up 90’s model Corolla with extremely dark windows. Cassian put a duffle bag in my lap that contained a machete, bullets, wipes, duct tape, trash bags, and some tools that you use to work on a car. He gave me some gloves that were slightly too big, but he promised it wouldn’t matter because I wasn’t touching anything.

“Where are we going?” I questioned.

“To the niggas cousin’s house. That’s where he is,” Cassian replied.

“How do you know?” I frowned in confusion.

“I’m a thug first, and a rapper second baby,” he said as he dipped through the Los Angeles streets. Damn, I didn’t know my baby was a thug nigga. It turned me on a little to see him in this mode.

We got to a small house on Vermont and 84th street, aka in the hood. It was a small white house, and I saw Khalid’s car parked outside. He was bold, because over here when they saw nice cars, they would break in your shit. We got out the car, and I thought we would creep up, but Cassian proudly treaded up the walkway.

“You sure you don’t want to stay back in the car?” he asked.

“No, why? You think I’m gonna get shot?” I quizzed.

“Nah, on my dead grandma’s grave you’re gonna come out unscathed babe,” he replied and kissed my lips softly. He grabbed my hand and knocked on the door.

“Cassian! My nigga, what's up?” some guy who I assumed was Khalid’s cousin answered. He was fat, light-skinned, and had dreads. Cassian dapped him up and we walked in together. When Khalid saw me, he tensed up a lot. “What brings you to the hood my nigga?” the cousin inquired.

“I just came to chat with your cousin here,” Cassian nodded and stared at a scared Khalid in the eyes.

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