Shon (The Seeker Series Book 2) (14 page)

BOOK: Shon (The Seeker Series Book 2)
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Chapter Twenty-Nine


Shon watched from his position in the corner of the room as Vlad explained the circumstances of Gina’s part in consorting with the Seeker Society.

Atticus listened intently, occasionally lifting his gaze to meet Vlad’s pale blue one. “You have evidence of this tyranny?”

“I do,” Vlad murmured in a bored tone. He glanced at the circle of elders seated in Angel’s living room. “Her first attempt on Angelo’s life happened a little over a year ago. She used Detective Clay Harper to try to kill Angelo’s mate as well. Which is how I come to be in Florida myself.”

“Why did you not tell us of her betrayal then?” Declan asked, his long fingers steepled beneath his chin.

Vlad shifted his gaze to the tall, dark-haired elder. “I do not answer to you, Declan.”

Anger sparked in Declan’s eyes. “Had you come to us sooner, perhaps none of this would have happened.”

“You cannot control Calimari, any more than I can,” Vlad rasped, pinning Declan with a deadly stare. “She is beyond reasoning with.”

“Then what do you suggest we do?” The softly spoken question came from Atticus.

Vlad studied the blond elder for a moment. “Destroy her.”

Atticus didn’t flinch. “We do not kill our own. It is against our laws.”

“A law created by me,” Vlad snarled, the irises of his eyes glowing red. “Calimari will be the death of us all if we do not do something about her now.”

“I agree that she needs to be stopped,” Atticus returned. “But death is not something we wish to mete out at this time. Not without justification.”

Vlad slowly stood. “I gave you justification.”

“No lives were lost,” a hooded figure quietly offered from his position on the couch.

Vlad turned his heated gaze toward the faceless voice. “Eamon. I was wondering when you would pipe in. Plenty of lives were lost last year. We were fortunate that Angelo and his bride were not among them.”

“You think to take Gina’s life for the unfortunate passing of a few humans?”

“If you do not destroy Calimari, I will.” Vlad’s voice echoed throughout the room with eerily soft finality.

Atticus stood. “We will retrieve her tonight and take her home to be judged. You have my word that we will not take what you have revealed lightly. She will be executed.”

“You are willing to take the life of one of our own because of a few simple humans?” Eamon growled, springing to his feet.

Shon wondered what he looked like under the hood of his robe.

Atticus glanced from Vlad to Eamon. “She mingles with Seekers, Eamon. She leaves me no choice.”

The remaining elders rose to their feet as well and filed toward the door. Atticus extended his hand to Vlad. “It was good to see you, old friend. Even for a short time.”

Vlad accepted his outstretched palm. “Likewise. Take care of yourself, Atticus.”

The elder released Vlad’s hand and shifted his gaze to Shon. “Word has reached us of your human play toy.”

A growl rose in Shon’s throat. He flew across the room, nearly slamming into Vlad’s outstretched arm.

“Check yourself,” Vlad ordered without removing his gaze from Atticus. “He is an elder.”

Shon stopped, but continued to stare into the blue eyes of Atticus. “Do not think to threaten Laura. I don’t care who you are. I won’t allow you to harm a hair on her head.”

Atticus smiled without humor. “She doesn’t interest me, young Shon. But I can’t speak for the others.” He followed the others out the door, vanishing into the night.

Shon moved to go after him, only to come up against Vlad’s immovable form.

“You cannot stop them, young Shon.”

“They will kill Laura if I don’t do something.”

“There is nothing you can do besides make her into what we are.”

“No,” Shon snarled, clenching his fists at his sides. “I won’t do that to her. She would hate me forever.”

“At least she would have forever. She may not make it through the night otherwise.”

Shon blasted past Vlad and blurred his way next door to Laura’s side. He peeled the sheet back to have a look at her injuries, relieved to find them completely closed.

Laura gasped and covered her breasts with her hands. “What are you doing?”

He ignored her question. “Are you able to travel?”

Without waiting for her to answer, he barked at Ember. “Pack her a bag as quickly as possible.”

Ember blinked. “But—”

“Just do it. I’ll explain later.”

“Okay. Be back in less than a minute.” Ember hurried from the room.

“What’s going on?” Laura whispered, her eyes huge in her face.

“I’ll tell you everything once I have you safely away from here.”

Ember returned, holding a duffle bag. She tossed Laura a T-shirt and a pair of blue shorts. “I packed what I thought you would wear. I hope I didn’t forget anything.”

“Where’s Lucius?” Laura asked, pulling the shirt over her head. She snatched up the shorts and shoved them beneath the covers to tug them on in privacy.

“He’s with Angel.” Ember grabbed on to Shon’s arm. “Where are you taking her?”

“Away from here. It’s better if no one knows.”

“Is it Gina?” Ember persisted, still holding his arm.

Shon shook his head. “The elders.” He turned to look at Nita, standing in the doorway, eating a sandwich. “You’d do well to leave this place also.”

Nita shrugged. “Not a problem. Now that the Seeker is dead and Gina is on her way back to Alaska, my presence is no longer needed here.” She met Ember’s gaze. “Tell Angelo to consider my debt paid.”

Ember nodded. “Thank you for everything, Nita.”

Shon scooped Laura up into his arms, picked up the bag, Ember had packed, and turned to go. He stopped at the door and faced his cousin. “Mind if I use your car?”

Ember fished the keys out of her jeans pocket and tossed them to him. “Text me when you get to where you’re going.”

“Will do. Thanks, Em.” With one last look at Ember, Shon blurred his way outside, down the stairs, and deposited Laura into the passenger seat of the car.

Thoughts of his twin brother plagued Shon as he slid behind the wheel and inserted the key into the ignition. Once again, he’d lost John to the clutches of Gina. He only prayed she hadn’t retaliated and done something that would haunt Shon for the rest of his life.

Chapter Thirty


Laura kept quiet as Shon maneuvered the car through the late-night Lakeland traffic.

He swerved off the Parkway, taking an on-ramp at a high rate of speed.

“Are we being followed?” she finally asked, glancing in her side mirror for signs of a vehicle behind them.

“I don’t think so, but I’m not slowing until I’ve put some miles behind us.”

Laura leaned her head back against the seat. “Why would the elders want to hurt me?”

“I’m assuming they think you’ve seen too much. They consider you a threat to them.”

She rubbed at her weary eyes. “I would never say anything to anyone. Besides, who would believe me?”

“Those assholes don’t give a shit, Laura. They only care about themselves.”

“So I have to spend the rest of my life in hiding?”

Shon took a side road that would lead to the interstate. “I’ll figure something out. Try not to worry.”

Laura lifted her head to study her surroundings. “Where are you taking me?”

“To my place.”

Her mouth fell open. “Alabama?”

“It’s the safest place for you right now.”

“But my job…”

Shon shook his head. “Your life is in danger, and you’re worried about a job?”

“What am I supposed to do when this is all over? I can’t afford to lose my job, Shon.”

Sorrow radiated from him. “I’m sorry, Laura.”

“For what?”

He kept his gaze on the road. “That you’re in this mess. If not for me, none of this would be happening to you.”

Laura gaped at him. “I’m in this mess because I chose to be. Ember is my best friend, Shon. I would do anything for her.”

“Even die for her?” he growled, shooting Laura a quick glance.

“Yes,” Laura replied without hesitation. “Haven’t you ever cared for someone that much?”

Something flickered in his eyes. “This isn’t about me. Try to get some sleep if you can. It’s going to be a long drive.”


* * * *

Shon pulled into a hotel about an hour before sunrise. “We’ll stay here until we’re able to travel again.”

Laura followed him to the front desk to secure their room. “They won’t find us here, will they?”

Shon paid for the room in cash. “We’ll be gone before they have a chance to locate us. You’ll be safe during the day.”

Laura gave the desk clerk a small smile. “Do you have a vending machine?”

The woman nodded. “We have one on every floor, ma’am. We also offer a complimentary breakfast from six a.m. to ten a.m.”

Laura glanced at the clock on the wall. She had an hour to get to the room and shower before she could eat. “Thank you.”

Shon picked up Laura’s bag and led her to the elevator. “The sun will be up by the time breakfast is ready. I’d prefer you order room service as opposed to coming back down without me.”

Laura waited until the elevator door closed behind them before she spoke. “If vampires sleep during the day, what is there to fear?”


A shudder passed through Laura’s small frame. She’d almost died at the hands of a Seeker. “I understand.”

Exiting the elevator, Laura strode behind Shon, unable to stop herself from glancing at his ass.

A blush spread up her neck as memories of being taken by him exploded behind her eyes. The feel of his hands on her body, his mouth on her skin, his cock pumping inside her, bringing her to a powerful release played through her mind in heated detail.

Shon unlocked the door and had her inside the room up against the wall before she could suck in a breath. “I can smell your desire,” he growled, pressing his big body close to hers. “You want me.”

Laura’s heart began to pound. She did want him. She always had. “You can blame yourself for that. You made sure I’d want you by bonding me to you.”

He tilted his head back to stare into her eyes. “Is that what you think?”

“Nita said…”

“Said what?” Shon prompted.

Laura hesitated. “She-she said I’d be bound to you for as long as I live.”

Pain shone in his beautiful brown eyes. “I’m sorry, Laura. I couldn’t allow you to die.”

“I know, and I’m grateful to you for that. But…”

He rested his forehead against hers. “But?”

“How am I supposed to live the rest of my life bonded to a man that isn’t bonded to me?”

Shon went completely still. “You want me to bond with you?”

Laura tried to push him away, but he refused to move.

He nudged her head to the side and ran his tongue along her throat. “Answer me.”


“Be damn sure you know what you’re saying. Because once I do this, you’re mine. For life.”

He swiped his tongue up her neck once again. “I would always know how to find you. Your feelings would resonate through me at all times. You would never be free of me, Laura Donovan. Never.”

Laura’s eyes slid shut in disappointment. She’d wanted him to need her the way she needed him. To want her…to love her. Instead, she got an ultimatum. “Please let me go.”

The feel of his breath warming her skin and the heat from his body made her knees weak.

He lifted his head from her throat, disappointment clear in his eyes. “I’m sorry. I thought…”


“Nothing,” he murmured, stepping aside to let her pass.

Laura stumbled around him, picked up her bag, and practically ran to the bathroom.

She shut the door and leaned heavily against it, dropping her bag to the floor.

What was she doing? Shon had offered himself to her. Only, she wanted a bond formed from love and not out of some misguided chivalry.

Tears of disappointment sprang to her eyes. She couldn’t blame him. Not really. Why would a gorgeous and powerful vampire want to be saddled with someone like her? After all, she was only a human.

Laura stripped out of her clothes and turned on the water in the shower as hot as she could stand it before stepping under the spray.

The reality of her situation hit her full force as she washed away the remnants of the Seeker that had been left on her skin. She couldn’t go back. Ever. She would always be in danger, as would her parents.

A fresh round of tears slipped from her eyes to blend with the soapy water trickling down her body.

Laura realized several things in that moment. She loved a vampire who didn’t love her back. She could never return home or to her job. Her parents would always be in danger as long as she remained near them, and Laura would forever be a weakness to her dearest friend, Ember.

I have to leave, she told herself, finishing up her shower and turning off the water.

With a made-up mind, Laura stepped from the shower and quickly dried off.

She rummaged through the bag Ember had packed her, pulling out a flimsy bra, tank top, and a pair of shorts.

Laura brushed her teeth and hair, dressed, and laced up her running shoes before returning to the room to find Shon asleep on the king-size bed.

She stared longingly at his nearly nude body. He lay on his stomach, wearing nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs.

Laura had never seen anything as sexy as Shon Wells.

Rushing over to the window, she made sure the curtains were pulled together tight enough that the sun had no cracks to seep through before turning back to the bed.

She sat on the edge of the mattress and ran her fingers through his long, dark hair. “I love you, Shon. I’ve always loved you. And for that reason, I have to go. I’m a weakness that you can’t afford to have.”

Laura snagged the car keys off the nightstand, grabbed her bag, and hurried toward the door before she changed her mind. She would leave Ember’s car somewhere safe and catch a plane. To where? She didn’t know. She supposed it didn’t matter. Life as she knew it had forever been changed.

Hanging the Do Not Disturb sign on the knob, Laura took one last look at Shon’s sleeping form before softly pulling the door closed behind her.

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