Society Girls: Jenysis (3 page)

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Authors: Crystal Perkins

BOOK: Society Girls: Jenysis
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Like we expected, my bail was denied. At least I’ve been given my own cell, and kept away from everyone else. Alesha told me it’s both because I’m a celebrity, and also because of what I’m accused of. I wouldn’t be safe around other inmates, who despise rapists, and child molesters. My ass is safe for now, and I’m grateful for that.

Most of the guards are okay, although a few like to talk shit to me, seeing if they’ll get a reaction. They won’t. I’m not a bad guy, and I refuse to say or do anything that would make it look like I am. I just want my hearing later today to come, because I know Jeny will be there. A part of me wishes I could shield her from all of this, but mostly, I need to see her. Just a glimpse of her, even. Something to carry me through for when I probably get denied my freedom once again.

“Let’s go, Preston,” the guard says to me.

I put my hands through the slot in the bars so he can cuff me, and then stand back as he opens the door. I walk out, and am immediately flanked by him, and another guard. They lead me to a room with no windows, where I find my suit for the day. After they remove the handcuffs, I put it on, tame my hair the best I can with no mirror, and knock on the door when I’m ready to go.

Once I’m shackled again, they take me to court. I look around the room, seeing Kace, Brett, Kevin, Stella, Tegan, and Caleb. No Jenysis. My chest tightens, and the guards have to pull me a little to keep me moving. I force my features into a mask of nothingness, even though I’m feeling all kinds of things.

“Are you okay?” Alesha asks me.

“Jenysis isn’t here.”

“I saw, but you can’t dwell on that. You need to focus on you right now.”

“Yeah,” I say, nodding. “I know.”

The hearing goes the same way as the last one. The judge says there’s enough evidence to move forward, and tells us we’ll see about bail tomorrow, once everything is on the table. I want to see that evidence, and I’m looking forward to tomorrow, where I’ll at least hear about it. They swabbed my mouth, and took blood from me, but it’s too soon for the results. I know I didn’t do anything, so I wish it wasn’t such a long process. I need my name to be cleared.

As the guards handcuff me again, Tegan runs up to the wooden rail behind me. “Her father called her home. She’d be here if he hadn’t, and she’ll be back. She wanted you to know that.”

“Thanks, Teeg.”

The guard pulls me away again, but I have a smile on my face now. My girl will be back. I don’t like that she had to go back to Cyndryann to face things without me, but her dad has always been pretty cool with me, so I don’t think it will be too bad. Parliament has been re-vamped too, since Brayden gave up the kingdom. I hope they go easy on her, too. I don’t deserve this, but Jeny…she deserves it even less.

* * *


Ted Baker makes me happy. Most of my wardrobe consists of pieces from that brand, and I usually wear them with a smile on my face, loving the mix of classic and modern. Today, my blue, cap sleeved dress, with the flowers all around it, is my armor. I shouldn’t need it with my dad, but I definitely needed it when I got off the plane at the small airport on our island nation. Wayne and I have never been official, but everyone here knows something’s been going on with us over the last couple of years. He visited me, and we were caught kissing more than once by the press.

“Your Highness, how do you feel about Wayne Preston’s arrest?”

I’m angry, because I know he’s innocent. “No comment.”

“Do you believe he’s guilty?”

Fuck no! “No comment.”

“There are rumors that Lord Richard has asked for your hand in marriage. With this scandal plaguing the Crown, will your father accept his offer?”

Bloody hell. “No comment.”

Thankfully, the security team is here now, ushering me into the waiting SUV. As I slide into the backseat, one of my best friends, Noah, is already there, waiting for me. “You’re in the middle of a shitstorm.”

“Nice to see you, too,” I tell him, hugging him tight.

“You ready to see the King?”

“No, but I’m ready to see my father.”

He kisses my temple. “It’ll all work out. Maybe.”

I laugh, knowing that’s what he was hoping for. Noah hid his identity as Darcy’s brother from Brayden and me for years, but he’s always been a loyal friend to both of us. We love him like he’s our real brother, because as far as we’re concerned he is. Just without a title.

“You’re coming for dinner tonight, right?”

“Of course. Steve already invited me.”

“You bringing your girlfriend?”

“I don’t have one of those.”

“Wait, what? You had one last time I was here.”

“That was months ago, and things have changed.”

“What things?”

“She thought I’d somehow get a title. I told her I could if I wanted to, but that I didn’t want one.”

“I’m gonna cut a bitch.”

“Americanized Jen. I like.”

“I mean it. Where is she?”

“Who knows, and who cares? I was ready for it to be over by that point, because I knew I wasn’t enough. I was actually thinking of coming to Vegas. I’ve been talking with Ryan Griffin, and I’ve got a job with him if I want it.”

I practically jump up and down in my seat, his ex-girlfriend momentarily forgotten. “Yes! Bray and I would be so happy. And of course, Darcy, too!”

“Yeah. I’d love to be near all of you. I’m thinking about it.”

“That would be epic.”


“Brilliant. Is that what you want to hear?” I ask.

“I just want to hear that you’re happy.”

“I am, or at least I was. I know Wayne’s innocent. I want this all to be over so we can finally be together.”

“So you’ve finally admitted you love him?”

“As a matter of fact, I have.”

“Good. I like him. I believe he’s innocent as well.”

“I hope my father believes it, too.”

* * *


The walls aren’t exactly closing in, but I’m bored as fuck in this cell. I’ve already counted every ceiling tile, every brick, and every bar I can see. I’m trying not to think about Jeny, because if I do, I’ll pop a woody, and I don’t want to do that in here. I don’t want to bring anything I feel for her in this place.

So, I sing songs in my head, tap out melodies on my bed frame, and try to will myself to sleep. If I can just sleep, it will be morning, and I’ll hear the evidence against me. I’ll know what I’m up against, and how to fight it. And with any luck, the judge who’s using me as an example will finally realize his point has been made, and grant me bail.

Hell, I’ll take house arrest. I don’t have a house here, but I can buy one pretty quick. I’d want a house, and not an apartment, so I could at least move around. Honestly, though, I’d live in a shack if it meant I could be out of here. I’ll have to hope if house arrest comes up as an option, my money guy can move fast.

Thinking about houses, and freedom, keeps my mind busy enough to eventually shut itself down. I drift off to sleep, thoughts of sleeping in a soft bed, with just my boxer briefs on, comforting me. Tomorrow is a better day. It has to be.

* * *


I walk into my father’s study, not surprised to see the new head of Parliament in the room with him. “Welcome home, my dear,” my father says, pulling me into a hug. I wrap my arms around him and hold him tight.

“Hi, Dad. I missed you.”

“Dad? You truly are becoming an American.”

“Only in the way I talk sometimes, and as the place I live now. Cyndryann will always be my home.”

“Are you going to distance yourself from that singer?” the Minister asks me.


“Good,” my father says, smiling. “I like Wayne. He truly cares for you, and I see how happy you are with him when you let your guard down. He’s also a good man, and I don’t believe he could hurt anyone—especially a woman—the way they are saying he did.”

“He does make me happy, and I know he didn’t do what they’re saying. I want to stand by him, but I wasn’t sure what you wanted me to say.”

“Say whatever’s in your heart.”

“The publicity will only get worse,” the Minister reminds us.

“We are a strong family. We can weather whatever the press wants to throw at us.”

The Minister nods, leaving the room. I know he’s going to do whatever damage control he can for the Monarchy, and the Parliament, before I speak for myself. It’s what he has to do, so I don’t begrudge him. I wish I could just speak out without all the preamble, but I understand the world will see me as speaking for this country, and he has sworn to protect it.

“I know you want to get back to Wayne, but I’m going to need you here for one day. Tomorrow will be meetings with my staff, and some of Parliament. You can consult with the staff about what you want to say, but ultimately, you will have full control over that. I also want to be by your side when you speak to the press.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“Yes, I do. Any requests for dinner?”

“As long as Lord Richard won’t be joining us, I’m good with whatever.”

“Ah, you heard about that, huh?”

“The press couldn’t wait to tell me.”

“Yes, well. I sent him away with his tail between his legs. Honestly, I was pretty gobsmacked when he asked.”

“I would hope so. I haven’t spoken more than a few words to him at events in years.”

“In any case, he’s been dismissed.”

“Have I told you lately how awesome you are?”

“No, dude, you haven’t.”

We both laugh at his attempt at an American accent along with the slang. I love living in Las Vegas, and training to be part of the Society, but I miss him. Weird, because I spent so much time away from him at school over the years, but now I find myself feeling like I need to see him more. Once this is all over, I’ll ask Reina for a week off to come back here. Noah is living in my old house, but I can stay in the castle. I’d actually rather do that. I’m 28 years old, and yeah, I miss my daddy. Anyone who doesn’t like it, can just go bugger off.



Another day, another one of my pretty dresses. This one’s a white, sleeveless sheath with blue flowers. My red hair is pulled to the side in a low ponytail, and I feel pretty and confident. The meetings all went well yesterday, or at least as well as could be expected. There was grumbling from a few people about how my choice to stand by Wayne would look, but my father refused to back down. I wouldn’t have listened even if I had been ordered to remain quiet, but I’m glad it didn’t come to that.

This press conference this morning is really early, but I need to be back for Wayne’s hearing today, so there’s no help for that. No one complained, because the press has been practically salivating, waiting to hear what I have to say. I know some hope I’ll speak out against Wayne, but they’re just going to have to be disappointed.

“Good morning, everyone. Thank you for coming out today. I’m going to make this brief, and only take a few questions, because I need to get back to Las Vegas. Back to my boyfriend, Wayne Preston. I just want everyone to know I believe in his innocence. The man I know would never hurt a woman in any way. I do not doubt that this woman was victimized, but it wasn’t him who hurt her. After my father, Wayne is the best man I know, and I am going to stand by his side until he is proven innocent.”

I step back a little, letting them know I’m ready for a few questions. My father takes my hand, and holds it, as we wait.

“Why is this woman lying?”

That’s what I’d like to know. “I can’t speak for someone else.”

“What if Wayne is denied bail at his formal hearing today?”

I might die. “We’ll deal with whatever happens together.”

“I stand by my daughter, and Wayne. Now, she has a plane to catch,” my father says, effectively stopping any more questions, since they’ll all be a variation on the same ones, anyway.

He leads me to the plane, and then I’m running up the stairs. I have a couple of things to take care of, so I’m glad the Corrigan jet I was able to borrow has Wi-Fi. It also has a bedroom, so I can nap, and change. I may have needed this dress this morning, but now I have an entirely different look in mind.

* * *


I’m in a different suit as I enter the courtroom this time. The same friends are there, and while I hoped Jeny would make it back in time, I’m just glad she’s not avoiding me. I didn’t think she would, but being alone with my thoughts for almost 72 hours has done a number on me.

“Are you ready for this?” Alesha asks me.


I stand when the charges against me are read, cringing as I hear the words “sexual assault.” I plead not guilty, and then sit while the D.A. pleads her case.

“Your honor, I’d first like to admit this photo into evidence, showing that the defendant was with the victim the evening of the assault.”

We’re shown the picture, and I immediately lean over to whisper in Alesha’s ear. “I remember her now. She was a drunk, and asked me for a picture. I had to hold her up a little, and I told the bartender he should cut her off.”

“We also have a statement from the bartender, saying that Mr. Preston was hovering over the victim like she was his possession.”

“The fuck?” I say, louder than intended. The judge glares, and I slouch back into my seat.

I hear about this woman, Sonia, not remembering how she got back to her room. About how she woke up, and knew someone had sex with her. And about how she was sure it was me, because the hat I was wearing was on the floor in her room.

“I lost my hat in the lobby when I got mobbed by some fans.” Alesha merely nods, her eyes firmly on the judge.

“Miss Cordova was sexually assaulted in her vagina, and also sodomized. There was no semen found in either channel, but semen was present on her stomach, indicating that her assailant climaxed outside of her body. Traces of rubber inside of her also indicate that a condom had been used. All of the fluids, hairs, and debris found in and around the victim are currently being analyzed, but the State believes they we be a match from samples taken from Mr. Preston.”

“Bullshit. Why would I leave evidence like that if I’d done it? Do they think I’m stupid?”

“Quite possibly, yes. They’re banking on it,” Alesha tells me.

“The evidence presented is enough for me to feel the charges against Wayne Preston are warranted. We will be taking this to trial,” the judge says, practically sneering at me.

“We request that you revisit your denial of bail for Mr. Preston. He has ties to this community, and is not a flight risk,” Alesha says, standing.

“He has the money and the means to disappear,” the prosecutor argues.

“My client is willing to be placed on house arrest with an anklet to monitor him.”

“He has no permanent residence, your honor.”

“I’m not inclined to release you into a hotel, Mr. Preston, but I do believe you could be released with an anklet, and monitoring. Do you have anyone you could stay with?”

“Yes, he does.”

I turn and see my girl rushing forward. She’s got on a one-piece black shorts thing with mesh going up the middle, around her waist, and at her wrists. Her red hair is loose, with those sexy bangs of hers covering one eye, and yeah, I am so fucking glad to see her here.

“Who are you?”

“Princess Jenysis of Cyndryann to the world, your honor. To you, I’m just Wayne’s girlfriend, Jeny, who rented us a house to stay in.”



I force myself to tear my eyes from her to look at the judge again. He’s regarding her thoughtfully, and then he nods. “Very well. Provide the address to the court, and we’ll get things started. Court is adjourned.”

I turn to Jenysis, wanting to pull her into my arms, but one of the guards pulls me back. “You’ll need to go back to your cell until you’re processed out,” Alesha reminds me.

“I’ll be here when you’re done,” Jeny tells me, smiling that beautiful smile she only gives me.

“Thank you.”

It’s lame, but I feel like something’s caught in my throat. She rented us a house, because she knew I’d need one. That means she has to move out of the C&C apartments, and leave her friends. I know it’s not forever, but it still feels like it is. Like this is the real beginning for us.

* * *


After Wayne was led out of the courtroom, his lawyer took me over to the clerk so I could give our new address to the court. It’s been two hours since I did that, and I’m going a little crazy right now. Knowing Wayne is so close to me, yet I can’t touch him, or kiss him…it’s, well, I won’t say torture…but it’s hard. I’ve never been able to not touch him if I wanted to, because even back when I wouldn’t admit things were serious, I always knew he was mine. And I was his.

“They’re about to bring him out,” Alesha tells me.

My gut reaction is that I like this woman, his lawyer. She seems to genuinely want to help him, and she’s friends with Stella and Tegan, so there’s that. Wayne needs someone to believe in him when they’re defending him in court, and I really believe that she does.

I stand, running my hands down my shorts to smooth them out. I took a lot of care with my appearance on the plane, not because Wayne cares how I look, but because the press will. It’s important for me to look like nothing’s wrong when I walk out of here with him, because between us, things
the same as they were before the police came to that hotel room door.

Wayne isn’t smiling when the guards lead him out. His jaw is clenched, and my own smile falters a little, wondering what happened to him since the courtroom. He doesn’t even try to touch me when he approaches us, and I’m starting to get a little worried.

We both listen as Alesha gives us instructions about what he can, and can’t do, without permission. He nods as I try to catch his eye, but fail. He flinches when I take his hand, but doesn’t pull away. At least I can be thankful for that.

“I’ve arranged for us to leave by the back door,” Alesha says, startling me.

“We’re not going to go out front?”

“The press is out front.”

“Exactly. Wayne has nothing to be ashamed of. We should be walking out there, and showing them that.”

“He needs to have a prepared statement.”

“No. He needs to be sincere, and not rehearsed.”

“I’m afraid we’re going to have to disagree, but ultimately, it’s up to Wayne. What do you think?”

He looks between us, and then nods at her. “Alesha knows best about these things. We’ll go out the back.”

I pull my hand away, and when he doesn’t stop me, I fight to remain calm. I remind myself that he’s going through something horrible, and that he needs my support. “Let’s go, then.”

Once outside, we get into the car Alesha arranged for us. “I’m just going to check out your place, and then I’ll leave the two of you alone.”

Wayne thanks her again for everything, but I don’t say anything. I’m trying not to be petty, but I’ve never had another woman besides Tegan come before me to him. And even with her, he once told her he’d choose me before her. While I understand he needs Alesha in court, he’s just taken her side over me, and I don’t like it.

I texted the management company for our house on the drive over, and a representative is at the gates, opening them for us when we pull up. After we’ve parked in the circular driveway, we all get out to greet him. And yeah, Wayne holds the door for Alesha while the driver gets my door. Maybe this whole thing is a bad idea; not just the living together, but all of it.

I talk to the property manager, and get the keys while they go inside and look around. I only saw pictures of this place, and I thought Wayne and I would discover it together, but I guess nothing’s going to go as planned today. I really hate that I’m being jealous and petty, but I just can’t seem to stop myself.

“Everything looks great. I’ll see you in a couple of hours,” he says to her when they come back outside.

“What?” I ask, not even hiding my annoyance.

“We need to go over things. I invited Alesha to join us for dinner. You don’t mind, do you?”

Yeah, I fucking mind. “Of course not. See you later.”

“I’m going to grab a shower,” he tells me once she’s driven away.

I watch him walk inside, not even asking me to join him. Wayne and I have never showered separately when we’ve been together. I can’t even count how many events we’ve been fashionably late too because of it. Yet, he just left me out here. I’m not imagining things—he really doesn’t want me anymore. I always knew this day would come, but now that it’s here, I don’t know what to do.

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