Spike (Aces MC Series Book 3) (25 page)

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Authors: Aimee-Louise Foster

BOOK: Spike (Aces MC Series Book 3)
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End of sneak peek.

To continue reading, be sure to read Book 2.5 from the Aces
MC Series – Paige and Chloe, available in
September 2015.

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for all the latest updates:




Locke - Aces MC Series Book 4

Please enjoy a preview of Book 4 from the Aces MC Series,
which will be available in December 2015.


Twenty years earlier

"Have you got everything you need for school
Jake?" Mum asked as she placed the breakfast dishes into the sink full of
soapy water.
"Yeah I think so." I replied zipping up my coat and putting my
rucksack on my back.
My mum twirled round quickly and raised her eyebrows. I knew that look, she
obviously wanted me to check. I huffed as I quickly took off my rucksack and
unzipped it to see that I had my pencil case and the books I would need for
today's lessons.
"Debbie get me a cup of tea, I'm parched!" My dad shouted from the
That was my cue to leave for school. She should've left that piece of shit
years ago, he was a womanising drunk and a total waste of space. He'd come in
late again last night stumbling around the apartment drunk with no regards to
the fact that I had school in the morning. They had a row that went on to the early
hours and from what I heard, mum's suspicions were confirmed last night as dad admitted
that he was having an affair.

Mum was your typical housewife, she cooked, cleaned and
looked after me and my baby brother Zach. Dads work was hit and miss so sometimes
we lived like kings and other days like paupers and over the years mum had to
put up with more shit than most but she stayed because of us although I had
told her to leave on numerous occasions. She deserved better than this, better
than him.

I quickly fastened my rucksack again, "I'll see you
tonight Mum." I ruffled Zach's hair as I passed him eating his breakfast
in his high chair.
"Jake, remember that the back door is broken so you'll have to walk around
the front." I nodded as I walked out of the apartment door, she was always
worrying. The door wasn't broken the lock just needed looking at but I knew how
to jimmy it to get it open. I was good with my hands and knew that I wanted to
be an engineer, that's why I was knuckling down at school because I needed good
grades to be able to get an apprenticeship when I left school.

I exited the building through the back door and into the
alley that ran adjacent to the reservoir. I heard an engine running in a
stationary vehicle and turned to see a black ford transit that caught my
attention because it was brand new. This was a shit part of the neighbourhood
and it wasn't known for being affluent, I couldn't see if anyone was in the
vehicle but if they weren't it wouldn't be there for long. I sniggered to myself
as I walked down the alley and thought about the day I had ahead. I'd be home
late tonight because I had extra tuition for my Maths and was grateful because
I knew the atmosphere at home would be horrible.

"Shit!" I realised that I had P.E today and knew
that I'd forgotten my kit. I groaned at the thought of getting another
detention from Mr Bates and quickly turned heading back home. He was an
arsehole and took great pleasure in lending P.E kits out to the kids that had
forgotten them and they were always tight and hugged the body well. I hadn't
decided if he was a paedophile or just got kicks out of upsetting children.
I was already late for school so I didn't rush. I dragged my feet along the
uneven ground and managed to dislodge a large stone so that I could have a kick
around pretending to be Ian Wright, my favourite Arsenal player.
"He shoots, he scores!" I kicked the stone at the communal bins and
noticed immediately that they had been moved against the wall blocking the rear
fire exit. As I observed from afar something caught my eye and I saw a flash of
amber light illuminating our apartment on the second floor.
"Mum!" I screamed not even recognising my own voice as it was high
pitched and laced with fear. I needed to find her and Zack and get them out.
I turned to the sound of coughing, "Jake!" I looked around
frantically trying to find who the voice belonged to and that's when I saw her.
Mum was banging on the window of the back door, screaming for help and coughing
as she inhaled the smoke from the fire. I saw the handle moving frantically but
she couldn't get it to open, even if she could the bins were obstructing her
exit. I ran over to the huge bins and tried to move them but they were far too
heavy for me to move on my own. I could still hear her banging against the door
but they were getting less frequent as I pushed on the bins, willing them to
move. I was distracted by a noise behind me and was hopeful that it was someone
who could help.

"Well, look what we have here!" Before I realised
what was happening one of the guys had grabbed me from behind and held my arms
to restrain me although I struggled with all I had.
The men laughed, "It's a shame your father didn't have this fighting
spirit. He made all of this way too fucking easy!" The man with the
moustache said waving his hand in the direction of the apartments that were now
fully ablaze.
I stopped struggling and looked at them confused, "I had to do it son,
you'll understand one day!" He said calmly.
I stared at the two men standing before me especially the man who had just
spoken. The greasy looking mother fucker with his slick backed hair was
obviously the one responsible for the death of my family.
I could hear the faint sound of sirens in the distance and knew that help would
soon be here, which encouraged me to be brave. I was still being held by the
third man in the group although he had loosened his grip slightly, I quickly
stomped on his boot freeing myself from his hold and made a run for it. My
freedom was short lived as the greasy mother fucker grabbed my arm and swung me
around until I was directly in front of him. Removing his blade from its
holster he quickly slashed me across the face and let go of my arm so that I
fell to the ground. I put out my hands to try and lessen the impact but I
wasn't quick enough and skidded across the gravel.
He crouched beside me staring deeply into my eyes, "Let that be a lesson
to you!" The sirens were now closer which I think may have just saved my
life, he stood and nodded at the two men indicating that it was time for them to
go.  As they walked away I noticed identical logo's on the back of their
leather jackets stating 'Satan's Wrath'.
I fought back the tears trying to be brave until they got into their Transit
and drove in the opposite direction to the sirens.
Who the hell were these men and why did they want my family dead?
didn't have the answers now but I planned on finding out, even if it was the
last thing I ever did.

End of sneak peek.

To continue reading, be sure to read Book 4 from the Aces MC
Series – Locke, available in December 2015.

You can also follow me on my website, facebook and twitter,
for all the latest updates:




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