Starting Over (14 page)

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Authors: Ryder Dane

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Action & Adventure, #Contemporary, #Erotica, #New Adult

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negative shake of Race’s head, and sat back in his chair.
What the fuck

War spoke up from his left. “After that little deal with his whore, Yo Yo ended up

daring him to watch while Merc ate her cunt, but he left with his woman. I’l ask Bam

and Billy. Hey, there’s Flats, hang on a minute, maybe he knows.” He waved at the

bartender and watched as he walked over to the table.

“What’s up?” When War asked him about Prowler, Flats laughed and shook his

head. “Those fuckers got into an argument and decided to go for some kind of dare. I

didn’t get what the bet was about, but they were talking about the better biker. Last I

seen of them they hit the door and planned to ride on the ice. Crazy fucks for sure. The

damn snow was coming down so bad I spent the night on one of the couches in the

meeting room. Why do you ask?”

Race thanked him, and Flats walked off toward the bathrooms in the back hallway.

“Wel , at least we know they couldn’t have gone far last night, the snow is on top of

an inch of ice. Even drunk they wouldn’t risk their scoots in this shitty weather.” Race

grimaced at the taste of the coffee. “Damned swill, who the fuck made the coffee


Pauly nodded. “I agree, thing is their sleds are gone, me and the brothers looked all

around outside. No sign of them anywhere.”

War tilted back in his chair balancing on two legs for a minute before standing up

and tel ing them he’d ask around.

He came back ten minutes later looking concerned. “We might have a problem.

Merc and those two assholes with him are gone. I checked the room they were in, and

al of their shit is stil there. I don’t like to think it, but they might have run into problems

while they were riding.” He looked at Race. “As soon as the plow trucks go through,

we’ll start searching for them. My truck is good in snow and mud, but it don’t handle

worth a shit on ice, so once the sun comes out, I’l take a couple of guys out to look for


Once Pauly left the room, War told Race, “We need to get some snowmobiles if this

kinda weather is going to keep up like this. I wasn’t joking about the truck on ice. Four

wheel drive isn’t any better than any other vehicle on ice for Christ’s sake.”

The men went about their business for the next few hours. The only bright spot of

the morning was the message on Race’s phone. It was from Bam. “We got the

packages. Mambo is driving River’s truck since she’s kinda tied up at the moment. The

roads are for shit, but we should roll in around midnight, barring any unforeseen


War took Pauly and Banjo out to look for the missing bikers, and Race got a list of

things they needed to get from town for the kitchens. He told the visitors that they

needed to pony up some cash to help feed them. “We weren’t expecting to feed you

fuckers indefinitely, so if you want to eat, open your damn wal ets.”

He got in his new pick-up and wasn’t surprised to find the roads slick, but the chains

the brothers put on the back tires helped him navigate to town with no problems. Once

he loaded the grocery cart with food and stashed it in the bed of his truck in black plastic

garbage bags to keep them from getting wet from the snow, he walked over to the video

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Starting Over by Ryder Dane

store and looked for something to entertain them for the next day or two. They didn’t

have cable or satellite TV at the club yet, so it was three channels of shit, or rent DVDs.

He got three action adventure movies and went into the small room in the back

where Georgia kept the porn. When he saw the additional merchandise for sale, he

grinned and took his time deciding what he wanted to buy, and came out of the room

with an armload of porn to rent, and his selections to purchase outright.

Georgia wanted to talk, “Business has been slow this week, I almost didn’t bother

coming in today.” She rang up the rental fees and the merchandise, and reached under

the counter to pick up and then toss a white bottle into the bag. “That’s a freebee, I

appreciate your business.”

Race grinned, “Thanks, baby, one of these days you need to drive out to the

clubhouse and we can show you how wel we treat friends of the Breed.” He winked at

the older woman, and she grinned back.

“I might just do that sometime real soon.”

Race was still smiling as he drove back to the winery. Ol’ Georgia was an attractive

woman for her age that he estimated to be fifty or so, and he went through the older

brothers in his mind to see if he could match her up with any of them. Thinking about

Flats or maybe Rascal. They were older men, no families, and no bad habits he knew

about. He’d have to send one or both of them back with the movies. Georgia might

appreciate that.

He had to pull over for several emergency vehicles to creep past his truck, and

almost got stuck when he hugged the shoulder of the road. If he didn’t have those

chains on the tires, he’d be digging for an hour to clear the deep snow away from his

drive tire. The more he thought about War’s suggestion, the better he liked it.

Snowmobiles would be a welcome mode of transport for winter days like this.

Back at the winery, he parked the truck, and grabbed the bag of videos and the

personal things he bought, and told Benny and Hinder to unload the truck. They were a

couple of the Prospects that had stayed on after the renovations. They appeared to be

good guys, but you never know a man’s worth until he’s tested, and so far, there hadn’t

been any significant tests.

He left the videos on the table under the sixty-inch flat screen in the meeting room,

and took the rest up to his room. Dumping the bag’s contents on the bed, he grinned as

he began to open the packages and put fresh batteries in the toys that used them. The

bottle Georgia gave him was toy cleaner, and he decided to go ahead and wipe them

down, just in case they needed it. It had been a few years since he played with a

woman like he planned to do with little River, and knowing that she would soon be

cuffed and at his mercy made his dick hard. He’d even decided what to do about War.

They shared women, why not share River? That way if something happened to one of

them, she would still be protected and have a man to turn to when she needed him.

The solution was perfect. He hoped War felt the same way.

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Starting Over by Ryder Dane

Chapter Twelve

River woke up when the door opened next to her head. Maisey wiggled at her

back, and she hoped they would allow them to use a bathroom because it was getting

to be an emergency. The tape binding them together was sliced and she was dragged

by someone pulling her body to the opening of the door. A man’s voice told her to

stand, and she put her feet down to the ground. She almost fell down, but after a few

wobbly attempts she got her balance back and walked with the person holding onto her

arm. She heard a woman’s muffled scream and turned fast, she forgot that she couldn’t

see, and that she was being urged to continue on their way. She stood still and refused

to move until she felt a hard smack on her ass. It caused her to jump and squeak

behind the gag in her mouth, and she had to squeeze her muscles to keep from peeing

her pants.

Lord she was cold. She bounced up and down from her knees, hoping to hold her

bladder from letting go, it was difficult with the way she was being pulled faster into a

building that was warmer, and jerked into a room before someone grabbed her jeans

unsnapped and the zipper was pulled down. She was embarrassed by having a

stranger pull her pants down and pushing her down to sit on a toilet. She was so

thankful that she relaxed her stomach and pelvic muscles, immediately feeling the liquid

being released into the water below. She sat there continuing to pee long after she

normally would have, but all she felt was relief during the process. The wad of toilet

paper wiping her was done in an impersonal manner, and she thanked mercy for small


She started to stand, and was pushed back to continue sitting. One foot was

raised, and then the other as her shoes were removed from her feet and her pants

stripped from her ankles. Her zippered hoodie was removed, and the long-sleeved t-

shirt was pulled over her head. The pillowcase over her head was held down by a hand

around the front of her throat, and the slight pressure the hand used scared her so

badly that the remaining liquid in her bladder gushed from her body without warning.

She hung her head in embarrassment as she heard a masculine chuckle. The

sound of running water gave her reason to be concerned. Were they going to drown

her? There was nothing she could do about the shivering that started as a hand pulled

her to a standing position and unclipped her bra. Her breasts were lifted and the

nipples pinched, before the hands stopped fondling her and led her to a shower stall.

She could hear the water and feel the steam from the heated water wafting into the


She felt a hairy leg rub against hers as she stepped into the steamy enclosure and

she squeaked, but when she tried to jerk back, the swat on her bare ass caused her to

rethink her plan of running from the room.

A hand reached up under the hood covering her head, and laid a soft cloth over her

eyes. A hand went to her throat, and the material on her head was removed. A scarf

was being placed over the cloth on her eyes,
no it wasn’t a scarf
, it was some kind of

elastic cloth. She could feel the soft texture of the covering on her temples. It was tight

enough to hold the lightweight cloth in place, but left her chin and most of her face bare.

JK Publishing, Inc.

Starting Over by Ryder Dane

She couldn’t see a thing, but this was better than that hood thing any day. The gag was

removed, and she worked her jaw to make sure it was still operational. When she felt

the warm water on her body, she leaned into the water to take a mouthful, rinse her

mouth and leaned down a bit to spit the water out. She repeated the action twice more,

and began to feel a little better.

The hands turning her were warm and masculine, and when those hands started

rubbing a bar of soap over her skin, she attempted to back away. There was nowhere

for her to go when she backed her ass into the cold tiled wall, and the pinch on her

nipple caused her to stand still. The hand putting pressure on the back of her neck

urging her to bend at the waist kept pushing even after she was bent double. It wasn’t

until her ass was in the air and her head was between two hairy thighs that the pressure

stopped, and when she tried to raise her head she got a hard slap on her ass.

Whoever had her sure liked smacking her ass, then she wondered why they’d

chosen her. Her ass wasn’t smal and muscular or particularly sexy. It was a fact of her

life that she could lose twenty pounds and never miss it. Especially in her hips and

thighs. This man had both cheeks in his hands and,
Oh my God there’s another one

there had to be another man in the shower with them. While the first one held the

cheeks of her ass open to expose her slit completely, someone else was running soapy

fingers up and down from clit to asshole, and she cringed.

“Stop that, I can wash myself.”

Her declaration earned her another slap on the cheek of her ass and a muffled,

“Shut up, or the gag comes back.”

She really attempted to get out of their hold when she felt a razor gliding over the

lips of her pussy. The razor went away, and by the time that big hand stopped

smacking her ass, she was crying out loud and shaking. He re-soaped her slit and

continued to shave every inch of her exposed sex, even into the crease of her ass. The

showerhead was directed to the freshly shaved flesh and fingers ran up and down to

check for strays. It was the most embarrassing thing that she could remember ever

happening to her, and she couldn’t stop her body from responding.

Her gasps and grunts did nothing to stop them from continuing their exploration of

her bare body, and when a set of fingers slid through and discovered the wetness she

felt trickling out of her pussy, she heard a small laugh.

A long finger slid through the slick cream and into her pussy making her cry out, but

it was the shock of feeling the second finger joining the first that made her stand still.

Those fingers kept hitting on her hymen and she knew that he knew she hadn’t been

with a man before. Especial y when she heard him say, “Fuck, the little witch is a


The other man said, “You’ve got to be fuckin’ kidding me.” Both male voices

groaned and she tensed up. She knew those voices.

“You son-of-a-bitches, just wait until I get loose, I’ll make you wish you’d never seen

me before, I’m done with you. You can’t just kidnap a woman and drag her back home

to molest her and…”

She was hauled from the shower and roughly towel dried, before being picked up

and carried into another room and tossed onto a soft mattress.

When she tried to crawl off the bed, she was hauled back to the middle and War

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