Skylar's Guardians (27 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Skylar's Guardians
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“It hurts!” Skylar cried, wiggling to relieve the agony. “It is going to tear me in half!”

“It will stop stretching when your tissue has reached its limits. And it is supposed to hurt, just like this is.”

Skylar’s wails bounced off the walls as the paddle discovered its fleshy target. On her back with her thighs stretched above her, Skylar could not even reach with her hands to try to protect her bottom. She pounded her fists on the table and rocked her backside back and forth in an attempt to avoid the stinging slaps of the vicious paddle. Every stroke that Tralec branded her with was intended to remind her of the disappointment she had put them through with her behavior and lack of gratitude. It worked. These men had saved her life and had given her a future. What a pathetic wench she was to them!

Her sobs caught in her throat as he landed stroke upon heated stroke over her taut bottom, barely aware that his paddle began to linger longer in its place across her backside before being drawn back to splatter against her flesh for the countless time. He tossed the paddle aside, replacing the instrument with his hand. Broad swats reddened every inch of her skin, occasionally catching the lower portion of her pussy as she squirmed desperately to avoid the blows.

The abruptness with which the spanking stopped was nearly as unnerving as the sudden yanking of the large plug out of her ass and the shocking insertion of his rigid, thick primary organ in its stead. The massive cock painfully filled her and began lunging in relentless strokes, deep into her bowels as his body slapped against the roasted skin of her bottom.

“You’re hurting me,” she whimpered, unable to enjoy the moment as the harrowing pain from her spanking was too intense.

“This is not about you, Skylar Jeannine. It is about my claim to you,” Tralec announced through gritted teeth as his gills began to flush and his organ grew painfully tight inside of her ass. “I am claiming you as mine forever. Accept me!” he demanded, flooding her with a massive river of his juices. Skylar squalled as the fluids both stung and stimulated her, her asshole feeling stretched as though to accommodate a baseball, and her bottom as sore as if it had been set on fire.

Tralec slipped out of her and stepped away. Skylar slowly lowered her legs, her tears not diminishing as she turned painfully to her side and grabbed her bottom.

“We are not finished with you, Skylar,” Troy announced, gently pulling her to her feet. She had no energy to resist him as he placed her face down over several cushions. Her beet-red, bruised bottom rose in the air and presented itself for the next phase. Troy doubled the long strap in his hand, lifted his arm, and whipped it neatly over the crown of her backside.

Skylar bellowed out her objection, her limbs stiffening as the bite penetrated her tenderized flesh. He thrashed her again, aiming carefully for the fleshy curves right between her thighs and the tops of her buttocks. White-hot pain seared her as the heavy strap left a bright red stripe in its wake. Troy delivered three more strokes of the belt to her bottom before shifting to the backs of her thighs.

Skylar was unable to remain in place and fought to escape the intense wall of anguish that came with receiving a belting to the back of her sensitive legs. She squawked with every stroke, although the lashes to her thighs were not as hard as the ones he delivered to her bottom. The pain flooded her mind, and she could not bring anything to memory to compare with it. It felt as though the strapping went on forever, and Skylar inherently knew that it would not stop until she came to a point of acceptance. Her heart burned as she acknowledged that her physical pain was nothing compared to the misery she had brought to these wonderful, devoted men who had only wanted to care for her in the best way possible.

Shame and regret struck hard as the immensity of her situation came to the forefront. She had chosen, out of selfishness and fear, to hurt these people in the one area that structured their lives and brought them the greatest sense of peace, contentment, and safety. She had hurt their hearts, betrayed their trust, and voluntarily departed from their lives. According to Leannz, she had, in the eyes of the Calipians, pronounced a death sentence upon herself and, consequently, her two lovers. How could she have been so thoughtless?


* * *


Troy, hearing the sound of her weeping as it changed from pain to remorse, placed the strap down and resumed the spanking with his hard hand. By the time he finished, Skylar’s welted skin was crimson from the tops of her globes to nearly the back of her knees. He looked over at Tralec, who nodded. The girl would not be doing much of anything on her own for a while, especially sitting. She would be completely dependent upon them and perhaps set aside some of her defiance.

Troy flipped the blubbering girl to her back, ignoring the cry of pain as her bottom touched the flat surface of the mattress. He kneeled onto the floor and activated the air to bring her to his eye level. Forcing her legs apart, his mouth engulfed her pussy, both pleased and surprised about the extent of its wetness.

Skylar’s cries turned into sniffling moans as he worked her slit with his tongue. She began to stiffen, and he withdrew his mouth, replacing it with a fully extended, hard cock. He did not adjust his size as he slowly forced the massive organ into her pussy. Skylar pounded him with her fists, both protesting the invasion and demanding sexual release. His fingers dug deep into her scalded buttocks as he rode her. She tried to reach between them to stimulate herself, but Troy quickly took hold of her wrists and held them over her head.

“You are mine, Skylar. Don’t ever forget it. Mine!” Troy stated firmly, his voice thick with passion and need.

His fluids bathed her womb, the substance almost certainly causing her such great arousal that she ached for release. A release she would not be permitted to experience. She was being punished, and bad little girls were not allowed to come! Her tears continued to pour even after her wrists were released and Troy’s cock slid from her pussy. Afterward, she rolled into a ball and simply wept.

“I’m sorry,” she choked out. “Please forgive me. I will do anything if you would just forgive me and let me back in. I never meant to hurt either of you. I am a selfish, self-serving, ungrateful little bitch, and you have never done anything to deserve how awful I have been to you.”

“We don’t have words for when we commit ourselves to another in this community because such relationships have never existed. Until you came into our lives,” Tralec said, standing next to Troy and looking down at the crying, naked girl.

“We claim you as a shared pod-mate, Skylar. You own our bodies and our hearts. And we own yours. We know of no other way to declare our devotion to you. We… What is the word to use?”

“Love,” Tralec responded.

“Yes, love. We love you, little one. We hurt when you hurt, we feel your absence when you are not with us, we need you when we awaken and when we rest,” Troy said, leaning forward with his hands on either side of her body. “When we give you pleasure, we are pleasured. Look at me. We love you.”

Skylar blinked through swollen eyes. “You do?”

“We do, baby.” Tralec sat next to her on the bed and took her hand. “It took us a while to understand what is meant by the word love, but it is what we have experienced all along. I’m sorry it took us so long to say the words you needed to hear from us. Perhaps you would not have felt the need to escape us had we been able to express ourselves in that way. We didn’t know how important it was to you.”

“We want to give you everything you need to make you happy, Skylar. We fall short at times, but we are learning,” Troy said gently, gathering her in his arms. Tears dripped down his cheeks again, and Skylar reached up to touch them.

She brought her wet finger to her lips. “It’s salty. Like mine.”

“Perhaps we are more like humans than we realize. Please, do not cause us this pain again,” Tralec pleaded, cupping her face in his hand.

“I’m truly sorry. I know I have so much to learn and need to stop resisting new things because I’m scared,” Skylar said shyly. “You’ve taught me how much I need consistency from someone who really cares about me. I didn’t realize that I’ve been searching for it ever since my grandpa died and that I only looked in the places where I would not find it. Every decision I’ve made for my life has been a bad one. That is, until the day I decided to trust you. You two have changed my life, and I have done nothing to show my appreciation except hurt you.”

“Skylar, you have affected not only our lives but have opened the eyes of our people as to the pleasures we are missing because we, too, have lived in fear of what is in our hearts. You have taught us to laugh and sing. Our world is going to change because of you, baby. For the better,” Tralec said.

“But what if you were right and these strong emotions lead to destruction?”

“It is our responsibility to teach podlings how to respond to the emotions, not react. I also understand that a certain creator is working on some adaptations to the Calipi female.”

“You’d best not be intending on checking them out!” Skylar snipped, her hackles rising.

“Don’t you worry, little one. You have enough adaptations to keep us both interested for a lifetime,” Troy stated, his hand roving across her tender bottom before drawing his mouth to her breast. “I hope that the two of us will be sufficient to satisfy your appetites.”

“Oh, trust me, you are more than enough,” Skylar eyed his crotch and smiled as the tool began to rise again. Love flushed through her as she licked her lips, lust in her eyes as Tralec joined in with caressing her. She slowly lay on her back, drew their mouths to both nipples, and cooed, “Why don’t the two of you put your adaptations to work and show me what other wonderful things I can look forward to?”

“It will be our pleasure, little one…”



The End

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