Spike (Aces MC Series Book 3) (21 page)

Read Spike (Aces MC Series Book 3) Online

Authors: Aimee-Louise Foster

BOOK: Spike (Aces MC Series Book 3)
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I stroked Spike's back as he laid there with his head on my
chest until both of our breathing had returned to normal, neither one of us
saying anything until Spike finally broke the silence.
"You okay babe?" Spike asked as he picked up my hand and brought it
to his lips to place a light kiss on the back of my hand. He didn't stop and
brushed his lips across my skin working his way down my forearm to my elbow as
the sensation made me shiver with anticipation.
"What are you fucking doing to me?" I smiled at his words and I could've
asked him the exact same question by the way he was making me feel.
"Come here!" Spike demanded as he rolled over taking me with him so
that I was now lying on his chest.
Spike kissed my forehead, "Thank you Angel, I know it took a lot for you
to open up to me."
I sniggered, "Really Spike, you don't have to thank me. I wouldn't call
that a chore!"
He poked me lightly in the side, "Smart arse, I didn't mean it like
Spike moved his hand quickly over his mouth to stifle his yawn. He must have been
shattered from his long journey but he couldn't stay here I wasn't ready to
explain our relationship to the children.
"I'm sorry Spike but you can't stay over. I don't want to confuse the
children even further."   
Spike placed his hand on the side of my face to caress it lightly, "That's
fine babe, we're gonna go slow and see where it takes us but can I hold you
until you fall asleep? I've waited so long for this, I just need to be close to
I smiled as my heart swelled inside my chest at his words. All I ever wanted
was to feel loved and this man with such a hard exterior was a breath of fresh
air and possibly too good to be true.
I rolled on my side and Spike snuggled behind me wrapping his arm around my
body to hold me close, and I found myself slowly drifting to sleep, feeling the
safest I had ever felt.


I woke suddenly conscious of the time, as I opened my eyes I
saw daylight streaming through the curtains and I rubbed my face quickly,
trying to compose myself, "Shit!"
I heard giggles behind me and rolled over at the noise to see Devon snuggled in
the middle of the bed. Her hair was wild and she was dressed in pink pyjamas
with a bright expression on her sweet little face.
She was a mini version of her mother with long brown hair and the brightest
blue eyes I had ever seen.
"Good morning poppet, how long have you been up?" I asked knowing
full well that she couldn't tell the time but I was stalling, I needed to think
of how to play this.
"Long enough to hear you snore!" she giggled. "Mummy snores
I smiled at her comment and glanced down to see that she had a book on her lap,
"What are you reading?" I asked pointing at the book.
Devon closed it and held it up so that I could see the front cover, "What-a-Mess
in Spring." My heart twisted inside at the thought of the sentiments of
that book.
"Are you okay Spike, your face looks sad?" Devon stated looking at me
with concern.
I gathered my thoughts and smiled, "I'm not sad Devon, it just reminds me
of when I was younger. I loved those stories."
Devon's face lit up, "Did you know that he wears a saucepan-lid on his
head as a helmet? He's so funny." Devon giggled again, the sound warming
my heart.
I nodded my head, "Did you know that there is a book called What-a-Mess
and the little poppet?"
Devon's eyes became wide with excitement, "Really?"
"Umhum," I said nodding my head. "I'll see if I can get you a
Devon leaned over to give me a huge hug, "Thank you Spike." Her
little eyes twinkled with unshed tears as she held me tight. I placed my arms
so that I could hold her bringing her further into my embrace. I couldn't
believe how attached I had become to the three of them in such a short amount
of time. I brushed the side of her face tenderly, pushing the hair out of her
eyes, "Why don't you go and wake your brother up. We can go shopping and
get some nice things for breakfast."
Devon excitedly pushed back the covers and crawled off the bed. I glanced over
at Angel and to my surprise she was still asleep, I knew that she would have a shit
attack this morning when she realised that I'd spent the night but I hadn't
done it on purpose. I had genuinely fallen asleep but I was hoping if I could
make this morning as low drama as possible, I may have a chance of softening
the blow. She lowered her barriers last night, proving that she trusted me
enough to be intimate but I needed to show her that I could also be trusted
with her family, I needed her to let me into her life fully.

The journey took longer than expected as I hadn't
contemplated how slow two small children moved, especially when I had said that
they could choose any cereal they wanted. We had stood in the aisle for what
seemed like forever debating nutrition values and whether the cereals turned
the milk chocolaty, a conversation that I never thought I'd have. In the end I told
them to just pick up as much as they could carry.

We walked back to the apartment carrying an array of bags
and packets and I made a mental note of taking the Jeep next time. Next time, I
hoped there would be a next time!
"Morning Ramsey," I said as I walked over to him as he leaned on his
ride with his arms folded across his chest. He smiled as he observed the three
of us laden with food. "I got you these." I handed him a newspaper, a
packet of biscuits and a bottle of water."
"Oh you do care!" He said with a smirk as he took them from me.
I narrowed my eyes at his sarcasm and directed the children to the apartment.

Angel flew at us as we opened the door, "Where the fuck
have you been? I've been going crazy!"
The children ignored her angst and walked further into the living room,
"We brought you breakfast mum, look what we have!" Tommy said as he
put the cereals onto the breakfast bar.
Angel turned to me and narrowed her eyes. Fucking hell she looked gorgeous with
her messy sexy hair and swollen lips from all of the passionate kissing last
night. I walked towards Angel, ignoring her comments and saw her eyes widen at
my approach. I ignored her reaction as I wanted her to change her mindset and
perception of relationships, and bent down slightly to kiss her cheek. I pulled
away and gave her a wink before walking into the kitchen to empty the grocery
"Come on kids, let's cook your mum a lovely breakfast while she takes a
shower." I said aloud letting her know what I wanted her to do. I didn't
look up but I saw her eventually move in my peripheral vision as the children
excitedly helped me to unpack the bags and make a cooked breakfast.

We busied ourselves making bacon and eggs, and the children
were helpful by laying the table. I stopped to watch the interaction between
the children and the thoughtfulness they showed of the simplest of tasks such
as positioning the glasses and cutlery, like they too wanted to make this
special for their mum.
I let out a low whistle as Angel walked into the room in a lightweight summer
dress. "You look lovely babe," I said as I walked over to place the
plates on the table. Angel smiled shyly and sat down at the table between two
excitable children and although I had made a cooked breakfast Devon and Tommy
had still opted for cereal.
We ate in silence until Devon put her spoon down and looked at Angel
thoughtfully, "Mum, can we get a puppy?" This grabbed Tommy's
attention and he also put down his spoon to look at his mum.
"No! I've told you before we don't have the room and it's a very big
responsibility to look after a puppy." She ignored their stares and
continued to eat.
Their sulky faces looked towards me, "Would you let us get a puppy?"
Tommy asked hopefully.
What did I fucking say to that?
I mulled over what my response should be
and glanced at Angel to see that she had raised her eyebrows almost goading me
to say otherwise.
"I would just like to point out that Spike doesn't actually live here, so he
can't make those decisions." She put down her knife and folk and pushed
the plate away before folding her arms across her chest.
"Well he stayed last night!" Devon spat back at her mum.
Angel blushed at Devon's comment and pushed her chair back as she stood to
collect the plates and bowls. Devon went to say something but I quickly placed
my hand on her arm, and mimed for her to be quiet as I put my finger to my
lips, she nodded and sat there quietly.
I left the twins and went to join Angel in the kitchen, "What's the
matter?" I asked placing my hands either side of her on the kitchen work
top positioning myself so that I was only inches away from her face.
"I thought that we agreed that you wouldn't stay last night." She
said in a huff as she pouted.
I would love to bite that fucking lip of hers and I looked at her hungrily
before claiming her mouth taking her aggressively like my life depended on it.
As far as I was concerned we had wasted the last month and I was determined to
make up for lost time. Angel didn't push me away, in fact she had turned into
the aggressor by moving her hands to grab hold of my neck to deepen the kiss
I grabbed at the hem of her dress that was mid thigh and lifted it to reveal
her white panties, and could instantly see her arousal. I bunched her dress
around her waist and slipped my hand into her panties feeling a shiver run down
her body as she parted her legs further to make it easier for my fingers to
find their goal.
I slid my index finger along her sleek folds and her breath hitched at the
contact and a small moan left her mouth. I kissed her to stifle the moans as I
inserted my finger into her wet hole, pushing it in and out in a steady rhythm
as she grinded her hips at the sensation. I loved the way that she was so
responsive and ready for me.
I didn't suspect we had long as the children would come looking for us, so I
decided to up the tempo and insert another finger. The sound of her juices on my
fingers and her facial expressions as I pleasured her were intoxicating and I
didn't know that I could get such enjoyment from pleasuring someone else with
nothing physical in return.
I felt her orgasm rip through her body as she tightened her muscles around my
fingers but I continued to move them to intensify the sensation and make sure
she was totally spent.
Angel eventually sagged against my body and I slowly removed my fingers and
pulled down her dress to cover her modesty. I held Angel as her breathing
returned to normal and leaned down to kiss her tenderly. The kiss came to a
natural end and I pulled away looking deep into her eyes. Never had I ever felt
like this about anyone before, Angel had caught me unaware and had found a
place in my heart along with her two beautiful children.
"Staying over has its advantages, don't you agree?" She blushed and I
gave her a small kiss on her forehead as I smiled.

"I hate to break up the party but I have to be at the
club house in an hour, Skinner, Whip and Bear are off to Kent this
afternoon." Angel nodded her head, "Stoney will change over from
Ramsey and will keep watch, and report to me if he see's anything suspicious. I'm
hoping that just by him being outside the apartment will be enough to be a
deterrent. "
I leaned closer to give her another small kiss on her cheek, "I'm gonna
let you use the Jeep to take the kids back and forth to school this week, that
way I'll know that you'll be safe also."
She shook her head, "You don't have to do that, we'll be fine as long as
we stick to the main paths."
"There's no point taking any risks. I can use my motorcycle, it's really
not a problem." I walked out of the kitchen to see the children on the
sofa watching cartoons, "I'm off kids, be good for your mum and I'll see
you after school tomorrow."
"Bye Spike, thanks for breakfast."

After a quick shower and change of clothes, I made my way
over to the club house. I probably could have brought Angel and the kids but I
wanted to give her some space today so she could digest everything that had happened
between us.
"Morning ladies," I said to Maggie, Amy and Ash as they cleaned up
the club house alongside some of the girls from the club and Buster.
"Sorry I missed out of the festivities last night but I had more important
things to attend to."
Amy shot me a knowing look and I gave her a cocky grin. "Where's Ink? I
thought she would've been here today?" I asked looking around the club
house for her.
"Ink's outside on the bench by the garage, she's not feeling too
well." Maggie said as they stopped what they were doing which piqued my
"What's going on?" I asked with an uneasy feeling.
Amy sighed before taking me away from the group slightly, "Amber got
dumped here last night, thrown from a van or something. I wasn't here but the
ladies said that Ethan scooped her up and took her to hospital. He stayed with
her all night holding her hand but she died early this morning."
I let out a low whistle as I contemplated how Ink would be feeling, "Where
is he now?" I asked slightly annoyed that he would waste any time on that
"He's still at the hospital. Mitchell tried to get him to come home but he
wouldn't listen, you know how stubborn he can be." I turned on my heels
and made my way out into the yard in search of Ink as she may just need a
shoulder to cry on. I found her on the furthest bench away from the hustle and
bustle of the goings on as people busied themselves ready for their departure
later this afternoon.

"Hi gorgeous!" I said as I sat down beside her.
She turned her head to gaze at me, giving me a small smile that didn't reach
her eyes. I could see by her red rimmed eyes that she'd been crying for some
time and I was pissed that I couldn't do anything to make her feel any better,
only Diesel could do that.
"Talk to me babe, what's gone on?" She moved closer and snuggled into
my side as I lifted my arm to wrap it around her shoulder.
"It was awful Spike, I watched him cradle her in his arms and whisk her
off to hospital protectively. It sickened me to see him act like that
especially after all that she's done."
It didn't happen very often but I was speechless, I didn't know what to say to
her. All I could offer was a shoulder to cry on and hoped that Diesel would
turn up soon to explain his actions.

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