Society Girls: Jenysis (2 page)

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Authors: Crystal Perkins

BOOK: Society Girls: Jenysis
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Waking up in Wayne’s arms is something I would love to do for the rest of my life. I’ve been afraid to let him know I want him forever, because even though he tells me he wants it all the time, he’s still a rock star. One of the most sought after ones in the world, actually.

The number of blogs dedicated to his hair alone is just insane, and despite being a princess—and a spy in training—I still worry he’ll get bored with me once I finally give in and admit I love him. I trust him when he says he doesn’t sleep with other women, even though there are pictures of them hanging off of him, popping up all the time. He calls me almost every night when he’s on the road, and he makes me feel like I’m the only person in the room when we’re at events together.

It’s been over two years since we started hooking up, and I’ve been thinking a lot about “us” lately. I think I’m ready to tell him I want to be a couple, both publicly and in private, too. If I’m being honest, I’ve always wanted that, but I chose to protect myself and not take a chance on love. It’s time to be brave.

“What’s going on in that beautiful mind of yours, Jeny girl?” he asks, tightening his hold around my waist as he nuzzles my neck from behind.

“You,” I tell him, turning around to look him in the eye. “Us.”

“Us?” he asks, and the hopeful look in his eyes nearly does me in. He’s been so patient with me, and I wish I could’ve done this much sooner.

“Yeah. I mean, if you still want that. I know I’ve made you wait longer than most guys would’ve waited.”

“I’ll always want that. I’ll wait as long as you need me to, because I love you, and you’re the only woman I want.”

“I love you, too.”

It’s the first time I’ve said it to him, and his smile is the brightest I’ve ever seen before he leans in and kisses me. “This is the best day ever.”

Before I can agree, there’s a knock at the hotel door. We look at each other, and he shrugs. The knocking turns to pounding. “Who’s pounding at our door this early? I thought your sound check wasn’t until 3.”

“It isn’t. Hold on, and let me see who it is.”

He throws on the jeans I practically tore off him when he opened the door for me last night, and I sigh, because he looks almost as good in his jeans as he looks out of them. I start to climb out of bed, too, but he stops me.

“Don’t you dare get out of that bed. You finally admitted you love me, and I’m not nearly done with you yet.”

He’s smiling when he walks out to the living room area of the suite. I hear him open the door, but what I hear next sends me out the bed and scrambling for my dress.

“Wayne Preston? You’re under arrest for the rape of Sonia Cordova.”

“What? I didn’t rape anyone! I don’t even know who that is!”

I hear a thud, and when I walk into the room, Wayne is being pressed against the wall, his hands being cuffed. The police are not being gentle, and it’s pissing me off.

“He didn’t rape anyone.”

“Who are you?” one of them asks, a sneer on his face as he looks me up and down.

“His girlfriend.”

“She may have some info. Take her with us.”

“No!” Wayne yells, and starts struggling. “Don’t you touch her.”

I watch in horror as he’s slammed to the floor. “Move again, and I’ll tase you. I’m tired of you pretty boy celebrities getting away with shit.”

I hold out my wrists. “It’s okay, Wayne. I’ll go with them. I have Diplomatic Immunity, so they can’t do anything to me, but I’ll go.”

They read him his rights, and then we’re both led down to the waiting police cars. We’re not allowed to ride together, but I give him what I hope is a reassuring smile as I get in the back of one. I know he didn’t do it. He didn’t rape anyone. Even if we weren’t together, I’d know he was innocent. He’s just not that guy. He’s a rock god, yes, but he’s also sweet and kind.

Once I’m released, I’ll call Reina. The Society will help him, just like he’s helped us over and over again. We’ll clear his name, and this will all go away. He’s innocent, and we’ll prove it.
prove it, and then we’ll finally be together the way we always should have been.

* * *


I didn’t do what they’re saying I did. Raping a girl? I wouldn’t do that. I
do that. Monsters do that, and I may be a lot of things, but I’m not a monster.

They don’t seem to care, but then, I guess they have to be that way. Or at least they should. A woman said she’s been victimized, and she needs to be the one treated with respect, not the person she’s accusing. I know that, and believe it, even as I know I’m being wrongly accused. I just hope they’ll figure this out quickly, and let me go. Me and Jeny, too.

My girl is tough, but she doesn’t need to put up with this bullshit. I can’t even imagine the headlines, and the backlash from back home for her. Me? I can take whatever they throw at me, but I want her to be protected.

The police cars both pull up to a special entrance at the detention center. I’ve passed it before when driving through downtown, but I honestly never thought I’d be here. The back door opens, and I’m pulled out of the car, ducking at the last second so I don’t bang my head. Apparently, no one but me cares about that. At least I see them taking care with Jenysis.

Ours eyes meet, and she smiles at me. I know she believes in me, and that makes my heart swell. She finally said those three words to me, and she believes me. Once I’m out of here, I’m going to make this all up to her. I don’t know how, but I’ll do it.

We’re separated inside, as I’m processed. I’ve seen this all on T.V., and in movies, but it’s surreal when it’s happening to you. Fingerprints, mug shot, and yeah, the cavity search, are in no way glamorous or cool. This is serious, and I start to panic just a little bit. I know people are wrongly convicted sometimes, and as I’m led to a cell, I wonder what life would be like if that happens to me.

Would I have to cut my hair, so it’s not long on top anymore? Would I be separated from everyone else for my own safety? Would I work out, and bulk up so I could protect myself if it came to that? The questions keep swirling in my head, making me start to go a little crazy.

“Are you ready to talk?” a woman in a suit asks me, standing outside my cell.

I want to. I want to tell them this all a mistake. But, I know better. “I want my attorney.”

She nods, while glaring at me. “Let him make his call.”

This is the beginning. The beginning of what, I don’t know. I hope it’s the beginning of my road to proving my innocence, but those fears of being convicted won’t go away. This might just be the beginning of the end.



“What is your relationship with Wayne Preston?” the female detective asks me.

I already told them I was his girlfriend, but I’m not telling them anything else right now. I have Diplomatic Immunity, and I’m going to use it. I know Wayne didn’t do what they’re saying, and I’m not about to say the wrong thing, making him look bad. I don’t know what I would say that would do that, but things can be twisted. I’ve seen that firsthand, and I won’t be the cause of it happening in this situation.

“You need to answer me.”

“No. I don’t. My name is Princess Jenysis of Cyndryann, and I don’t have to tell you anything, except that I want to leave now.”

“We can have you deported.”

“Not without me committing a crime, you can’t.”

“You’re hindering our investigation.”

“You have proof of that?”

The door opens before she can answer. A man walks in, followed by Reina. “Your Highness, we are very sorry for the inconvenience we’ve caused you. You’re free to go.”

I stand up, and follow Reina from the room as I hear the detective try to argue with the man, who is obviously her boss. “Not a word until we are out of here,” Reina tells me, holding my elbow.

We exit out a back door, and both jump into her car. I have no doubt there is press out front, and since I don’t know what I can say to them, I need to avoid them for now. I will stand by Wayne no matter what, but I have to talk to my father—and Reina—before making a statement.

“Are we going to C&C?”


“Thank God. We have to start helping Wayne.”

Reina pulls over to the side of the road, and turns to look at me. “We’re not helping Wayne, Jenysis. We can’t.”

“Of course we can. We have to.”

“We are an organization dedicated to helping victims of crimes.”

“Wayne is the victim here! He didn’t do it. You know him.”

know him, but I also know that woman was raped. She is my concern right now.”

“Wait, that sounds like you’re going to try and prove Wayne is guilty.”

She sighs, and closes her eyes. “I’m going to find the truth. I hope to God it doesn’t lead me to Wayne, but if it does, I will make sure he is punished. In a sense, yes, we are against him.”

“What happened to innocent until proven guilty?”

“That’s for the justice system. You know we operate on the assumption of guilt when we’re called for help.”

“You have to let me help him. Teeg and Stella will want to help him as well.”

“We’ll discuss it when we’re inside the conference room. Everyone is waiting there for us.”

Oh yes, we are definitely discussing this. I know I have at least the two Society women to back me up, and I hope my recruit friends will be on my side as well. If not, then I’ll do it on my own. I’ll do anything and everything to prove that Wayne is innocent, because I
he is.

* * *


I don’t have a defense attorney, but Kace assured me he already had one on the way when I called him. I was pretty sure he’d know about my arrest, and I was right. He told me he’s got my back, and so does his brother, Brett. They’re my bandmates in Storyside, and while we don’t share blood, they’re my brothers. Knowing they’re behind me, along with Jeny, makes me feel better. Not great, but better.

I only have to wait about fifteen minutes after the call before I’m told my lawyer is here. I’m lead to a room, and as I enter, I look around. There are no cameras I can see, and just a metal table and chairs, bolted to the floor. My lawyer is a woman, and while I wouldn’t think twice about that normally, I know Kace chose her for her gender.

“Hello, Wayne, I’m Alesha. Let’s talk about what we’re going to do.”

She looks pointedly at the guard, and he saunters out, closing the door after him. “I didn’t do it. I know you probably hear that all the time, but it’s true.”

“I wouldn’t be here if I thought you did it. I don’t defend rapists.”

“Kace convinced you over the phone?” I ask, skeptically.

“Stella is the one who called me, and I trust her more than almost anyone. If she says you’re innocent, then you’re innocent.”

“So what happens now?”

“You’re going to have a bail hearing within the hour, but I’m pretty sure you won’t get granted bail.”


“Yes. The judge on the bench tonight has been very vocal about celebrities getting special treatment, and about the rapists getting short sentences lately. I’m afraid he’ll make an example out of you.”

“Fuck! We had a show tonight at T-Mobile Arena.”

“The venue has already announced that it’s cancelled.”

“My fans don’t deserve this shit.”

“If they’re true fans, they’ll support you.”

“Yeah, they will. I just hope I can re-schedule this performance soon.”

“Right now, we have to focus on getting through this hearing. If I’m right, and he refuses bail, you’ll have another hearing in 48 hours to determine if there’s cause to try you, and bail will be discussed again. If he proceeds, you’ll be formally charged a day later.”

“How long after that would there be a trial.”

“You can request one in 60 days or less.”

“Two months?”

“We’ll use that time to prove your innocence.”

“My friends will help with that. If you know Stella, you know how powerful they are.”

“The Society isn’t going to touch this, Wayne. Not if they want to stay credible.”

Of course not. I didn’t even think about that, but it makes sense. They can’t defend a rape suspect. At least not publicly. “Maybe not officially, but Stella, Tegan, and my girlfriend, Jenysis, will do it. A few others might help, too.”

“The princess is your girlfriend? I wasn’t sure if she was just saying that.”

I smile for the first time since I got here. “She’s really mine.”

“That will help. Knowing you’re in a committed relationship. You are, right?”

“Hell yeah! I haven’t touched a chick for more than a picture since I met Jeny over two years ago. It’s only her.”

She looks at me like she’s trying to see into my soul, and it’s a little unnerving. Finally, she smiles. “Good. We can definitely use that to our advantage. Now, let’s get you ready for court.”

* * *


Reina and I are quiet as we enter the building, and take the elevator to one of our floors. Rationally, I know why she can’t officially stand behind Wayne, but love isn’t rational. So, yeah, I’m mad. She knows Wayne. Everyone in the Society knows him, and they know he wouldn’t rape a woman. He just wouldn’t.

When we enter the conference room, I can see the invisible line that’s already been drawn. On one side is Tegan, Stella, Audrey, Darcy, and somewhat to my surprise, Faith. Isa, Jade, and Ellie are on the other side, with Ainsley in the middle. Reina and I split up, taking opposite sides as everyone sits down.

“I’ve already explained to Jenysis why we can’t publicly help Wayne, but as you all know, I am giving you the option to help him if you choose to. I’m guessing this seating arrangement is based on who wants to do what?”

“Yeah, and you chose to sit there,” Tegan says, glaring at Reina.

“As the head of the Society, I
to be here.”

“What about the rest of you? You know Wayne.”

“I can’t discount a victim, Teeg. I just can’t. I want to believe Wayne, but I have to help this woman,” Ellie says, her eyes sad.

“Same,” Isa adds.

“I have to support my friend, the way Stella’s supporting you,” Jade tells her.

“Whoa now. I am
on this side because of Teeg. Wayne is family to Kace, and so he’s family to me, too. Plus, there’s no way in hell he did this.”

“I’m supporting Jen, and Teeg, but I think he’s innocent as well,” Darcy says.

“And I just think he wouldn’t do this. I’ve seen a lot while I’ve been in the Society, and I just can’t see Wayne doing it. He’s never given me any kind of ‘power trip’ vibe, even when he’s being cocky,” Audrey adds.

“And you, Faith?” Reina asks, looking as curious as I feel.

“I believe justice is on this side of the table,” she states, simply. Well, damn.


“I can’t choose a side, Rei. I don’t think he did it, but I can’t discount the photos and statement from the victim, either. I’d like to help both sides, and find the truth.”

“Very well. The recruits are all behind you, Jen. Ainsley’s team will split, but everyone else is fair game. I want you to ask your teams what side they want to work on, and make sure they know there will be no repercussions if they don’t choose the side you’re on. We are all looking for the truth. However, for once, we will not be sharing with each other unless it’s absolutely necessary. I want us to treat this as two separate missions. We have enough resources for both groups. I’ll head up this side, and Audrey will head up the other.”

“Audrey?” Tegan demands.

“Yes, Audrey. She is the most senior of us, and is also a lot calmer than you about this. I know Wayne is your friend, so you’ll understand that nothing can be messed up on either side of this.”

Tegan nods. “Yeah. This has to be totally clean.”

Audrey leads us out of the room, and down the hall to one of the smaller conference rooms. We form a plan of action, and wait for Ainsley to come over, and work with us. She has some solid ideas, and we come up with a few more. It’s time for the mentors to go to their teams and see what they want to do, while I need to talk to the recruits, and make sure they’re all on board with helping me. Reina said they are, and we’ve pledged to be loyal to each other, but like the friends here had to choose a side, I want my girls to have that same choice.

I don’t get far out of the room when my phone vibrates, signaling an incoming text. I knew it was coming, but I was hoping I’d have a little more time. I blow out a breath as I call out to Audrey.

“Wait, Aud. I-I have to leave.”

“You have to go home,” Darcy guesses correctly.

“Yes. I don’t want to, but I can’t ignore my father’s request.”

“I just got word that Wayne’s bail was denied so you’ll have a couple of days at least before he can try again,” Stella tells me.

“I’ll be back before he’s released.” At least I’m pretty sure I will. “I wanted to talk to the recruits, and make sure they really want to side with Wayne. Can you please let them know I’ll be okay with any choice they make?”

“Yes. You go, and take care of what you need to,” Audrey tells me. “We’ll get everything started here.”

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