Shielding Lily (2 page)

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Authors: Alexa Riley

BOOK: Shielding Lily
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y mom comes
in my room asking me to help shovel the driveway so she can get her car out. I roll out of bed and manage a quick shower before throwing on some jeans and a long-sleeved henley. I grab my big winter boots and coat, and I go outside and see my dad working up a sweat. I don’t say anything, I just walk over and take the shovel from him and go back to the area where he was working.

“Thanks, Ren. I’ll make you something to eat.”

He pats me on the back, and I finish up as my mom is ready to leave for work. She’s an emergency room nurse who works what they call three-twelves. Three days of twelve-hour shifts, then off for four. She’s been doing it for almost twenty years, so I know even when she complains, she loves her job. My dad owns the hardware store in town, and everybody loves him. He’s the kind of man I hope to be one day, if I ever figure out how.

My mom backs out of the garage and stops in front of me to roll down her window.

“Dinner’s in the fridge, with a note on how long to cook it.” She turns her head to the side, and I try to fight a smile. “Knock your mom a kiss and get inside. It’s colder than your Grandma Grace.”

I lean in, giving her a kiss, and shake my head. “Grace died ten years ago.”

“Like I said.” She winks at me and rolls the window up, backing out and driving away.

When I get inside, I see Dad has left me some eggs and oatmeal on the counter. I sit down and eat all of it, thinking that I could probably go for seconds. Looking at my watch I see I’ve got about twenty minutes before I need to leave for school, but I remember I need to get gas.

Dad comes in wearing his khakis and work sweater with
Hendricks’s Hardware
embroidered on the breast. “I’m heading out. You going to be home after school?”

I nod and grab my backpack. I hear him sigh, but I don’t say anything. I don’t want to start right now, because I need to be on my way.

“Ren,” he says, and I know that tone. I wait, and sure enough he has to say something. “Football season is over and you’ve got a great scholarship to Minnesota in the fall. Your mom and I are so proud of you, son. I just want you to make sure you’re doing what it is you want to do and that you’re not playing football because you feel like you have to.”

I shrug, but I know what he means. “I’m happy to play ball, Dad. I’ll be able to get a good education there. That’s all I’m worried about.”

He reaches out and rubs my shoulder. “Okay. You’ve got time if you decide to change your mind.” He smiles at me, and I smile back. “So, any idea who you’re going to take to the winter formal?”

I roll my eyes and walk past him. I think he used the football talk as an excuse to bring it up. Again.

My dad follows me, and I can hear his words over the snow I’m crunching under my boots. “Just asking, Ren. No big deal.”

Sure. No big deal that you can’t stop worrying about if I’m dating or not. I climb in my Jeep Wrangler and wave to my dad. They wonder why I don’t talk much, and it’s mostly because I can’t get a word in around the two of them. As I drive to the gas station, I think about high school and how they think I’m missing out on a key piece of the experience by not dating.

I’m not interested in any of the girls, or guys for that matter, at school. I’m an eighteen-year-old straight-A student who plays center for the West High Wolves, and I’m focusing on my future. I’m friends with a couple of the guys in my grade, but overall I’m a loner. I’ve enjoyed being that way for so long that even playing football doesn’t have the same luster it used to. I’ve always been a big kid, so my parents put me in sports hoping to socialize me. I succeeded at every ball they put in my hands, but still remained the same. I’m quiet for the most part, and when I speak, it’s because I have something to say. The girls at school think that makes me stuck-up, but I can’t be bothered to care. If that’s what they think, then I’m better off skipping the winter formal and leaving high school without the experience.

I catch the sight of someone walking on the side of the road as I pull into the gas station. It takes me a second to realize it’s a woman bundled up in a big jacket—the leggings showing below her heavy coat give it away. I think about stopping and asking if she needs some help, but the gas station is literally thirty feet from where I spot her. I jump out and start the gas, trying to get the damn thing to come on. It’s cold out, and it’s pumping like molasses.

Looking around, I try to spot the woman again, but I don’t see her. Hopefully she made it inside and isn’t stuck out in the cold. I don’t know why I’m worried about it, but I guess there’s something in me that’s protective in that way. My mom said I had a tender heart as a kid, always rescuing animals I found.

When the gas finally clicks, I finish up and hop back in the Jeep. I blow on my hands trying to warm them up before I drive away. As I’m leaving, I catch sight in my rearview of the woman coming out of the store.

I don’t know why, but the sight lingers in the back of my mind the whole way to school.


at my torn leggings as I sit in the main office of the high school. At least I’m not bleeding, but falling on the steps on your first day at a new school isn’t the way I wanted to start. I can still feel the burn of embarrassment on my cheeks, but maybe no one noticed. At least no one really seemed to. Not even the girl who’d shoved me, nor her friend. Except for a few giggles no one really said anything.

Sitting back in my chair, I wait for someone to help me. I was told to take a seat and they’d have my class schedule shortly, along with someone to show me around. That was twenty minutes ago. I glance around the office. It looks like it’s decorated for a party. Gold and red balloons and ribbons line the walls, as well as posters that read
#1 State Champs
. I’m guessing they’re about football. The last school I was in didn’t have a team, but this school is about four times bigger. It gives me hope that I’ll be able to blend in and fade into the background, going unnoticed. Left alone.

“At least we won’t freeze our tits off anymore.” I glance up at the voice and see a brunette in a cheerleading outfit and a high ponytail. She’s talking to another girl who looks exactly the same, only her hair is red and curly. It’s the two girls who knocked me down this morning. They acted like I was invisible, so at least that part of my plan is working.

“That’s the only plus side to cheering for the basketball team here. The games are inside. There aren’t even any good ones to look at.” The redhead pouts a little, and I look down, hoping they won't take notice of me. I go back to playing with the hole in my leggings.

“Hey, did you hear Ren got a full ride to Minnesota? Brent hasn’t even gotten an offer yet and he’s the freaking quarterback,” the brunette says in a horrified voice.

“I heard he’s been going up there on the weekends or something. Probably up there getting his dick wet,” the redhead adds. I feel my face warm for the second time today. Maybe that’s how girls talk to each other. I wouldn't know. I haven’t had a friend in a long time, and when I did it was before sex was a blip in our minds.

“Shit. God, he’s such an asshole, but I’m still going to see about getting with him. Being a starting football player’s girlfriend will make freshman year of college a cakewalk.”

“Maybe he already has one up there. I can’t get him to give me the time of day,” Red says, making me wonder who would willingly date an asshole.

“I asked Brent, and he said no. I told him I was asking about Ren for you so he wouldn’t get all pissy about it.”

“You breaking up with Brent?”

“I’ll give it another week and see if anything happens with his football stuff. I’m already in at Minnesota, so Ren would work. We all know Brent wouldn’t be anything without Ren. Maybe the school will try and pick them both up.”

“God, I bet he’s a beast in bed with the way he plays. That alone would be enough to put up with him being an asshole.”

I wish a hole in the ground would open and swallow me up. I don’t want to hear any of this. I know these types of girls can be the hardest on you in school, and I’m praying they don’t notice me. I scoot back in my chair, wanting to take up as little space as possible.

“Kristen, you were supposed to be here at eight sharp,” an older woman with short gray hair says coming from one of the back rooms in the main office. She’s the one who greeted me when I came in. The bell rings, and she looks to the redhead. “Carrie, class.”

I look up to see Carrie mutter a goodbye to Kristen then leave the office. Her curls bounce with her every step. Her cheerleading skirt waves around her butt cheeks.

“Sorry, Mrs. White. It took me longer to get the snow off my car this morning than I thought it would,” Kristen says in a super sweet voice. Nothing like the one she had moments ago when talking to her friend. “I hope I haven’t kept anyone waiting too long. It’s important that all new students at West High get the best first day possible.” She says it like she’s pitching some kind of campaign for the school.

“You’ve lived here your whole life. I think you know how long it takes to get the snow off your car.” Mrs. White’s not buying what Kristen is selling. A knot starts to form in my stomach. This girl is my tour person for part of the day. “Lily is behind you, and here is her schedule. You both have the same first class, so get a move on. I already let Mr. Cole know you’d be a little late.”

Kristen turns to look at me, and her pretty face scrunches for a fraction of a second before she smooths her expression. She plasters on her fake smile, making me wonder if she remembers me from this morning.

“Welcome!” she says in a half-squeal, making Mrs. White roll her eyes. I can see why she’s a cheerleader. She can really flip that pep on and off.

“Hi,” is all I say as I stand, grabbing my backpack. I still have on my coat, having shoved all my other winter stuff like my hat and gloves into my backpack. They don’t have a locker ready for me yet.

“I’m Kristen.” She reaches out her hand, and I take it. “I’m student body president and captain of the cheerleading squad.” She says it like she’s a politician.

“I’m Lily Parker,” I tell her, because that’s all I am. I don’t have a list of things to trail behind it. Not that anyone would care about it.

“It’s nice to meet you. Let’s get to our first class, then I can show you around.”

I follow her out of the main office and down the hall. Her mood changes the instant we are out of the office, and she hands me my schedule. She doesn’t give me another glance or say another word until we enter a classroom. The whole room goes quiet, and I swallow. I keep my eyes down the best I can and pray for it to be over quickly.

“Sorry, got stuck in the main office,” Kristen says.

“It’s fine, Kristen. Welcome, Lily. Please find a seat anywhere. We’ve already started,” the teacher says.

“Thanks,” I tell him, glancing towards the rows of desks filled with students. I go straight for the back of the room. There’s one empty seat and I grab it, dropping my backpack and taking my seat. When I glance to my left, I see a man that can’t possibly be a student sitting next to me. He’s a freaking giant. And he’s staring right at me.

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