Star Woman in Love (34 page)

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Authors: Piera Sarasini

BOOK: Star Woman in Love
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He had been lost to the Dark Side for over three years. His intentions had been set on finding his true feelings again throughout this time. But his successes so far had only been short-lived. The problem was that he never seemed to be delving into his mind deeply enough to tackle and overcome the big monster that was let loose in there. Oscar was ashamed of himself. Many of us doubted he would ever find his wholeness again. His past tainted his soul. Yet, when he had kissed Cassandra earlier on, we saw his Light again. It pierced through the clouds of his unspoken despair and reached us, if briefly. When his Light-Body appeared among us, he gave us a simple answer to a question we’d been asking him over and over again.


Oscar had agreed to his mission. When Cassandra let go of his embrace, she did what her soul was directing her to do. He was left adrift in the mist of his troubled mind. He was lost again. He thought the Light he had experienced was not his own but Cassandra’s. He was wrong. She was just a catalyst. Yet he thought that her love for him was the reason why he had felt so good in her arms. He already resented her for disappearing abruptly as she always did. He was back in his darkness until Takota had approached him to raise his frequency.

Despite the usual doubts and confusion, Oscar realised that a new, proper journey had to start. He understood that was the only journey there is: the one that would take him back to his true Home, to the centre of his existence. What he didn’t yet appreciate was that he indeed possessed the courage to do so much more than he held himself capable of. That afternoon he had accepted his role in the Plan. The pact had been stipulated in the timeless land of Shambhala during his fleeting visitation. Oscar was now ready to start his vision-quest on Earth.

* * * *

Apparently, my fainting spell had lasted only a couple of minutes, during which I entered the timeless dimension and arrived in a place that looked like a never ending library. It was as big as a metropolis. Even bigger. My guide was standing next to me.

“Greetings, my child,” she said. “Welcome back to the Akashic Records. You look puzzled.”

“Hi, Morgana,” I replied. “This is such a big place. My head is spinning with all the information I’m receiving. I can understand the meaning of everything but as soon as I try to figure it out, it eludes me again.”

“It’s a perfect description of your reacquaintance with the Mind of Creation. Breathe deeply and concentrate on your heartbeat. Can you detect a point of Light in the location of your physical heart?”

I nodded.

“Stay with it. Your body is still on the three dimensional Earth, time coordinates 27.08.2001. Your astral projection is visiting the ‘Universal Supercomputer’ in the ether. This vision is like a mirage, it takes the form you most commonly associate with knowledge. You see knowledge as books, as a library that stretches for miles and miles. It would perhaps be easier if you were to visualise it as a computer with the most powerful memory system.”

As soon as she prompted the image, we found ourselves in a spacious office loft overlooking a bay. I was sitting at a desk with a computer screen right in front of my nose. The screen wasn’t made of physical particles. It was more like a hologram floating in mid air.

“Do a search under your name,” Morgana said. “You deserve to find out about your origin. You are enlightened and can process ether even in your physical body. It may create some minor inconveniences at the start, like the fainting spell that has just occurred to you under the time coordinates of your projection. In due time you will be able to elaborate the information without any physiological implication, apart from a wonderful sensation of wellbeing.”

“Meta,” I said. “My true name is Lady Meta...”

At my words, Morgana’s lips moved into a beautiful smile of approval: the Truth always amplifies its joyful vibration and spreads like a wildfire. The screen switched itself on. It showed moving images like a film. As I watched intently, I found myself inside the scene that was being projected.

My father, Sanat Kumara, my mother, Lady Venus, and I arrived to Earth approximately 18’500’000 years before the year conventionally numbered as 2001 A.D. We came from the etheric plane of Planet Venus. We didn’t travel alone, but with an expedition of thirty equally evolved beings. We called ourselves the “Lords of the Flame.” We also brought a host of 144’000 Venusian souls with us, to form a colony on the blue planet. The bravest of us, the pioneer soul Lord Lucifer, was already on Earth and had started playing around with matter and form. The governing Council of Venus, the Seven Holy Kumar, sent us. My father was one of them.

My mother, the Goddess of Love, appeared to me in all her original beauty.

“Meta,” she said, “you are the Goddess of Healing, and you are the only one among us who can start the process of transformation on Earth. The Flame is lit in your heart. It’s immortal, just like you. Don’t let the outside world fool you with its tricks. It has confused Lord Lucifer, the Light-Bearer, whose original name is Lumiel, the Light of the Source. Time has played tricks on his memory, it seems. You’re going to find him and help him remember his True Identity.”

The scene changed. I was in a forest. I walked along a twisting path. Sunshine filtered through the foliage. The forest looked like nature’s cathedral. I was on the Earth. I walked alone. I was an explorer. I knew I wasn’t supposed to be there on my own but a sense of curiosity had taken me there. I was looking for Lumiel and, as in the etymological meaning of his name, ‘the Creator’s whys’: I was searching for the reason of my existence.

I approached a large opening among the trees. I looked up and saw two suns shining in the sky.

“One day they will be one”, I thought.

“Just like us”, said a male voice behind me. “You’ve not been walking alone. And you will never go anywhere without me. I am your shadow, your past, your husband, the father of your three children.”

I turned around and saw you.

“Come, Cassandra. I want to show you something.”

Hand in hand, we reached a pond of crystal clear water.

“Take a look.”

The water reflected our true faces. We looked like two sixteen year-olds, naked in a blue lagoon.

“We must find our true feelings for each other, Cassie,” you said. “Before Time itself was invented, we were heading towards each other. From time immemorial, we’ve been merging into oneness.”

I heard innocent voices laughing and the sound of playfulness. A multitude of children swarmed into the plain. They played with balls, skipping ropes, and sang the song of high summer.

“Cassandra, welcome back!”

They came to hug me, their little arms around my legs, one by one, little ones no older than five years of age, boys and girls who were the keepers of heaven.
I remembered my mission in the Plan, upon which the evolution of humanity was founded. My service was to help heal the minds of children from harmful influences.

The forest vanished and rolled into new scenery. I was an avatar who had incarnated in Atlantis as a High Priestess of the temple of the Holy Flame. In those mythical times, bodies didn’t have the low vibration of modern day human beings. That was my first descent on Earth, or incarnation, in a body that had taken on the human form. Along with other priestesses of the Sacred Fire, I went to children’s bedsides in answer to prayers, and to perform healings. You were there with me even then, as the avatar Serapis Bey, a priest of the Ascension Temple. You and your disciples were fierce and immovable in your dedication to purity and to the disciplines required for Ascension. You would later take on numerous embodiments in Ancient Egypt as the pharaoh, and one in Ancient Greece as King Leonidas of Sparta.

Then we found ourselves in the Love Temple in Shambhala. There was a wedding: ours. We were naked and completely at ease in our innocence as we pronounced our vows of eternal worship to each other. You held a mirror in front of me.

“This is the mirror of my heart. Who do you see?”

My true face, the one I had caught a glimpse of in the pond before, was staring back at me. Before I could answer your question, my astral body pulled out of the vision and returned to the Earth.

* * * *

“Get her some sugary water, Conor. Hey, Cassandra! Are you okay?”

I opened my eyes. Harker was talking to me while Tage checked my temperature with his hand on my forehead.

“You have a fever,” Harker said.” I’ll get you some ice from the fridge to cool you down. It normally does the trick. Welcome back.”

The room was spinning when I opened my eyes. I fixed my glance on the ceiling and it stopped. I was lying on the floor with a cushion under my head. I was shivering. I wiped my forehead with my hand. My hair was wet with sweat. Tage put an ice pack on my head and gave me a blanket.

“Please bring me some chocolate,” I said. “There is a bar in the top drawer of my desk.”

Nibbling away, I felt re-energised. In a matter of minutes I was up and in a state of overwhelming elation.

“Robert, Tage, Conor... I had a vision. It’s a personal one so I won’t reveal the details. But I know now that I am ready to start working with the Plan again. My memory has been completely reactivated and my transformation is now final.”

Although Harker wanted to hate what he was hearing, he found himself smiling with relief instead. After all the years spent in the pursuit of me and my powers, with the intention of reducing them to some energetic mush, as I stood in front of him with a strong grasp of my True Identity, all he could do was feel the joy this good news was bringing to the world. I knew who he was at last. He looked as though he was going to faint next. He must have started to realise that things were never going to be the same for him. He went out to catch some fresh air. Tage followed him to ensure he was okay.

I had never seen Harker this emotional before, not even at his daughter’s funeral. I knew now that he was also a Venusian and was starting to appreciate what that meant. Conor seemed ecstatic although he was the only one among us who didn’t have a clue as to what was happening. He approached me as a child would Santa Claus, and hugged me. He didn’t want to let go of me for a very long while.

In his arms, I felt the power of my resolution to embrace whom I was and what I was born to do. I had to gloss over the details at first. I shouldn’t try to remember every single step of the way that had brought me there. It would be enough for me to listen to my heart’s calling again. You were one of the details I should ignore, at least for the moment. This was my second chance. You were also getting yours.

Do you remember how we felt the first time we saw the Lia Fáil together? The energy coming from the Stone of Destiny was truly familiar: monoliths like this hold the signature of Atlantis, the real Garden of Eden. The Stone can still recognise the frequency of the king, a man of Atlantean stock, as its cells resonate with his cells. That’s why the Stone roared in recognition of your ancient DNA. It also reminded us of the life we had in Atlantis. And the opportunities we had lost. Way back in our Atlantean days, I had fucked up. We had fucked up.

Images came flooding in. Can you recall our first life together on this Earth? You were the king of Atlantis and I was a High Priestess of the Temple of the Holy Flame. Our Union begot three children, the crown princes Carel, Meison and Lir. Atlantis sank under the weight of the material greed of its inhabitants, causing a multitude of cataclysms. That’s when a colony of us left the island and settled in the land that is modern day Egypt. We became the pharaohs of old. We kept the Holy Flame shining in the temple of our hearts. That’s where it still is today, and forever.

My efforts to forget all that was before and ahead of me were fruitless. I had wanted to forget the Pink Star of Venus. I had wanted to be a normal human being. I was afraid. Fear was my cocoon. But I was now fully transformed. I had become immortal, as I was always meant to be. The Flame was shining brightly in my heart and spreading to every single cell of my body at once. The process couldn’t be stopped now. This was the real thing. The darkness that had surrounded my transmutation, and which had lasted over three years, was necessary to protect the Flame from those who wanted to steal it. The very darkness, which they thought would defeat me, served the purpose of camouflaging my frequency and making it undetectable to those who could have damaged me. Harker was never a threat, although he believed he was. Now I was Cassandra Meta Morgante, the founding mother of the new humanity.

From that moment onward, my body became a vessel directed by my mind. It always was but I didn’t realise its full scope. Now I could control my body, become invisible, teletransport, practice telepathy, clairvoyance, clairsentience, manifest objects from thought-forms, heal, time-travel, revisit past lives, see the angels and the faeries and the devas, visit Shambhala at will, until it would become one with the Earth.

I sensed that you had gone out on a quest. You were looking for your true face. It was covered by a big dark cloud. I knew the reason of your ever-present sadness and self-hatred. You had been sexually abused as a child. That’s why you didn’t tell me any more details of your stay in St Anthony’s Institute. The hurt they had inflicted upon you wasn’t just physical and psychological. It had also scarred your nature and made you feel dirty throughout your adult life.

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