Skeletons (7 page)

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Authors: Shimeka McFadden

BOOK: Skeletons
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ith my arms folded across my chest as I stood in the doorway to my apartment refusing to let Keith inside.

“Are you going to let me in?” he smiled.

“Why should I?” I protested not moving an inch.

Keith moved closer to me, the sexy scent of his cologne made me want to hold him close, “Because you know that you want some of this.”

“I’m sorry I don’t do sloppy seconds.”

“You’ve been doing seconds for a few years, so what has changed?”

“Why did you take her out to lunch today Keith, do you realize how I felt?”

“Well it’s not like you don’t know that I’m married Asteria.” He said.

I rolled my eyes, “You never take me to lunch?”

Keith kissed me softly on the cheek, “I will do better I promise. Come on, it’s cold out here.” He said pushing past me and into my home.

“She gets lunch and I get late night dick; hardly seems fair Keith.” I said as I watched him play with our son. There are many nights when Keith came over and we ate dinner then took care of Latif together I imagined this as our life only to awaken to the harsh reality that my son and I are always on borrowed time. “I’m getting tired of living this way Keith.”

Sighing heavily Keith looked at me with agitation in his eyes, “Asteria, I really don’t feel like this. Every time I come over here lately we have to have this same conversation.”

“You are damn right we have the same conversation because I feel like you are using me!” I fussed.

“Asteria, don’t yell in front of my son.” He warned.

“No, your son is little Keith; Latif is only your son between the hours of 9 PM to whenever you feel like leaving. Admit it Keith, we come second!”

Keith picked up Latif and took him upstairs to his bedroom, soon I could hear Keith giving him a bath and putting him to bed as I cleaned up the kitchen and living room. Keith came downstairs and pulled me close to him, but I pushed away in defiance.

“Not tonight Keith, I’m not in the mood.”

“What is your problem girl?”

I didn’t answer him.

“What more do you want from me Asteria? You went into this with your eyes wide open; I never forced you to start fucking me and you know this. You have been acting like a little kid lately with all of this pouting and carrying on. I don’t have time for this shit.”

“Don’t tell me what you don’t have time for Keith!” I yelled, “I don’t have time for your constant bullshit.”

“What constant bullshit?”

“You telling me that you are going to leave Pandia and we are moving to Seattle to be together as a fucking family.” I muffed him in his forehead and walked away.

Keith put his head down in his hands, “Asteria how many times do I have to tell you that it is not as cut and dry as you think.”

“You go home tell her you no longer love her, pack up and leave; how hard is that Keith?”

“That is my fucking wife!” he yelled trying to keep his composure, “She is your fucking sister! Don’t you have any heart?”

“Really how soon I forget with the way you run up in here all hours of the night!”

“So what are you saying Asteria?” Keith said.

“Leave her.” I demanded.

“In time.” He stood his ground.

“You can’t come around here any longer until you leave her.”

Keith looked at me in disbelief, “That is your sister Asteria.”

“She knows that you are fucking someone else Keith; she is not stupid. I get tired of hearing her cry about how you didn’t come home this night or how you smelled like pussy the next and then see you come take her to lunch in my face like I’m not shit!”

“That is my wife.”

“You said that you loved me.”

Keith took my hand, “I do love you, but I just can’t leave Pandia like that.”

No matter how I tried to fight it, a single tear rolled down my face Keith stood and wiped it away and kissed me. “I do love you, but just give me some time.”

“I’m tired of waiting.”

Keith began kissing me on my neck, the softness of his lips made me weaken, “Me too.” Taking my hand Keith led me to the leather sectional sitting me down.

He kissed my fingertips, taking my ring finger into his wet mouth while looking deeply into my eyes. He knew how to get what he wanted out of me. Unzipping his brown uniform pants and pulling out his long, thick dick Keith took my hand and wrapped it around his shaft.

“Show me how much you love this.” He moaned Keith loved to have his dick touched and sucked.

Smiling up at my dark stallion I licked my lips before playfully licking the head of his dick making it grow even harder.

“I love your lips baby.” He moaned.

Kissing his dick softly I said, “Do you love that daddy?”

“Damn baby I do, I do, I do.” He moaned loudly.

Taking my tongue I ran it up and down the length of his dick using my lips to suck the sides of it as my right hand squeezed it and my left hand cupped his balls giving them soft embraces. Keith’s body jerked as I wrapped my soft lips around his dick and work my mouth magic on him as my hands went to work on his shaft and balls. Keith’s moans grew louder and louder as he gripped my hair with both hands.

“Damn. Baby. This. Shit. Feels. So. Fucking. Good.” Keith stammered as I tried to suck love from his dick, “Deep throat that dick baby.”

I threw my head back and took the entire length of his dick inside of my mouth, swallowing as I tried to keep myself from gagging.

“I am about to cum!” he growled.

Trying to pull him out of my mouth, Keith gripped the back of my head as he released his seeds which filled my mouth with the thick, warm fluid.

“Show me that you love me and swallow that shit.” He moaned as he came in my mouth.

Wiping my mouth Keith said, “Your sister never lets me come in her mouth and that is why I love you.”

I proved my love to him that night, but the true humiliation came after brushing my teeth, I walked downstairs to find Keith gone as if he were never there. He didn’t even say goodbye.




ike wore a satisfied smile Sunday when I came down for breakfast. He and the kids were already dressed for church.

“Did you enjoy your night?” he asked giving me a wink.

“I haven’t danced like that since college.” I said pouring myself a glass of orange juice. “My legs are sore.”

Mike smacked me on my butt, “Your legs don’t hurt from dancing all night.” He winked, “I was going to the gym, but you gave me quite the work out last night.”

Trying to remember what exactly happened, I sat at the breakfast bar. I remembered taking the blue pill and dancing with Tabitha as if we were lovers. I recalled driving home in a daze, parking my van in the driveway and coming into the house to find Mike fast asleep in bed. Stripping down to nothing, I climbed on top of my husband surprising him, but not caring. I kissed him on the mouth with the passion that I had for him when we were in high school; my hands roaming on familiar territory as if I’d never traveled there before. Feeling Mike harden through his lounge pants I pulled them down and rode him as if he were a Bronco and I was trying to win the Lane Frost award. Mike called my name so loudly that I was sure he would wake the kids, but at that point I didn’t care.

“Did you hear me?” He asked bringing me back to reality.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?”

“Are you going to make it to service this morning?”

“Not today Mike, I’m tired. You and the kids can go without me; I need to rest before work tomorrow.”

With the look of disappointment in his eyes Mike said, “Dad will be disappointed not to see you there, but I understand. Go ahead and get you some rest and we will see you this afternoon.” Mike kissed me on the cheek then he and the kids left for church.

Climbing back into bed I checked my cell phone, I had one text message from Tabitha that read:

You really know how to get loose! Hope you had as much fun as I did. C U Monday.

Smiling I rolled over in bed and went back to sleep. It felt good to have the house to myself and not have to get dressed up only to sit in church for hours and pretend to be happy.

The following day while I was at work, Tabitha knocked on my door with a bright smile on her face.

“Good morning sunshine!” she smiled brightly.

Returning her smile I said, “Good morning to you too.”

“Did you have fun Saturday night?” she whispered.

“I did, but I have a question.”

“Hopefully I have an answer.” She leaned against my desk; her exotic floral scent filled my space. My eyes roamed to her abundant thighs as I tried to fight the feeling that was churning in the pit of my stomach.

Clearing my throat I asked, “What was that pill that you gave me?”

Raising an arched eyebrow Tabitha asked, “Did you like that?”

“I’m not saying all of that,” I laughed, “But what was it?”

“Freedom is what I like to call it, but some call it harmony.”

“I did feel free and harmonious.”

“Did you feel the music coursing through your body and that you could dance all night?”

“I felt like I could fly.”

Throwing her head back Tabitha laughed, “Gosh, I love feeling like that.”

“I went home and actually had sex with my husband!” I exclaimed.

We both laughed.

“I’m jealous.” She winked, “Would you like to feel like that again?”

Thinking I answered, “I want to feel like that every day.”

“The ultimate escape.” She moaned.

“And I want to escape every fucking day.” I whispered while looking into her eyes.

Just then a knock was at my door, it was June from Payroll, “I’m sorry Mrs. Montgomery, but I needed to speak with you about some discrepancies with the payroll.”

Tabitha stood up and straightened her red pencil skirt, tossing her hair over her shoulder, “Okay I will have those aging reports on your desk by noon.” She winked, “Good morning June, love that sweater.”

I couldn’t help but let my eyes wander towards Tabitha’s ass as she switched out of my office.

I tried hard to listen to June talk about the payroll not adding up but I couldn’t concentrate with Tabitha’s exotic scent still in the air. I don’t know what it is about her, but every time I was around her I felt more alive than what I have ever felt. Maybe it was the fact that she was so young and carefree while I was in my thirties and had so many responsibilities or maybe it was me reliving my college experiments all over again.




ustin and I met at The Boathouse in Forest Park in order to speak with the caterer about our upcoming rehearsal dinner. As the caterer talked my focus was on the conversation that I had with Chad Sunday morning.

“Hey are you alright Jovanna?” Keith asked as we looked over the menu.

“Yes, I’m fine.” I faked a smile.

“You seem off in your own today.”

“I’m sorry; I’m just a little tired.” I lied, “What do you think about the menu choices?”

Justin looked at me in disbelief for a moment, but turned his attention back to the menu, “Honey, I really don’t care what they serve at the reception.” Looking at me he added, “Jovanna, I really hope you are being honest and that you are not hiding anything from me.”

Swallowing hard, I touched Justin on the side of his face, smiling softly I reassured him, “Baby everything is fine.” I kissed his thin, pink lips.

“Aww, look at the two love birds.” The caterer smiled as she walked back into the room to see if we made our choices.

After finalizing things with the caterer Justin had to get back to work. Before getting into our cars he pulled me close to him wrapping his arms around my body in a tight bear hug. The warmth of his strong body made me forget about the cold air that whipped around us.

“You make me happy Jovanna, and I hope that I make you feel the same way. If you are having second thoughts about this please just let me down easily and don’t leave me standing at the alter looking like a dick.”

Suddenly I had a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach; it felt as though we were being watched. I looked to my left then to my right and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, but my face carried a worried looked. “I love you too Justin and baby don’t worry I wouldn’t even think of leaving you.” I managed through the thick lump in my throat. Kissing him on his cheek I pulled away, “You’d better get back to work baby.”

“Are you sure that everything is alright with you?”

I sighed heavily and pulled my car keys out of my coat pocket, “Justin, I told you that I’m fine.”

“I know I just hate to think that we are going to enter our marriage with secrets between us. I don’t think that I could live with that.”

Looking into his eyes I said, “Who is keeping secrets?”

“I feel that there is this brick wall in between us and while you will let me peek over it you won’t let me on the other side.”

“Babe, there are no secrets could you please stop asking me that?” Changing the subject I asked, “Have you talked to your mom about me taking her and your aunt to get their dresses for the wedding.”

When Justin didn’t answer I knew that he hadn’t. “Well at least now we know who has been keeping the secrets.” I retorted letting his hand go and getting into my car.

On my way back home I dialed Asteria’s cellular phone and she picked up on the first ring as if she were expecting a call.

“Hey sugar.” She sang.

“Are you busy?” I asked “I need a touch up.”

“Come on over I can squeeze you in with Londyn. Is everything alright?” she asked.

“Yes, I’m fine. I was at the Boathouse with Justin and since I am still in the area I decided to stop by to get a touch up because my roots are nappy as hell.” I explained as I looked at my hair in the rearview mirror.

“Just come right in; Londyn had a cancelation so you should be able to get right in.”

As soon as I stepped into the stylish salon, Aaron started singing Stevie Wonder’s song, Jungle Fever. Flipping him the middle finger I walked over and hugged him, “Why do you always have to sing that dumb ass song whenever I see you Aaron.”

“It is all with love.” He kissed me on the cheek, “How have you been I haven’t seen you in months?”

“I’ve been great, just busy planning.” I smiled

“I am not mad at you at all.” He said as he rolled his clients long locks between his hands.

“Hey Londyn.” I waved to her while she finished the client before me. “Hi Keisha.” I smirked.

Pandia walked out of the back room and hugged me, “You look good!” she squealed.

“You too, girl your dropped all of that baby weight.”

Pandia smacked my hand, “Heifer you know that little Keith is four!”

Asteria was sitting at the front desk and I noticed how she rolled her eyes when Pandia mentioned her son, “Hey girl what’s up?” I asked.

Smacking her red lip gloss she answered, “Not shit at all girl, just going through these bills.” she held up a stack of mail and dropped it on the desk.

Adjusting my green purse on my arm I asked, “Why are you acting like you have an attitude today?”

“I don’t have an attitude; I am just a little tired.”

“Well, can I talk to you privately for a moment?” I asked.

Asteria looked crazy at Pandia and said, “Hey, I’m going to the back room to talk to Jovanna for a minute. Do you think that you can hold things down?”

Looking at the clock that hung on the back wall Pandia answered, “Yes, I can hold it down Asteria; just be sure that you are back soon because Keith is picking me up so that we can meet with the party planner at Monkey Joes for little Keith’s birthday party.”

“Oh, his birthday is coming up isn’t it?” Asteria said as if she didn’t know when her only nephew’s birthday was. “Wow, make sure you remind me when it is so that I can bring Latif.”

Pandia rolled her eyes at her sister while she finished up her client.

“What was that all about girl?” I asked.

Asteria picked up her cell phone and began texting as if she were upset by something.

“Asteria, what’s up girl?” I asked, but she ignored me as she finished her text.

Slamming her phone down on the desk she ran her fingers through her sandy hair, “Niggas girl!” she fumed, “I’m sorry, but what’s going on with you?”

“I just left the Boathouse with Keith” I began

“For the reception dinner right?” she smiled, “How did it go?”

“It went alright, but…”

“But, come on Jovanna, you know that I can’t stand a but in a sentence!” she fussed, “But what?”

I sighed, “I feel as if Justin really doesn’t know me as well as he thinks he does and I don’t want him getting hurt.”

Asteria looked at me with widened eyes, “What in the hell are you talking about Jovanna? You are one of the best women that I know.”

Standing I began to pace the room, “How do you know that?”

“Because I have known you for over ten years and I have never known for you to be anything but a good woman. Why are you tripping today girl?”

I needed to tell her who I really am, “Asteria there is something that I need to tell you, but I need you to listen and keep an open mind.”

“I’m all ears.” She said, but just when I was about to tell her about my past her cell phone vibrated on the desk. Asteria held up one well-manicured finger and answered the phone call.

“Hello. What do you mean I’m tripping? Hold on” she put the phone to her side and looked at me, “Hey Jovanna can we finish this conversation in a few, I have to take this?”

Smiling I grabbed my purse and walked out of the office; just as I rounded the corner Londyn beckoned me to her chair. I was ready for a change, I told Londyn not only to touch up my roots, but also to cut my neck-length hair into a short pixie style like Nia Long wore her hair. Despite the protests of Londyn, Aaron and Pandia I demanded that my stylist chop it all off and give me a new beginning. Watching in the mirror I knew that changing my look on the outside wouldn’t change who I was on the inside.

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