Something's Rising: Appalachians Fighting Mountaintop Removal (34 page)

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About the Authors

Silas House
is the author of the novels
Clay's Quilt
A Parchment of Leaves
The Coal Tattoo
(2004), and the plays
The Hurting Part
(2005) and
Long Time Travelling
(2009). He is the winner of the Appalachian Book of the Year, two Kentucky Novel of the Year prizes, the James Still Award for Special Achievement from the Fellowship of Southern Writers, the Chaffin Prize for Appalachian Literature, and the Appalachian Writer of the Year award, among other honors. A contributing editor for
No Depression
magazine, House has written press kits for artists Kris Kristofferson, Lucinda Williams, LeAnn Womack, Buddy Miller, and others. He wrote the draft of the authors' statement at the first authors' tour of mountaintop removal and wrote the introduction to
Missing Mountain
, a collection of writing on the topic. In 2008 he was awarded the Helen Lewis Award for Community Service from the Appalachian Studies Association for his work in the fight against mountaintop removal. A graduate of Eastern Kentucky University and Spalding University's MFA in Creative Writing program, House serves as writer-in-residence at Lincoln Memorial University in Harrogate, Tennessee, where he directs the Mountain Heritage Literary Festival. His fourth novel,
Eli the Good
, will be published in late 2009. House lives in Eastern Kentucky, where he was born and raised.

Jason Howard
is a writer and musician from Eastern Kentucky. His works have appeared in such publications as
Paste, Kentucky Living
, and
Louisville Review
. While serving as senior editor and staff writer for
Equal Justice Magazine
in Washington, D.C., he wrote investigative articles on such subjects as miners' fights for black lung benefits in Eastern Kentucky, an eminent-domain case before the U.S. Supreme Court, and assisted adoption in New York City. Howard can often be found on the road as half of the roots music duo The Doolittles and with the band Public Outcry, along with House, Jessie Lynne Keltner, Kate Larken, George Ella Lyon, and Anne Shelby. He graduated from George Washington University with a degree in political communication, an interdisciplinary major of political science, journalism, communications, and electronic media.


The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

A&G Coal Corporation

Alice Lloyd College

Alliance for Appalachia

Alliance for the Cumberlands

Alphin, Ken “Big Kenny,”

alternative energy


American Electric Power

Anstead Historical Society

Appalachia, Virginia

Appalachian Citizens Law Center

“Appalachian ER” (television sketch)

Appalachian Land Ownership Study


apathy of

dialect of

stereotypes of

Appalachians, The

Appalachian Studies Association

Appalachian Voices


Aracoma mine disaster

Arch Coal

A Rocha: Christians in Conservation

Barger, Don

Barrie, Jeff


Battle of Blair Mountain

Battle of Evarts

Beattyville Enterprise

Beaver, Patricia

Bell County, Kentucky

Berea College

Beshear, Steve

Biggers, Jeff

“Big Muskie” dragline

Big Sandy River

Big Stone Gap

Bishop, Millard

Black Mountain

Black Mountain Resources

Blankenship, Don

“Bloody Harlan,”

Bonds, Judy

as “Appalachian-American”

Coal River Mountain Watch (CRMW) and

faith of

family history of

as folk celebrity

opposes mountaintop removal

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich

Boone County, West Virginia

Boucher, Rick

Boyle, W. A. “Tony,”

Breathitt, Ned

Bredesen, Phil

Bristol Herald Courier

broad-form deed

Brookside, Kentucky

Buffalo Creek Disaster

Bureau of Mines

Burns, Shirley Stewart

Bush, George W.

Bush, George H. W.

Bush, Larry family history of

fights the Dominion Virginia Power Plant

harassment and

involvement with Southern Appalachian Mountain Stewards (SAMS)

on being an environmentalist

opposes mountaintop removal

as a Vietnam veteran, UMWA and

Bush, Missy

Byrd, Robert

Campbell County, Tennessee

Cannelton Coal

Carpenter, Mary Chapin

Carter, Jimmy

Carter, Sara

Cash, Johnny

Cash, June Carter

Caylor, Bill

Chandler, Ben

Chao, Elaine

Chapin, Ralph

Charleston Gazette

Chavez, Cesar


Chicago Tribune

Christians for the Mountains

Church of the Savior

civil disobedience

class (economic)

Claiborne County, Tennessee

Clay County, Kentucky

Clean Air Act

clean coal

Clean Water Protection Act

Climate Project

Clinton, William Jefferson

coal companies blasting by

chemicals used by

intimidation by

neglect of

Coal Mine Health and Safety Act (1969)

Coal Power

Coal River Mountain Watch (CRMW)

coal severance tax

coal-to-liquid fuel

coal trucks

Coldwater Creek (Kentucky)

Collins, Judy

Combs, Ollie “Widow,”

Compassion Coalition

Concert for the Mountains

Coppock, Dawn

as attorney

Bob Tuke and

faith of

Kathy Lindquist and

Kathy Mattea and

Lindquist Environmental Appalachian Fellowship (LEAF) and

lobbying the Tennessee legislature and

Mountain Sunday service and

organizes Mountain Witness tours

outreach to churches and

partnership with Pat Hudson and

Rev. John Gill and

Corbin Times-Tribune

Crandall Canyon mine disaster

Cumberland College (University of the Cumberlands)

Darby mine disaster

Davis, George

Davidson, Jeremy

Davidson, Zack

Davis, Allen

deep mining.
underground mining


Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)

Department of Interior

Department of Labor

Department of Natural Resources

Dickens, Hazel

Division of Mine Land Reclamation

Division of Mines and Minerals

Dominion Virginia Power plant

Dorton Branch, Kentucky

Dreiser, Theodore

Dreiser Committee

Duncan, Cynthia M.

Dylan, Bob



Edwards, John

Ehrenreich, Barbara

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

environmental stewardship

Evans, Mari-Lynn


Falwell, Jerry

Farmington mine disaster

Fletcher, Ernie

Floyd County, Kentucky

Ford, Gerald

Foster, J. Todd

Friends of Coal

Futrell, Bev

Gabbard, Jessie Bishop

Gabbard, Luther

Gandhi, Mahatma

Garland, Jim

Garrett, George

Garrison, Garrett

Gaventa, John

Giardina, Denise

campaign for governor and

environmental stewardship and

faith of

family history of

lack of faith in government

opposes mountaintop removal

as radical

as writer

Gibson, Larry

Gill, Rev. John

Mountaintop Removal Tour for Interfaith Believers and

global warming

Goff, Nathan

Gooch, Jim

Gore, Al

Gould, Jay

Gover, Carla



faith in

Great Smoky Mountains

National Park

Greenwood, Lee

Gunning, Sarah Ogan

Guthrie, Woody

Hall, Nathan

alternative energy and

apathy in Appalachia and

becomes an environmentalist

being an underground miner

family history of

going back to college

homesickness of

John Edwards and

opposes mountaintop removal

starts grassroots movement

Hall, Than.
Jean Ritchie

Handshoe, Ricky

Happy Hollow (“Holler”), Kentucky

Harlan County, Kentucky

Harlan County USA

Harris, Emmylou


Hechler, Ken

Henry Street Settlement School

Hensley, Judith

Highland Folklife Center (Highlander Research and Education Center)

“Hillbilly Moment” (television sketch)

Hindman Settlement School

Appalachian Writers Workshop at

Hobet Mine


Homestead Amendment

Hooker, John Lee

Horton, Myles

Hoskins, Sam

Howard, McClellan “Clell,”

Hudson, Pat

environmental stewardship and

faith and

family history of

fights incinerator in Knoxville

first experience with mountain-top removal

Kathy Lindquist and

Kathy Mattea and

Lindquist Environmental Appalachian Fellowship (LEAF) and

lobbies the Tennessee legislature

Mountain Sunday service and

Mountaintop Removal Tour for Interfaith Believers and

organizes Mountain Witness tours

outreach to churches and

partnership with Dawn Coppock

religious background of

Rev. John Gill and

sanctuary for refugees and

social justice issues and

as writer

Hueysville, Kentucky

Humphrey, Hubert

Hunter, Jon Blair


Inconvenient Truth, An

Jackson, “Aunt” Molly

Jackson, Wanda

Jackson County, Kentucky

Jack Spadaro Documentary Award

James Madison University

Jefferson, Thomas

Jervis, Pat

Jim Walters mine disaster (Alabama)


Johnson, Lyndon

Johnson County, Kentucky

Jones, Mary “Mother,”

Judd, Naomi

Kaine, Tim

Kayford Mountain

Keeper of the Mountains Foundation

Keleher, Terry

Keltner, Jessie Lynne

the Cosmic Mamaws and

environmental stewardship and

family history of

first experience with mountain-top removal

as musician and songwriter

opposes mountaintop removal

Public Outcry and

Kennedy, Edward M.

Kennedy, John F.

Kennedy, Robert F.

Kennedy, Robert F., Jr.

Kent State shootings

Kentuckians for the Commonwealth (KFTC)

Kentucky Coal Association

Kilby, Tommy

Kilgore, Jerry

Kilgore, Terry

Kilowatt Ours

King, Hazel

King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr.

Kirby-Mullins, Cassondra

Knott County, Kentucky

Knox County, Kentucky

Knoxville, Tennessee

Knoxville News Sentinel

Kopple, Barbara

Larken, Kate

Laurel County, Kentucky

Lauriski, David


Leslie County, Kentucky

Letcher County, Kentucky

Lewis, John L.

Lexington Herald-Leader

Lincoln Memorial University

Lindquist Environmental Appalachian Fellowship (LEAF)

Lindquist, Kathy

Little Flower Free Clinic

Loeb, Penny

Logan County, West Virginia

Lomax, Alan

Louisville Courier-Journal

Lyon, George Ella

Makem, Tommy


Mann High School

Manning, Maurice

Marsh Fork Elementary School

Marshall University

Martin County Coal

Martin County sludge spill

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Massek, Sue

Massey Energy

Masud-Piloto, Felix Roberto


Matewan massacre

Mattea, Kathy

AIDS awareness and

Climate Project and

conflict mediation and

faith of

family history of

identifies herself as Appalachian

lobbies against mountaintop removal

music career of

opposes mountaintop removal

May, Bev

as musician

career as nurse practitioner

family history of

fights the broad-form deed

fights mining on Wilson Creek

identifies herself as Appalachian

opposes mountaintop removal

May Brothers Coal Company



McAteer, Davitt

McCain, John

McConnell, Mitch

McDorman, Richard

McDowell County, West Virginia

media coverage of mountaintop removal

gatekeeping by

Mencken, H. L.

Middlesboro Daily News

Miller, Arnold

Miller, Buddy

Miller, Julie

Miller Brothers Coal Company

Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)

mine disasters,
See also specific disasters

Mingo County, West Virginia

Missing Mountains
(Johannsen, Taylor-Hall, Mason)

Moberly, Harry

Mongiardo, Daniel

Monroe, Bill

Montgomery Creek, Kentucky

Morehead State University

Morgan, Daymon

Mountain Association for Community Economic Development (MACED)

Mountain Eagle

Mountain Mourning

mountaintop removal, lobbying against

Mountaintop Removal Tour for Interfaith Believers

Mountain Witness tours

Muir, John

Nader, Ralph

National Mine Safety and Health Academy

National Parks Conservation Association

National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee

National Resources Defense Council

Neese, Janice

New Deal

New River Company

New York Times

Nixon, Richard

Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Obama, Barack

Office of Surface Mining (OSM)

Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition (OVEC)

Oppegard, Tony


Palin, Sarah

Pancake, Ann

Parton, Dolly


Peabody Energy Corporation

Penn Virginia (coal company)

Pentz, Kevin

Perry County, Kentucky

Phillips, Utah

Pickow, George

Pike County, Kentucky

Pittston Coal Company

Pittston strikes



Power and Powerlessness

protest songs

Public Outcry

Quecreek Mine disaster

Quinn, Daniel

Rahall, Nick

Rajec, Andrew

Raleigh County, West Virginia

Ramey, Pete

Raney, Bill

Reagan, Ronald


Reece, Erik

Reed, Rufus

Reese, Florence


Ritchie, Jean

accused of being a Communist

career as folksinger

family history of

opposes mountaintop removal

protest songs of

“Than Hall” as pseudonym of

Roanoke Times

Roberts, Cecil

Rockefeller, Jay

Ronstadt, Linda

Roosevelt, Franklin

Sago mine disaster

Save Our Cumberland Mountains (SOCM)

Save Our Mountains


Seeger, Pete

Selvage, Kathy

Sequatchie Valley, Tennessee

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