Spike (Aces MC Series Book 3) (23 page)

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Authors: Aimee-Louise Foster

BOOK: Spike (Aces MC Series Book 3)
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"Mrs Walker," the officer said greeting me with a
nod. "Please take a seat, I need you to tell me exactly what happened from
the very beginning."



"It's your fucking lucky day." O'Neil said as he
and another officer removed the handcuffs from the six of us still sitting on
the benches in the yard.
I instantly rubbed my wrists trying to get the circulation pumping where they'd
secured them tightly.
We watched as the group of officers rushed quickly to their cars, they
obviously had a real job to attend to rather than wasting their time ransacking
this place looking for something that clearly wasn't here.
"What's so urgent?" Duke asked as he stood rubbing his wrists.
The young officer looked behind him to make sure none of his superiors could
hear as he probably shouldn't be telling us. "A couple of kids have gone
missing," he said before jogging towards the patrol car that was waiting
for him.

I took my phone from the bench in front of us where the officers
had lined them up in a row and looked at the screen to see that I had eight
missed calls from Angel, Maggie and an unknown number.
Eight calls, what was
all that about?
I started to listen to the messages.

The first message started off quiet and I could hear muffled
voices in the background.

"I think it's an answer phone Devon. What should
I do?"

The message cut off and I eagerly pressed play to listen to
the second.
Why the fuck was Tommy calling me? What the hell was going on?

"Spike, dad took us from school. I've got his
phone. We're really frightened, I don't know what to do? Please tell me what to

He hung up again but Tommy's sobs had made my eyes sting. I sat
on the bench in the yard fucking helpless not knowing where he was.
I noticed Duke pull his phone away from his ear abruptly, "He's got them
Spike!" Duke said in a frantic tone. I nodded making it clear that I
understood and quickly pressed the phone again to listen to the next message.

"Hi Spike, it's Louise here. I've got a flat tyre
on the Jeep so I'm going to call a taxi to take me to the school. Nothing to
worry about I just wanted to keep you informed."

Was that done on purpose or a perfectly timed

"Spike, Liam has the kids. I need you to help me
find them, please give me a call back when you get this message."

"Call Angel, tell her I'm aware of the situation and
get an update. I need to listen to the rest of these messages." I shouted
at Diesel and he was already on it by the time I was listening to the fifth

"Spike, it's Maggie. Louise is trying to get hold
of you. Can you give her a call when you get this message?"

I pressed play to hear the sixth message.

"Spike please pick up the phone."
could hear Devon sobbing in the background.
"We need you to help us,
you promised you would help us!
I was a fucking mess, I had tears streaming down my face. I had
promised to keep them safe and I had fucking let them down, like I had Helen. I
ignored the glances from the guys and listened to the next message.

"We've found a good hiding place on the roof."
Tommy whispered into the phone.
"I can hear dads voice
getting closer. He's looking for us and he's angry. Please come and find us at
the hotel."

"There at a hotel." I shouted before I listened to
the last message.

As I pressed play I heard Devon's piercing screams of terror
and felt helpless as there was nothing I could do. I hung my head as I breathed
deeply trying to compose the array of mixed emotions inside me, if he had hurt
either of them I would fucking kill him. Lifting my head I looked at the guys,
"Tool up, we need to go find this son of a bitch." I jogged into the
garage and climbed down into the car pit opening the hiding place where we kept
our weapons and passed them up to Diesel. "Did you get hold of Angel?"
"Yeah she's with the police at the moment giving them a full
I wasn't pleased that she was talking to the police but if they could help find
the kids then I was willing to let it slide.

There weren't many hotels in the local vicinity but they
weren't necessarily close as he had collected them four hours ago. The only
hunch I had at this time, was that Tommy had made first contact at 2.40pm so I
presumed they must have been in a hotel then, which gave us an hour and half window
from the time Liam had taken them from school. That was a start and we could
use that as a basis for our search. My phone bleeped indicating that I had a

I'm still with the police so can't talk long. The taxi
driver has just text me saying that Liam's car is in the Green Man car park. Do
I tell the police?

No, we'll deal with it! How you doing Angel?

Not good. Please find them Spike and protect my

Our babies! Trust me I'm on it. I'll speak to you

We mounted our motorcycles and travelled the short distance
to the housing estate behind the Green Man hotel. We couldn't just rock up, we
had to plan this strategically in order for this to work and get the kids out
safely. Never in my adult life had I ever been so agitated and Diesel could
clearly see the anguish on my face.
"We'll get them out safely stop fretting!"
"And what if we don't Diesel, I don't think my heart could handle any more
I was referring to Helen. My childhood had been turned upside down at
witnessing her death, it had taken me almost twenty years to learn coping
strategies to deal with it but if I lost one of the twins... my mind wandered
considering all sorts of things and places that I didn't want to visit.

"Recon and Lyric are taking the front, Diesel and Spike
the back and Woods and I will take the fire exit on the left. Our priority is
to get the kids out, do you all understand?"
My mind was still wondering, "Do you understand Spike? I don't want your
head all over the place and getting your priorities wrong." Duke stared at
me waiting for a response.
"Fuck off!" I shouted as I jogged through the housing estate in the
direction of the hotel ignoring Duke's shouts for me to come back. As I was
nearing the building I heard someone jogging behind me and glanced around to
see that it was Diesel.
"What's the plan?" Diesel asked breathlessly as we stopped at the
back entrance of the building.
"We just need to get in and on that fucking roof before it's too
"Hold this!" I pushed the pouch into Diesel's hand as I used the tools
to jimmy the lock. It was taking longer than expected but the adrenaline
running through my body was making my hands shake. "Gotcha!" The door
clicked and I was able to pull it open so that we could use the stairs to make
our way to the roof.

"I'm fucking sick of people not doing as they're told
including you two!"
As we neared the door that led onto the roof, we heard a male voice bellowing
and presumed it was Liam. My temper flared but I knew that I needed to keep it
under control if I was going to face him. The kids were with him and although I
wanted to fucking kill him, I was better than that.
I pushed the heavy metal door slowly, making sure that it didn't make any harsh
noises to draw attention to our arrival and peered through the small gap that
I'd created. I pressed my face further against the cool metal making sure that
I could also see the children to analyse the situation. Liam stood waving a
knife around as he shouted at the children, rage clearly evident as he spat
every word directly at them. He animatedly moved his arm around wielding the
serrated knife as the children recoiled in fear.
I was thankfully out of the children's eye line so that when I opened the door
they couldn't see me and alert Liam of my presence.

"Wait here!" I whispered to Diesel.
Diesel frowned, "Fuck that, I'm coming with you."
I quietly opened the door further and crept through the space, "Sorry
man!" I swirled round quickly looking Diesel straight in the eye before I
shut the door and fastened it with the bolt.
I knew he wouldn't shout or even bang on the door through fear of putting the
children in jeopardy but I saw the anguish on his face. I needed to do this
though, I needed to deal with Liam on my own.

"Liam, put the knife down and step away from the
kids." I cautiously walked towards him with my hands held out wide
indicating that I wasn't armed. I had my blade and gun safely concealed within
the waist band of my jeans but he didn't need to know that I was tooled up. As
I slowly approached him, I looked around assessing my surroundings and glanced
at the children quickly to see that there were no obvious signs that they had
come to any physical harm.
"Here he is kids, your knight in shining leather!" He spat swaying
from side to side clearly intoxicated. Liam stepped forward with an evil glint
in his eye as he thrashed the blade closer to where the children were standing.
"Liam, it doesn't have to be like this, put your blade down and we can
talk about it. What do you want?" I was trying to bide my time and keep
him talking while I closed the distance between us. Hopefully he wouldn't
notice until I was close enough to disarm him. Although I portrayed a calm
demeanour for the sake of the children, I was in fact screwing on the inside. I
wanted to fucking kill this piece of shit in front of me for putting Angel and
the twins through hell.
Liam turned his head to glare in my direction with a crazed expression, "I
want you to stop fucking my wife!" he shouted aggressively.
Well I wasn't expecting that! His statement took me by surprise but I needed to
keep the situation calm in order to get the children out of the way.
"Let the kids go and we can talk about this, it's not what you
He snarled, "You think I'm fucking stupid, I've been watching her for a
week." He grabbed for Devon but Tommy quickly pushed her so that she fell
to the ground putting himself in the path of danger instead. "You stupid
fuck!" He bellowed at Tommy as he grabbed him by the scruff of his neck
yanking him closer.
While he was distracted I had made ground on him, in
a split second I pulled back my arm clenching my fist and threw it forward with
a force that knocked Liam off balance, the dull thud and a gasp of breath
confirmed that I'd winded him.
"Get your sister and go!" I shouted breathlessly at Tommy before I
turned back to face Liam.

He was now doubled over, the punch
had caught him off guard and he swore under his breath but I wasn't giving up
that easily. Now that the kids were out of the way I could show him how real
men fought. I swung another punch towards his head which he instinctively blocked
catching me with the blade on my arm. It stung like a bitch but the adrenalin
pumped within my system encouraging me to finish the job.
I swung another punch, this time connecting with his neck and watched as Liam
staggered backwards violently coughing. I stalked forward sweeping my foot
behind him to knock him off balance and used my strength to push him towards
the ground. He hit the deck with a satisfying grunt and I quickly jumped on top
of him placing my left knee on his upper arm to stop him brandishing the blade
again. I grabbed him forcefully around his neck and punched him repeatedly in
the face.
That's for Devon, that's for Tommy, that's for Angel, that's for Helen...
blows continued to rain down on him as he coughed and spluttered as blood
filled his mouth. I ground my knee into his arm further and he let go of the
"Arrrrrgh," he screamed like the pussy he was, I bet he didn't stop
when Angel screamed.
Grabbing him by the lapels of his shirt, I dragged him towards the edge of the
building. He scrambled around, his legs tried to gain momentum so that he could
find some grip to help him stand but I increased my speed so that he couldn't
get the upper hand.
"You're gonna fucking pay for what you did you cunt!" I threw him
down on the low wall that surrounded the edge of the roof so that his torso was
hanging off the ledge. Liam glanced behind him looking at the drop, panic
"Whoa! Easy there man, don't do anything stupid." Liam grabbed at my
hands that were still gripped tightly around his throat. Liam smirked,
"Think about the kids, you won't be such a fucking hero if you kill their
dad!" His expression quickly changed as I pushed him further over the edge
and he realised that it could be the end.

"Spike stop!"
I turned towards the voice, to see Tommy's pleading eyes. I smiled briefly but
felt a piercing pain as Liam shoved his fingers into the gash on my arm and
yanked on the skin making the gash wider.
"Arrrgh you mother fucker!" I stumbled backwards as I let go of his
throat and instinctively placed my hand to my arm to stifle the pain.
"You're not so fucking clever now, are you
!" Liam snarled
as he held Tommy tightly in his arms.
I stood firm stalking forward, "Stay where you are or I'll break his
fucking neck." Liam slowly walked backwards towards the door still holding
Tommy forcefully around his neck.
Tommy's eyes glistened and he looked at me with pleading eyes as his father's hand
moved to cover his mouth. I lurched forward, "I won't tell you again, back
He continued to back up slowly, "Arrrgh...you little fucker!" Liam
screamed as Tommy sunk his teeth into his hand. He broke free and ran into my
embrace as I crouched down to catch him.
Liam glanced towards us holding his hand in agony unaware of the danger behind
him, "Crack!"

"Cuff him to that pipe."
Duke said nodding in the direction of the railings as they looked secure enough
to hold him once he woke from his head trauma, from the butt of Diesel's glock.
As I sat with my back against the wall, I held Tommy safely in my arms stroking
the back of his head reassuringly. I was so proud of him, he had made his way
onto the roof to try and find a hiding place for them, and had pushed Devon
aside out of danger to protect her.
"Spike!" Devon shouted as she broke free from Woods' hand and ran
towards me. I held my right arm open to welcome her into my embrace as I leaned
over to give her a kiss on the top of her head. Devon smiled and snuggled
closer as I let out a sigh at the close contact and the love that I felt
radiating off the children.
I tried to shield them from seeing Diesel drag their unconscious father across
the ground to the other side of the roof but was aware that in their short
lives they had probably seen worse than this.

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