She's Gotta Have It: A Hood Love Story (4 page)

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Authors: Shvonne Latrice

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

BOOK: She's Gotta Have It: A Hood Love Story
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I immediately hopped off my bed and walked into my closet. I was dressed for the day already, but now that I was seeing Cassian, I needed to change. I felt bad that I was excited to see another man that wasn’t Craig. I always felt like I was cheating on him when I was attracted to someone else. That’s probably why I hadn’t had sex with anyone else either.

I decided on some skinny jeans and a layered spaghetti string strapped top. I left my hair down, as is, and then put on some hoops and sandals. By the time I was dressed, Cassian texted me and let me know he was outside waiting. I ran to the kitchen, grabbed a water bottle, and then left to go outside.

An all-black Range Rover was parked outside, and the passenger side window rolled down as soon as I neared it.

“What’s up lady?” Cassian flashed his perfect smile. I could smell grape Kool-Aid, which I assumed was his air freshener.

“What’s up?” I blushed and tugged on the door handle.

Once we got on the road, he turned on some music, which surprisingly wasn’t his.

“I see you’re not one of those musicians who only listens to themselves,” I half joked.

“Yeah, I’d rather listen to other shit. I hear my stuff all day, so no need to play it during my relaxation time,” he nodded as he played with his chin hairs.

He was wearing an oatmeal colored thermal, light blue jeans, and oatmeal colored Nike Roshes. His cologne smelled really good, and I recognized that it was Jazz Club by Maison Margiela.

We finally made it to a condo complex in North Hollywood, and I was confused. I thought he was taking me to his studio.
I hope this isn’t a ploy to get in my panties
, I thought to myself. He pulled into the parking garage, parked, and then shut the engine off.

“I thought we were going to the studio?” I said as we got out of the car. I was starting to wonder why I agreed to go somewhere with a complete stranger.
Please don’t rape me
, I chanted in my head as I discreetly checked my purse for my mace.

“This is my studio lady. I have an in-home studio here, because I like that if I’m working late I can sleep here,” he smiled at me and I knew he could tell I was suspicious of him.

“Oh,” I chuckled as I followed him to his door.

When we walked in, there were three guys and two girls on the couch chilling.

“Hey y’all, this is Josalyn,” Cassian said and introduced me to everyone.

I took a seat by the two girls, and they both flashed me a smile so I did the same. Cassian made me a drink, and then made sure I didn’t need anything else before going into the booth. I bobbed my head up and down, and made conversation with one of the girls as we listened to Cassian record a couple tracks. Her name was Taniya, and I found out we were the same age.

“So are you Cassian’s girl?” she questioned me with the raise of an eyebrow.

“No, we are just friends I guess. I just met him actually,” I replied.

“Oh, okay. Well I think he likes you. He doesn’t bring girls to the studio,” she nodded.

“No, he doesn’t even know me well enough to like me like that,” I shook my head nonchalantly. On the inside, I was twerking.

“You know in Steve Harvey's book, he said men know immediately if the woman is the one,” she joked, or at least I assumed she was joking.

We laughed in unison, and finally Cassian was coming out of the booth. His producer turned on some music by Problem and Iamsu, and everybody started to relax.

“Come sit over here Josalyn.” Cassian bit his bottom lip and lightly patted the couch cushion next to him. Taniya nudged me, and I smiled before getting up to go.

“What’s up?” I smirked as I sat down. He draped his arm around me and scooted closer.

“What’s up with you?” he grinned.

“I asked you first,” I replied because I couldn’t think of anything else.

“So tell me what you do. You know I rap, what do you do?” he asked.

“I’m in school right now. I’m getting my degree in biology, and then I start medical school next fall,” I answered pushing my hair behind my ears.

“Wow, medical school? To be what exactly?” he raised a brow.

“I’m not sure if I want to be a pediatrician or a gynecologist,” I chuckled.

“Wow, well hurry up and get those degrees so you can be my sugar mama,” he chuckled and so did I.

“Who said I would ever date you?” I grinned.

“You ain’t got to, just buy me a car,” he laughed.

“Wow!” I bucked my eyes and giggled.

“But nah, I like you so I hope you give me a little chance to at least attempt at making you my girl,” he raised a brow. His girl? Wait, so this nigga was serious.

“I will see about that,” I smirked.

Maybe I should give him a chance since he seemed so nice. However, I couldn’t help but to think about all those girls that were after him. Unlike my sisters, I hated to be in the middle of drama.

After chilling in the studio with his friends for a little bit longer, everyone headed out to the parking structure to leave. I wasn’t quite ready for our little hangout to end, but I wasn’t gonna let him know that.

“You smoke?” he asked once we got into his Range.

“I have, but I’m no Wiz Khalifa,” I responded and he chuckled.

“Nothing wrong with that beautiful. You want to right now?” he inquired.

“Only because it’s the weekend,” I smacked my lips and he laughed.

“You’re so feisty, and pretty as fuck. I like that shit. I’m gone call you Pretty,” he nodded and reached into his center console.

He rolled the blunts as we made small talk, and then he lit one up. He took a long pull on it, and then passed it to me. I did the same, and realized he was staring at the side of my face.

“What you staring at?” I frowned.

“That was sexy, the way you blew that smoke out,” he said.

“I think this is getting to you already,” I joked and he shrugged.

“What’s your favorite color?” he quizzed before taking another pull.



“Do I seem like the type to like the color pink, nigga?” I grinned as I took the blunt from him.

“My bad, black does suit you better,” he taunted and we laughed.

“Fuck you, nigga, it’s green.” I playfully rolled my eyes and took a pull on the blunt. I was starting to feel that shit, and I loved the relaxing feeling.

“Green, you weird as fuck,” he snickered.

“What’s yours, asshole, baby yellow?” I asked and he started to choke on the smoke. “You okay?” I chuckled and patted his back.

“Aye fuck you, don’t come at me with that baby yellow shit,” he laughed and patted his chest. “You almost killed a nigga with that bullshit,” he cheesed and so did I. “It’s red though,” he added.

“Favorite food?” I questioned.

“Fries,” he nodded as he passed the blunt to me.

“Fries? That’s a side Cassian,” I shook my head and inhaled.

“It’s still food though, right?” he raised a brow and I nodded. “What's yours?”


After a couple moments of silence, “Aye, let’s go get some. Tacos would hit the spot right now,” he said, sitting up and cranking up his car. He was so random and I loved it.

“I’m down, that
my favorite,” I shrugged and buckled my seatbelt.

We drove to this place called Tacos Mexico, and ordered twenty damn mini tacos. I didn’t know what the fuck we were thinking, but it sounded like a logical thing to do at the time.

“Why didn't we get drinks?” I whined as I held my neck. My throat was so dry, and I’d just eaten six tacos.

“Let's go to 7-11,” he chuckled.

After we got four bottles of water, we returned to the car and downed them. My high was finally coming down, and I saw that the clock read 2am. Damn, he picked me up at 11:30am.

“This was fun,” I sighed and laid my head back on the headrest.

“It was. I was worried that you would be uppity, but you not.” He pushed my hair behind my ear and stared at me.

“And I was worried that you’d try to have your hand down my shirt all night, but you didn’t,” I smiled.

“Looks like we made the right decision to hang out anyway then,” he replied.


We talked for a couple more hours, and then he finally took me home. As soon as I got into my room, I passed out. For the first time in a long time, I hadn’t thought about Craig all day.




Chapter Four: Andi

A couple weeks later...


Life was going just as planned. Hollis was spending less time with his little girlfriend, who I learned was named Shakina, and more time with moi. I knew he just wanted to fuck with me on some groupie shit, but like I predicted, that nigga got addicted to the pussy.

I damn near lived at his crib now, and every night that bitch would come over begging him to open the door. Damn, I’m a badass bitch if I can make a nigga leave a girl he’d been dating for seven years. I low key wanted to tell him not to fully kick her to the curb, because I was just here for the time being.

Anyway, today he and I were gonna go out and have lunch. I was pressuring him to take me out in public, because I knew paparazzi would show up and that’s just what I needed. I needed muthafuckas flocking to my name trying to figure out who I was. Yeah, my little picture in his house did some damage, but as soon as another groupie started up some shit, people forgot about me. I wanted to be etched in these people’s minds.

I smiled in the mirror as I put on my mascara. I had on a tight salmon pink dress, with matching sandals. My mocha complexion was smooth and perfect as usual. No tan in the world could give you all of this good melanin. I wanted to dress simple, but I needed to look good as hell still, for when the paparazzi approached us.

“You ready babe?” Hollis asked as he walked into the bedroom he and I slept in.

“Of course daddy,” I smirked and draped my arms over his shoulders.

I inhaled his scent, and kissed his full lips. It was crazy to me that I could do all this without having any feelings for this nigga. If he was hit by a car, I wouldn’t even flinch.

“Let’s go,” he said and smacked my ass.

We arrived at this restaurant in Los Angeles called Tart, and I rolled my eyes once I realized it. Really? All the paper this nigga had and he brings me here? Then on top of that, this is not where paparazzi goes.
I’m gone have to pick the next place
, I said to myself.

We decided to dine outside, and the restaurant was very…different. It reminded me of the Anthropologic clothing stores, but a restaurant, if that makes sense. It was very 70’s chic, and it was part retail store and part dining place. There was a hotel connected to the back, but it didn’t appear to be much of anything.

“So you gonna take me shopping?” I asked Hollis as I sipped my water filled mason jar.

“You wild shorty,” he shook his head as he stared at the menu. I hated that shorty shit, but I knew he was from Baltimore, so it was a habit, I guess.

“I am? How so?” I raised a brow.

“Tryna blow my cash already,” he chuckled and I rolled my eyes. All the good pussy I was putting on him, I shouldn’t even have to ask.

“So is that a yes or no?” I frowned.

I needed to get him to take me to the Grove. It was across the street, and I knew celebrities went there all the damn time. Furthermore, paparazzi would be there or would at least get there after we did.

“Yeah, we can do that,” he finally replied and squeezed my thigh.

We ate our food, and then as promised, we went over to the Grove to shop. I started with all the expensive ass stores, and then ended with my favorite store, TopShop.

“You got me fucked up!” I heard a voice yell behind me.

I turned around to see Shakina swinging on Hollis. I guess tagging him in my Instagram photo had done its job. People started to stop and watch, and just as I suspected, the paparazzi showed up. It was a bunch of commotion, and I was nowhere near anybody. Really? I rushed through people trying to get in the mix, so that I would at least be in these pictures. I finally made it through, and tried to pull Shakina off of Hollis. That stupid bitch turned around and punched me right between the eyes. I fell back and some white guy caught me. She slick caught me off guard. To say I was seeing stars was an understatement.

“You stay away from my man bitch!” she screamed as my head throbbed. It was the last thing I heard before I passed out.



I woke up in the hospital, and Josalyn and Zooey were sitting beside me.

“Are you okay?” Josalyn asked once she realized I was up.

“If she is, she won’t be after she gets on the Internet,” Zooey chuckled.

“What do you mean?” I frowned because my head was pounding, and because I didn’t understand what Zooey meant.

“Girl, this video is all over the Internet!” Zooey laughed harder.

“What video?” I inquired as I sat up.

“Someone was filming when Hollis’ girlfriend hit you. It’s all over Instagram and Twitter. People are making fun of you,” Josalyn replied and waited for my response.

“No! No! This was not supposed to happen like this! Get whoever I need to speak to so I can leave!” I screamed.

“Are you sure An-”

“Go Josalyn!” I yelled and she got up to do as I asked.

Zooey handed me her phone, so that I could see what was being posted all over.
DJ Hollis' Girlfriend Shakina K.O.s Side Chick,
the headline read. I shook my head and handed her back her phone. Shakina had to go, and I didn’t care what I needed to do to make sure it happened. She had just taken me one hundred steps backward, and that was not okay. Bitch.




I’d been working for Poppy for a couple weeks now, and it was fucking exhausting. She had me running around constantly, and always answering phones. I barely had time to even converse with Noah. The most I’d said to him so far was hi and bye. I was so ready to quit and say fuck it, but I knew I had a greater goal to accomplish.

Today, I was determined to get some alone time with Noah. Too much time had passed, and I hadn’t gotten anywhere with him. I had everything all planned out to where Poppy would be gone, and I would be here alone with Noah.

“Hey Poppy, so your appointment is at noon,” I smiled as I walked into her office.

“Oh shoot! Right. Is there anything else for today?” she frowned.

“Yes, you have a meeting with some potential stylists for your salon,” I nodded.

“Oh damn, okay, well we better go,” she said standing up.

“Well Poppy, I have a lot of file organizing to do for you, so I thought instead of just following you around today, I could get a head start on that,” I replied.

“Well, I guess that’s okay. But call me once you’re done if I'm not back,” she said patting my back and switching off. I folded my arms and leered as I watched her leave.

See, I purposely booked her in back to back shit all day, so that I could have as much time with Noah as I wanted. I’d snuck into his office a couple weeks ago, and saw he had nothing on the schedule today, which is why I made sure to have his wife booked up.

Once Poppy was gone, I told her housekeeper to work on some files for me. I really didn’t need to do that, because the house was huge and she would never know what I was doing, but I felt it was best to keep her occupied. Poppy told her to help me whenever I asked, so this request didn’t seem out of the ordinary.

“So just keep alphabetizing these until I come back okay?” I smiled and then left out of the little office Poppy had given me.

I closed the door, and then went to the bathroom to change into my tight short dress. I beat my face, and then headed upstairs to Poppy and Noah’s bedroom. I peeked in and saw Noah bobbing his head with headphones on, in his boxers. Damn. Noah was light-skinned, muscular, had a long beard like Rick Ross, and was about 6’3. He was definitely a catch, but I only wanted one thing from him. I crept up on him, and then lightly tapped his shoulder.

“Oh shit,” he jumped and then looked me up and down. He took in my sexy ass body and caramel complexion before licking his lips.

“Can I help you?” he asked.

“I don’t know, can you?” I bit my lip and he chuckled.

“Depends on what you looking for help with,” he bit his lip as well.

I reached my hand down into his boxers, and began to stroke his dick slowly. It began to harden in my hands, and we both cheesed at each other. Married or not, he was still a damn dog.

“Don’t worry, your wife is gone,” I whispered as I stood on my tiptoes to kiss his neck.

“Cool,” he let out a soft moan.

I dropped down to my knees, and took his thick dick into my mouth. I was a pro at this, so I deep throated him like it was nothing.

“Damn girl,” he said as I worked my magic on him. I sped up on it, and he started to pump my face at the same time. “I’m about to cum girl,” he whispered as he pumped my throat harder. I had no gag reflex, and accepted every stroke effortlessly. “Ahhh!” he yelled out, as his seeds spilled down my throat. I stood up and wiped the spit from my mouth. “Damn, you got a mouth on you,” he chuckled.

“Is that right?” I asked and raised a brow.

“It is.”

“Well, I can do that for you all the time if you want,” I offered.

“For what in return?” he inquired.

“Why do you assume I want something?” I frowned.

“Come on man, you got to want something from me to be giving me head whenever I want,” he responded.

“Just let me please you. That’s all I want. I want to be your homie too though,” I winked and flashed my million-dollar smile.

“Long as you can keep your mouth shut.”

“I will unless you pull your snake out,” I joked and we laughed.

“So what you got planned for the day Mr. Super Producer?” I asked.

“Relaxing surprisingly. I might hit up a couple fashion shows,” he nodded.

“You love fashion I see. So do I,” I commented.

“Yeah? Maybe you can come with Poppy and I one day,” he smirked.

“Maybe,” I smiled back and then switched out the room. I stopped and looked back, and as I suspected, he was watching my ass. “You can see that another time,” I teased and left the room.

That was too easy. If that nigga loved my head game, then I knew he wasn’t ready for the pussy.




Tonight, Cassian and I were going on an official date. I was so nervous because this was way different than just going to chill at the studio liked I’d been doing these past few weeks. I was using the additional people in the studio as a crutch, so now that it was just gonna be me and him, I was a little tense.

We both agreed that dinner would be boring, so we were going to Universal Studios. I chose to wear a simple pair of jeans, and a pink t-shirt. After putting on my Nikes, I grabbed my small backpack, and then went down to the living room to wait for him to get to my house. I held on to a paper towel the whole time, to dab the sweat off my palms.

“Hey beautiful,” Cassian smiled when I climbed into the back of an unknown Bentley.

“Hey, you’re not driving?” I asked.

“Nah, since we gon’ be in public, I need my bodyguards and stuff to come,” he replied. I had forgotten for a second that he was a superstar.

“Wow,” I nodded. I couldn’t imagine having to always bring a bodyguard with me.

“That’s the life of a famous person though. You can’t do the simple shit that everyone else can do. People think it’s enjoyable, and believe me it is at first, but after years of doing this shit it gets to be bothersome,” he sighed.

“I never thought about life outside of the music videos and concert arenas,” I chuckled.

“Most people don’t,” he smirked.

We got to Universal after about thirty minutes of riding, and it was crazy how we had to enter the park. There was a lot of pandemonium, and people taking pictures and video of us. Seeing this shit on TV was completely different from being in the middle of it. It was scary to see people this hyped up over another human being.

Cassian grabbed onto my hand and clutched it tightly in his, as we entered the park. It felt good to hold hands with someone again. We tried to get on some rides and stuff, but the commotion was just too much. People were trying to cut others in order to be close to him and ask for an autograph, and fights were breaking out within the damn lines. The bodyguards were doing the best that they could, but even three hundred pound men couldn’t hold back crowds of determined people. After being shoulder checked over fifteen times, I was starting to get angry too.

“Do you mind if we just go have a boring dinner?” Cassian chuckled and squeezed my hand. His hands were so strong, yet not rough.

“No, it’s fine,” I smiled uncomfortably. My shoulder was starting to hurt, and in a minute I was gon’ be getting down with his fans.

He put me in front of him, holding me tightly from behind. I was sandwiched between him and his bodyguard, as we headed outside the park, surrounded by park security. My Instagram was blowin’ up with follows, once the pictures of Cassian and I holding hands surfaced. I saw a lot of different comments, some were mean as fuck, but others were pretty nice. Of course the girls who loved him called me a couple bitches, gold diggers, and hoes under the picture, but I wasn’t tripping; that was expected.

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